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Try going to McDonalds, order a Big Mac, and ask them to hold the bun :)

As for that tummy fat, good lord, that sprang up in the last few years.... I never had children so I just blamed it on menopause..... now I can blame it on Wonder Bread :0 Now I am more than determined to limit my wheat consuming efforts... already do the Lactose-free with milk.

Well you have to want one more than the other i guess? for me its easy as it makes me ill so i dont have much choice really and you get used to it! only problem is eating out but alot of restos are doing more and more wheat free as its becoming so common now! you can have a burger but no bun and no cheese just a salad HA!! Wheat is the main cause for tummy fat! and as ive had no kids i dont have a tummy only when i eat wheat? which is when i realised something was very wrong then id go off wheat and still bloat so i realised it was milk too its always good to know eventually but it took years to find out as doc poo poo any carb cutting but things have changed and doc have been wrong now!

Kazzaa, a former co-worker of mine couldn't eat wheat and she had a slim figure that we all were jealous about.

But what will I do without my Stouffer's Mac & Cheese !!! Love that stuff :)

Actually FF it is according to him? yep wheat is our enemy its only now its coming out! he talks about all the health effects it has on the body but you have to be careful going off it as you get bad withdrawal for a week or two but then your energy soars!! you feel better after a few days though and much lighter well i do anyway but i just cant eat it which maybe reading that book is a blessing!!! also cant have dairy makes me sick but almond milk is great! also you cannot get fat its not possible i only bloat when i eat wheat or dairy which can make you look fatter than you are! yep get this book its a scary read but an eye opener!!

Emjo, thanks for the Kinnikinnick information... I just Googled it, and bookmarked it. I will try some of their products. Wow, so many to choose from. Back 30 years ago my doctor had me go off wheat/milk for a month.... gluten-free products were far and few between... if one wanted bread, only choice was rice bread frozen at a health food store.

kazzaa, I just Googled grain-brain... looks like an interesting read. Wouldn't it be something if later down the road that wheat was the culprit for memory lost !!

Well emjo ive read that if you are intolerant to wheat you or more then likely intolerant to most grains so i avoid them all even oats? the best way to handle it is carry lots of snacks i eat alot of almonds and nuts also cooked chicken any protein to keep the bloods from spiking! he also said and ive read this that eat fruit on an empty stomach!

FF - there are some good dairy subs products out there too. Coconut milk based ice cream for example. If your dad is lactose intolerant he can take lactaid tablets before eating dairy ice cream or whatever, If he is actually allergic to dairy he should not have any. I know of others who do not have allergies who think a little won't matter. It does!!! Frustrating!!!

Yes emjo i think you are a good ad for no wheat and dairy and alot of stars dont touch it my doc said to look on it as poison for me anyway! i also feel less tired when im off it as i dont get the "carb coma" i would just flake out after a pkt of biscuits for about an hour!!

I must read grain brain. I find I am better off with few grains - no wheat and not much if the others.

kazzaa, my Dad tried some rice bread, he said it tasted better toasted with a lot of butter.... but after a week of rice bread, it bound him up pretty bad... oops.

Told Dad to try the Chex gluten-free cereals, got him honey nut rice and he really likes that. And told him not to have toast after his cereal, apparently my parents would eat both at breakfast. Of course Mom doesn't like any change in her cooking, she thinks a little bit of anything one is allergic to won't bother them.... [sigh]. Dad is also dairy intolerant, he does like the Lactaid milk. Mom can't understand why Dad gets an upset stomach after eating ice cream.... hello, it's diary. Again with "well, a little bit won't hurt him"..... [banging head against wall].

I have been wheat free for years and have no arthritis even at my age. (nearly 77). Those glutino cookies are good and there are more and more substitutes on the market for breads, baked goods, pasta etc. I found some great choc covered donuts gluten and dairy free. I don't indulge much in baked goods, but a treat once in a while is great. Kinnikinnick has a online store and lots of good products.

FF is you read "grain brain" you may never eat wheat again!!

Yes there are alot of good gluten free but im intolerant to all the wheat so i cant eat glutenfree only wheatfree which is pretty tasteless so i dont bother!!

Yeh FF wheat causes inflamation in joints so yes good for him!! i told my friend who has arthritis in her hands pretty bad and shes only 50 but she wont listen says she could never give up bread so tough for her but it does work!

kazzaa, my Dad is trying to go gluten-free as he read that eating no wheat or less wheat makes arthritis less painful and so far he's complaining less and less about the pain. Also read where going gluten-free makes one sleep better. Hmmm, maybe I will give it a try.

Found at the grocery store some wheat-free Oreo type cookies, made by Glutino, that tasted like the real thing.... now Dad won't be tempted to get into Mom's stash of Little Debbie products :)

JB i guess get some and give it to mum and see? i cant see it would do any harm with a little dose? she may giggle a bit hopefully wouldnt even a little giggle be worth it!! then she may get hungry?

Hope most days here i do ALOT but achieve nothing!! I clean the house and its back to crap after a few hours? i rang nurse about mums get back to me? rang mums lawyer re dads will shell get back to me? rang uk about mums uk pension call back in 4 weeks? mum has to have her bloods done she told me to "fck off"? yeh the only thing i did for myself was get tested for foods which only took me 3yrs to get an apt!!
I am off my sleeping tabs nearly 3 weeks was doing well until last night so at 5am i took one of mums?
Yeh i know the feeling of doing ALOT and nothing has been done!!!!

personally i dont agree with anti-depressants for me i think excercise and a good diet work better for me but thats me if you think they made you feel better then go back on them.

I hesitated again today to ring my doc and ask for more sleeping tabs but i want to hold off another while i really dont want to get dependant on them?

Mum went to bed earlier now shes in the kitchen making scones??????? its 1am here im off all wheat and i can smell that lovely baking smell?? is she doing this to annoy me?

Yep shes diabetic has taken her sleeping pill about an hour ago and is up baking cakes? as long as she gets up the stairs ok thats all i can do?

I just have to let it all go over my head and HOPE tomorrow i achieve SOMETHING!!

Hugs hope life will get better GULP!!!!!!!!!

I am going to research this medical herb a bit more. Not one bad thing have I read concerning it and AD. I'm sure it's there somewhere but everything I've read in the past few hours.... win win. Mom does like brownies :)

Hope.... honey, you've got to get back on the meds. I tried to stop them months ago. I had a full blown breakdown within the week. It's not fair on you or mom . I found it only compounded even the smallest of stress. Please take care of yourself first so you can come out of this feeling accomplished. So sorry you are dealing with all of this.... not easy by far.

meant did NOT accomplish one single thing...

Well, this has been one of those days where it just came and went and a whole bunch of stuff happened in the middle but not sure what. honestly, does anyone else have these days where you were doing something all day but just feel like you accomplished one single thing....took all the first part of the day dealing with the new hospice folks....I'm just sitting here feeling totally and completely stupid and ...also feeling a lot of guilt for some reason. I feel like I took two folks away from my Mama whom she had gotten used to and now she is having to start all over.....maybe I took them away from me I just feel lost...even more than I did before. It is pure hell having severe depression and not being on your meds...and that is something I can remedy....going to get me an appointment and see if I can't get this dealt with......I feel like I have already lost my mind.....

sallie nowhere is as prudish as ireland!!!! holy joe hypocrites!!

MJ isn't legal here or used for medicinal, I live in the prudish state of Pennsylvania. We will probably never get it here!

like to follow this one.

Hi CM did the POAs loose their guts somewhere?

Mmmmmm interesting!! may go search for some only id be arrested?

Patients have reported that they felt immensely relieved when they were given optimal doses of Medical Marijuana. It proved to be helpful in dealing with a number of troublesome signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s such as disturbed motor skills, loss of memory, diminished intellect and social skills, and dementia. Scientists believe that medical marijuana based drug treatment is a lot more effective when compared with the current treatment systems in place and while more research is required in this area, it is definitely one of the first drug that might have what it takes to fight this incurable and debilitating disease.

AHA! move to the states with mum! brilliant!! thanks JB all my problems solved!! ill run it by family! OR........stuff family just pack up the house and go now theyd never notice!!

Well if it was legal here id have mum on a constant IV supply strapped to her 24/7 and just pop in now and then to give her some munchies and change her!!

HAA!! You are too funny Kaz!

Yep it is legal as all h*ll in several states. After reading several articles on medical marijuana and Alzheimer's I am seriously considering talking to her Dr. Transformed them from combative agitated people to happy smiling people. Lots of studies from reputable places back it up. I'd love to turn her frown upside down!!

Jb she woudnt have to smoke it you could make a mild cookie or cake i made them for a mad party we had years ago! and yes could help with her appetite!!

Mums gone to bed shes bored! yipee some meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee time! can watch "americas Dark secrets" now in peace!!

Will google that now also!

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