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First day back at work after a week off. Started getting a headache by mid-morning. By 2pm, I had an all out pounding headache. Now 8pm, pounding headache despite the xtra strength Excedrin. I think it's my work computer. Boss got me this big screen monitor, and now it overpowers my eyeballs' vision. Eyes are hurting from reading super large words. So my whine for the day is I hate this headache!!!

I miss my dad too. Drove by the Brownsville Timbers today, twice... that's where we scattered his ashes. Cried each way. Spent a lovely 5 hours floating down the river with my oldest brother... caught one 8 lb chinook.. talked about everything...everything. We both reminisced about dad and all we used to do. Honestly, I think my brothers do get it...but dysfunction shows itself in this family's dynamics. sigh. At least we are starting to find some peace among this awful time.

Kaz... so sorry you felt my question's annoyed you so much. I was being concerned for YOU, since you do not have poa. Here in the US it can get a bit sticky. Again... not my business, just an observation. Enjoy your Holiday :)

And I have POA thank God.

Omg I miss my dad. Mom is still sick with UTI and now needs a walker to get to bed and bathroom. I think I will finally put her in a place that can do a better job than myself.

kaz , you could get a springing poa ( at least in the usa ) . it means your mom is in control of her money as long as she is physically able to walk into or call the bank . when shes incapacitated you can do business for her . mom might buy into an arrangement like that but to have no poa is a horrible situation . when you do need it , shes out of it or flat on her back and its too late .

kazzaa does she use the card by herself or does she just want a card to carry around? If she doesn't actually use it get some sort of other card to carry around I get fake American Express ones all the time no name or anything on them but look like a real credit card. I carry all of my dads stuff but I did put old/expired stuff in his wallet like a drivers license style that the state no longer uses just to make his wallet more real to him.

here's my whine. Somebody has been stealing my Hugs.
Lots of nice people send me Hugs but the total never goes up.
So someone round here must be stealing them when I am not looking.
No I am not paronoid, but thanks for asking.
Whoever you are you can put them back no questions asked.
I suspect it is a Troll they never get any.

No JB she isnt paying for anything for the holiday i had to pay by her card as i dont have one as im not working i gave her the cash but if she loses the card again there wont be any holiday she is just her usual difficult self she dosnt need the card while im away as she has enough cash to keep her going AND i dont think this was my point???? she is losing her money and her cards etc...constantly she refuses to get POA we live on very little so its important i keep an eye on her small pension as we have to eat? she takes all her money out of the bank then blows it on crap then i have to pay bills etc. I think your response was harsh and you are not seeing the point here maybe just dont reply to my posts as you are starting to annoy me. My mum is losing her mind and im trying to keep it all together so less of the smart comments please im really not in the mood if you cant be supportive then dont respond.

Every week I hear my Dad complain it takes him a half hour to download something off the Internet and some times it cuts off.... HELLO.... Dad, you are on dial up in a huge metro area, its like riding a tricycle on the shoulder of the information highway trying to merge while everyone else is going 200 mph.... no wonder you have problems with slow speed.... he refuses to pay to upgrade.... [sigh].

When I go over my mom's house I can't even take my computer cause there's no internet service.

Jeanette my mother just appeared and demanded to know what I was so busy reading. Crossed my mind to say "you don't want to know…" Whine: better go and catch her before she starts chasing the cat AGAIN.

Freq, I actually don't mind food shopping. It gets my mind off other things. It's just the after thoughts of " I forgot something". and when it's an apple pie it pissed me off. Kazz, I hate when my siblings are on holiday posting photos and I'm home taking care of mom.

sallie, ah the fun of grocery shopping.... I hate grocery shopping but my parents have to eat. For 4 years my significant other or I use to take my Mom grocery shopping [Dad wouldn't go because it was too boring] but it would take the whole afternoon, after an hour we would only be in aisle 10 out of 26. Then I decided to get Mom's list... thank goodness she had her list made out according to the aisle in the store starting with the first aisle.... then her handwriting became more difficult to read. So I typed up her regular list and all she needs to do is check off what she needs.... and, yes, apple pie is on the list :)

Then the grocery store offered on-line grocery shopping which is GREAT !!!! You order and the next day just drive up to the front of the store and your order is put into the car. OMG, what a time saver. Had to laugh, I took Dad so he could see how the pickup worked and he said "first time I've been grocery shopping and didn't need to unbuckle my seatbelt" :)

Kazza, is your mum going with you? Is that card in both your names?

Seems like your mum is quite dependent on that card, what is she going to do if you have it with you?

I don't think I could hate someone who just spent a lot of money on a vacation for me. Even though I'm sure it's earned.

More whines! mum was outside watering her plants then she came in and said bring in the laundry as its going to rain?????????

mum went back to the last store she was in and they had her card! phew! now shes refusing to give it to me to hold onto. i will take it from her purse later as i need this card for the holidays as she paid with her card and i need to produce at the airport if not NO holiday for me. I hate her right now and the stress she is causing me there is no way shes going to boycott my holiday by this childish behaviour!

Early whine, probably more to come. I called my mom before I went food shopping and got a list of a few things. I'm in line ready to pay and my cell rings. It's mom sounding a bit distressed. I ask what's wrong. I hear are you still at the store? I'm checking out mom. Oh, I needed something. What did you need? An Apple pie. I had been proactive and bought an Apple pie knowing she would probably do that! I told her i got her one. She was very happy. You know folks you can't live without Apple pie!! My friggin nerves!

My whine today funny how there is a whine every day here? mum lost her credit card AGAIN? thats 14 times in 2yrs? i just dont know what to do anymore she is so aggressive when i try and take control. Now someone is probably out there using her card and spending her money. She wanted to go to a store yesterday as i was fed up she threatened to go on her own so i told my brother to take her of course he took her alright and just left her there i cant get it into his PEABRAIN that she cannot be alone now her cards gone knowing her she probably gave it to someone! Every day there is something pushing you further and further to the edge i have to get POA but its a battle everytime i mention it to her what can i do now? she can add me to her bank ac so we have 2 cards then i have one safe in case she loses it BUT NO she dosnt want that. SO fed up with this constant stress meanwhile over in CAPE VERDE my evil sisters are on a golden beach? wheres the justice?

Here's a late whine moment...

Mom gets very pissed at me when I sit here and play on my laptop. She just came over and smacked the couch. Smack smack smack, what are you doing??? Uhm, nothing mom, what is wrong? Well, you're just sitting on your ass not doing anything.


OMG, cap'n, Veronica....I'm dying here!! ROTFL!!!!!

hahaha !! LOL again!! You guys are funny :)

One time my Dad was taking some type of medicine that was making him get hot flashes.... how he hated it..... complain, complain, complain.... sorry, Dad, what you are going through is normal for millions of women, you're whining to the wrong person :0

Throw a pessary in the pot Capt that should keep them under control

now my f - ing boiling chicken looks like a prolapsed uterus .


{{laughing}} captain... you can always change the channel. I mean subject. =)

ooo - kay ..
i think ill stick with the cooking thread ..

I went into early menopause around 45. My hot flashes occurred mostly in the winter thankfully. Sure did save on heating bills. My daughter used to crawl into my bed to get warm. Said I was better than an electric blanket.

Me and hubby play upsie downsie with the thermostat. I told his I will light his balls on fire to show him what a hit flash feels like. I win on the thermostat game. Lol

I have everything, too, Veronica. My mother, my grandmother and my sis all had hysterectomies. One day sis asked when I was going to have mine. I said I'm not, All healthy down there. Had my last baby when I was 40 and the obgyn said I could have more, Dh chickened out. I was starting to be low thyroid around the time of menopause. Low thyroid makes you cold. Menopause make you hot. For the most part they balanced out. HRT - wouldn't have ever considered it.

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