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Good one Linda! mums just been on the phone to sis i was in the bath all i hear is laughing and joking??????? she was moaning and groaning before the phone rang? amazing isnt it? dr jekyell and mr hide!!

tex, all I could think of when I realized what was happening is that scene in Sunset Boulevard where the leading lady comes down the stairs, saying something like " I'm ready for my close up, Mr. DeMille."

It's really pretty amazing - it took about 3 minutes. It should help considerably, especially after we get her a new pair of drugstore reading glasses. Hopefully she'll be interested in reading again. I was surprised though, to learn that quite a number of people with cataract implants develop this later. kazzaa, your holiday in Spain sounds wonderful - enjoy!

I also never new the hidden Academy Award acting abilities my mother had until I had to start living with her full time. As a child I knew something was wrong with her, now I know she secretly ....was an actor.

Linda mum has to have this lazer thingy done too ive noticed shes not reading her books anymore just the newspapers!

Me too - it will really help with the boredom if she can read again. I left there thinking "she did it to me again....I'm handling her like I know I need to and she turns it around so I look like Cruella de Ville!" Under the bus permanent tire tracks on my head. My son told me my "give a d**n" is broken. I told him I'm not seeing a repair in my future.....

Linda22 you wicked evil little-old-lady abuser you..!!!

I promise you, they've got her measure. I will put money on it that everyone there was role-playing! And, seriously, well done getting her there at all - hope the procedure does the trick.

Rant warning...... Mom has refused all offers of reading material, saying it doesn't hold her interest. Well, a month ago, she let slip that she's having vision problems. So we contacted the social worker at the NH and they got her an eye exam appt. I called her last night to remind her I'd meet her there - she's wigging out "so scared, so worried" - usual game. Then I tell her the doc is a close friend of ours, whom she's met and poof! Polly Perky. We're sitting in the doctor's exam room, the tech is doing the prelims and she's now quietly snuffling into her tissue because she's just so scared. I reassure her, telling her it just the same old exam that she's always had. The tech reassures her. The doc comes in, fusses over her, she repeats the scared and concerned speech. We go to transfer her to the chair, I caution her firmly but nicely NOT to release the lock on the knee of her brace and God help me, my filter is gone and don't I tell her "please get yourself positioned on the chair before you release because if you release and your legs fail, you're going down on your a**". My friend the doc just looks at me funny and I realize that my mom is now putting on an Academy Award performance with everyone. She's got them all thinking she's the perkiest, cutest little old lady, so sweet. BAM! Once they starting fawning over her, she went from eliciting sympathy to having them think she's the spunkiest, amusing little lady. He tells her she needs this simple procedure that might be able to be done today. So now we need to get lunch because the surgeon can see her at 1:30. I go to order sandwiches - "I don't eat much - they all look too big." A full grilled ham and cheese, chips and juice later.......we've just played the eating game. By the time the surgeon was there discussing that he was going to poke a hole in her eyeball with a laser, she's smiling and chatty. From crying over an exam to upbeat about a laser on her eyeball. And I'm sure my friend is wondering about me - after all, here's this dear little lady with one cloudy eye, the other is 20/200 and what kind of neglectful daughter am I that I had no clue she had these ongoing problems. I need donuts...

I have no car so i cant put cat in kennel as its too far away and the last time i put him in one he was traumatised not surprising as it was not well run and i swore never again he wouldnt eat and his bed was wet when i went to pick him up? there are some very good ones but you have to travel. Im not worried too much because mum looks after him better she will see hes in and out fed as she knows how upset id be if anything happened to him. My sis will look after him when it suits her and her plans but ive written down instructions my brother sent her an email to look after the cat or else!!
Im ok not stressed just typical her she thinks coming home is to catch up with friends etc you know spend as little time with mum as she can. Im in holiday mode now and am excited just to get to the airport let alone a different country hey even the bus ride will be exciting and i hate buses just to be going away from this madness!

Well guess what? sis rang to say she is meeting friends in sat night and can my brother not stay? Told her the point of her coming home is to look after mum and make sure shes not on her own at night? told her to sort it with brother if he says no then she has to cancel her friends and stay here. Im shaking and i havnt even packed yet?
Selfish cow! its just not going in told her mum is getting worse that she fell out of bed she laughed??????????
God help me!

If you hear anything like that, take you cat and leave immediately telling mom you obviously don't need me.

Sorry Kaz Mum will probably be as good as gold while you are away and clean up after herself and tell sis what a lazy slob you are and she has to run around after you

I would definitely kennel the cat. Anyone tried to hurt one of my fur kids and I'd make their worst nightmare seem like a happy place!

What do you think would happened if you sorta "forgot" to come home on time? Do you have the key to her Paris apt, maybe show up there for awhile because you though your sis and mom should spend more quality time together? Before possibly doing this , I would definitely put your cat in a kennel somewhere your sister doesn't know where it is.

Well its only until i had a mild stroke that shes even bothered to come home much now but its not good enough she is single has plenty of money and originally was coming home every six weeks? that never happened? she has 10 weeks holiday a year and has already had 2hols this year BUT she will come here to relax?? Please!

Kazz, I hear ya. My sister lives only a 40 minute drive from me and mom, but you would think it's 400 miles. She visits once every 2 months for a few hours and thinks she's done her bit. It makes me sick!

No my sister is what you call a "career woman" has a cleaning lady and cant cook eats out most nights. She lives in Paris and works whereas im the bum stuck here doing nothing????? I just happened to be home when mum got ill? My sister would never claim to do better as she just wants to get back to her life as soon as she can then she can say ive done my bit then she will dissapear until xmas?

Don't count on it. You will probably be hearing about how she would do things differently and better. And if anything happens to your cat her running to Mars wouldn't be far enough to ensure her safety. Should you maybe kennel you cat? I know I love my fur babies and I don't know what I would do if someone hurt them on purpose or by "accident". And why again are you the one taking care of mom instead of her? You shouldn't have to feel like a prisoner escaping prison just to take a vacation.

Well guys i always find that if i have the place looking like a pin she has to keep it that way as if i leave a mess she wont bother ive written some instructions for her IE keep place as you found it!! and go and hide in Mexico if anything happens to my cat! i reckon that should do it!! Youve no idea the evil grin that will be on my face when IM the one sunbathing while shes cleaning up after mum boy im going enjoy every minute of it! I hope when i return she will kiss my feet with appreciation for all the hard work mum is.

cm - that s disgusting.

"thinking of dropping in" to his 90 yr.old mother's birthday. What a champ/chump. I feel sorry for the woman that is married to this piece of "man" if she is still alive.She better not count on him for anything.

I should have done this on Monday but I've only just got round to it: my whine moment of that day was that the brother who missed mother's 90th birthday party last week called out of the blue to say he was an hour's drive away and "thinking of dropping in." Monday is my half-day, I had the car keys in my hand and one foot on the front door threshold. But what could I say? I hurtled to the shops and back and set about getting dinner for four.

Well, mother was pleased to see him; that's what matters. I wish I could have thought of a nice way to tell him not to hurry back again, though, all the same. "You mustn't feel you have to go out of your way…" perhaps?

She wants to relax. Leave that housework for her so she can meditate while doing all the housework, dusting, laundry, it's such a Zen thing to do LOL.

Ash, your mother said that to you? "Your sister is here to relax?" What is up with these folks?

I wouldnt blame them with all those drunken tourists! yes they have a ZERO tolerance in Spain and its going to happen everywhere soon these young people are getting out of hand with drugs and drinking the spanish had no choice but to nip it in the bud! Drink is so cheap there so it causes problems! But where im going is a city very far from any beach so there will be a more select older crowd or families its the coastal regions you have to avoid this time of year! I will find the nearest irish pub and be fine! I dont drink much am too old for hangovers now!!! just to see people and and eat in some great tapas is enough for me! ive travalled all over the world mostly on my own and you always meet some nice people im quite easy going and will talk to anyone so i hope i meet some fun people!!

Kaz keep out of the way of the Spanish police(Guardia Civil) they have gotten very good at fining people these days

Ha! sooz55 you forgot the brown paper bag!!!!!!!

Hopefully my last whine before i go away!! ive spent the whole day washing ironing cleaning and mum is crusing for a brusing! shes pushing it now asking me to do this and that i shouted at her that your darling daughter is coming in 2days get her to do all the phone calls etc im done now switiching to holiday mode and am off to a coffee shop to CHILL she really annoys me like get me to do all the crap before my sister arrives so she has nothng to do?
Yeh and to burst a blood vessel she said "your sister is here to relax" i tell you if it wasnt for my cat i would seriously consider seeking aslylum in Spain! get me on that plane NOW!!!!!!!!

Ash in the US most banks will notorize your signature for free. i don't know if it is the same in Canada

I had all mail from the old house redirected to me when the house was sold. I've just renewed it for another year and will continue to renew so long as my mother is alive but somehow government type stuff gets through to the NH. Just got off the phone with the UK pension office and her pension has been reinstated for another 8 weeks until they get the form back. Now to make an appointment with my lawyer so I can run into town to get my signature witnessed as POA. Bang goes my day, again.

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