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Need: Oh. that is such horribly sad news! I am so sorry and send condolences and many virtual hugs (((( )))). 💙💙

Needs, wow that must of been so disturbing and changed the person you where.

No they don't get easier.

It's been a little bit since we have had a traumatic death in are town. But some never leave your mind.

One was 2 young boys digging tunnels in a snow mound, then the dump truck came and dumped snow on them. My friends son survived buy the skin of his teeth , his best friend didn't. Therapy started the day after, and I think he still goes.

But it's all so devastating. Times like what you are going through I usually go to a parking lot and cry my eyes out. No clue why it's just what I do.

I also think sudden deaths are horrible hard and even more hard when there young

It will as time goes on get easier for you and your daughter and family. But the now just plan sucks!!

I can't imagine loosing a child, it's the worst tourcher a human can go through


Thanks. These things never get any easier, do they?

I will never get used to losing people that are so young.

I suppose that we aren’t supposed to dwell on the number of years that people have lived.

We should be grateful that they were in our lives for any length of time, no matter how brief.

There are times when I believe that we are all assigned a number. When that number is up, we die. If the number isn’t up, against all odds, we live.

I had a gun pointed directly at my heart. I begged for my life. I was only 18.

I was told by the man robbing me that he was going to kill me. It wasn’t my time to die.

Venting, by flying monkeys. Are you meaning everytime you get a person out of your life, head and feelings, someone else in your life brings up them constantly or tells you, hey I bumped into so and so. When really all you want is them out of your life , your head, your heart for good, and they keep bringing them back?

And to find peace in your life

Needs, Im so sorry!! I can complete imagine how you feel! Many of my kids friends become part of the family. And when I run into them now and then and there happy to see me. They in my heart feel like my kids, part of my family.

That's so sad and I'm so sorry, for you and your whole family!

venting and Send,

Thanks, after the shock wore off, I cried over her death. I can’t seem to unwind this evening. Going to try and get some sleep soon though.

I have photos of her in my home with my daughter.

She was a sweet girl. Beautiful long blonde hair and blue eyes.

My girls have always been social butterflies. They always had their friends over.

I would like to express my sorrow to her parents. I don’t even know what I would say. I think I will send a card for now.

I know that nothing I say will ever help. No words are ever adequate in these situations.

I can’t help but feel, that if I ever lost either one of my daughters, I don’t know if I could ever cope with my grief.

It seems like the pain would be overwhelming and never go away.

Support for your loss, your daughter's loss, and the young woman's family's loss. It is very sad to lose someone you have known, and at such a young age.

You are going to need many hugs, here are some heartfelt hugs I am sending you! {{{{{{hugs}}}}}} 💝💔💝

My condolences.

My condolences. Sending a big hug to you Need.

Hey, venting…

Mind if I join you in needing support right now?

I am devastated at the moment. I just got off the phone with my youngest daughter.

One of my daughter’s friends called her to tell her that she just heard about a friend’s death. She didn’t know any details about how she died. My daughter was shocked.

Her friend was 28 years old.

I’m heartbroken. This child was at our house from elementary school to college. They remained friends after graduating.

Her friend was an only child. Her parents adored her.

I feel horribly for her parents. I can’t imagine the pain of losing a child.

I am sick over her death. I watched this kid grow up. I feel so bad for my daughter.

I know what it’s like to lose close friends both when I was young and recently.

I lost two good friends who committed suicide when I was young. It shook me up horribly.

I lost my best friend that I had known forever not long after my mom died. She was in her 60’s.

Sometimes. I still can’t believe that my friend is gone. I still want to pick up the phone and call her to come over for lunch. Or, go out to get a coffee, grab lunch, etc.

Hearing about other deaths always brings back memories for me. Grief is real and it’s very hard.

We expect older people to die. When people are younger, it throws us for a loop.

Thanks for listening.

Thanks Alva!

I blocked the people who need to be blocked. But they have a very big network of flying monkeys.

I will find a way.


Does anyone have PoA? Do you have a plan for after money runs out entirely?

I am sorry this is so stressful for all of you.

Sending support your way today. Wishing you peace.

My "whine" moment is that my husband and I single-handedly moved my mom from 1 bedroom to a studio in same building, just 6 days ago. As I type this, my siblings are touring another facility, talking of moving her again. She freaked out, just moving to a different room in the same place, but this would be a move clear across several towns, having to start all over getting the staff and her acclimated, set up doctors. etc. And at most it would buy her maybe 2 more months in a care center, IF their "Care Level" costs are cheaper, which I doubt. I had to bow out, can't deal with their indecisiveness and lack of action when actually needed.


I am trying the cortisone cream that cw suggested. So, we’ll see.

You say that you cannot avoid these people.
That well may be true....we have families and we have jobs and we cannot always avoid people that have a bad effect on us.
I am here to tell you sometimes we get ILL. (Hee hee sometimes we do Cancer TWICE because once wasn't enough, right?).
Life just isn't about happy all the time, and that some folks are odious--well, just let me say I have never been all that much a fan of the human animal and I hope we AREN'T made in the imagine of any poor god or another.

What we can do is change our way of thinking from habitual concentration on things that aren't working, haven't worked, can't work. I tend to be a bit OCD and I know how it can get when I start the circular thinking of what is "wrong" and what "scares me" and what is "troublesome", "worrisome", "uncertain", "painful". Our brains latch onto this repetitive litany of woe, and just repeats and repeats it.

I don't know if you have a good cognitive therapist, but boy, three times in my life (I am 81) I have had to run kicking and screaming to one. Each time I picked someone tough, someone who would participate, have input, shake me up. And while it was PAINFUL, it shook me out of a habitual approach that was a harmful continuous stirring of a distasteful stew.

Eat right. Exercise. Above all take classes or get a new hobby, painting, jewelry making, writing, collage, something that involves the mind and hands in a sort of Zen. Once I refinished the floors on a bad bout of angst after a divorce from a man I truly loved. No wonder my knees hurt now (but my heart--not so much).

Wishing you the best. Life is definitely not about happy-all-the time. There are times that can even last a couple of years, that are fraught. We may face down an illness. We may have something we must endure for a time. This is a part of life. You say you were once "bright and shiny" and I gotta say, that's rare to maintain. And can't last.

I don't want to minimalize what you're going through; I haven't the slightest idea the severity. I can only say I am glad you have hope. Know that we do as well. It's always good to hear from you.

Needs, cooking supper so I'll make this quick, make sure it's not turning into a staph infection. The bumps make me suspicious. But I'm no nurse

You’re welcome. ☺️



No questions, I promise.

As I said, I respect your privacy. I don’t need to know personal details to care about you. I care simply because you have been a part of this forum for a while.

I understand how you feel. I strongly disagree with people prying into another person’s life if they don’t want to share it.

I know that you have struggled with your situation for a while.

I can tell you that many of us have felt trapped by our circumstances at certain points in our lives.

Sometimes, we are indeed trapped until we find a way out. Other times, it is a struggle to find our bearings after being lost for quite some time.

Just know, that whatever your situation is, there will always be people on this forum who are here to support you in your journey.

Just like there are no overnight success stories, there are no overnight stories of people who have healed instantly.

I can tell you that sometimes things do happen spontaneously, so don’t lose hope. Without hope we have nothing. I believe eventually, you will find your way.

Wishing you peace and joy in your life.

Alva, Have a wonderful time!

Thank you Need. I’m intentionally vague. I value my privacy.

You asked if it would be impossible to return to being myself. It’s not impossible. I’m working on it.

What’s it about? A deep unhappiness. I can’t look at myself in the mirror, because I don’t like seeing myself so unhappy. I’m a bright and shiny person. Just writing this out gives me tears. I’ll find a way back to myself.

How did it all happen? What made me unhappy? It’s completely out of my control. There are some people in my life I can’t get rid of. I have blocked these people. I don’t want to explain. Please no questions about it.

I’ll find a way back to myself. For now, I’m very, very unhappy.


I am experiencing irritation on my skin now. It is itching and I am seeing whelps. I can’t wait for my time to be up and I can mail this monitor back.


If I am not being overly inquisitive, what would it take for you to feel like yourself again? Unfortunately. I can’t supply a time machine for you to go back in time 20 years.

You don’t have to share anything about your life with publicly. I respect your privacy. I’m just wondering if it is possible for you to find the person who you wish to be. Or, is it impossible at this point?

Your post are usually vague and we don’t know what you are going through. Whatever it is, I hope things will eventually work out for you.

Sending you love, support and hugs today.

My whine today…
The last time I felt like myself was 20 years ago. I miss who I was.

Ha, cwillie. When I had my BIG lumpectomy they issued me FIVE 15 mg oxys, when the dose is two 15 mg every four hours. Wouldn't have lasted long had I needed it, but turns out I didn't need it at all. Have now this lovely STASH of 5 pills. I get issued 10 5 mg. valiums ONCE a YEAR. And yeah, not for the plane but for just the whole airport mess. So glad you are free and clear on the bottoms up thing.

Need, once you go allergic to that tape it will continue a while and can make blisters. Take care.

Scream therapy. I have a long story about my friend and I hiking in the pygmy woods of Medocino and her getting me to scream something really loud. I will spare you; it's way too long.

All of you remember that I leave for a month next Wednesday. I will be off line and off everything (except the occ. Moscow Mule my SIL makes me), and hunting good rocks and driftwood on Puget Sound. N. will keep homefires burning.
I honestly don't know how YOU will survive it! ( cwillie, don't say anything mean to that!) AnxietyNacy is appointed to answer any post with "and as mean Alvadeer would say............." just like I always say "As Dr. Laura says"....
BarbBrooklyn, Lea and JoAnn appointed to answer all with the good sense I never had. ( Of late I am not seeing as much of BarbB as I used to?)

All take good care.


Fantastic! Glad the doc was able to fit you in and this is behind you.

Good for you not allowing your anxiety to stop you from flying. If this trip is for pleasure, have a wonderful time!


Haven’t seen it. Yeah, no surprise there. We have a colorful history of corruption., up to present day.

I love this city for so many reasons, but just like many other cities, we have our share of issues that need solving.

Cwillie. Well that's good!!

Needs, we are watching a show on Netflix called , Your Honor, it's based in New Orleans. All fake but it's pretty much about corruption

The guy from breaking bad is in it.

My doc had a cancellation today so I managed to grab that appointment and get my lab report and although he had not gotten the pathology report he was able to access it online, so I'm all done with that for two years. Since I was there already I got him to write me a prescription for Ativan to get me through my upcoming flight west and back, it's for 6 whole tablets (nobody's risking addiction here!) 🤣


Thanks, I will try that and see if it helps.

The only time that I can remove it is when I take my shower. Then, it goes right back on.

The accompanied phone will send a message if I don’t put it back at the appropriate time.

It sends a notification if I forget the phone in another room too. So, I ordered a pocket to place the phone in and wear around my neck so I don’t have to carry it everywhere.

I don’t have pockets in everything that I wear. If I have pockets on, I drop the phone in my pocket and go about my day.

My mom had irritation from her nitroglycerin patches, we tried different brands and of course placing them on different areas but once she became sensitive nothing seemed to help for long. Try a little OTC hydrocortisone.

It hasn’t even been two weeks since I have been wearing my heart monitor. At first it wasn’t bothering me. It’s not heavy at all. It’s very small. I have to wear this thing for a month.

Now, the adhesive tape is starting to irritate my skin. I tried moving it slightly to the left of where it was.

Phillips (the company that provides the product) has an 800 number provided for questions.

They do have a monitor for sensitive skin. I may call later to see what they recommend for me to do.

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