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I was talking to my 2nd cousin. I haven't seen her in decades. While bro & his wife goes to all these parties, weddings, etc.. I only do work and go home to do my shift. I told her that I was in my mid-20's when mom's doctor had a family meeting. He told us that this will be a long hard road with mom's dementia. I told cousin that in my 20's , I thought this meant a few years. I had put my dreams on hold thinking of that. And mom finally died 3 years ago. Cousin asked how old I am. I said 51. She just stared at me....

I told her that when dad became bedridden, and I now had 2 bedridden parents, I cried. I put my life on hold thinking a 'few years' and at least I got to do some of my dream. She asked what it is. I said that I wanted to travel. And I chose this job to travel. At least I got to see Korea, Japan, Bali,etc.... I had to stop when dad said he couldn't handle mom by himself. Mom was bedridden for over 13 years. I came home from a trip, and no one came over to help dad change her pamper. She was soaking all day Saturday and Sunday.

I told her that everyone got to marry, have kids and grandkids. I looked at her straight in the eyes. And said, I became suicidal. I already had the date, how to do it, where to do it. And I realized that I needed help. So I sought therapy.

I can see that she's shocked. You see, my brother and his wife makes it sound like they're taking care of mom and dad. That's why a 1st cousin I haven't seen in decades, thought I arrived from the states (because of dad.) He didn't know that I live on island because I don't go to parties, weddings, fiestas, funerals......

It's all going to repeat again. Just like mom's funeral. People will praise bro & SIL for taking good care of dad. Fave sis is worried. She told me not let bro kick me out of dad's house. Hide dad's Will from bro. Uhm... bro is the EXECUTER! Hide the will?! {{{shaking my head}}} oh, my gosh.... mom's death... I soooo dread the coming days. Sigh.... I'm not going to think about that. I'm just going to take it one day at a time...

Aunty did a rosary prayer on dad today after we told her that we chose not to do dialysis and what this means for dad. 2 of my cousins did some kind of prayer to dad yesterday. I'm not Catholic so I don't recall what these prayers are. But it does bring so much relief to Catholics who are close to the end.

With most of my siblings flat broke, how are we going to pay for the funeral? I voted for a small obituary for mom ($600-some). They chose a half-page ($1200.00) When it's time for dad's turn, I'm going to again suggest the cheapest one. I'm positive they will vote for the bigger one. They will choose this, vote on it, and then we will split the cost. Really? I want the cheapest. I don't see why...sigh.. You all get the picture?

Book, let go of any guilt you are feeling. For years there has been nothing you could do. If dad wanted more he would have agreed to medical care when needed. Use the energy for positive actions. No more guilt, especially you!

Book, try to rest. You've done more for your parents than any human being on the planet.

Hugs, Book. Thinking of you. Hard to feel like eating when you're as tense as you must be. Just do what's best for you.

In the past 64 hours (2 full days and 16 hours), I have only slept 7 hours. I have no appetite. I'm getting full fast. Today, aunty brought pizza for us to snack. I took one look and it was very unappealing. I feel my body is very tired but I cannot sleep. I think it's because dad's sudden deterioration was too sudden. He was so normal when I left work that Wednesday morning. I left work with him watching me leave. I smiled and said later! and he just stared at me.  I left... I remembered thinking that he looks so lost, so lonely.....

Oldest sis told me that he was telling her and all his favorite gov't caregivers who gives him his bedbath that he's very very tired. In the past 2 weeks, I've been massaging his legs because he enjoyed it - after the pain goes away. I kept nagging him that he needs to exercise his legs because when he doesn't move it, it becomes painful when moved. So, I've been massaging his legs daily. Now, I'm feeling so guilty for nagging him about not exercising his legs... I think I'm experiencing the caregiver's guilt. Deep down, I know that I did my best for dad. But, subconsciously, I'm blaming myself. I am soooo tired but .....

The best decision you can make Book. Thinking of you, your dad and family.

I am sure someone will chime in on what the low numbers mean. It must be organ failure. He just plain wore it out.

Book, I understand the credit card issue. The banks are trying to protect your accounts against fraud. That happened to me the end of the year last year. And I didn't have password or pin either. The entire experience was very frustrating. The bank was to stop my card with the first call, did they, of course not. So had to go through the whole thing a second time.

Any update on dad this morning? Thinking of you.
Is he conscious at all?

Doctors, every doctor- even the surgeon - kept asking if dad is a smoker, a drinker, drugs? They keep saying that it's sudden. But they don't explain to us what they mean by 'sudden.' So, whenever they would say it's all so sudden, I say no it's not. He's had pneumonia for weeks but he refuses to go to the doctor. That even the home nurse was not able to persuade him to go to the doctor.

Today, the internist asked for me - dad's caregiver. He wanted dad's history (like the ER doctor, like the surgeon, etc...) Was he mobile? No, he absolutely refuses to leave the bed.... Anyway, when dad came in yesterday morning, his kidney test last night was normal. This morning, it dropped to 15 (????) His kidney muscles are deteriorating. But it was normal lastnight and now it's 15. He wanted to know if we wanted to do dialysis on dad. During this whole time, the doctor ignored all my siblings and concentrated on me - since I was dad's caregiver. I told him that I will call all my other sibs because one of them wants to see dad alive (hmmm.... for someone who wants to see dad alive, why is he leaving the mainland next week Tuesday, means arriving here on Wednesday????) I saw the doctor's hesitation. I said that we did this call before - on the DNR - and we came to an immediate decision. I told him reassuringly, don't worry. We will have an answer immediately. And we did. No dialysis.... This means that dad's days are now very limited - tomorrow, Sunday.

Thanks everyone. Today, I'm finally expressing anger. Unfortunately, it was towards Citibank visa. My sibs in the states makes sooooo much money compared to me. My income is basically close to minimum wage, no retirement benefit. I chose this current job for the flexibility to call the boss and say, "I can't come in today because I have to take mom to the ER." And they will say to take my time, don 't worry about work. This is the same job that pays my weekend trips (which was over a decade ago before mom became bedridden) - hotel and ticket. My dream was to travel. And I got it from this job in my 20's. I was able to squeeze Hong Kong, Korea, Japan, Bali (Indonesia), Hawaii (several times - my favorite US destiny) and London. Of all these places, I loved Korea for the unique souvenirs and this wonderful ancient village replica. It was fascinating. London was my favorite in that I saw my first 'adult' real live theater in which the actress stripped and showed her backside - naked. (Remember, islander girl who was raised by the traditional old-fashion way.) .. I forgot why I was talking about this....

Anyway, all my emergency cash is all my tax refunds. I don't use it for shopping but it all goes into my bank account. I don't charge much on my credit cards (5) because I know what I make and don't spend what I cannot pay off. So, 2 of sibs have NO money to buy their tickets. My citicard is my 'emergency card'. To keep it active, I use this card to purchase Amazon ebooks that are $0.99, $1.99, $2.99 only. So, I knew that to suddenly charge $5,000 will alert the credit card company and freeze my account. I called this morning and reached an agent. I explained that my regular charges are and that I wanted to let them know that I will be purchasing tickets on United Airlines' website- totaling about $5,000.00.

He asked me for my password... I don't have a password. ... Yes, ma'am, you do have a password. ... I insisted that I don't. I asked if it's the online password... He said no... I asked is it the password for the ATM?.... He said no. It's my password... I don't have one... So he asked for my cell phone's number and he will send a verification number. I gave him the number (for texting). Nothing. No text message.... He asked if I have another number... I gave him my 2nd cell phone (flip open dinosaur phone in which I soooo hear much better - and my family knows to call me on this fone.) ... No text to 2nd phone. So, we did a conference call with the Agent specialist. She asked me if I have another number.  I said that I'm using my home phone to talk to them. So, she told me to hang up and they will do the verification to my landline. Phone rings, I answer - she's on the other line. She says verification verified. Then she hangs up. The agent then asks me what's the verification number. Huh? I don't know. The phone didn't ring for the verification.... The agent told me that numbers that I gave him are... non-existent numbers!!! ..Well.... we hung up.

I told sis that I'm having problem with the citicard. So I will give her my Bank of America credit card. One ticket went through. 2nd ticket was denied. I assumed I had maxed it out (???? really ????) But since I'm at the hospital, I cannot go online - because I swear I have enough for 2 tickets. So, I give her another credit card from another banking institution from Hawaii. It was denied! Huh? .. I'm now becoming suspicious. I told fave sis that I need to go home and make phone calls to these 2 credit card companies.... There was a fraudulent alert on my credit cards!!!!!!!!

I called BOA. He asked for my password... I don't have a password...Yes, ma'am you do.... No. You mean the online password?...No ma'am.... The ATM number?....No ma'am... I don't have a password!!! and then I told him what happened to Citibank and he said that the reason he's asking me about the password was ... because they have a fraudulent alert my account!!! I groaned... and said... I got my checkbook. You look into my PAYMENT history. I will tell you how much each check was written, the amount and the check numbers... He uhm, tried his best not to chuckle. .. He said that he appreciates that offer but ... all he really needs is the last 4 digit of my credit card and the CID number in the back.... I still have one more card - American Express that I need to call. They were closed when I called earlier. When I'm done, I will call the Citicard and see if we can verify me some other way. I now am a fraudulent person... I cannot verify me because my 2 cell phones AND my home landline number are Non-Existent phone numbers....

Book, I have been thinking about you plenty lately! So sorry, that your dad is not doing well. Others are right, I would think history would indicate your dad's refusal for medical care. Others know about this. So, in effect he has a DNR, just not officially signed. He has refused treatment many, many times.

Thinking of you and your family. Book, you have done so much for your mom and dad for so many years. No one here even comes close. Be proud of what you have done and you will always have that.

I have missed seeing you about. Thinking of you and hope all goes as well as it possibly can.

Hey, Book, sorry for your latest trouble and for your dad. I used to get around the no-POA because my dad could give verbal POA at time when he went into the hospital. I guess that's not good enough, or can't be done? But, yeah, I agree with others that at last sibs are understanding the importance of having these things in place. I hope your dad is comfortable. Please take care of yourself. He's in the right spot, for now, take a break if you can. You'll need your energy for when he comes home.  Thinking of you and your dad.  Please continue to let us know how he is and how you are. Big (((((hugs)))))

Book..........I am sending loving thoughts to you and your Dad. ((((Hug))))

So much to cope with - we're thinking of you

You are strong

Ki o tsukete kudasai

((((((hugs))))) book - thinking of you.

Book, I agree with Send. Refusing to go to the clinic all these weeks....

Booklvr, you are in my thoughts and prayers as you stand by your father through his illness.

Your Dad's consistent actions throughout his illness has been to refuse medical care.
If questioned, you can truthfully state that.
It appears that you are following Dad's wishes in truth.
That is in my opinion, and is not an expert opinion, but meant to reassure you that you have done the right thing for your Dad's comfort.

So sorry your Dad is having this crisis.
My thoughts are with you during this difficult time.
You sound brave.
Glad that sis is there with you.

Good thoughts coming your way Book.

Sometimes airlines have "compassionate fares" for family members who are flying due to an emergency....

Your dad wouldn't sign a HIPAA form for any of you could be informed of his condition ( not PoA, there's a difference)?

Thinking of you and Dad Book

Rest well, Book. It has been a long road. I hope the rest of the journey is smoother for you and your family.

Book, how awful for you.

Rest easy Bookluvr. You know you have gone above and beyond for him and now finally have all the family on the same page, his outcome no longer in your hands.

Several someones were whisperings.... several someones took action... And I immediately contacted all 7 siblings and explained all of dad's current health. We all agreed to do the DNR. I signed the form. Siblings were relieved. I said, "signing the DNR is not a done deal." I told the original ER doctor that dad does not want the DNR form. That doctor can say that the hospital is more obligated to listen to their patient than the family. And if I'm going to be questioned on this, I will not lie. I will tell them that dad did not want to do the DNR form. It is what it is. ...

2 of my sibs from the states are trying to fly back home...that's a $3500.00 ticket for one person! 3 days advance purchase is cheaper. Well, midnight time. I need to go sleep. Oldest sis and I have morning shift at the hospital.

Dad went in with high fever, pneumonia and difficult breathing. In the ambulance the medic was manually pumping air and then stop, to put the oxygen mask, then take it off, to manually pump air, then stop and put the oxygen mask. He did this all the way to the ER. ... at the ER, the doctor told me that no DNR means that they will have to intubate him, do his lung, resuscitate and life machine. He kept asking me if for sure dad had no DNR. I looked the doc in the eye and said that mom had DNR. When dad became bedridden, I asked him about the DNR. He absolutely refuse to do the DNR form.

By the way, I also found out that the ER called the surgeon to see if dad can have surgery because there's blood coming out of the intube thingy attached to his mouth. He's bleeding inside, maybe the stomach. We were not informed that the ER was going to do this surgery.... Surgeon won't do it...

Because of this 'round-about way' of getting information, I immediately contacted all my 7 siblings that Dad is in critical condition. Provided them with more details of his health situation.... And that he even suffered a heart attack here in the hospital! Which by the way, we were not told of this....

But this is a small island. You can go around the island at 35mph within 2 hours. So,... there are ways of getting info despite the hospital's HIPAA policy. I won't mention it here because I don't want certain individuals to get in trouble. BUT, there are some great people in the medical field who really cares about the family and the patient.

Look, I warned them months ago about the importance of POA. They didn't believe me. Oh, no... they all wanted me to be POA. I tried but I knew that mentally, I was not able to handle it. I just spoke to baby bro from the states. He was so angry about this. I tried to explain and explain and explain - NO POA means NO INFO. I asked him to be POA. I asked fave sis to be POA. I asked and asked - and no one wanted it. Now, they are seeing why we needed it. Only oldest sis and I are handling this situation with aplomb.

Ambulance medic asked if I had POA and DNR. No. Same at ER. ER doctor kept asking if I'm sure about no DNR form. Let me make a long story short. No POA means that not the doctor or the nurses would tell me anything. I waited in the ER waiting room with no update status. I understood this. HIPAA.... When they told all family members that it's time to leave, I went to SIL who was in a separate room not connected to the ambulance ER area. SIL knew more about my dad status than me! I was in the actual ER, she was in the waiting room.

This was the running theme all day today. The attending ER doctor would check on dad but no updates to us, the family. I tried and tried to explain to my sibs that this has been happening even when mom was alive. As long as I had no POA for mom and dad, they never really told me anything. Sibs were upset. I wasn't.

((((((Hugs))))))) Book! Let us know what is happening.

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