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Margeaux, for niece to put out vibes that your mom’s house is her house is not coming out of her head. She can only get this idea if she hears someone SAYING that it will go to her. I guess, sis figures that she’s in charge of your mom, therefore the house will go to her.

Sharyn, I think you’ve been here on AC long enough that families start out with Good Intentions about Splitting the Cost of caring for parents. Then eventually NO ONE is helping but the One Sibling with a Soft Heart/Conscience/Duty, etc… I would not agree with that splitting of the cost…..As for conservatorship, do you really want it? It’s a very heavy responsibility. I think you and hubby will need to sit down and talk about it – the pros and CONS. If you’re going for it, atleast go into it with Wide Open Eyes AND knowing that it will fall on YOUR shoulders only….I had taken a peek this morning on AC and it had your old avatar. Then when I’m reading while I was eating dinner, I saw your kitty!

Hi Alexandraki. Sorry about the stress you’re going through. I have a temper problem (I guess it could be called anger problem). Still working on it.

The Secret was written by Rhonda Byrne. It is about the Law of Attraction and how we " attract" people, things and situations in our lives, both positive and negative and how we can fix the negative and move forward. helped me immensely reclaim MY power over my life.
Follows a long tradition.

I changed my avatar to my kitty cat tiger. I like to show him off, Lol!!!

alexandrakl, I'm also an only child from a divorced family with a mother who became an alcoholic just like her dad and just like my step-dad that she married after being a single mom for 9 years. My wife and I are both on disability and we have two boys in college. What ages are your children? I trust that your therapy is helping you with your anger and resentment. I've spent several years lately dealing with my anger about what my mother did to me as a child and as a teenager. Finally, at the end I wrote it all down, burned it in a trash can and threw its ashes to the wind. That was a major step, but sometimes the anger returns which tells me it is not all gone yet. My mother is not in as bad a health as yours is with cancer, but if she had her way, I'd be there everyday. However, I live an hour away with my own life to tend to and get up there when I can which has been limited lately by my wife having a injured knee which has put her on crutches for the last 5 weeks.

Alexandra~tell us more about your situation when you are feeling more comfortable with us. You will get lots of support here!!

Jessie~I know what you mean about just being kind. Life isn't like that in reality. I too protect myself...I guess more than I thought. I try to understand both sides of a situation which ends up making me wishy washy.

Welcome, alexandra! Your life sounds like it has been an interesting one. I know there has been one hardship after another. Anger can be such a bad problem. I have it so much myself. So often I have to walk away from someone and go slam a door or do something else to get rid of it. Sometimes it stays inside like a little badger waiting to bite someone. Usually I end up biting myself all day, because I know it is my own anger that I have to deal with, and not someone else's problem. Could you tell us a little more about The Secret?

Thank you Cmag, I really need it! I am an only kid and all her needs fall onto me. It is hard to deal with.

Sharyn, I understand what you mean. When I see someone ask about being a conservator or guardian, I wonder why anyone would want to do that unless they just had to. It looks like a hassle that could potentially be very expensive. I would try to find every way I could out of going that route.

Sharyn, do you think some other relative could become conservator if it is needed? It would keep some financial distance between you and your mother. Is there anyone you trust enough. I know the state will take on guardianship of people, but I hear that the state can make a terrible mess for the family at times.

Switching gears a bit -- I have been catching up on this thread. People here amaze me at how kind you have stayed. I'm afraid I've become a porcupine doormat. People can still wipe their feet on me, but it is going to hurt when they do. Sometimes I worry about coming too mean in protecting myself. Often I am ashamed when I see myself be mean. It isn't like me and I don't like it. I think of how nice it would be to just always be kind.


Welcome! You will find a lot of support here.

I am SO glad I found this thread!!! I came from an alcoholic home and divorce. I wound up drinking myself due to stress, but that is behind me.
Trying hard to care for my four daughters and my mom who is living here in my city in a nursing facility due to stage 4 lung cancer. Relationship with my spouse is currently very strained. I have had the anger problem and have pushed him too far. Right now trying to fix everything and deal with my narcissistic mum. I am trying very hard to keep thinking positively, I use The Secret and fortunately have a therapist.

Hello Everyone!!

I think my sister is over reacting to the situation with my mother. If I am being to laid back on this issue please help me to see that!!! My sister called APS and she said they told her our only choice is to file for a conservatorship. I really don't want to do this because 1) it is very costly and the fees don't end once a conservatorship has been granted. Reports of financial handling must be provided to the court every two years (more fees), anything we decide to do for our mother is monitored through the court (more fees). 2) I don't want to strain my own financial situation. We have finally gotten to a place where we have "some" financial freedom after raising our children, etc. I don't want to be back into a situation of having debt (in this case with an attorney and the court). Am I being selfish in wanting to let things ride in regards to my mother's situation hoping the Alzheimer's will progress to the point of where she will be more manageable? I know I have talked about this before and you are all probably tired of talking to me about it. Maybe I'm in denial of the situation because I just don't want stress in my life so I am hoping it all goes away as mother progresses. If my two brothers are willing help split the expenses along with me and my sister adding our share, it will still end up costing each of us a lot of money. I guess my biggest concern is that I don't want to involve my husband in this but he is the biggest wage earner in our marriage so he would be the one paying for this. I am only getting 24 hours a week right now at work. What to do.....


You know, I can excuse every now and then if I've been in a social situation if someone doesn't introduce me, because they've had too much wine, forget names and all of that. I try not to do that, though because I just have a thing about wanting to include people, and think it's just the civil thing to do.

In my sister's case, she's done this before, and I know I really haven't made it a point to let her know, that it's rude. Yes, I'm not shy about introducing myself.
But this was a moment too, of being in the company of someone you know all too well, their games etc.

You're right, she isn't fun. She is the one who looked foolish!
After all, I did go out of my way to attend her boyfriend's moms funeral.
I really did not know the deceased either, must have met her maybe 2 x's.
Thanks Austin, Much Love, Margeaux

Marge you made a good first start the next time you will be more ready and it will be easier to speak and in time unless she is too self absorbed she may get the message-or not but you will be getting stronger all the time-you will be a KAW like others here on AC.


Yes, my sister is always up to something. We since childhood were close on account of what we had to endure within the family, not for reasons such as we shared common interests, nor think alike. I call her "Land of a Thousand Judgments." She's a very competitive and jealous person.

It's only in the last seven years, that we somewhat came together via mother's and the aunt's health problems. No matter what, I try to maintain a posture of neutrality as much as I can, for our mother's sake. However, throughout much of this, my sister's ugly ways come out. She runs on high emotion and drama!
I don't!

Yes, the week right after she did this to me, I thought it odd, that she was leaving messages, emailing me, etc., as this isn't her usual method of operation. I was going with my gut instinct here too, it felt very insincere. I feel that there are just too many other situations that exist between my sister and me that I can't put into a "nice," category. For example, she has an obnoxious daughter, who lives w/her, and our mom. She's a big moocher. My sister complained about daughter's behavior some mos., ago. But my sister is the type, who just wants to complain, but doesn't want to hear anyones opinion. This niece makes visits at mom's unpleasant to say the least; she puts out vibes, that mom's house is her house, kind of like visitors aren't welcome.

Well, as I've said before I'll be on the lookout!
Thanks Bookworm! Much Love! Margeaux


This story you have about your brother's absence in your mom's health, and yours and sister's lives sounds familiar. We've two brothers. They do what I call doctor visits over there at moms. The elder of the brothers is the one who has loads of dysfunction going on in his household, he has that orphanage going on over there. His wife left the scene back in May of this year, hasn't been back.
He apparently up until now hasn't even gotten together with her to discuss a formal separation, nor divorce. Mind you, he's was the Golden Boy. But after, all the irresponsibility shown on his part for lack of management of mother's and narcissist aunt's assets, and their own welfare, that's when the POA was given to my sis and the youngest brother.

The youngest brother has stepped up to the plate by doing a lot of repairs on some dilapidated conditions for properties owned by mother and our aunt,(while she was alive). But he too, as the Golden Boy, on an emotional scale are unavailable!

They've really have had very limited involvement with both mom and her sister, w/their various health issues over the last few years. The youngest brother IMO, is nicer than Golden Boy. But his wife (my sister in law) answers for my brother. Most things concerning my brother are channeled through her. I know this used to bother me more in the past. But one day I realized, that if my brother 's behavior was really more of involvement, maybe his wife wouldn't be this person either!

But yes, it must be frustrating for you, especially what I'm hearing, that when you've decided to keep his health issues from your mother, so she would start paying so much attention to them. This must not feel good for you either, since it implies that your mom even given your brother's lack of involvement, is still revered by your mother. Oh, I know this behavior all too well!

My youngest brother, many years ago had a child when he was very young, not ready. Our mother for her traditional religious reasons convinced this brother he should marry the girl. Well, that wasn't good, he divorced this girl, and then had this little girl to financially support. Back in those days, he had the little girl every two weeks on weekends. Guess who was doing all the babysitting on those weekends, my mom! My brother was free to get out the door and live his young life, carefree as if he had no responsibilities. Mother would have never done this for my sister nor for me! My mom always has had this attitude of revering her sons way more than we women also. So I completely understand the gender bias in families. Yes, I would maintain a posture of not telling your mom, nor your sister everything. I do this. It just keeps things more simple in the long run.
O.K., take care, Much Love! Margeaux


I liked the analogy you made, "the leopard not changing their spots."
This is exactly what it is with my sister. I must admit, I felt bad even having to dish my own attitude towards her there at that table, when she didn't introduce me. But she does this doormat treatment towards me, every now and again, interesting how it always seems to surface in front of other people. On the way home that day, I thought about it, and after much thought, I was okay w/how I handled the situation. I know this is where it takes some courage on my part to stand up for myself. But with respect to my own dysfunction about this treatment, it comes from both my parents. Since I being the eldest, I was very trained by mother and my father, to always look the other way, somehow succumb to this kind of bad behavior by my sister, who always was domineering since she was a child. Instead of putting my sister in her place, and teaching her to share, and that NO, she couldn't have her own way all of the time. But this was favoritism on my dad's part in some fashion, and plain neglect on mom's part, (she wasn't interested in doing the discipline), too self absorbed.

But oh well, we're adults now!! I'm really trying to catch myself in these old behavior patterns. They don't serve me!
Thanks Emjo for your input! Much Love, Margeaux

Yes, I truly must be on my guard with my sister. She's really cunning about trying to get me back in her graces. HAAH! What graces I ask myself?? Really!
This is a challenging situation, since I knowing what I'm dealing with, on the one hand, as I did that day, thought it was a moment for me to stand my ground in that scenario. But also, be on the lookout as to what my sister's next move is, to try to reel me in.

Me too but you did the right thing be introducing yourself -I bet she felt foolish but the others did wonder who you were-your sister does not sound like a lot of fun-just saying.

Sharyn, I say go for it. I've also heard about it from others. They say that you cannot fall down upside down (that did not sound grammatically correct). My friend said that she can feel her back stretching. And she feels better afterwards. I thought of getting one but our house is small. No room for extra stuff.

Margeaux, I think your sis is up to something. She purposely did not introduce you at the party. And that just made her look bad. Wonder what she's up to? Must be something big. Well, when she springs that surprise, remember to tell us! I'm so curious about it.

Joan~You asked if I was pain free. No, I have chronic lower back pain from pinched nerves that effect the sciatic nerves in both legs. I have to stretch my lower back by laying on the floor. I put one leg on the wall with the other leg extended flat on the floor, it stretches the lower back and the hamstring muscles. Then I repeat using the other leg. Another one I do is lay on the floor and bring my knees to my chest and rock back and forth. It helps to stretch out the lower back. I was told by a Chiropractor that my lower back is swayed more than normal (not scoliosis) and it will cause me problems. He suggested that when I stand to place one foot on a low step of some kind because that would straighten my spine out when standing. My brother has low back and leg problems too and he uses an inversion table. He swears by it. I may look into that as well but I have some concerns about being upside down and not being able to right myself back up. Lol!! A customer tonight told me he uses one for his RA and he swears by it also. It seems to be worse lately and I may see the dr. if it continues but you know sometimes it is just age related and we have to learn to deal with it. I have always had jobs that required a lot of physical work which I have been good at doing, so I think it has taken a toll on my body over the years. It didn't start showing up until menopause came on which I told my dr. about but she says it is age related and nothing to with menopause but I wonder since estrogen effects many areas of our bodies. I will continue to monitor it because i do want to make sure there are no disk issues involved since I do love physical activity such as gardening, photography, and hiking.

Austin~My brother who lives in Montana never kept in touch with us. All communication has been through his wife. That is fine except that those of us here in NorCal want to here from him, he is who are relationship is with not his wife. Two years ago I tried to reconnect with him and he blew me off. He said none of us have kept in touch with him over the years. I guess he felt that because his wife wrote us a photocopied letter that she sent to several people at once was good enough but never did we hear from him. All of us just quit keeping in touch with him through his wife. He is holding a grudge because of that...personality disorder???? The email I received from "him" today is signed with his name but I do not believe it is he who sent it. I do keep them up to date on our mother through a private group I created on F/B that is composed of family members only. You are right that he should educate himself on our mother's personality disorder and maybe through that he can achieve forgiveness for his own peace of mind. That is what I hope for him. He will probably never communicate with my sister, other brother or me but if he can forgive our mother for being ill maybe he will be a better person for it.

I live in a modestly small home compared to my mother's home. She has criticized it and knocked it so much because nothing is ever good enough for a NM. My sister's home is quite large too, but she has that home as a result of her divorce, it's not something she bought on her own. My mother has always criticized me for not having a larger home. For many years it bothered me that she saw me as being less than my sister. I have a wonderful husband, we have a home we have built together for 35 years and my mother cannot see that part of it. I have told her if my home is not good enough for you then don't come here. My sister never developed any cooking skills so I am the daughter that cooks Thanks giving and Christmas dinners for my mother and my SISTER. I am still the irresponsible child in my mother's eyes. One Thanksgiving about 4 years ago, my mother came over and was criticizing my in laws and my husband, I finally told her if she didn't like things the way they are...then get out of my house!! She left, Lol!! I am proud of you for taking your power is empowering when we do that and thank you for your support and for sharing, I am enjoying getting to know you better♥!!

Shary maybe you brother really wants to help and I hope he will look into her disorder and educate himself and maybe understand what he is reading about and God willing will be of some hope-mothers very often listen to their sons more than they do with their daughters but he may very well not see her as you sisters do-my mother acts very differently around both my brothers than she does with my sister and me-she feels she can dump all sorts of garbage on me -two weeks after my husband died sudenly she said I should fix my house so people could stay with me when they visited-she hurt me with her words but comming here and learning about dysfunctional families and narcissic mothers I have done a lot of thinking and have taken power back which she has taken from me and can let her venom bounce back to her-so her power to hurt me is not accepted by me any more.

I am glad Austin that you stood up for yourself with your husband. I have read bits and pieces of your life and it was horrible for you. I am happy you have found peace now, you certainly deserve it!!

I received an email from my long lost brother in Montana. Apparently my sister called him over the weekend telling him what is going on with our paranoid mother. He wanted my version of it. So I told him everything mother has been doing regarding her accusations toward us but mostly toward my sister. I told him to google paranoid personality disorder to get an idea of what caused our mother to be the way she has been, especially when we were growing up. I don't know what my sister expects our brother to do.

((((((((((((((((((((((Frances))))))))))))) there was a time that I might have written close to what you did. Time to look after you rather than everyone else. Google the website "daughtersofnarcissisticmothers" and learn about her and yourself. Forgive those who have put you down. and taken advantage of you, but protect yourself from it happening again. You need to be there for yourself too. I am 10+ years older than you and had to make a big change at about your age. My NM (narcissistic mother) is 100 now and still doing pretty well, but I look after me better. I had to learn to. Do not "do it again". Find some alternatives that work for you. Meet with a social services, your area department of aging, etc and find out what your options are. There are options. And come back and let us know how you are doing - even if it is only to vent. (((((((((((((hugs)))))))) Joan

Sooo difficult to floor matt to narcissitic mother - siblings who get on with their own lives....thought my family would be there - have had my full of fair weather friends - have had these values my entire 63 years - working hard, helping people, being there always for my family and friends, employers , etc - always getting kicked in the face, but getting back up again - not so easy anymore - and now at this time in my life - all want me to do it again. Am soooo disappointed - my own fault for having values and being so trusting - my next step out of this is a homeless shelter - I think its a good idea - may find my place....

Good for you overcomming it-I had to learn to stand up for myself while dealing with my husband and finally did acheive it before he died.

I worked very hard at not becoming like my was my fear too.For many years I did have her victim mentality but I was able to over come that too. It's a life long progress undoing the damage.

I know I will never be like my mother-she has taught me how not to be for sure.

Just look after you, John, you are so busy looking after others. Hope you sleep better.
jessie, mother and my sister do the same - use things I share against me.. I have had to learn the hard way not to share much, and it doesn't feel natural. It IS terrible when we have to hide from our own parents. I have a friend of many years who is from a "normal" family, and we have talked about our mothers. I will never forget her telling me that all she wanted was to be like her mother. The idea of being like my mother totally scares me - she is the last person I want to be like!

Thanks for your support.

Thursday, my wife will get an MRI done on her knee and we will see the doctor's assistant the following week. So, that is two more weeks until we have some sort of treatment plan.

I hope we both sleep better tonight also.

Cmagnum, it sounds like you and your wife are really going through it. I hope you both sleep well tonight.

Emjo, I don't tell my mother much of anything because she will ultimately use it as ammunition against me. I don't even tell her if I have a friend I'm meeting, because she will keep pushing at me to pursue the friend more if it is a man. She uses anything I tell her against me. And forget telling her anything bad -- she'll broadcast it to everyone she knows. I find it's best to just tell her what she needs to know. It's terrible when we have to hide from our own parents. I agree completely about not letting your mother know about your trip. She would probably be upset if you did not end up making the trip all about her. You need some time to grieve with your friend and not worry about your mother. Hugs to you.

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