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Bookluvr, I have no advice for you, but I am going through the same thing. I will definitely be following. I did not know about no conditioner on the scalp! I have heard that the hairloss shampoo which is frequently advertised on tv is NOT a good thing to use.

Under age 55 and I'm balding. I was talking to the salonist how so much hair is falling out. A lot when I shower. She asked me if I'm using Pantene. Huh.. Yes... She said that it's really strong. That if I stop using it, it will decrease my drastic hair loss.... pause... then she said that Head & Shoulders is also very strong.... oh.. I said that I also use H&S alternately with the Pantene. Several times I spent a long time at Kmart's shampoo/conditioner aisle. There are sooo many to choose from that I wouldn't know what other shampoo to use. So, for now, I bought a bottle of shampoo/conditioner from the salon. When I have time, I will need to buy a proper hair-loss shampoo/cond to help delay the balding.... She also said that when I use the conditioner, don't let it touch the scalp. (This I knew from my google searches.)

So, has anyone successfully slowed down their drastic hair loss? What shampoo now works for you? I also read from the google search that I need to put certain oil onto my scalp when washing my hair... Also recommends massaging your head.

The sad thing is. I'm not crying for Aunty. Her death has triggered my bottled up emotions when Dad died. This bottled up emotion was reinforced when older brother saw me crying publicly (dad's viewing?) and said aloud so that everyone turned to look at me: "Look, K's crying!" and he started laughing. After that, I fought so hard not to cry outwardly. So, now, the tears are flowing - for my dad, not for my Aunty. My aunty and I have rarely spoken more than 1 sentence to each other in my whole life. I was not close to her. I don't know her likes/dislikes, etc... But she was always there for my mom... Her funeral will bring back to me Dad's funeral. Based on the past few days, I don't think I will be able to stop the tears this time. I think I need to remember to bring my sunglasses.  I already bought several of those Kleenex travel packs.  

My aunty's private family viewing was this morning. I didn't go because I knew that I would cry in public.  And would look a mess when I go back to work.  When I arrived at work before 8:30am, while still in the car, I started crying (not the full blown kind) and the tears were just pouring. I stayed in the car and tried to stop the tears. Tears still coming down as I walked up to the office. Tears surreptitiously wiped throughout the morning. Finally, the boss' wife noticed how weepy I was. I told her that I'm not sure how I'm going to handle Aunty's funeral on Friday. She told me to get the afternoon off and just cry my heart out. That it's bad to hold the tears in. She insisted I take the afternoon off when I objected. She also insisted that I take the whole Friday off despite my objections. (D*rn! There goes 1 day of my vacation.)

I didn't feel like crying when I got in my car. Do you ever get headaches when you cry? I had one very mean headache. I was very drained physically and emotionally. I treated myself out to lunch at Denny's and then a haircut and then bought one of those $4.25 strawberry/banana shakes with No Dairy(!..but it's not made with real fruits, though..) I came home by 5:30 so exhausted. I took a power nap. It's 8:15pm and I still feel 'off'.

NightOwl, anxiety attack? If that's what you're talking about, when I first found this site, I realized that a lot of the caregivers here had it. I was absolutely terrified that it will happen to me, too. I've experienced it only one time - and it was during a large convention, surrounded by people. It's not a pleasant feeling. Not as bad as what you're describing. I hope this is only a rare occasion. Take care.

Unexpected day of terror. We've been going along dealing with the ups and downs of caregiving. Then suddenly after a day of paperwork, making appointments, and running around it happened. Over 24 hrs of anxiety and flashbacks from last year's nightmare. Things are mostly better now, and more controlled. Where did this sudden attack come from? I haven't been prone to extreme bouts of anxiety. If there had been any liquor in the house I may have indulged.

I may call off tomorrow.. evil laugh.... But no,,, I wont.. I love my patients... But the temptation!

The weather held out long enough!! Cousins hubs is truck driver, and he drove them to the meeting point ( 1/2 way between our homes) so all went well. We did drive through everything on the way there and back however.. rain, hail, snow! but we are home and they are there safely. We even stopped for lunch! Then just snuggled in here with the dogs and relaxed! I work tomorrow, but then off 2 days!!

I asked my boss if I can go to my aunty's funeral on Friday from 11:00am to 2:00pm. He said yes. I think his wife texted him on who my aunty was because he suddenly asked me if so-and-so was my aunty. He told me that she is very well-known and respected in our island. He said that her funeral will involve the higher ups and all the to-dos that goes with it. That the funeral will be an all-morning event leading up to the mass/funeral. Definitely longer than my requested 3-hrs.

Pam, the things we do to try to get as much time off as possible - eke out every single hour. 

I just finished the bottom of the package: Chicharrones (made in Texas). It says Hot 'N Spicy , but it wasn't even a teeny, tiny bit hot. It was very soft when I first opened the package. Where's the CRUNCH after every bite? It's suppose to be crunchy not melt-in-your-mouth! So, I left the bag open in my bread container until it hardened a bit. There is the crunch! Now it's finished... And I don't have a spare. Fave sis bought all kinds of sweets (Pepsi, Gelato, variety of cookies) and I have no interest in it. I want Salty! Crunchy! All well...

Well Mom was supposed to go to Aunts today,, but this morning Aunts heater went out,, so now we will try for tomorrow,, and they are calling for a weather event midday.. with snow where Aunt lives. So I am guessing they wont be able to do their 1/2 of the drive. BOO!! If we can go, I have to cancel the pups first vet visit, but that can be rescheduled. And if she had left today, I would have had several days of time with just hubs and I,,, the best laid plans...

To Doingdadsjob, its a difficult situation to be in. Hopefully, you can find some services to help with your grandmother. I would also recommend thinking about care insurance for your father for when he needs it later on. It will save both of you.

Oh, Freddynb. Too many things happening so soon after one another - both having to do with the spine. I would be scared, too. I think your husband needs you more than your dad. Is it possible to see if your father can attend some adult activity center? It's a place where seniors can go and be with others, doing activities?

As for your husband, I'm not familiar with fractured spine. Does this mean he can heal where he can get up and be mobile? Or would the pain be so bad, that he would refuse to get off the bed and just stay on it to avoid the worse of pain?

It's going to be a very long and difficult road if you're taking care of both all by yourself. You will need to find resources in your area to help you. In the meantime, please feel free to come here on AgingCare to vent or get advice.

My father with mild Alzheimer's just got a spinal compression fracture from lifting a heavy suitcase. He was on his way to my brother's place so I could get a break for a couple of weeks. Now he has lost money and needs a walker to get around. He is also depressed. A week after my dad got injured my husband had an accidental fall and also fractured his spine. My husband has liver disease and is in a lot of pain and having difficulty with staying awake since his accident. My other family members all live over 500 miles away. My husband and I were a team caring for my dad. Now I am alone caring for my dad and my husband. I am stressed and scared of the challenge ahead of me.

My dad has only 2 siblings alive - his sister in California and his brother here on island. Uncle's wife has passed away on Thursday. When she was home, and saw the ambulance come for my mom, she would rush down to our house to see what's happening. She visited mom at the hospital. She also used her connections to help us with mom's funeral. Despite being not well, twice she came to mom's nightly mass at the church. Every time I thought of Aunty being dead, I thought of mom, then dad... then I start crying. Thoughts keep going around and around that her death is too close to dad's. I've been weepy at work. I agonized about going to her funeral. I have decided that I will attend the church rosary and then the funeral mass. But I will not go to the cemetery. During the funeral, I will not walk up to coffin one last time to look at her. It's too fresh for me. Every time I think of her, I think of both mom and dad. oh... see... tears forming.

It looks like fave sis' travel will be in November not October due to work schedule. My boss has already mentioned that him/wife will be traveling off-island for TG. So, with heavy heart, I told sis that I will need to travel 'as is' in October by myself. I was so looking forward to her hubby being the driver while we were in the states.

Baby bro already told me that once I have my travel dates, he will fly over to join us. So, if I can lock in the dates, he can request for leave. Unfortunately, I don't see his live-in gf and her 2 teens will be happy being left behind... On my last visit with bro, his gf and her teen kids were with us all the time. All the time. When bro was finally given 2 days with me without them (2 days before I flew back home), his gf kept texting throughout the day. I just remembered that she shouldn't be texting when he's driving. Ping.... Ping.... Ping... Ping.... I learned from this that she was very possessive, controlling. I later learned from one of my mainland sis that he had to cut short their conversation because gf said it's time to sleep!! sigh... I should prepare myself that he would come with them in tow... or he will cancel last minute with some kind of work excuse...

He is my favorite brother. I might have enough Frequent flyer miles to get him a ticket. I get my miles by using the credit card that gives me miles for every dollar spent. I use this card for paying bills and supplies. Then pay it off immediately. I don't have to pay interests.

When Teflon came out, my dad told me not to buy pots/pans with it. He said that it can cause cancer. Well, since he was the cook (stay-at-home dad taking care of bedridden mom), I stuck to stainless steels.

I can remember everyone tossing out a lot of aluminum cookware around that time too, then replacing their saucepans with Teflon, which was sooo much safer 🙄

It's the aluminium or other mineral salts that actually stop you sweating - antiperspirants. The types that don't have them at all are merely deodorants which are supposed to stop your sweat starting to smell bad. I personally feel that their main drawback is that they don't work.

I can see it makes good common sense not to start rubbing metallic salts into your armpits if you don't have to. But we modern gals have a different concept of "have to" which would include not being given a wide berth in public!

Well rumor has it....Boot was just looking at all the deodorant in the bathroom. Aluminum. But screw it if it's just a rumor. I'm wearing deodorant. Girl can't be stinky in the bootshop lol!

BootShop, I can't believe someone is dragging out that old chestnut about aluminum, I think it first started making the rounds back in the 80's. Just goes to show that those kinds of rumours never die.

I'm seriously thinking of crocheting a simple outfit for the Maru doll. Self taught myself in late teens. Without a pattern or instructions, I crocheted a pair of shoes made of yarn to wear in the house. I also made a cap without instructions. If I keep it simple, I think I can do it. The problem I Always had with crocheting was - I always forgot 'counting' or losing track.... Forget it .. I don't have the patience to do it like I did in my teens.

Boot, I'm planning to pull those western books, especially the Sacketts, to re-read it. Actually, I'm currently re-reading my favorite author's older books when she first started writing books. I'm reading the e-book forms because she mentioned that she has updated these earlier books to add more details, descriptions, etc... Once I'm done with it, I'm going to make a point to read All my Paperback books. I have stacks of them in the cabinet, others in 2 big plastic containers and more piled on my dresser!

P.S.. one of my favorite book that I bought over 30 years ago, the pages started falling out when I opened it. I'm afraid to check if my other books are like that. =(

JT, my condolences on your mother. Although you did have some hard times caring for her, it sounds that you were blessed in all fronts to be able to handle her and keep spiritually strong. I did a quick search on Kayla's spiritual music. Sounds nice and soothing.

My favorite music I loved to play on the CD when I was dealing with my bedridden mom was One Day at A Time by Cristy Lane. I rarely sing it because it brings up memories of super exhaustion.

Linda, I don't know how you were able to resist the drama from your mother. {shaking head} You have a very strong set of boundaries!

I was looking for the thread where somebody said the aluminum in deodorant could cause Alzheimer's?! What?! Oh my! But then I got side tracked here. Book, my husband loves the Sacketts stories. We have friends who have son's named Oren and Tell. But best of all was reading Frequent Flyers word" wingding!" This word is a family favorite. Now I can go to sleep smiling.

MY mom passed away 10 mths ago. She had dementia and she would get ugly with the sundowners. The UTI's surely did not help her mental status. I would end up taking her to the ER. They would give her an IV of fluids/antibiotics and her mental status would improve. It was very hard sitting in the ER, waiting to see if they would keep her or not! My mom started showing signs of dementia at 89 and she started getting UTI's. She also, experience vasovagal episodes where she would pass out and I would take her to the hospital for that, too. I was fortunate, my mother still went to the bathroom with assistant up to the very end. Her appetite too was pretty good! Early on she lost like 30 pounds due the dementia but she was eating. I prayed a lot towards the end and was listening to Kayla spiritual music if I spelled her name right! I really turned to God a lot and he guide me through everything. So many times I wanted to give up but I did not and everything thing turned out the way it was suppose to. My mother died just 3 weeks shy of her 94th birthday. I look back and I am so thankful I was mentally and physically able to handle my very petite mom 4'10 and weighed 86lbs. My situation worked for me. I understand why some families have to put their loves in nursing facilities and we must not feel guilty for doing so. I commend, all you caretakers like myself. Give yourself a pat on your back and thank God everyday for getting you through another day. God Bless and stay strong. JT

Long post warning....FIL back in hospital, with labored breathing and increased edema. We suspected pneumonia but it's COPD and heart issues continuing. He and I talked about how he can't go back home to live alone, but needs to move where he can get the needed care. He understands but is so terribly sad. He's wrapping his head around it, as he just told me we needed to cancel his TV cable. The hospitalist who was so helpful with my mom is still here so I'm going to track him down. He's been admitted under observation so I need to do some pleading and groveling to get the Medicare trifecta..Dex, three overnights and in patient admit.

My DH is so overwhelmed with sadness and the feeling helplessness....he's kind of shutdown. Trying to keep him taking care of himself with meds on time, hydration, food and some rest.

My mom has been quite nasty the past few weeks. And as it happens with narcs with significant memory loss, she's able to remember how to inflict the most damage but has no memory of the conversation the next day. The last straw was how badly she treated my daughter on Christmas. My soninlaw had to intercede.

She had the idea I was picking her up on New Years Day, as that was a big family deal back some 40 years. I never do anything but rest from the holidays on NYD. Anyhow, she waited for me in the lobby for three hours, finally calling me to find out where I was. She was in tears, I was exhausted and feeling like I was getting ill. It was a terrible conversation, loaded with the guilt trips and nastiness that have been her MO. She finally admitted that she knew I hadn't made plans with her, but just assumed I would pick her up and have her spend the day with us. I finally said I needed to end the conversation and said goodbye. She said I love you, I didn't respond and she asked me if I could at least say words that I cared. God help me, I couldn't do it. The next day, she'd forgotten all about the conversation, putting on the caring mother act for her dinner table mates and asking how I was and telling me to take care of myself. I'm done.

Doingmydadsjob, may I know what's your long term goal with regards to your grandma? Some elderly live past age 95. You've been doing this for 4 years. Does she have personal income? Are you staying in her home? Can she still do things for herself that she can move into a senior home/housing? My brain just went completely blank. No matter how I try to think of the next words, I become extremely sleepy and brain mushy.

So sorry, I lost my thought and my brain refuses to find it. Basically, if you want freedom from caregiving, you need to research your options. On the top left, the 3 horizontal lines, click on it and find the SEARCH. Read the different topics to find what's best for your case. Hope you find something.

Most of my books were collected in my late teens and early 20's when my dad & I would go to the flea markets every weekends. Paperbacks were all that I could afford. After I posted here about having my favorite books, I went to check my books. I opened the cabinet. Eeww! It smells moldy and dusty smelling. I started sneezing. I was afraid to touch the books. I pulled one out, opened it, and started sneezing. Oh no! My favorites that I'm currently mourning is the Louis L'amour - Sackett series. I just cannot see myself spending normal E-book prices for these books! I don't know if I still have my Old Book Lists. That list has all * on my favorite books. Those with *, I'm willing to spend money for. These are books that I've had over 25 years ago. I definitely don't have the Book List from that time. Those lists included the category: Westerns. I was into Zane Grey and some other authors. My Current Book Lists is more of books from the past 10 years. sigh...

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