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Book, getting accustomed to having time for you that you did not before is quite an adjustment. For me I really longed to spend a day alone without having to do something for someone. Go where wanted when I wanted. Still the best part is being able to just stay home be alone and not have to go anywhere.

Remember it is very ok to just stay home and do nothing.

And you want to think and talk about dad, others do not. You had the closest connection to dad and did the most for him, Book. I think that is normal. Others may not be ready to talk about him. Maybe find grief support for yourself. Maybe there is a group through a nearby church that you can attend.

It's odd how I'm the only one in my family to talk about dad. I feel like it's taboo to talk about him.

Today, I realized that my Sundays are free. I was trying to plan my day tomorrow and squeeze it all into my 3:00pm curfew. It suddenly hit me that ... I don't have a curfew anymore on Saturdays...I have Sundays free. I'm no longer chained to the house. I think I haven't had a free Sunday in over 15 years... I'm still trying to reconcile this. It seems so simple. But it's not... I kept thinking to myself today, "I have Sundays free..."

My thoughts are with you at the loss of you father.

Book, you finally have some time for you and of course it is going to hit you when everyone is gone. Just take it easy on yourself, you did so much for so long. Now you are coming up on the light at the end of the tunnel and of course it is going to be hard. Relax, breathe, put your feet up, and take care of you.

I went to the bank today to withdraw $1500.00 for the lawyer to help with settling dad's stuff. This is the initial payment??? We didn't do probate when mom passed away. We were informed by the lawyer's office that we need to do probate not only on dad but also mom. I learned that if the Will for the house/land was not also documented by Land Management, then the Will can be contested, is not valid, etc.... I always thought if the Will was the most recent and filed in court - it's binding.

Anyway, I went to the bank to withdraw the money. The teller left and went to the back area. When she returned, she offered her condolences and tactfully asked if I have dad's death certificate. I said no. But I can bring it in tomorrow. She said it's no hurry...

After a pause, I said that I haven't looked at the death certificate because I know that I will start crying if I do. As I said this, tears were welling in my eyes. Fortunately, the tears waited until I was in the car. Strange to drive and feel the tears just rolling down my cheeks. As I was driving with tears falling, I recalled older Sis's words yesterday. She said that when everyone's gone, when I'm finally alone, Dad's death will hit me.

Just heard that Glenn Campbell has passed away. Long time with Alzheimer. I love his songs.

Book, all of us that did hands-on caregiving w/o payment should have been paid... a LOT. lol This is a harmful thing imo, this idea that a "good child" (yes, almost always a daughter) should just do hands-on caregiving at any care level for free, because they get to live rent free in a parent's house. Push back against this idea. It's not true and sibs don't understand.

book -that is the typical story from money grubbing sibs. They don't have a clue and should not be harassing you about this after all you have done. Shame on them!!!

Book, listen to yourself. Know your sibs may never, ever understand what it takes to be a caregiver for an elderly parent. And IMHO sis should have been paid more, much more, from dad's funds. She was there when you worked, even if she did nothing, she was doing something where she could not be anywhere else. To have brought in home care like your father was fortunate to receive for next to nothing, would have cost about $12,000.00 a month, for 24/7, or $8,000.00 a month for eight hours a day. Tell sibs to check into the cost of home care, then raise it again, if they ever find out differently, and they won't.

Talking last night with sibs from off island. They all thought it wasn't right that oldest sis got paid to take care of dad while living in his house. I got a bit defensive and then angry. I said that I asked dad if he's willing to pay sis a little bit ($200.00/month). He said yes. I'm now finding out that he really didn't think he should pay her to live in his house and be paid to do her DAUGHTERLY DUTIES of taking care of her father. They agreed with him.

I asked where were they when dad became bedridden. No one stepped up to help me. I was by myself with 2 bedridden parents and a full time job. Where was bro from next door? NO ONE stepped up. So I asked oldest sis to help. The money was incentive.

"Oh no, oldest sis needed a place to stay. She shouldn't be paid to live in his house, etc...." OMG!!!! They have never ever been caregiving 24/7 to realize.... But then...{ sis was paid to do nothing much. I did most of the work.} .. They will never understand how necessary it is to get paid when caregiving- especially when you think you have nowhere to go.

My siblings in the states make over $22/hr. I don't even make half of that. Oh, K, now you can do your dreams to travel. Sigh..... and more sighs.....

Wow Book, Family Drama! We've got a bit of that going on here too! What is it with illness, dying and death, that brings out the worst in some people?

Now, Just how many kids are there in your family anyhow, and what number are you (I'm #5 of 6, but I'm not talking about my family, just hubby's)? And Is it your Eldest brother who lives next door, and Oldest sister who lives with you at Dads, the one who wants your Mother's cross, that now belongs to you? Oh Gheez, sounds like some jealousy, and worries over who gets what, or more than this one or the other, pure silliness, then add in Mental ilness, and it's craziness! We're dealing with some of that too!

My husband's siblings who neither have seen their Dad in many years, and in the 13 years we've had him with us, hubby's brother (a Sociopathic Con Man) saw him 2 times, and the sister (about bipolar alcoholic) about 4 time total.

My husband has one brother 11 months older, and a 1/2 sister, 4 years older (not her bio Dad), hubby's brother has been telling him stories (over the phone as they both live 1200-1600 miles away) that the sister "stole" a large diamond ring off ofor my MIL's hand at the funeral home, back when my MIL died 14 years ago. I know that this is not true, plus I know it wasn't a real diamond ring anyways, but a cubic zirconia ring, because I was the one who took her rings off of her hands just after she died in hospital, alongside the Nurses, and she had told me she wanted to be buried in her QVC Diamonique ring, not her real diamond ring, as her 4 nice rings were earmarked, one for her daughter, one for me, one my daughter, and one for her eldest Grandson's wife (my DIL), whom she loved. And they are yet to be given out, but will be once my FIL passes away and are in the bank vault.

Another crazy story my BIL told my husband was that their sister told him that his Mother did not want him to come to her deathbed, because she was afraid he would physically harm her. WTH?, again I know she would never had said that, because I was extremely close to my MIL, and again I was here and involved in my inlaws lives, whereas both BIL & SIL lived hundreds of miles away and we're Not involved in their parents lives very much. It just wasn't something she would have everthought, let alone said!

All this going on at a time where my FIL is gravely ill, and on Hospice, and back in my home (day 3) again. It's so unnecessary, and intended to cause strife stress and drama to my husband, where None is wanted!

It makes it very difficult to even want to allow them in my home, even if they should wish to see him, but I cannot in good conscious deny them from visiting their Dad, but I can put limitations on the amount of time the do stay to visit, and I will, as he is in no shape for extended visitors, 1/2 hour is about as long as he can manage, and there is no way I am allowing any BS in my home while he is so very sick and tired.

Oh gheez, this is the Last thing I ever thought I would be dealing with right now! And he's still alive! They can take their Crapolla somewhere else! Not in my house!

In all actuality, neither will even show up, so I am not going to worry about it!

Today, Hubby's sister said that the brother asked to borrow 500 dollars gas money from her to drive from Arizona state to Seattle, where we are. So just our luck, he would arrive broke, with no money to get a motel, food money or gas money to get back home! No thank you! I'm not bailing out a 62 year old deadbeat son!

Besides these family hiccups, I hope things are settling down for you!

Besides this stupid drama here, which I will soon pull the plug on myself if they don't stop it, my FIL is doing as well as can be expected. He has very little appetite, and is sleeping a lot. But he is cheerful and being sweet to me and very appreciative of all We are doing for him. It's all very sad, and I pray he does not suffer.

Now You Take Care!

Glad - that is the question. I'm an islander. I've traveled places but always yearned for home. No snow. Laid back place (not in a city).... I would like to reach age 55 and take advantage of the local free classes at our community college... I've been thinking of going through the Coursera courses and maybe one day find something worthwhile.

In the meantime, I've decided to bring my accordion folder with all of mom's and dad's documents from the living room to my bedroom. Dad's Will is in it. I will be locking my bedroom. I have both keys to my room....

Sis was looking for mom's Spanish cross. She stood so close to SIL while she mistakenly went through My drawers in the living room. I told SIL that she's going through my drawers not dad's. Oldest sis reached in and grabbed something inside. Fave sis eyes widened and looked at me. I don't know what she took because she was between me and my drawer. I shook my head to fave and said leave it alone.... Years ago, before oldest sis moved in, dad gave me mom's cross necklace. It's old. I was going to refuse the cross because I'm not Catholic but dad wanted me to have it. Oldest sis wants it. Too bad. I used to keep it in the living room drawer for years. I moved it when I felt 'compelled' to move it elsewhere. Now I know why the compulsion....

Where would you want to go Book? If you could go anywhere at all?

Time to leave the Island and your bad sibs, Book.

Pack and look forward to your new life.

This palm tree on the beach is for you.
You may think it is an island photo, however,
it is a beach photo of Southbeach, FLORIDA.
On the mainland.
When all those who have made offers to visit or live with them (your neice?) on the mainland, you go.
Now, pack a bag, and be brave, don't delay, don't hesitate.

Thank you, everyone... ALL of you! It's 3:00 am and I'm wide awake... insomnia... fear of the future....

Anyway, my off-island siblings have been talking about me and oldest sis... without us being there while discussing us. Based on the past few weeks observations, and being not emotionally tied here, most of them arrived with a conclusion. I'm very naive and trusting. And they will be leaving here soon. They felt obligated to warn me about oldest sis.

For the old timers, remember how I used to come here and Swear that sis was being passive-aggressive? My 2 sisters warned me that they think oldest sis is worse than oldest-bro-of-next-door. They warned me to watch my back. To hide anything of value when I'm not home.

Older sis said that oldest sis is sneaky. She's pretending to be mentally unstable. I knew she wasn't that mentally unstable. But All of my siblings insisted she was. She is sooooo very passive/aggressive with me. When people are around, she starts cleaning. Oh how sis cleans all the time, she's a hard worker, etc... that was when they first arrived. Sis doesn't clean like that. You've all read when I came here complaining about her. Ha!

Oldest sis refused to be any part of decision making when it came to dad or the house. She didn't pay any of the utility's. She has to wait for me to come home after 6:30om, to say the washing machine or the air con is broken. Did she tell brother of next door? No.... so now, she quickly signed the funeral papers, was going to receive dad's flag when SIL said I should receive it because I spent 25 years taking care of both parents, while oldest sis came 4 years ago. Even then, she didn't do pampers... my off-island sisters told me to watch my back and hide my valuables... 3:30 am... and I'm still not sleepy...

Stacey, I was surprised to hear about your FIL. The last I read, he wanted to move to the facility. Now he's returning as in hospice. I so forget how people can decline rapidly. Not everyone's like my mom who lasted over 13 years bedridden. I'm so sorry. And yes, it can get very overwhelming and tiring... the best thing to do is watch and learn from the others. Ask questions. I've found that different nurses have their own treasured tips. I've found that they actually do like it when you ask. {{{{HUGS}}}


I would like to offer my condolences to you for the passing of your father.
I'm so sorry to hear about this. You have given so much of yourself to both your parent's caregiving, and
you did it in a very loving and unselfish way. We are here to support you as you enter a new phase in your life.
I know you will miss your dad, and there will be some adjustments for you. But never question whether you did the right thing, a good job or any of that, because you did, my friend!!

May your father's spirit soar very high!
I will keep you and your father in my mediations.

Much Love & Light! Margeaux


So sorry to hear about FIL


It may take some time for your body to adjust to not carrying that heavy sack, as Veronica says, so be gentle with yourself

BOOKLUVR, I'm glad you shared your feelings with your little brother, it's good to get those things off your chest.

My FIL just came back to our house on Hospice. It seems that we are right where you were with your Dad, and couple of weeks ago. It's so hard, and I'm exhausted and it's only been 6 hours! We will get through this. I so related to you regarding the Catholic services. Ours do not go on days and days like yours did, but they are pretty draining.

Regarding the big "reading of the will", my BIL'S wife (at the time, now divorced from her and he has a new wife, his 9th I think), well she was heard inquiring about my MIL'S will on the day of the funeral and the wake was in our backyard. It was like she thought hubby's parents were the Caringtons (a rich fictional TV family) or something! It was so rude! There was no way we were going to deal with that, especially after all the work we did putting on a nice Memorial for their Mom!

People can be so intensive in these situations! Of course everything my MIL had/owned, was going to her husband, my FIL, so I have no idea what she was thinking, and she had never even met my MIL! Only her rings, which went to her daughter. I think that was what she was after, AS IF!!!

I hope you are feeling better about things, and get to enjoy your visiting family! I'm off to have bite to eat, then I'm back on caregivng duty! I pray we get some sleep tonight. There is quite a learning curve to Hospice care.

Love and hugs Sweetie! You take care! ❤

Yes Book it is over. Take that heavy sack off your back and put it where it belongs - in the garbage. Much love.

((((((Hugs)))))) book!!!

Hey, Stacey. My siblings will start leaving next week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 2 sibs kept bugging me to get oldest bro to do the Will while everyone is here. I've told my sibs that doing the Will takes time - probate, newspaper to alert companies, etc.... I snapped. Yesterday morning, I told baby bro that I brought up the subject to SIL before the funeral and she snapped at me about after the funeral. Then I go to work and my boss says that we need to do the Will and lawyer before everyone leaves next week. So I texted everyone. I'm at work. They're all not.

The next morning, baby bro kept bugging me about it. He's so worried that when everyone leaves, that's when oldest bro, the executer/administrator will do something sneaky. I snapped and told baby bro off. Everyone's so concerned about the Will, so Say Something to bro, not me. I did my part. U all need to pressure them, not me.

I must have hurt his feelings. He turned and walked away. I gave him a few minutes to handle his feelings. In the livingroom, I told baby bro that I have always appreciated what he did for me. When he bought me a ticket to Colorado, when he used his mileage reward for my ticket to visit him. That all these past 20-some years, he made it possible for me to leave the island. My voice shook with emotion. That I appreciated older sis because when she came here for a month visits, she took over the caregiving and I was able to sleep in my bedroom. So, when dad was dying, I didn't mind buying their tickets. No one else helped me get breaks from the work/home daily, decades of caregiving like they did for me. His eyes were getting watery.

I then told him about the time I became seriously suicidal. How I woke up one morning and realized I was in a prison. I looked away from brother. It's still a very painful memory. My eyes watered thinking about it. I told him I had everything planned- down to the day, the hotel to do it (so that they can find my body and u all won't worry about where I disappeared). I sought therapy via the hotline and was provided some free sessions. How the 1st therapist wanted me to reach out to my 7 siblings and ask for help because I might end up in the hospital (nervous breakdown, attempted suicide) or die. I texted and emailed everyone. On my next therapy, he asked me the results. I looked up at bro and told him that no one , not even fave sis, responded. Bro eyes were filled with tears as he silently stood there and listened......

I'm tired. I don't want to go through that memory lane. It just brings up the negative emotions. It's over.

BOOKLUVR, I'll bet you could use a good rest now tht things are wrapping up! I hope you are feeling better about things, and are getting some rest now. Take care Sweetie!

I think the leftover food from the funeral was spoilt. Food poisoning. Youngest sister, yesterday, had the runs. Still do. Tonight, my stomach feels bloated, funny and watery bowel.

This afternoon at work, I just started crying silently for no reason.

Bookluvr, BIG HUGS. Yep, boorish relatives and car trouble. In my family, that's how you know it's a special occasion. 😉

Hope you get some time to decompress. It's not over just cuz it's over. New feelings will keep rolling in. Take it one hour at a time. 

You are a loving, caring daughter. Wishing you peace. And good sleep!

((((book))))) thinking of you. You must be exhausted. Hope all the relatives behave now.

Ahh, Book. Thank goodness it is almost over. What is it about death that manages to bring out the worst in some people!

My aunty who was my Catholic 'nina'... I haven't been a Catholic since 27 years ...... years ago, she told some relatives that since I'm still single, she won't have to worry now about me getting married and not having to financially pay for my wedding... years passed.... mom died. This Aunty and her husband (mom's brother) did not contribute money in the bereavement box. (I strongly suspect they gave it directly to oldest brother). ... my dad's turn. Aunty reminded me repeatedly that I have forgotten she's my nina. I haven't forgotten. But I'm no longer Catholic. And she's no longer my nina. She's just one of my numerous aunties.

At the Veterans Cemetary under the tent, oldest sister and I were standing in front of our chairs facing the coffin. Uncle comes behind me and uses his big beer belly to bump me forward. I looked behind me and it's uncle. There's an empty chair on my right. Then he belly bumps me again and I stumble forward again. I finally got mad, turned slightly and purposely bumped him backwards. Uncle lost his balance and almost fell down. I was so angry. He immediately sat on MY seat- without a word to me. I was forced to sit on the empty seat. Then 'nina' sat on my right..... anyway, for someone who insisted on standing beside me during the military taps, this 'nina' once again did Not leave any bereavement money in the box at all. All I'm saying is - she keeps on and on about being my nina but actions speak louder than words... I Know they gave bereavement money directly to my brother. BUT they could have given a TOKEN amount into the box.

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