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Dear god, Send
Don't snort tap water - it's full of stuff that stomach acid can kill but not our nasal passages

Old time Mainers swear by breathing cold air to keep your head cleared out. When I first moved to Maine I couldn't believe the daycare centers bundled all the babies up and took them outside. I asked about the practice and was told that 15 minutes everyday unless it was snowing/raining or below zero for their "air".
I go outside regardless of weather to walk. I sleep better if I walk and get some fresh air before I get ready for bed.

I have been seeing an ad on TV for a new gadget . it is battery operated and you fill it with sterile water and when you turn it on it steams through a mask that you hold over your nose and mouth.
I can't remember what it is called but it looks like a good idea. I used to fill a bowl with boiling water cover my head with a towel and breath in the steam. Another thing I find helps is to open the freezer door and breath in the cold air. Of course where I live during cold season all you need to do is step outside the door.
I remember once reading that Russian housewives in Moscow in winter just put their frozen food outside on the window cill.

Don't snort tap water!! If you must snort boil it first and then make a saline solution. And stay away from the power tools!

Sometimes I forget that your great sense of humor is different than mine, and like my hubs, you take things literally.
When I said it is called snot, it's snot, I was joking, rhyming.

Gershun has a little dittie but I forgot it.

I apologize to you for trying to be funny, but it's not.

Thanks for that idea!  It worked.

Tried the simple method an hour ago to get the sawdust out of my nose. OWIE! but it helped to remove it quickly. Went right to the back of my throat, just like swimming with chlorine. Had no idea our tap water had that much chlorine! Burned my sinuses.

What would improve this procedure would be to use normal saline instead of tap water.
It is the same pH as the lining of your nostril.

Today, I moved the bookcase, bashed my other foot when it fell, (hubs was out bike riding), and I helped him saw with a power saw. Neither one of us sawed a straight line.  But I am the only one injured.

Send - my mom had a simple method for keeping her nasal passages and sinuses clear: every morning she would cup her hand and fill it with warm water and SNORT it right up her nose! Same effect as a Neti pot, but just done without one. I still shudder when I think of her doing that every day. I can't even imagine trying it myself. Gahhhhh....

Book, it's funny - regardless of what we call it (snot, mucus, boogies, whatever), the fact remains that it's a good sign of health or lack of it. If it changes colors, thickens up or dramatically increases in amount, there's something going on in your body. Allergies, infections, airborne dirt/dust - all can make it change.

I'm still fighting the battle with my nephew (who I'm pretty sure has undiagnosed OCD) about the best way to handle excessive mucus when he has a cold or sinus infection. His father keeps telling him to spit it out if he coughs up mucus - his mother tells him to swallow it. (Yuck.) I realize there are times you can't help but swallow it, but if you think about it, that junk is filled with bacteria, and having too much of it in your body just makes your symptoms last longer and feel worse. (Personally, I've become very nauseous when I've had a bad night and had a bunch of mucus drain down my throat while sleeping - so swallowing it is the *last* thing I'm going to do.)

We don't call that snot. It sounds weird to me. Here, the locals, including myself, call it mucus... Don't lick your mucus, wipe it off! {to a young child}.... My mucus is yellowish or greenish {to the doctor}  ... 

Don't worry. I was already trying to wean myself off the cold/flu.

At the risk of getting told off. Snot, snot, snot, snot!!!! Or rather nasal secretions. Now that sounds professional. But it really is just SNOT!!

One thing that I found helped me was Hydro Sense. You can buy it at any drug store. It's all natural, according to the package. It contains sea water. Or so it says. I don't imagine the manufacturers go to the seashore with little vials and scoop seawater up. It probably just means water with salt added to it. Either way, I found it helped, temporarily anyways.

Book, I don't know if taking cold medicines causes a rebound effect in everybody. I was just speaking from personal experience. So, please don't stop taking something that may be helping you based on what I experience.

Send, in almost all the YouTube videos I watched - to find out HOW to use the neti pot - no one used the word snot. Actually there was a lot of disgusted exclamations, etc... I did wonder what was coming out of their nose. =) .. That one time I tried it, the water went through cleanly. No yucky gook, uhm, snot. It kind of makes sense since I don't have a stuffy nose. All the sinus pressures are on the back and/or sides of my head.

Today, I looked up a lot of remedies for what ails me, including the treatment you mentioned Book.
The problem is, each one must be taken "First thing in the morning on an e m p t y stomach." How could I possibly take 3-4 remedies-after the first one, my stomach would not be empty.

The Neti pot was like shoving a tiny teapot up my nose, almost drowned me when the water got in the back of my throat.
Felt like swimming, drowning, choking-that is why I hold my nose under water.

Grossed me out when washing it, how could I have my tea now?

Gershun, Golden, and Bookluvr, Hope your sinus issues clear up soon.
My dH has that, and I can tell he feels miserable, he often has to go to bed for 3-4 days.
His chiropractor rubs oregano oil in his hands and dH breathes it in. Guess one must be a licensed chiropractor to properly administer the stuff? ha ha. NOT! The chiropractor has also had success treating children's ear infections due to it's antibiotic properties.
(I hope).

It is called snot, Bookluvr, it's snot.

I used the neti pot once. No yucky gook came out. I didn't feel any lessening of my head pressure. So, I decided it wasn't working. .. Ahem, I still have some unopened boxes of the neti pot. I was gungho into it when I thought it would be a solution. The Rx nasal spray works really well but I don't feel like going to the doctor for a prescription.

Have you tried using a neti pot Book?

Gershun, I was rereading your comments. Oh no, I've been taking 1 pill, twice a day for what I thought was the flu for the past week. Yesterday, I took only 1, trying to wean myself off it. I never really thought there was a rebound effect.. Other than I get easily addicted to it. Something in the cold/flu ingredients...

Send, in my previous, lengthy researches online, the honey Apple cider vinegar (Bragg's) in water works best for me. I feel immediate results. I can't drink it daily because I'm allergic to (most likely) the honey. My lips break out in rashes. Lots of rashes.

Why the honey? I quote:
The antibacterial property of honey kills the bacteria that cause sinus infection. Its use also soothes the irritation in the throat area. Its anti-inflammatory properties reduce the inflammation in the throat. Also, its consumption strengthens the immunity system and makes the body strong enough to fight any type of infection.

8oz room temperature water + 1TBS honey + 2 TBS ACV.

Golden, I bought my very 1st nasal spray. Haven't used it yet. I finally opened the box. I just worry with my immune system so low, my body would react negatively to it. So, for now, I'm doing other stuff.

Sinus problems here too. I use a saline spray bottle with about 1/4 replaced with 3% hydrogen peroxide and spray several times a day. It does sting but it clears it up.

Why are you mixing honey with apple cider vinegar?

Booklover, I've been having horrible sinus problems too lately. Post nasal drip, a dry nose with horrible scabs in my upper nostrils which bleed and then I blow my nose to get rid of them and they just keep reforming. I feel pressure in my face and ears all the time too. It has not been a fun winter at all. I find when I take any cold medicine there is always some kind of rebound effect which just make my symptoms worse. I have tried the facial massage which helps a bit.

I have a terrible sinus head pressure. I'm breathing okay from my nose. I'm not stuffy. I don't feel stuffy. But at nights, when my head touches the pillow, excruciating headaches when I try to sleep on my sides. This morning, I woke up from the throbbing headache. I was on my back. Oh no! I bought a healthy honey (1st time to try it) from a health store. Last week, I mixed it with apple cider vinegar and water - drank it all day at work. On Saturday morning, severe head pain and ringing of the ear. Ugh! I'm allergic to That specific honey. Tonight, I stopped by the grocery store and bought my usual generic honey. I'm currently drinking the honey-ACV-water. Ooooh... my sinus started draining down my throat. Yuck, it was so thick. Later on tonight, I will just use plain water to steam my face. (Previously tried Echinacea oil, and Vick's VapoRub - .. I reacted negatively to both). And just before bedtime, I will use hot/cold compresses on my face, do a facial massage, then sleep... Keeping my fingers crossed!

It's true! What Barb says. I learned the hard way not to ask my dad. He almost always chose the answer I didn't want to hear. So, I learned from here on AC, to give him options. I was very firm, no wheedling or begging in my tone. Hence, when he became bedridden, he was no longer 'the man of the house.' I had to step up and take over everything. We butted heads for months. Even bedridden, he tried to punch me. At least it was my chest and no longer my face/head. Eventually, he caved in. He was resentful that I took over the reins. But, he's bedridden, no longer mentally fit enough to understand financial ramifications, etc... He was still sharp mentally but .. his reasoning was a bit.. skewed. Okay, as time went by, it was getting very skewed.

I felt bad that I took the rein of power from him. I never forced him to do what he didn't want. I've tried reasoning, bribing, and even calling 911, APS, elder law attorney, etc.. all told me that as long as my dad was competent, then they will not interfere. So... I learned to be sneaky, and praised him when he made the 'right' decision. He always appreciated that. Just as I always appreciated his 'thank you'.

You can offer to take her 'strolling'. Or offer to take her out to lunch and just happen to drop by the AL.

There comes a time when you have to stand up for your own life and sanity.

Jim, make an appointment with a geriatric psychiatrist for your mom. Take her to lunch and then to the appointment. Don't ask her. Don't tell her before. Just take her.

It's very hard for some of us to get out of the mode of asking our parent's permission and seeking their approval.

At this point, you have to do what you know is best for her and you.

I would also make appointments to see ALs. Don't ask. Tell her.

When I was caregiving, I rarely got sick. And if I did, it never stopped me from going to work or have an 'off' from hands-on caregiving. So, I didn't have time to be sick. I couldn't afford it. Now, that I no longer am a caregiver, I get sick sooooo very fast! Remember the last coughing flu I had in August, after my dad's burial? I had pulled an upper chest muscle?

A few days ago, I was craving chicken soup. So, I had it for lunch on Thursday. By Friday late afternoon, my throat was hurting. Friday night, it was screaming in pain. This morning at work, I felt the urge to cough. Oh no! After leaving the office at 12:30pm, I went to the grocery store. Bought 2 Tussim DM Max cough medicine, Ricola cough drops, Cepacol (never tried this but sis' doctor recommended it to her), 1 box of chicken broth, 2 can of chicken veg soup.

The bag 'boy' was an older man (maybe age 84?). He took one look at me and said that he would help me carry my 1 recycle bag of grocery for me. I told him no need. I can carry it. He insisted. In the meantime, I was telling the cashier a humorous incident I had on mistakenly putting my bought grocery in a box (instead of bags). By the time I got to the car, I reached into the cart, (and I mimicked bending over and my hands reaching down) to pick up the box. I then said it was so heavy, I couldn't even pick it up! (I did the jerky motion of trying repeatedly to lift the box.) .. The young cashier (in her 20's) burst out laughing so hard. =)

On the way to my car, the elderly gentleman & I walked. We were both talking to one another as if we've known each other. (Ahem, never met him before. He's a new bag 'boy'.) When I reached into my purse to give him a tip, he was so fast to move away from me and refused it. I left that grocery store with a wide smile. The cashier and the bag 'boy' just made my day.

Jim, I hope it works out for you. Maybe a lot of twitching here and there to fit the situation. Definitely can't help your mom with your current work schedule. No comments about sis not really helping much. I had my share with 7 siblings. It was just me and my dad all these years taking care of my mom. My caregiving experiences are totally different from yours. My mom's mental health was one of the first to be affected. It was like a 360 degree personality change.

Thank you. I have taken over pretty much all aspects of her care. I believe there is some dementia involved although she handles the daily things pretty well. I never know from day to day what I will see. I am always hoping there will be some improvement in her general demeanor, but then I find her doing the same things. I know it’s hard for her and I am not saying don’t mourn. I think of my dad everyday. I miss him. I have so many other responsibilities. I will adopt some of the things you said and see if they help. I just want her safe and comfortable. I don’t see her breaking out of the pattern she is in. Old school I think. I can remember growing up the old Greek women who lost a spouse would carry on forever,almost to the point of hysteria. I thank you for your thoughts.

Assisted living is the best option.

If being firm with your mother doesn't work, you might have to look at using your POA to force a mental competence assessment and going for guardianship. But with a bit of fast talking and nimble footwork on your part it shouldn't come to that.

Your mother's bereavement (and yours) is recent. For you, life has gone on. For her, she doesn't have anything else to go on with. She does need more diverse input and she will, if she doesn't already, need the continuous care of a facility if she is to get past this terrible phase of her life, even if we ignore the possibility of dementia.

It's a guess, but I'm going to bet that if you do role-play your father just to the extent of being firm and decisive about this move, you will actually give your mother huge reassurance. You'll relieve her of complex decisions that many of us would struggle with at the best of times, and you'll be someone she can lean on to see her safe and cared for.

Legally, as things stand, you can't make her do anything - your POA cannot override her wishes unless she is found to be mentally incapacitated. But practically and emotionally, I think she'll be glad if you do take over. Just don't expect her to thank you straight away.

I am back to seek some guidance from everyone, My dad passed away last September. I stayed with my mom through the end of October,but finally told her I needed to get back home. We gave her three options at that time,either live with us, assisted living ,or remain at home with help. We built a room in our home because she chose that option. That lasted two days with her demandingto return to her home. I have a girl that goes in to help her four mornings a week. My mom will not allow anyone else in to help. I take care of all her finances,the house and yard,do all her shopping, with my sister sometimes helping out. I know seniors often have issues with letting people in to help them. My mother is becoming more demanding by the day,often calling me by my father’s name. She expects me to be over there all the time,to do the shopping everyday like my dad did,etc. She cannot break out of the mourning phase, just sitting with the tv blaring away crying. I have suggested that she see a professional to help ,but she refuses. Her latest ploy is to now tell me she is afraid being alone in the house. I know she is attempting to get me to move back. I again have gone through the options from above, none of which suit her. Yesterday I told her I could make an appointment to go over and see the assisted living facility next week. Her response was I am not in the mood. The next thing she says is you wouldn’t let me go before which wasn’t tru. I said the cost was prohibitive and that we would need to sell the house . She is also very deaf and refuses to wear her hearing aid which is causing issues as well. She hears voices and lately screams at them to stop talking to her. The doctor is aware and told her wearing the hearing aid would help,but she won’t listen. I own a seasonal business and am now getting ready to open. Once open I work seven days a week until early fall. I have to do something as I won’t be available to be at her beck and call. My sister provides very little help so that isn’t an option. I am stressed out and losing sleep. My mother can be very difficult and used that for years to get her way with my dad. Sorry if I am repeating myself, but I just don’t know what to do. I have power of attorney. I don’t know if that allows me to make the decision on her living situation. Ideally her staying home with help would be my first choice,but given her stand on that ,assisted living seems to be the best option. What say you all ? Thanks.

Funny Book! I will have to see if I can come up with others.😁

I had to check the spelling, don't know if I have ever read or written it before. 😂

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