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Don't jinx it MsMadge. {{{knock on wood}}} You might give them ideas...

At least they left the newsfeed page in it's original format

Oh geez - hope they're not going to break that next

What happened to this board! It's awful and hard to navigate now. Blah!!!

Trust me Cwillie, I hesitated on commenting below since I have no experience when it comes to pets. I've learned a lot about pets in the Animal Channel. I really didn't know that cat had leashes. And they even wear clothes on these walks. I've never ever seen a cat in clothes or on a leash here on island.... I did see a real live dog in clothes. The neighbor was walking his small dog along the side road. I just stared at the little dog. I was smiling the whole time because it looks soooo cute in clothes.

You make me smile picturing FF and her cat... first bundled tightly so it doesn't claw during the manoeuvres to move the crystals in her ears, then reluctantly chasing cat toys and walking on a leash. Poor old thing ;)

FF - Although I've never had a pet, am afraid of all animals/insects/creepy crawly things, I do love to watch the Animal Channel. Also the cat whisperer who is also in a band. Overweight cats, like humans, will get health problems due to obesity. He stressed the importance of getting the cat to lose weight. If I recall - set time for meals (and stick to it). No human food. Set a daily procedure. Exercise cat (play with that thingy on the stick that you emulate like a butterfly so that your cat will 'hunt' and leap for it) Before Meal Time. Then after exercise/play, the cat can eat.... I also recall him telling the pet owner to take the cat for walks. Did you know that cats have leashes? ... at the end of the show, the cat was active, making progress.... I like watching that show.

FF ~ re the vertigo: have you or cat tried to have someone put crystals back in your inner ear? One of the easiest ways to try to fix a vertigo problem... I think. You go first, and if it works for you, find someone who will do it for the cat. (I don't know if they try it on cats or not!) :-) You're a good furmom, good for you. I miss having a pet friend.

Tired today.  Since my parents had passed last year, now I am busy with 3 elderly cats that are my own. Was at the Animal ER yesterday afternoon with my oldest feline gal.

She couldn't stand up so it could be a variety of things, including vertigo which surprised me as I didn't think pets would get that.  So I will be sharing my vertigo medicine with her.

The cat is quite overweight so it's a challenge for me to pick her up to move her around.  How in the world do you caregivers to this with an adult??? At least the cat is cooperative.

Book, Trying to remember if my niece's driver license worked when she moved to my parents former city for a couple of years from Europe. It was a long time ago. I'll have to ask my brother, if he remembers! :P Niece is now back in Europe and engaged and all over the place. She probably doesn't remember herself.

Driver's ed classes here in MN run around $300 or used to 5 years ago when my son took them. It's absolutely frightening right now with the roads covered in ice. Hundreds of accidents and two people dead in the past two days. If she's moving anywhere in the northern U.S., she certainly needs lessons on driving in this crapola.

Not looking forward to 'skating' to my mom's place tomorrow. Another 2" of snow and high of 0 tomorrow. I will have my 4 wheel drive Jeep tomorrow, thank goodness, but my son will want to drive. Hmmmm....40 years experience of driving in this stuff, or 5? He's so over confident especially in a 4 x 4. This front seat passenger will have her opinions. Ha!

My mom continues to decline. Is now totally bowel incontinent. She sits on the toilet forever and nothing happens. 20 minutes later, she goes in her Always panties with no control.

She told me today she is so tired of fighting whatever is happening to her. She is ready to give up. I told her I don't blame her as she is suffering. It's understandable she doesn't want to live that way. I think the spinal compression fractures are affecting how her nerves communicate with her bodily functions. Not much can be done about that at this stage.

We'll be at the urologist on Friday, so perhaps I can get some confirmation of my fears. I really want the support of hospice, for me, and for her. When my dad died, they helped so much for his care and my mental and emotional state. Mom refused to be there for him. It was incredible the pain that caused for me being between him asking her to visit and her refusal to go. She went once to see him hospice in the two weeks before he died. She says she will never go on hospice ever. Yet tells me in the next breath that she wishes she had pain meds and could just "go". It's a conflict for her. I don't think we are talking about my dad's brain cancer or euthanasia. I think she's angry and jealous that he 'just died like that!' Yeah mom. That was easy. :(

At some point, I will call them in myself. She starts visiting doctors on the 18th. She'll not know the difference in who is seeing her. We have a pain med clinic visit on Monday. Perhaps that will overlap with an investigation by me into hospice care. Her spine is literally crumbling.

My son and I will bring the grand dog tomorrow. He always brightens her spirits. Then son is back to college until March. I honestly don't know if he'll see her again. Hard to think about. :(

Trying to reboot laptop. Back to using iPad.

Windy, we never have snow. With fave niece moving to the states, I keep telling her to try to enroll in drivers ed classes. You all have more street signs than here. With 3 kids, she needs to learn the rules of the road. SIL scoffed and said that niece can learn from YouTube. Really? I don't think so.

MsMadge, that is great news that your mom is accepting the caregiver. I smiled when I read that. That's the same with my dad. They rotate the caregivers who come over to give him a sponge bath. He usually gives the new ones a hard time at the beginning.

This laptop is lousy. Most times, when I boot it up, it freezes when I open the browser and type a site. Then it won't even shut down the website. Lately, in frustration, I've been doing the no-no. I do a hard shut down. Tonight, I got frustrated and decided to use the Internet Explorer. The laptop uses the new Edge browser. Darn thing keeps freezing - more than the old IE.

I keep checking Home Depot for that soil. Either there's nothing, or there's this large bag of it (overkill.) My sensitivity to chemicals is getting worse. For the toilet cleaner, I'm now down to Home Depot's brand. At first, I didn't react to it. Yay! Lately, although I can't smell it, I've been getting headaches. I'll check for the alternate option in Amazon. Typing fast because it's late and time to change dad's pamper, shower and ...

Lastnight, my best friend from high school called me. Her hubby is in the military since they graduated from college. He's in the medical field and she's a teacher. Anyway, she's visiting on island since her mom still lives here. She actually remembers my home phone number! Yes, we've had this phone number since forever. We're going to have lunch before she leaves island on the 20th.

I helped her become interested in my religion. She converted. And she's been a very religious person since then. She asked me how I was doing spiritually. I was blunt. I said, "I'm not spiritual at all. However, I haven't done any major Bad thing! Anyway, how can I do anything bad if all I've been doing is work and home." I told her that I'm just sooooo tired. I've been a caregiver since my mid-20's. She gave a startled sound and said that that's right. She remembers now..... In our religion, it is frowned upon if we seek therapy. I needed to let her know this because in our religion, "bad association spoils useful habit". I wanted to let her know that I'm not a good Christian because I sought therapy when I became seriously suicidal. It's a good thing she's married to man of the medical field. She quickly replied, "Of course you have to seek therapy!!"

Today, I met another member of my religion. She looked at me straight in the eyes, and I smiled to her. In the past, she was very, very friendly. Today, she looked as if she didn't see me smile. I wasn't there. No acknowledgement to me. She is now the Third person in my religion to treat me as if I've been 'ex-communicated'. As if I don't exist.... I will need to tell BF this during luncheon. Maybe she doesn't know that I'm suppose to be avoided. Knowing her, she won't care because I'm like the lost sheep that needs to be drawn back to the fold. How can you draw the sheep back if you're avoiding it? It just hurts that I'm being treated as if I don't exist. To be looked right through as if you're not there....

The caregiver who has been spending the night with mom once a week for about 4 months now told me that mom is getting used to her - she isn't cussing her out as much anymore - lovely

Make that a 360 degree, too tired. :)

Book, anymore teenagers today? I do agree with everyone else on the diatomaceous earth. Non toxic if handled carefully. Wear gloves and a mask for your respiratory symptoms.

Had a non stressful/stressful day with our son today. Made it to Trader Joe's for food shopping 20 miles away. Love to look at the new offerings. Bacon Jam is sort of new. Was not expecting a sweet flavor profile. Got some fun cheese and some good pears.

Stress part was a heavy snow burst that made roads very slick. Had my husband take my Jeep to work this morning as this was anticipated. Guess I am crazy as 20 year old son drove me in a '95 Mustang with rear wheel drive. Was glad to get out of heavy metro traffic, but my goodness, the rural roads were a challenge. Whiteouts and no plows yet. We fishtailed a few times. Not fun. It's good to see he knows to kiss the brakes and gas pedal. We didn't end up in the ditch. Did a 180 in the neighborhood to give me a thrill. That's when you hit the break on ice and the car spins all the way around. Fun in Minnesota! Gosh, I'm getting to old for this stuff!

Mom is stabilized. Took the day off to do 180's. Urologist moved up to Friday. I prefer 180's. :)

Found a good product on Amazon, called Advion, worked when Combat stopped doing the job!

It's diathomaceous Earth, or something. Careful not to disturb the powder too much. You don't want that in your lungs! I use the food grade kind as a parasite killer in my gut. Just a teaspoon in some juice. Always go online and do the research so you know how to use it. The way it works, by the way, is it dries up insects and microscopic bugs. Read about the benefits. It is actually Silica. I don't use it daily, only if I think I have parasites, which I did for about 2 years.

FF, lifespan of roach is a year? Not even being funny, but I had the impression due to jokes ("the only thing to survive nuclear holocaust will be cockroaches and Cher") and personal experience that they pretty much never died. But of course they have to die, it's just that they reproduce in massive numbers, that's why it seems so difficult to eliminate them, not that they don't die.


Book, if you do want to kill them on purpose, diatomaceous earth is a non-toxic substance that kills cockroaches. You put a thin layer down around outside your house and around edges of your floors inside. I used it for an annoying roach problem I had in an apartment I used to live in.

bookluvr, if you are living in a house built before 1978, back then wall paint had "lead" in it which turned out to be harmful if eaten. A regular lifespan for these critters are one year, which surprised me, thought it would have been less.

Roaches in the bathroom dies mysteriously. They eat the peeling wall paint and find them dead few days later. What killed 2 'teenage' roaches basically same time period in 2 separate bedrooms? I definitely didn't spray them since most cleaning chemicals and insecticides gives me a bad pounding headache. I can't smell things. My sense of smell is gone. Something killed it and I can't tell if it's harmful to us. I will ask nephew on Saturday to check the rooms for anything unusual.

I hate that I laughed but the bottom line just says it all!!!!!!

Book roaches like the rest of us have to die sometime so your bathroom is as good a place as any to be their final resting place

Saidred, before my dad's stroke, I swear he was the most bitter person. He was so critical and so unhappy, that he took it out on us.

Alexander, mom's referral doctor set up an appointment for my dad, my oldest brother and me. This was when mom was diagnosed with dementia. He told us that this will be a long hard road and that we needed all the family to deal with this. Ha!! That advice went in and then out of bro's ears. There was dad and us 8 kids.. and mom's care. In the next 20 years of mom's life it was mainly dad and I. I finally understand why dad kept saying, "I'm tired of asking for help repeatedly I don't like begging for their help....".. I'm now in his shoes. I find myself saying it... I've found that family are willing to work if you offer to pay them.

Alexander4, is there any way that you and hubby could budget to bring in a paid caregiver for a few hours one day? Or would hubby say "no".

I found paid caregivers to be a great lifeline, and once you get the right person who is a good fix, she can become like a good friend to talk to and get some advice, you can work together as a team or do your own thing while she is there.

Or you could bring in a male caregiver. My Dad had a male caregiver for a short time when we were first finding a good fit. This male caregiver had a fascinating life and was quite the nerd, so was my Dad so I thought it was a good match. But Dad said it felt strange having a man doing the cooking, laundry, and washing dishes. Well, Dad was in his 90's, thus a different era. My Dad did better with female caregivers giving him directions [like my late Mom did].

Book, have you ever put down bug poison of any kind? I vaguely remember that maybe you put down Diatom-whatever Earth one time, or is that false memory on my part? That stuff would stick around and the roaches eat it and it eventually kills them... I think. Maybe only enough left around to kill small ones. Again, maybe you didn't even put it down, but I thought someone on YOU thread was talking about it, and I thought it was you, haha.

Thanks for the advice cwillie. She was on Tylenol/codeine which stopped on Friday. She is now taking 600 mg ibuprofen 3 times a day. I see that both of those meds can cause dark urine, scarily so. Yikes! A specialty pain clinic is calling me back tomorrow to set up an appointment for her. I will ask for their recommendations on what to do. The ibu is managing the pain but I don't want her liver damaged. This is so confusing. Don't want to see her in pain from the compression fractures but don't want to harm a major organ either. I hate the waiting game as I'm sure everyone here does. :(

Some meds can darken the colour of urine, you could google to check hers.

Good to see such lively discussion here. Book, thanks for sharing so much about oldest sister's situation. There was a lot I didn't realize about the situation. You truly are a great person taking on so much! My goodness! The sink thing would put me over the edge too. I LOVE a clean sink and wipe it down whenever I run water. I'm kind of OCD.

Quick question: Anybody know causes of dark urine? Now that mom has a catheter I can see how dark it is in the bag. No blood evident. They tested her for UTI on Friday and she was fine. I know she doesn't drink enough water. Perhaps it's just too 'concentrated' due to dehydration? She has an appointment with a urologist but not until the 18th. It kind of freaked me out!

Funny story about the asking to go home...

When I first moved Dad in with me (before choosing a facility), he was FURIOUS. After refusing to take the master bedroom downstairs, I got him to reluctantly call me if he needed to go downstairs for anything (which meant a miserable two weeks on the sofa upstairs)

One night I heard a strange shuffling followed by a thump... then again...and again. I woke up to find dad scooting down the stairs one at a time. When I asked what he was doing, he said "I'm going home"

Too tired to argue I told him to keep on scooting down I-85 and he would eventually make it home!!!!

Book, many, many ask to go home, especially those with dementia. My mom did all day, many days, now she does not speak. And I am sure she still wants to go home. Even when I provided the care, she wanted to go home. The disease is absolutely wretched, it steals everything from everyone closely involved slowly but surely. Enough had been taken from me, so I chose to stop it. Hardest decision I ever made that ended up being very good for me.

Sad that on every visit, she would beg them to take her home.

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