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Barb, you think fast on your feet! I love that quality and would like to have more of it. Great story.

How are you doing, Book? Are all the memorial services and wakes complete? You still have siblings visiting? Just thinking about you... 💛

Yep, hilarious. I remember those days of the paid phones. We still have it here on island at our arrival area in the airport. I assumed the same applied at the Norfolk airport. My flights were changed and I was arriving hours earlier than my original schedule. Once I picked up my luggage, I couldn't find a paid phone in the baggage area. My iPad couldn't find a free wifi so that I can let my brother know. The airport lady who was securing the last of the unclaimed baggages offered us the use of the office phone. Whew!

My battery is good even after the 3 yr. battery life. If it started to give me any trouble, (two calls because it died) I would replace it with a ten-year interstate battery because it is a used car, over 10 years old. Here is what I found online:
"The life expectancy for your car battery is typically between four to six years. Several factors determine how long your battery will last, for example weather conditions, vehicle type and driving habits. There are, however, several key pointers you can utilise to help increase the life expectancy of your car battery."

It is entirely up to you and your comfort level if you get a new battery now. Especially if it only had a 3-yr. warranty. Family may be prejudiced in that they wouldn't want bro blamed for killing your battery. Something has always gone wrong with my car if I allow someone else to drive it. One time it was my fault that someone got 3 speeding tickets while this couple borrowed my car, Lol! My sis said her kids hated the leather seats, that they were uncomfortable! omg. Jealous much? My brother said: "In Italy, those cars are used as taxi-cabs" as a put-down. Forty years later, when he has money-he is driving one-a TAXICAB, I reminded him. Funny to me....No, I take that back...hilarious! Yes?

Nothing but silence here.

Veronica, I can only imagine that it knocks them dead!

Barb I can't play a Mafia princess but my English accent usually goes a long way.

Book you are right to be cautious around disreputable men. I don't hesitate to call AAA if I have a problem. DH on the other hand would rather do anything but call the service we are paying for.
the sellers of car batteries have a machine that they can check if your battery needs replacing. So don't buy a new one if yours is still good. What your brother did leaving the lights on for five hours was enough to run any battery flat so have it checked before you spend the money. You can also buy rechargeable battery chargers that you keep in the car and if it won't start you jump it with that. Most actually plug into the cigarette lighter So you don't even need to clip it on to the battery. The tow company can even try that before towing the car. Your brothers should have known how to get the car started. Even I can do that and change a wheel if I have to. My usual calls are to be pulled out of the snow. Even that I used to do myself when we owned a big enough tractor.

Book, let me tell you a funny story that probably has NOTHING to do with your car situation, but it WILL make you laugh, and I think you need that right now.

Many years ago, when my son, who is now in his mid-30s was about 7 or 8, we were driving home from the day camp where I worked during the summers. I got rear-ended badly in my Ford Escort and it wouldn't start again. I was in Coney Island, a sort of disreputable place at the time and suddenly, there were lots of guys who wanted to tow my car to various places. (this was before cell phones).

The police came and asked if I wanted to be towed. I said I needed to call my insurance company and had them stay with my car (and my son) while I walked to a pay phone (remember pay phones?).

So I called my insurance company and got my agent, Brenda and told her what had happened. She told me she would call the company in the area that fixed cars. She gave me the number as well.

The police called a "reliable" tow company. (yes, he was sweaty). I got into the cab with my son and said "wait a minute".

I got out and called the repair place. I said, "i'm being towed by a totally disreputable guy who is going to try to rip me off for the tow. I need to tell him that you are a family member. Can you play along?" The guy on the other end said, " Barb, I'm your Uncle Bob". (yay!!)

I got into the cab and the tow guy, as I expected, tried to talk me into going to his boss' place of business. I ducked my head and and said, no, I can't do that, I have to go to the place I told you. He demanded to know why. I said, "um, he's my father's gumba, he's my uncle Bob; my maiden name is (fill in my actual Italian maiden name).

So, this guy, putting two and two together, the Italian last name, the gumba thing (which is Italian for compadre, and can be a Mafia kind of thing, not that my family is or was) totally freaks out. He's towing a Mafia princess, in his mind.

He treats me like cut glass for the rest of the trip. When I notice that his odometer isn't working, he actually stops and gets a fuse to make it go again.

So we get to "uncle Bob's" repair shop and the tow guy takes off his hat and all but bows to the owner (who of course I've NEVER met before, but we play it up big.

My son still refers to this as "the time Mom was a Mafia Princesss"

I don't know. Some of the tow truck drivers look disresputable. I really don't feel comfortable riding between 2 sweaty men in their cab. That last time my car was shaking badly and could barely move, I was sooooooo glad fave niece was available to pick me up and meet the towers at the mechanic shop. And this is from the tow company contracted from my car insurance.

Book do you have AAA or some other emergency car service on the Island?

I grew up with mindset, passed on to me by my mom, that you called no one except my dad in case of car trouble. I discovered that the rest of the world calls AAA and that they are very reliable.

I go to work today. My siblings have lodging next door. They still come down and use our bathroom. There's a long line to use it. One brother takes 30 minutes to use the toilet... to shower ... to shave. He's like a female! Well, not all females hug the bathroom.

Thanks. On our final goodbyes in the Viewing, I had tears falling without being able to put a brake on it. Knowing all those people are watching us while we were in the front of the church. Cousin came up to me with her unused bathroom paper towel. She hugged me as I told her that I can't stop the tears. She told me that I need to let it out.

I'm so glad I was able to only cry teeny tiny bit at the burial. Dad had the army guard of 2, the tap played and I was given the flag. Now I have 2 flags of dad's.

My younger brother left my car's hazard and full beam on for 5 hours. My car wouldn't start when it was time to drive to the cemetery. Everyone says no need to buy a new battery despite my insistence. The battery is from 3 years ago. I will find the time to stop at a mechanic shop and buy a new one. I've gone through 3 cars. I've learned as a single female how vulnerable it is when I'm stranded and can't reach family immediately. I tried repeatedly to explain how terrible it is when your car breaks down and can't reach family immediately. ... fave sis agreed with the others.... fave sis whose husband drops everything for her... SIL whose adult children does the same.... I can call and text everyone but I don't get immediate response.... So, I'd rather be safe than sorry.

Book ((((((((hugs))))))))

Hugs to you, Book.

Book, thinking of you.

BOOKLUVR, please know that I am thinking of you and hoping today goes smoothly and tht you are able to say your goodbyes with lots of loving support by your side! Take care.

Good Morning, Book, just starting out Monday morning here. Hope you get more rest.

I was supposed to go to work today, Monday. I didn't. Boss wife texted me on Saturday, no need to come in Saturday and Monday. She texted me today at 10:00am wondering why I didn't come to work today. That I was supposed to be on leave tomorrow.... I read the text at 5:45pm at the church's parking lot. I was really exhausted today and the thought of tomorrow's funeral - I had to take a nap.

A few days after dad died, older sis said that dad must have been ready to die because his spirit didn't visit us. On Sunday night, older sis and I were talking in the Livingroom. Suddenly, this plastic container fell off the cabinet and rolled on the floor. We both paused and looked at the rolling container. I said, "let's ignore it " and continued our conversation.

Today, Monday, I was so tired, I went to take a nap at 12:30 pm. 2 hour nap. In the meantime, older sis and her hubby left to go to the store. Enroute, a cellphone alert pinged beside sis. Hubby told her to check her mobile. Then it pinged again. Sis knew it wasn't her mobile because it's on vibration. Her phone rang. When she answered it, I was on the other line..... it wasn't me on the other line because I was still sleeping. ...

It's now 1:30am I need to get up at 6:00am to get ready for the funeral. I refused to ride the limo hearse on mom's funeral. I and oldest sis will be riding the hearse.

My mom has stopped everything. She sleeps. She has been with me for 3 years. 10 days ago we had grilled steaks and salad. She had ice cream often. Now she might have a bite or two off my ice cream and let me swab her mouth with water. She looks past me and doest talk at all. I'm dreading the day I can't see her breathe. I want her to feel free to go but I'm scared to be without her ; them. I have been doing it since 2010. Just like I knew i would one day. Perhaps better than with dad .(still not over him yet) I thought I would be prepared. I am not. How long can she hold on and why. I want to go with her. How do I get a job when I can't breathe or stop cryingm

My mom has stopped everything. She sleeps. She has been with me for 3 years. 10 days ago we had grilled steaks and salad. She had ice cream often. Now she might have a bite or two off my ice cream and let me swab her mouth with water. She looks past me and doest talk at all. I'm dreading the day I can't see her breathe. I want her to feel free to go but I'm scared to be without her ; them. I have been doing it since 2010. Just like I knew i would one day. Perhaps better than with dad .(still not over him yet) I thought I would be prepared. I am not. How long can she hold on and why. I want to go w

I am on the last road of my journey.My fathe had told me my entire life I would need to take care of mom; that he would go first.i cared for him,with hospice,2010-2013;Mom did 1 year in assisted living and hated it.

Book all of this ritual is exhausting for you. I hope you are finding some time to get away and debrief and look after yourself.

Book all I can say is that I am glad I am not a Catholic. Our local priest some years ago imported some nuns and they have done good work in the Parish and one is a teacher in the high school. However when they first came they could not even recite the Rosary properly. I was attending a death with another nurse who is Catholic and she said they got it wrong.
I am not surprised elder brother made fun of you for crying, he's a nasty piece of work and your culture disrespects women.
Keep strong Book you are doing a fine job Dad would be proud of you.

I can't believe him making fun of you for crying, now that's cold.
I'm glad our funeral rituals are usually just a day or two of viewing/wake and the funeral itself, dragging things out so long has to be emotionally and physically exhausting.

Glad, 9 nights of rosaries or 9 nights of mass before the funeral. This is for the family and public. After the funeral, it's another 9 nights of rosaries or 9 nights of mass - for the family only.

Today was the Viewing at the funeral home. I sat on the front pew with the family. sigh.... Sitting up front, looking at dad lying in the coffin and listening to Aunty sing this touching song. Let's just say I was emotional. And it didn't help that the older brother that I can't stand - made fun of me and older sis for crying. I got so angry, I wanted to blast him. But I held it in. .. I told SIL that I will not sit in the front pew during the funeral mass. It's very disrespectful for me to not participate in the mass while sitting in the front pew.

I'm emotionally and physically drained. Showing emotions in public is terrible. My aunties and uncles have put a lot of money in helping us with the expenses. SIL won't tell us how much but ...

Family dynamics sucks!

Book, another nine days after funeral or nine masses on Sundays? Good grief! Be strong it will all be done soon. Thinking of you. Sleep, rest, you deserve it.

Many candles have a wick strengthened by a wire made of mercury-melting when burned. That cannot be good!

Oh I forgot to mention about the candles in church. In the very old churches where they had rows and rows of candles, I found myself needed to leave Mass early. I tried to sit where ever I could get fresh air, or be able to dash out without heads turning.

I think part of it was the odor and part was the flickering from the candles... I am hyper-sensitive to flickering. Even those old florescent ceiling lights use to bother me. Thus, I tried to sit where I couldn't see one candle.

Book, hopefully the next few days will fly by for you. (((( ))))

bookluvr, my gosh the local customs regarding a Catholic funeral is so different in your area compared to here in the States. I am sure there are some very old neighbors in some cities here where old country customs are still being used.

When my parents had passed, everything was pretty simple, viewing was just prior to the Catholic Mass. No gathering afterwards, no family in the area. Burial was out-of-state. No obituary, either. My parents were very private people.

Sending you hugs and energy and some peaceful feelings throughout this time, Book. You're in my thoughts. Hope you can rest some, too.

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