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Cwillie, we do have a local custom regarding the ancestor spirits. He refuses to do it. I refuse to do it. He made the mistake of entering one of our bedrooms without performing this very quick ritual and without me accompanying him.

Second strike, when they were hurting my dad, I thought he was having a stroke (bent left arm awkward position tightly against his chest, pain on left side and chest pains), ran next door for help. My dad refuses to listen to us females who know nothing but house work. He will listen to my nephews because they're male and know more than females. Nephew helped persuade dad to go to the ER. As soon as we left, the pain and stiff angled left arm- immediately went to nephew. He told me later what happened. They punished him for interfering.

We all know what needs to be done. He won't. I won't. I refuse to force him to do it.

Book, is there nothing you can do to placate the house spirits?

I don't know how long nephew will be babysitting his grandfather. Nephew can see the mirrors. The last few times he was here, he said that our house spirits are vicious. He's got to the point of avoiding coming into the house. I forgot all about this. Until today. While I was sitting with him in the livingroom, he asked me if I see shadows passing by the window where grandpa is. {I Did see a shadow go by just before he brought it up.} He was freaking out. I looked at him, shrugged and said, "It's just the clothes hanging outside the window, flapping from the wind." He looked so doubtful. He repeated his question again. I replied the same, matter-of-factly that, "When I see shadows from that window, I just shrug it off with the clothes moving." Nephew, still looking doubtful, opened the livingroom door, looked out, then closed the door. He said, "There's no clothes hanging outside." ... I stared at him and said matter-of-factly, "Yes, when I see shadows, it's the clothes hanging outside.... Just as when I see movement on the side of my vision, it's a Cockroach flying by." He just stared at me..... This is only his 2nd Saturday of babysitting grandpa and he's freaking out. He's not going to last long, despite being paid for it.....

Thanks Veronica - yes, I was aware of the fact that mom's milk is the best for baby, but was just answering Ali's question about engorgement.

I had more of a reaction to my shot this year than usual, but still, WAY better than actually having the flu! Ours are mandatory but I am happy to get them - for one thing they re free to us and for another, it would be very hard to forgive myself if I gave it to someone who could not fight it off - we have had a few people end up in rehab or even die from flu complication most recent years. None so far yet this year though. they say the vaccine is an exceptionally good match this time.

I better get the flu shot if I want to see the baby when he's eventually released from the hospital. I was hoping to avoid it. Those shots hurt..the whole day.

Thanks, everyone. I basically copied n pasted your tips and messaged niece. Too long and I'm very slow in texting. Cellphone digits are much smaller than the iPad's keyboard. Both my nieces breastfed their babies because it's healthier for the babies and free milk. Both nieces had breast pumps but gave it away when no longer needed. Fave niece thought her IUD would prevent her getting pregnant. Well, it didn't. Later!

I think the idea is to feed baby Mom's milk Susan. Well Thanksgiving is over in their part of the world so Book's niece should be able to get help today. Mom's milk is always best for baby, they need it to help their immunity but for various reasons some Moms just can't do it. After baby #3 I had a bleed and never did get any milk

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I'm thankful for all of you. I agree this is a place to vent and talk about anything and everything. We stay so on task in our everyday lives that it's great to have a place to talk about whatever is on our minds or amuses us. I know this is my safe place, surely not facebook or other social media sites. If someone has a specific question, it will get answered if they pose it as a stand alone question.

Glad to hear the little babies are doing well. That's a blessing.

Ali - yes, the milk must be expressed or the mama will become engorged, and yes, it's very, very painful. (Been there, done that, had mastitis once too - no fun.) The milk will eventually dry up if not nursed out or expressed somehow, but until it does, it's pretty painful. Binding the breasts with a large towel pulled tightly around the chest helps a bit, and there are shots that can be given to help dry the milk faster if that's what's desired.

Never-pregnant person asking question: when mother's milk comes in, isn't it a "must" to express it (one way or another), or else it becomes engorged and painful...? So unless book's niece takes something to dry up the production, won't she continue lactating... for... how long...? Just curious. Curious mind wants to know. :-)

Book, baby sounds in relatively good shape...? It would be SO DIFFICULT to have another mother of a premie lose their child right next to your niece, as niece is watching over her own. That's heartbreaking and I feel for the mother, and your niece. I hope niece can get good and positive input about baby and lactation expectations.

Book probably Depends type panties would work. She can put an extra sticky pad inside if the flow is still too heavy. tell her to hand express if she has to wait for a pump (like you milk a cow)

talk to the hospital social workers, or the nurses on the L and D unit about both issues.

Niece has discovered those stretchy disposable underwear from her hospital stay. It looks like a boy's brief but she showed me how that dinky thing can stretch over her stomach. She wanted one of those because it holds the pad and doesn't bother her stitches. I don't even know where to look for those. I told both nieces that maybe they can go to the midwife center and check if they sell those.

I'll also let her know about checking the breast pump. She told me that it costs $300-some but she can't find one until after the holidays. She's worried that she will dry up before finding one. Thanks!

Book, hospitals that have a maternity ward usually have a lactation office where one can borrow a pump. Have your niece check on that, it would save her from having to buy one if she can borrow one. Plus, they can show her how the item works.

Book, most folks rent an electronic pump from a medical supply pharmacy. Health insurance should cover it as a durable medical equipment expense.

Only baby's parents allowed. Niece was worried. On Tuesday, there were twin preemies. She and the twins' mother were visiting the babies. The twins' mom told her that one of her twin died that morning. Niece started crying. Later that day, she went to visit her baby. The other twin was crashing. Niece said that the doctor refused to give up. He kept trying his best to keep the last twin alive. I'm hoping the baby lived.

Yes, niece baby was able to swallow teeny tiny infant formula. Niece needs to go to the store to buy breast pump so that the baby drinks her milk and not the formula. She didn't find any in Kmart... thanks, Veronica.

Book the baby sounds as though he is doing pretty well. He is fairly good weight for his age. Make sure they tell niece to keep stroking him even in the incubator he needs that human touch and bond with his Mom and Aunty of course if they will let you in. Are they able to feed him yet or is it still by tube. he is very special and will grow into a song young man.

Couldn't access e-university on Edge. So I googled our new reservation system in YouTube. Yay! I found some how-to instructions. I've been watching it, taking notes to keep my concentration. I didn't last long. It's tooooo basic info for a new reservation agent. I keep hitting the advance tab on the YouTube line. I'm now on the 3rd YouTube... E-university would have been best. But this is better than nothing.

No way I would talk about this stuff on Facebook. I'm very open, my friends are supportive, but they simply can't relate. I think I run the likelihood of causing them to feel bad for me... but they don't have an answer. I've had medical issues that have flared up, subsided, something else flares up... They can't relate. They especially can't relate that I think the large majority of the health issues are related to caregiving stress. I'm not busy 24/7 as much as it's an emotional toll. With my dad around, I'm in an environment all the time where I feel tense, uptight, and that's on top of any minor emergencies or fights of the day.

If they're not caregiving, they don't understand what you're going through, I don't think so. I love my "real life" friends, but I can see them for the good times, come here for support, not make them worry about me or wear them out with the venting. I feel like SUCH a whiner when I talk about caregiving-life issues to non cgs. CG life is a bunch of non-stop little problems that most often have nothing to do with the CG themselves. Other people listen and just say - "You need to stop caregiving." lol And... that's it. That's all they can offer you.

Rambling, at bro's house, super tired and I have to go give my dad a haircut before tomorrow or older bro will not be happy. I don't like doing it but no biggie.

He doesn't look good to me. My dad looks noticeably more frail, trembling to pick up a small cup. He seems more confused. I think part of it is the environment here at bro's is even less mentally & physically stimulating than the other house (where I live)... but it may be a progression of something else, too. I'll keep an eye on him for the next 2 days, try to sort out what's going on with him. His meds are on track and I counted exactly how many of each and made a note so next time I can count them down, but... he's on track with meds. That's good.

Thanks for letting me RAAAMMMBBBLLEEE.... lol... Hope everyone's doing alright today. (((hugs)))

CM: Or neat.

Ali: I regard this thread as both informative and social. I would NEVER talk abt my personal probs, as I have here, on FB. These threads, whatever topics they they are, are for pouring out your heart and soul to people whom I know would understand. FB? Nope, never. It's for posting pix of how happy you are (just IMO, dont'cha know).

Niece was released from the hospital yesterday at noon. Wow, in both of my major stomach surgery, I was released on the 3rd day after surgery. Niece was released 2 days. I know on my 1st surgery, the surgeon came in and told me that the insurance wants me there for 2 days but if I needed one more day, he will extend it. I wanted that extra day to recuperate faster. Once I was released, I was on my own with a bed that doesn't move, no railings to help me up/down, etc..

I had the afternoon off and visited niece at the house. She asked me how did I get on and off the bed without a railing. I showed her on their sofa. Guess what, while niece was in her bedroom, my sis and her hubby were complaining about the loads of laundry they're doing for her. I remember when I got out of the hospital and stayed with sis. I was treated with kid's gloves. Poor niece. Yes, her family will be there 100% when needed but their attitude of her....I'm glad that they were there, though. It is what it is.

Niece and her visiting friend were talking. Her friend lost her 1st child. Niece is so scared for her 3rd premie newborn. Niece asked her friend how torn she is when people congratulate her. How it always freezes her. I can hear the resentment/anger in her voice.... I had to speak up. I told her that people are uncomfortable with the situation, too. They don't know what to say. So they congratulate you. You accept their congratulations and turn it positive- in your head..., Guest:"Congratulations"... You mentally respond with: "..that my baby made it another day..etc.." niece and her friend nodded.

Cwillie, I didn't know that avast was antivirus because BIL downloaded the AntiNorton. When I booted up the laptop, avast popped up. Since I'm really terribly lousy with computers, I didn't dare tap it. After many rebooting (my instant go-to as a computer solution), I started tapping the unknown keys on the keyboard thinking I accidentally hit something I shouldn't have..... you know that saying among the computer tech world that the number one problem of the 1-800 help desk is Not the computer or its program - it's the user. That's Me. {{{hehehe}}} our work IT guys when I call it is sooo much faster and less frustrating if I give him control over my computer via the Internet. Instead of my... "wait ur going too fast. What should I click on? Where is it ? Ohhh, I scroll down?.. ".... our systems 1-800 help desk learned pretty fast to do that, too...

Book, avast is your antivirus, was it trying to get you to upgrade to a paid version? Even the free version asks you to register though, you don't want to run without antivirus!
Edge is the new replacement for Internet Explorer, I'm not sure you can even download IE any more. Hope you can figure out how to log in to the e-university, changes in tech are never smooth.

I got the laptop working. It was forcing me to activate an avast something. I opened it, then closed it... I won't tell you how many times I rebooted the laptop. It froze and I had to do the hard shut down. .. need to change dad's pamper and then login to the e-university...oh shoots! The system sales person said it has to be an Internet Explorer. My laptop is using Edge. .. need google on this...

Onedoor, ask yourself on how bad off is your mom. {{Don't answer me. This is for You and your fears. If you want to let out your fears and want privacy, you can post in my Wall using the private settings.}}.... At this stage, will her heart/bl pressure meds do her good? Or by discontinuing it, it feels like you're guilty of making her die sooner?

Onedoor, I had some deep soul searching when I knew that mom was dying. Her body mass was shrinking so fast in hours, even overnight. Her legs was going upward with her skin tightly wrapping around her bone. No muscle! ... and when she was struggling to breathe every morning, I kept picking up the phone to call 911. But my parents are of the older generation that wants to die at home. Every morning, sitting here, hearing her breathing problems- was awful. My conscience was see-sawing: call 911 or not. {in the meantime, my family was calling everyone trying to get hospice service.}

Onedoor, I and others here know exactly how you feel about taking her off those meds. We understand. We hold no judgement. You have fought so hard for your mom. Do what is best for her. And that will lessen that little guilty voice over your shoulder. {{{{HUGS}}}}

Windy, any possibility of sneaking one clothing item at a time out? Stuff it in your purse. Just make sure it's not her favorite. Something she hasn't used in a long, long time. {shrug} Some people disconnect the spark plug or something in the car so that their parent don't drive it. Sneaky is sneaky...

I Can't Stand My New Laptop!!!! It's sooooo finicky. First. It wouldn't let me access until I punch in my password - which it kept rejecting. I had to wait for BIL to troubleshoot it. He's the computer tech.... the laptop worked last week. Today, it won't even open the browser!

I need to go online and study our new computer program. It's completely different from the current one. I don't know how to build a reservation, transfer data, etc.. I can't study it at work because I'm busy doing the books and reservations. So, I need to log into the e-university at home. My boss will be canceling our current reservation system and fully use the new system at the end of this month.

I googled HP notebook won't open browser... I got tech instructions which froze me. Uhm...good thing tomorrow's TG. I will ask BIL to fix it. Maybe show me what he's doing - which is useless....

Here we are at the beginning of the holidays and here goes the stress levels! No, I'm not blaming the holidays, just the extra pressure I guess and the darkness. Not to mention all the health issues with the ones we love!

My FIL is on hospice and my mom is going deeper into dementia. The time change really threw her into a tizzy. She likes to control her activities, washing up, bowel movements, etc. by the exact minute. I'm not kidding! She claims she has controlled that 'stuff' her whole life. The hour change has made her a moody, cranky woman that also just turned 80. She is becoming really difficult to be around on my own. When my husband is around on Sundays, she showtimes, but Wednesdays I dread. Went early today, Tuesday, as we are having her over for Thanksgiving on Thursday.

Her complaint for weeks is the lanyard with her call button for assistance. She refuses to wear it around her neck and insists on stuffing it in her pants pocket. "It's too bulky." Well, no doubt, along with 100 napkins and Kleenex. My husband gave her a lanyard from work and she said that wasn't good enough either. I told her all she needed was a key chain or fob if she insisted on keeping it in her pocket. I cut the dang fabric lanyard off and said try that. It was like a lightbulb went on but she was still angry with me. She has a big enough clip to grab onto, but I denied her further complaining about the bulky lanyard. Took away a reason to complain for a problem that will never be solved in her 'send me on fruitless never ending shopping expeditions'. I nipped it in the bud. I will never repeat the year and half shopping trip for the perfect underwear for her. I am done with crazy and unrealistic requests.

Sort of. Next she wanted to pick out shirts for the next week. She wanted ones with snowflakes as it is snowing now. She's been wearing them for the past month and insists there are more. There are not. I wheeled her up to her closet and she looked through. She said her closet is too full to look at clothes. I told her we need to weed through and donate clothes she will never wear again. She looked at me like I had two heads.

Now, my mom has always been a clothes hoarder. When she went to AL it was okay, but now she doesn't wear 90% of her wardrobe. I told her, well, you have a choice to make it easier to find things you DO like or it can be hard to sort through button and short sleeved shirts you don't like anymore. 15 minutes later after she sat in her closet looking at things, she said we should sort it out. Thank goodness! Decisions are hard for her now and I'm glad I let her make that one on her own. Life will be much easier. Now to actually do it. :(

She had an issue with one of the collars on her shirts which is one inch lambswool. I knew she wanted to argue because of the clothes issue. She said it would interfere with her hair which is short and way up her neck. She said the collar would mess up her hair. She chanted "I do things the way I want to" over and over for five minutes.

Just brings up bad memories when my dad was dying 6 years ago when she was so stubborn and selfish. She refused to visit him in hospice. She complains she will be left alone Friday and Saturday. She will be here Thanksgiving and we will be visiting FIL on Friday with grandson. Offered to take her along and out for lunch. She refuses as it's just too sad. Too bad mom! You are responsible for your own life! I'm just disgusted with her manipulation and I am done.

Book and Glad - happy that your family members are doing well!
Book , my last year of teaching was very stressful and I broke out in hives even when I did things i loved - like playing tennis! Benedryl was my best friend during that last year! Cant remember if I told you that my mom is now on hospice care. we have to make a decision about taking her off certain meds....blood pressure, blood thinners and memory meds....they have worked wonders for her for many years but dont seem to be doing any good for her now...I am afraid to take her off heart/bl pressure meds...

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