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You’re right. You make excellent points. I guess we want to be optimistic and feel that we are in a very clean and sterile atmosphere.

I wonder what new technology will be developed in the future to help with making the situation better. Some genius will think of something. Not in my lifetime though!

Look at inventions of things used in our homes nowadays. Steam mops that supposedly disinfect. Vacuum cleaners that filter out allergens and so forth.

Isn’t vinegar a natural cleaning agent? Lemons too? People don’t like using lots of harmful, toxic chemicals.

Be optimistic instead by remembering that your body doesn't need a very clean and sterile atmosphere to function or even to heal itself. It is an amazing creature with miraculous ways of looking after you :)


That’s true. Those are indeed the facts.

Travel not permitted from Europe?! NBA suspends the season?! Very strange.

Tom Hanks and wife have it in Australia.


Yeah, I am wondering how far this situation will go.

I am wondering if our French Quarter Fest and Jazz Fest will be canceled her in New Orleans. We rely on tourism. Would be a disaster for our city economically if they are canceled. The mayor hasn’t decided yet what she will do.

This virus is constantly compared to the flu but I don’t know if that is a fair comparison. This is a newer virus so not as much is known about it.

Needhelpwithmom, I don’t know about where you live but where I live in Upstate New York, every grocery store is out of TOILET PAPER!!!! It’s insane!!!

Yeah, it’s crazy. I’m in New Orleans. This virus is making headlines here too.

Elaine, one of my clients was deploring news she'd heard that people are "breaking into hospitals" [??? - how do you break into a hospital? It's open to the public anyway] "and stealing hand sanitiser gel."

People can be very stupid. But that's not news, is it?!

It's like a stampede. More people get hurt in the stampede than could possibly have been harmed by whatever triggered the stampede in the first place. All you can do is try not to join in :)

I've been upgrading my hand washing techniques, not because I fear imminent infection but because according to all those nifty little demos we're all a little slack in that department. I also checked my stock of TP because I don't want to run out before the manufactures have a chance to resupply - I still have a couple of packs so I'm good (I hope).


Yes, I wash my hands constantly. I don’t touch door handles or toilet handles. I suppose I can be a little OCD at times.

I actually videotaped a worker at Taco Bell cleaning tables and CHAIRS with the same rag!! I see this done often and no one believes me, now I have proof!


Good for you!

That sounds like business as usual to me Bella, restaurant hygiene is a joke pretty much everywhere. Those spray bottles of cleaner are likely not mixed properly, are not left on the surface long enough to be effective, and may not even have anything in them besides vinegar and water. And the rags...😱.


They clean before the inspections and that’s about the only time deep cleaning is done.

This is how you upgrade your hand washing techniques:

Happy Birthday, to you
Happy Birthday, to you
Happy Birthday, CWillie!
Happy Birthday, to you!

20 Seconds


That’s what I hear, Send! My kids used that song when young to wash their hands by. 😊

Where I live they just banned visitors from going into ALL nursing homes!! Nobody can visit a LO until further notice. My son lives in NYC and he said he will be working one week from home and one week from the office and alternate each week. This is crazy!!

My daughter just called and said that her university is only having online classes now due to Coronavirus.

My province (Ontario) has announced that for all funded schools March break will be extended to until April 3. I was checking the province's web site and was surprised to find that most of the new travel related infections seem to be coming from the USA, which of course is where everybody is headed for March break 🤔.

My daughter is graduating this year. Wonder how it will effect her graduation.

All the universities in WI sent the students home to do online learning instead of in-person. It is crazy. I take care of my mom at home and I starting to implement restrictions on who visits. Thankfully, my siblings seem to realize the risk and are fine with staying away.

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