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Book, I've been trying to find a new way to cook bacon lately, too. I always used a skillet, but it does splatter grease everywhere. I tried toaster oven on broil, but that is definitely not a good way. Next, I will try a foil lined pan in the oven on a low heat. I'm trying to get it to come out more tender and chewy, not crisped up.

I've been doing my bacon in the oven on a large commercial sheet pan lined with parchment paper for years - ever since I worked in a restaurant and it was cooked that way. Less mess and it's all done at once!

I heard about baking the bacon. In frustration, I refused to cook the rest of the bacon by pan. I took out the microwavable bacon tray that I bought for warming up chicken nuggets and leftover pizzas. It really helps in preventing the nuggets and pizza from being soggy when microwaved. Today, I finally used it for what's made - bacon. Took about 7 or 8 minutes to cook the bacon. I still prefer the taste of the one from frying pan. Lousy burner has a habit of shutting off intermittently. That's why it took forever to cook those 4 pieces of bacon. I wondered why the pan wasn't super hot when I touched it... Next time, I will use the grill.

I rarely fry bacon, it makes such a mess. Instead I bake it using a sheet cake pan with a rack that raises the bacon and the fat drips into the pan. Takes a bit longer, about 20 minutes at 350. Just as tasty, easier to clean up.

OMG! 30 minutes trying to fry only 4 pieces of bacon on medium heat! All the google researches said low heat. Low? Nah, let's go for medium heat. Fed up. I put it in highest. Now it's finally cackling. Really?!

I've decided my breakfast will be dinner... And I have no appetite at all....

Enjoy it Book!!

Pam, I splurged yesterday. I've been craving for eggs and bacon with rice meal. For months, I've been eyeing the bacon. But it costs $7.59 to buy that small package. Sis has the food stamps, I don't. So I never considered spending that much on bacon that has less than 10 pieces in it. I've been having an appetite problem the past 2 weeks. What I normally love to eat, I now feel nauseous. If I continue to force myself to eat it, my tummy starts heaving.

After I get up from bed, wake up dad, change and feed him, I will have my ice coffee, cook rice in the rice pot, fry the bacon and over medium eggs for breakfast. Well, I've never cooked bacon. This will be a first time. Ooh, I'm getting hungry just talking about it. 7:30am, time to get up if I want that bacon!

Pam, I'm glad your mom doesn't have dementia. Toast and bacon only? No eggs to go with it?...

Stacey, I'm so envious of you! Wouldn't it be great if my oldest sis living with us could at least cook once a day for US (and not just for herself)? When dad was normal before his stroke (sis moved in when he became bedridden), he would have dinner ready for us. He would wait until I came home from work so that we can talk and eat together. Now since he's bedridden, I miss that. I come home, find something for dinner and handle him at same time. Sis disappears immediately once I get home.

I'm not much of a cook. Okay, let's be honest, I don't know how to cook. The few rare times l desired to teach myself to cook, I was too impatient. I would turn the burner to max high and rush the cooking. I even bought that long grill (long flat burner that you can cook multiple pancakes on) just so that I can cook all those sliced spams at one time, and then cook 3 over medium eggs at one time. I just have no patience at all with cooking.... I was daydreaming what it's like to have a sister with that attitude. Yum!!

I'm being spoiled today and yesterday, and hopefully even tomorrow! Lol! My big sister found that there was an intruder in her home, in her utility room, Yes, a RAT! And she is Deathly afraid of Rats! So she asked us if she could come over and stay with us for a few days, while her hubby FIXES the problem, Lol!

So she arrives with bags full of groceries, and 2 days of yummy meal plans! She likes to cook at my house, as it's right off the family room, so its more of a social experience! I personally, don't like to cook anymore, as my husband and FIL are so picky, but she knows this, and chose meals that she knows they will enjoy. Last night, we had Shepards Pie, So Good, with salad andvrolls. Right now, she's in there fixing breakfast! Tonight its pork roast! Wow, a girl could get used to this! I feel bad for not helping, but she thinks of it as EARNING HER KEEP, LOL! It's so great to have a sister like this, and I'm still lazing in my jammies! Off to get spoiled now, have a great day everyone!

I'm hoping it;s just a stomach bug,, today she took some tums and said it felt better. She volentarily ate some breakfast toast and bacon, and has a ginger ale in front of her. She is a bit short of breath.. but she told the Dr that has been happening ( 2 pk a day cigs for about 60 years),, so I'm hoping she;s on the mend. She absolutely refuses to go back to the dr., and we can;t convince her. No dementia, just stubborn retired Rn who is ready to be with my dad.. :(

Dad is becoming an angry person. I found him sleeping horizontally on his vertical hospital bed. His head was on the railing - without a pillow cushioning his head. He's yelling a lot, getting mad. When I ask him why he's yelling, he looks at me puzzled. He doesn't recall yelling. When I persist in asking why he's yelling, he says he doesn't know. He's accusing more about his money being stolen from the bank and from strangers. He's asking me constantly where's the old lady.

And sis got locked outside of the house when she went out to smoke. The kitchen screen door locks from the Inside of the house. The lock has to be turned several times before it finally clicks to open or to lock. Somehow she got locked outside. SIL called me and said that I locked oldest sis out. I did not! I use the livingroom exit door (the kitchen door and the livingroom door opens into our front outdoor porch) when I leave for work. Oldest sis uses the kitchen door. I did NOT lock her out. Anyway, the kitchen door - finally unlocked itself for sis to go back in.... When I came home, I asked sis about the incident.

You all know that we have spirits in and outside the house. Sis sees them. I sense them. Lately, for the past couple of months, I've been very very jumpy. Sis keeps 'popping' in front of me, and I literally scream in fear with heart pounding. Turning the corner, opening the door, etc... Sis was always scaring me - where I scream like a silly teenager. (Grrrr!!!)

This is serious. It's not good if the 'playful' spirits decide to start locking oldest sis outside when she goes out to smoke. Dad will be by himself inside the house. Who knows what the 'old lady' would persuade him to do. I told oldest sis that maybe from now on, don't close the metal screen door completely shut. Sis got all freaked out, shivered all over and nodded..... Every time dad mentions seeing someone (spirit or hallucination), I always ask sis if she sees them. I'm always so glad when she says No. ...

I had 2 compliments today at work. Both are male clients that prefer to deal with me than my bosses. One of them - has this habit of making decisions without checking with his wife. I've had it happened one too many times when he tells me to purchase their tickets.. and then the next day, he says his wife wants to change this or that flight - with penalties per person - which he is sooooo not happy about. Today, I booked their flights at 11:00am. He calls me just before closing at 12:00noon. He wants me to purchase it today - because I told him that I'm on leave next week. I know this guy! I asked very quietly and tactfully, "Are you sure you want me to issue the tickets? You don't want to discuss it with your wife - just to make sure? You know it will cost $125.00 penalty per person if you decide to change it - come Monday. He paused. Oh, yeah, let me check... He calls me back - yep, the wife wanted to change it to an earlier flight! {{{eyes rolling}}} He was glad that I know him enough to stop him from making more expensive mistakes.

I had to call another client about a booking he made for one of his employees. I wasn't about to make a $1700.00 vs $3000.00 airfare difference. He chose the one that I would have NOT chosen - whew!!! Anyway, before we broke off on the phone, I told him that I will be on leave next week. His immediate reaction was: "I hate it when you go on leave!" {{{ I'm really really exhausted. I appreciate his comment but I need time off from work and dad. I couldn't even respond at all to that outburst. My brain is so slushy lately.}}} Usually comments like this would make me feel soooo good. But I didn't feel as elated as I usually do. I think I'm really too tired to appreciate. My brain is so tired of thinking, thinking, thinking - whether I'm feeling good or not.

Pam, I wonder what's triggering your mom's nausea... Does she have acid reflux? I know that when my reflux acts up, my tummy feels awful - especially after a meal, or on an empty stomach. Maybe thin down the peanut butter on the bread?

There was a time last year when I felt nausea for days. It was awful, that tummy weird feeling. I couldn't handle it - the nausea for hours, daily while at work. So, I went to the clinic on it because crackers weren't working. I don't think we ever figured out why. The doc just did an RX for it. I took it a few times and it was done.

Send - I think you're a masochist. 7-Up???? Isn't that acidic going down from your mouth. Doesn't it come back as vomit just as sharp? Wouldn't that burn the throat/nose on the way out?

She only wanted a slice of PB toast,, it;s better than nothing.. which is what she eats most of the time...LOL Tea makes her sick..
Send, I agree, the dry heaves are the worst.

ewwww! Yuck!

Good recipe, Cwillie.
Personally, I prefer to get it all out by chug-a-lugging 6 oz. of 7 up just before, don't try this at home, don't know why I shared that. But, vomiting is never fun, this eases the process, prevents dry heaves for me, and decreases a repeat.
If anything escapes up the nose during, rather it be 7 Up.

Peanut butter for nausea? What ever happened to bananas, rice, applesauce and toast washed down with hot tea?

peanut butter toast,,

On the sick theme,,, mom work up today nauseauted and even has vomited once. It's been a chore getting a can of ginger ale in her, and she just had a piece of peanuir, but butter toast. This is my first day on the crutches more than the wheelchair, but stairs are still out. This could be interesting.. Oh yes, and she is a retired nurse and know she needs fluids...

Stacey, if your FIL is like my dad - who is also coughing so hard that his whole body shakes - he will not admit that he needs to go to the doctor. Even when my dad was spitting out thick phlegm that was yellow-green, he still refused to go. Sigh...Do you know when he decided to go? When he found it difficult to breath. Only then. And at the hospital, we found out that his left lung was almost filled with fluid. He spent over a week in the hospital while his lung was draining. I think it's a guy thing about not admitting if you're sick enough to go to the clinic. My brothers are like that.... come to think of it, so am I... about this constant daily neck/head pain where I'm popping Excedrin to deal with the pain. And some YouTube videos on yoga for neck pain. Rather than go see the doctor about it.

It feels to vent, doesn't it? I know what you're going through and felt bad that we both can't force them to do what they don't want to admit or to do. I had to smile when I read your comment about venting. Yeah, ranting can sure feel good!... I would use those emoticons but I'm not using the iPad.

Back to the coughing in public, two of them were from restaurants/store employees. One actually coughed straight forward as he opened the d*rn door as we passed each other. Yuck! I held my breath as I passed him - knowing that those droplets of saliva were still in the air as I passed him. He didn't even apologize that he practically coughed into my face!

ABB, I have brought up the bill difference every month. Do you what my brother and his wife told me? That the water company increased the rate. Yeah, but not double and over the normal bill! They refuse to pay - just like they refuse to help pay our Post Office annual fee of about $70. Dad & I split the cost since I also use his PO Box.

Windy, the stair rails and the escalator rails are very very filthy., filled with germs, etc... You're right, even the elevator buttons, too. Bathroom.. do you know how many times I've heard the toilet flush, the door open and NOT hear the faucet water turn on? Yuck! Several someones used the toilet and didn't wash their hands when done.

Tex, I've been caregiving for over 20 years and on this site for about 3 years. I've learned real fast that people tend to get tired of hearing my repeated complaints of the same thing over and over. I’ve found that I’m a bit sensitive when they comment to me about this. I've learned this past year that it's best to stop venting the hardcore daily stress of caregiving and my life. I now try to keep my comments lighthearted... and don't try to complain about the same thing repeatedly...

I now turn to my books to de-stress. For these past couple of years, I was at work, caregiving and here posting. Never had time to read my books. Now... now, my books are my Calgon-take-me-away.

Danm, felt good to rant there for a second! Lol!

BOOKLUVR, that's Awesome you found the source of the water leak! So glad it wasn't a leak in the pipes under ground!

People coughing and not covering is So Rude! Yuck😥😥😥!!! My FIL as been coughing a lot these past few days, but when I mention it to him, he denies that there is anything wrong! Here I sit, listening to his gross gooey coughing and snarfing about every few seconds, yet he doesn't want to admit that there is anything wrong with him, and my husband mentioned it too! Oh well, when he starts spiking a fever, or coughs up some blood, perhaps he'll take notice then! Until then, I will keep avoiding him, because I don't want whatever he's got! He has to maintain his PERFECT status, typical Narcissist! Yup, you're perfect alright! He can never admit that he's anything other than Perfect! Not!

Congrats on lowering your water bill Book. We unplugged an old commercial size fridge that we used mostly for pop and beer. I was floored when we got our new electric bill that the thing cost nearly $80.00 per month! It truly makes me ill to think how much money we wasted on that thing with a kid in college now! :(

I agree about people coughing in public. I am on my third sickness since August. Dread the signing pens on credit card machines and push buttons and shopping carts. I appreciate the wipes for the carts. Not to mention my mom's AL. There are so many sick people there! Not that I want my mom sick, but she can't imagine how I catch stuff. Erm, I'm the one pushing her wheelchair, signing in at the desk, handrails, pushing elevator buttons, on and on. I'm the hands on person and she avoids contact with everyone even dining alone. Now my FIL is in a different AL where we visit. Same deal. Gee. There's only enough hand sanitizer in the world. Think I might have to bathe in it.

The coughing in public thing is just rude. Ew. Cover your mouths, people! If you're grossing out a caregiver who changes adult diapers, you're really being rude.

Glad to hear your momentary spike in water bill is over, book. It bugs me when people are thoughtless about others when it doesn't involve them. If they were paying the water bill, they almost certainly would've remembered to shut off the hose. Hugs!

If coughing in public and a $70 water bill is all you needed to vent about I'd say you're having a terrific day.

Went shopping for the house and everywhere I went - people were coughing without covering their mouth! And these are grownups!

We got our water bill. I still can't believe that just by changing the Fill valve and the flapper, it made the water bill go from last month's $177.00 down to our normal monthly $40.00!! Really?! I've had our toilet water running in the bowl with moving water and that bill never went above $70.00. I Still think it was brother's grandson who Forgot to turn off our outside water hose when he was watering the chickens. This past month, when I had time to detour to the back of the house in the morning to shut off the water valve. Bro refuses to pay for the water bills when it goes up to $70.00. Pisses me off. He's now putting his large dog cage in our front yard. It's like he's moving into our yard because he thinks it's his yard (eventually, when dad passes away.) Okay.. I vented.

ABB, no worries. I know of several people who just don't feel comfortable posting here. I know where to find you. =) Thanks for letting us know.

The regulars of the Dys thread knows why I rarely post there. That thread tends to bring up bad memories that I prefer to keep hidden deep down inside. I just don't feel comfortable reading there regularly because I find myself going into depression. Later!

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