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List of meds given for UTI
Drugs commonly recommended for simple UTIs include: Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim, Septra, others) Fosfomycin (Monurol) Nitrofurantoin (Macrodantin, Macrobid) Ciprofloxacin (Cipro) Levofloxacin (Levaquin) Cephalexin (Keflex) Ceftriaxone (Rocephin) Azithromycin (Zithromax, Zmax).

Send, I'm very sensitive to meds. I break out in my face when I take Sudafed. A lot of times, I get facial swelling on meds I've never tried. The last time I had pink eyes, the Rx swelled my eyes. On my last ear infection, using ear drop treatment, my ears broke out with rashes. I'm so paranoid about meds, I do my best to avoid it. If my headache and stomachache is bearable, then I don't take painkillers... I used to keep a medical journal. I'm going to check it later and find that bladder infection Rx in which I was able to complete. It begins with an 'R'.

Yes, the antibiotics are being given a shortened course of treatment now. Some bright false idea to prevent antibiotic drug resistance (growing super germs).
Because of that, suggest another lab urinalysis to confirm the UTI is cleared. Insist on it, imo.

Unless someone else has a better idea?

I think the headache would be because of the pain meds and injection.
What do you think?

In the past, I could never complete the Cipro. By day 3, my stomach pains are so bad, I stopped taking it. I'm trying something new - Bactrim and it's only for 3 days.

I have a 2mm stone that's moving. 1.7cm nonaggressive lytic lesion on my right hip. Stone- referral to see urologist whose next available opening is in September. As for the lytic lesion - referral to bone doctor to verify it's not cancer. No treatment for the kidney stone other than the painkiller. Drink lots of water...

If it's Cipro, switch it out for Bactrim (bacitracin?). imo.
Because if you have an adverse reaction, sometimes going to the older medications can help.
If you are still in pain urinating, ask if they still use "Pyridium"-I think it is a dye that stops the pain, maybe it is soothing, not sure.  Additional to the antiobiotic.
Are you allergic to Sulfa drugs?

Is there a nurse on the forum tonight?

Sorry, I was fine until I took the Rx for bladder infection. The minute I took it, I had this pounding headache. Similar to when I take Tylenol with codeine or after-surgery painkillers. I tried to sleep it off. Nada. So, I'm sulking in bed before I have to call the clinic or pharmacy. Let me call the clinic first and then I'll update you. This is a terrible headache.

Book, wondering if you are ok.

Oh No Book! I'm sorry to hear of your probable bout with Kidney stones! They are the worst, and I hear that sometimes are worse than labor pains! I hope that by the time you read this message, that you are relieved from pain, and that they have passed! I do know that sometimes they give patients the same kind of medicine that they give people who have prostate troubles, FLOMAX (short course), which dialates and relaxes the urethra enough to pass the stone (s), that plus anti-inflammatories and pain killers! Don't leave the ER until something is done to help you! I sincerely hope that you don't need surgery, but whatever works, right! HUGS!!!

Ogenki desu ka
Doko desu ka

Oh Book.

((hugs))))) book and prayers for this to be sorted out

Book you are such a trooper but sometimes you are your own worst enemy. I won't say anymore till you tell us the result of the scan and what they have done about it. I am totally appaled by the standard or lack of care where you live. If it had been me Hubbt would have been yelling and screaming till something was done and so would I. Don't just keep quiet and take this crap. Hugs, if they don't hurt too much!

Oh Book,
Kidney Stones can be a pain like no other pain. Sometimes the "shot" will stop the spasm if the stone is stuck in the tube between kidney and bladder. If the urine becomes obstructed by the kidney stone that is not good. Hope your night was uneventful and you got some rest. The CAT Scan will let Drs know where stone is and how big and how it needs to be handled.

Book, stop messing about. Go to ER and do not leave until someone has got a grip on your situation. You drank over a litre of fluid and had an empty bladder, what, an hour later? - and *they* *let* *you* *leave*? Unbelievable.

Forget everything else, just concentrate on you until this is under control.

Book, go to er.


I'm sorry that you are in so much pain and hope the doctor can find out what is going on as well as treat it soon so that the pain will go away. Take care.

OH Book
How is the pain now?

Are you able to wait til morning?

Life sucks!! For weeks, I thought I had yeast infection and treated the itchiness with OTC cream. Yesterday morning, I started to need urgently to pee but nothing much came out. I figured maybe it wasn't yeast infection but urinary tract infection. I made the appointment today at 11:20am. On the way to the clinic, I started getting lower back, lower left and lower abdominal pain. By the time I saw the doctor, I was in severe pain. I was panting and moaning (quietly ) in pain. Couldn't sit. Pain was worst when sitting... acid reflux kicked in since we were going past my lunch time. So between burping and moaning, I was miserable.

Doctor says I look like someone going through kidney stones. But she's required by insurance protocol to follow steps. Step 1 urine test. I had to wait for about 40 min to give my body time to build up that dept. blood found. By this time, I could barely walk. I needed the chairs, walls, counters to help me walk to the exam room. I wasn't walking straight and found my body tilting away from the wall (lost my balance.) nurse was able to catch my tilting body and straightened me. By the time I reached the exam room, I was very weak and excruciating pain... couldn't sit.

Dr knocked b4 entering, saw the room empty and was about to close the door to look for me. By this time, I was standing by the exam table, head bent against the cushion. Finally found a bearable pain position. When I saw the door open and begin to close, I made a noise. She came in. Took one look at my face and asked if I wanted painkiller. Yes, please. Shot givn right at the buttock. I kept apologizing to the male nurse that I can handle severe migraines.. but am wimpy on stomach pain. He was very nice.

I was given 32oz of water to drink for the ultrasound. Waited quite a while. No urgency to pee. When radiologist came, I told her I don't feel anything down there. She did kidney ultrasounds but my bladder only had very little fluid. She stopped at that. She can't have me wait until bladder full because she has more scheduled patients.... so tomorrow morning 9:00am, I'm scheduled for a contrast cat scan. Doctor said if pain worsens tonight, go to ER.... really... I cancelled my colonoscopy for Friday.

BOOKLUVR, sorry about the stress over the Priest in hospital. It sounds like there was some sort of miscommunication there. For him not to acknowledge family, seems so odd, and your right, he could have been a little most respectful of your families wishes!

Gosh, it seems like they could of done a better job of keeping your Dad cleaned up, and any blood out of sight! Nobody needs to see such things! Hospitals are difficult places to visit, and there never seems to be much communication going on when you are there. I am always the one to push for any info on what's going on now, and what to expect going forward.

When they us told us my FIL HAD the Cancerous mass in his Lung, which had spread to his chest wall and rib bones, and that he was too weak and frail for any treatment, and that he would need to either come home or go to a facility on Hospice, I was in Shock!

They didn't/couldn't really give us much time to prepare for him to come home either, the whole insurance thing. Either they continue to treat him, or out he goes, so once HOSPICE is decided, they move them out as quickly as possible! We decided to bring him home, and it was the very next day, he was sent to our home.

It has been a mad rush ever since, with the Nurses, visitors, health aides, coming and going! We are hanging in there, but know that the hardest part is yet to come!

I am hoping that things are settling down for you, and that you are finding your footing, now that you are not longer responsible for someone else. I know it's hard to get passed losing a Loved One, especially when you have been so close, and no matter if you were prepared for it or not. I don't think you are ever prepared!

I'll bet it's weird to have your days to yourself, and not knowing what to do! We've been responsible for someone our entire married life, whether it children or parents. Now that we are caring for our last remaining parent, and once he passes, we won't know what to do with ourselves! But I am looking forward to trying!

You hang in there, and I recommend that you hand off the torch to your Dad's Executor, and all the responsibility that goes with it! It's great to give him any help that you can in the way of documents and all, but I don't think that you should have to take a loan out to complete any land transactions, if I understood you correctly! Anything to do with probation is on the Executor to figure out, and once he's completed all of his functions, any monies or properties will then be distributed to his rightful heirs.

Good luck on all of this, as I know it can get sticky, and can take a long time to sort out! You take care! 🤗

So sorry, Book. You're reminding me of the time spent in hospitals when my grandmother was declining. I've forgotten how tough it can be to see Loved Ones in such a state. There was a very nice on-staff clergy person, a woman, that sat with me for hours in my grandmother's hospital room, listened to me go on and on about the bad circumstances of my grandmother's situation. I never saw the clergy person again but I was grateful for her. Sorry the priest wasn't more supportive.

You're doing great. Let older bro handle the estate as much as you can. Things have a way of falling into place... eventually. (((hugs)))

When dad was dying in the hospital, my family requested for the hospital priest to say a special prayer. They requested between 10:00am to 12:00pm so that my Catholic family can be there for it. He came before 10:00am. Older sis ran out yelling thru the nurse station that the priest is there. We ran. He was gone. SIL said he came in, didn't acknowledge anyone, did the prayer and walked out... If they had a priest survey form, I would have insisted All my family fill it out. If you don't like dealing with the dying, then you shouldn't be a priest in the hospital.... If you don't like dealing with people and emotions, then you shouldn't be serving God in the hospital...

On the other hand, there was a new nurse (working 6 months now). Very friendly. All the other nurses didn't care that for hours we saw in the open his bloody and body secretions from his right hand. I can't stand the sight of blood...

Finally, I couldn't take it. That evening, her shift, I got up and whispered to her. I told her that every time I tried to look at dad's face, my eyes kept going to the bloody mess. No matter how much I try, my eyes keep going to that bloody mess. Can you please change the lining? She left the room, came back with a new liner and changed it... after that, she made sure to clean dad's face from the blood (internal bleeding), changed then covered from our sight his slow bleeding right hand.

Memories.... popping up...

Oops. I bought grape flavored jello for my 'meal' before C-day. Instructions says avoid any liquid that are purple or red. Uhm... I also bought orange flavored jello. I'd better stick to lemon jello.

Veronica, the prep I have is not the flavored one. The pharmacist recommended I use the lemon flavored water. I told her that I have acid reflux and lemony drink is no good for me. She agreed. She just went through one. She said to make the mix the morning before the colonoscopy. Keep it in the fridge. When she drank hers, she found that adding ice in it helped. Because I won't be using flavored water, the concoction will smell and taste sulfurous. Cover my nose when drinking. Hmmm... I better read the paper that comes with the Rx.

Book the Colonoscopy will be OK. I avoided them like the plague till a couple of years ago but was fortunate in that the Dr agreed to do it under heavy sedation so I knew nothing. they do spray your throat with local anesthetic so you don't gag and put a plastic gag in your mouth so you don't bite the tube but it's just between your front teeth
Because I have swallowing difficulties. She instructed me to eat a low residue diet for five days and take the prep on two consecutive nights so it was only half a gallon each night which I got down easily. Everyone says the liquid is disgusting but to me it just had a slight citrus flavor and went down fairly easily. I just sat on the toilet the whole time I was drinking the fluid which is about a couple of hours and just let the diarrhea flow. They can also give you pills but there are about 20 and I knew I'd never get them down.
I did not get a sore throat from the endoscopy but thats not to say you won't. I did get something to eat and drink when it was over but was not incredibly hungry. You will proably get a lot of gas but don't worry everyone else in recovery will have it too. The Dr should show you some pictures while you are in recovery and tell you what if anything they found, Don't take Aspirin, adville or Aleve for three days before. Tylenol is OK. You are usually instructed to take morning meds with a sip of water. Personally I take mine with me and take them in recovery.

Book don't worry about the estate. Big brother is the Executer so let him handle it all. As you say you won't miss what you never had. Anyway the house and land can be sold and that money can pay the bills.

Sleep well my friend.

Big brother is the Executor. He didn't look too happy today. I'm going to try to take your advice. All afternoon, I was stressing about having to come up with thousands of dollars. I even thought that I was going from one major worry to another. But a few hours ago, I decided I can't miss what I never had. I'm not going to worry about it ... much.

Instead, I need to google more on colonoscopy- how to prepare for it, eat, drink.... I also learned that my throat will be sore from the endoscopy, starving crazy after the colonoscopy, etc... Since I get headaches daily, I found that I need to avoid painkillers that have aspirin.... 2:00 am and I'm going to try to sleep now...

Book, do you know who is the Executor? If it isn't you it isn't your headache.
If the land has to be sold and you truly are named in the Will then you may end up with a nice little nest egg that enables you to find a new place of your own away from big brother, it could be a Good Thing.

I misplaced dad's legal bill of sale of his/mom other property. We went to the lawyer today. I found it and showed it to my siblings (before the funeral). I can't find it. I'm trying not to panic. The lawyer needs the date of sale.

Doing the Will, going through probate is going to be Very Expensive. Just the court cost is $5000. The lawyer's fees are based on a percentage of the house/land value. Based on Dad's landtax, the property is $380,000. The lawyer said that the heirs are responsible for these costs. He hopes dad has money to cover it... He doesn't.... Dad told me that his life insurance is only $20,000. He had to retire way too early in order to take care of dementia mom. He took a drastic pay cut. And we don't know who is the beneficiary. What a mess....

Dad has told everyone that this house and land will go to the 2 boys who lives in the states. He told me that if I wanted land, then I better marry a man with land. At the lawyer's office, the lawyer said the Will is a copy. Do we have the original? No. The lawyer's business that set it up is no longer in business. Year 1998. It has the court's stamp. So they will look for it there. He asked if dad ever talked about the Will. Oldest sis said that Dad told her that everyone is going to be surprised about the Will... It seems Dad changed his mind and added my name with my 2 brothers... I was about 32 years old when he did this... ohhhh ... {{{{{ head thunking on an imaginary desk }}}}} ... I have 2 brothers who earns over $22/hr and they are flat broke and don't know the meaning of saving money for an emergency. I make less than half their paycheck and any loan I try to pay for these lawyer fees won't even get me a $10k loan. Sigh... well... we might end up losing the property in lieu of paying the lawyer's fees (percentage base of property value.)

There was a very devoted son at mom's memory care and when she passed he said he didn't know what to do with himself - don't feel that you need to fill all the space immediately - sometimes all I want is to do nothing on Sunday

Rest and eat well

feeling pretty sad... my live-in bf has diabetes and kidney failure and all the mess that comes with it... mostly because he felt above going to dr for years and never tested his blood/took pills, ate whatever he wanted by the pound.
Just feeling sad for myself and sad or mad at him... so much for the future :-/
After caring for my mom and dad and mom in a home I thought we could do things , but he is just too weak ..

You can tell us Book.

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