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jessie -ditto to what sharyn said! She has made her bed...

Sharyn what you are saying about the changes on your mother sound right. There is a significant difference there. And it is hard for drs to diagnose in the early stages. I know someone whose wife went to their doc, he went, they went together because they suspected Alz, but it took several years before the doc made a diagnosis. Now he is on meds and feeling and actin so much better. I hoe eventually you can get a diagnosis for your mum and maybe some meds to hlepe.

Hi margeuax - I am a little behind. It has been a tough week, I have had the cat to deal with and painful ovarian cyst. Lifting him back and forth to the vet did not help. You are right there is lots of character defamation, and it is all about who can do what for the narcissistic person. I am glad your cousin is helping and has her eyes open. I hear you about the den of cobwebs. My sis so so nice to people - on a superficial level, that they wonder that I dont spend more time with her. If they get to know her better, they understand.`It is too bad your dad`s first wife painted hm black to their kids. It would make it very hard to have any kind of a relationship with them.Cats are wonderful pets. Sounds like the joint custody of Vabnilla works well. Good idea. 20 years old is an ancient cat! He must be well looked after. They do love being massaged and it is good for theé I think there are lots of cat people around. I am puttng up a pic of Toonie. :) instead of me.
Much love to all -look after you! ♥ Joan

Jessie~There is nothing wrong with setting some boundaries with your mother so you don't have to entertain her. Don't ignore your own life dear friend!! My mother has alienated herself from her family because of unrealistic demands, no logic, and accusations over the years (personality disorder). I keep a firm distance and only help with issues regarding her age related problems. It is not your fault you are not close with her and the things she shares with you are things she probably would not share with someone else because she knows her thinking is wrong. If my mother shared the things she does with me and my sister, no one would talk to her and she knows it. Don't live your mother's life, instead embrace your life. ((((Hugs))))

Jessie -no need to apologize. I am the one who should. you are right on track.I find your analysis of the roles of your sibs interesting. There are only 2 of us My sister is the golden child who can do no wrong and I am a combination of the black sheep and the sacrificial lamb. I guess we have no last hope. From what I read on this site, the golden child rarely if ever is the one who helps. The abused child is the one who the parent turns to for help as they age. I see it as in part what I call the Cinderella Syndrome, where the abused child is expected to be the servant. My mother had holidays with my sister, but expects me to be the one to look after her, and always has. My sister refuses to help -she would visit and sit and watch mother and I do things when mother was moving, and not lift a finger.
littleton - Yes the golden child is always the victim. In our family the oldest -my sister is the golden child. I am the youngest and the servant. We are 14 months apart and people have asked if i am the older as I take responsibility where my sister doesn't. Taking holidays together and having fun times does not look after the essentials. I am glad you are able to get away sometimes. It must be necessary for your health. Fortunately I caregive at a distance and mother is well looked after in an ALF. Even then I have to keep very firm boundaries.

My mother has spent the week moping about the injustices of life since my brother left. I so want to say that it is the bed she made for herself, but there is no point being honest at this stage in her life. I believe that she was under the illusion that the young men in her life would step up when my father died last March. Instead they pulled further away. I don't know what she expected of them. I guess just a lot of attention. I know my brothers and know that the youngest will come when she is in the hospital and the other will come when she dies. I guess she is just starting to understand that.

I do not blame my brothers. My mother has always expected the children to come to her, but never reached back. She is learning that quid pro quo doesn't keep working for most people without the quo. A parent has to pull the family in about them from an early age or they become a group of polite strangers.

My mother is only 85 and could live several more years. She doesn't want to keep living, but she doesn't want to die. I am afraid that I don't have the strength to keep living her life every day. I can care for her, but entertaining her all day would mean ignoring my own life. I do wish she had other people who she could share with, but she has kept everyone too far away. Unfortunately, I don't feel close to her, either, and I feel bad about that.


Wow! You have been through quite an ordeal with Toonie! Well I hope he is on the mend. Cats are such wonderful pets, aren't they?

My husband brought a cat here to our apartment many years ago when it was a baby. He's all white, so his name is Vanilla. This was way before I was in the picture. My husband began to travel for his work, so was sometimes away 3 mos. at a time. So a woman neighbor, who already had another cat, ended up taking over Vanilla. This woman and my husband still maintain a relationship through Vanilla, so I say they have joint custody of the cat. He is now 20 yrs. old.
He comes over at least 4x's a week, and when she is out of town we feed and watch the cats for her. Vanilla is such a lovely cat, I give him kitty massages, and he loves that! So I guess there are lots of cat people on this thread! HAAH!
Much Cat Love! Margeaux

JessieBelle - I've learned so much about myself and my family through this "caregiving" of our Mother. Seems my sibling group just reverted to the roles they had in the family as young children. The oldest being responsible for everyone and everything; the golden child still not responsbile for anything that happens in their life...always the victim; the baby, not really expected to do anything. I thank God everyday I am the oldest because quite frankly I do not believe Mother would be as well cared for by Golden and Baby.

Being all huggy, kissy and tearied eyed with Momma does not get diapers/clothes changed, washed and folded, meals prepared, doctors' appointments kept or all the other day to day needs taken care of for her.

Fortunately, we are able to afford companion services twice a week, so I do get to leave the house and 24/7 nursing when we need to run away for a few days. Golden and Baby live less than 30 minutes away but taking care of Mother in such a personal way is not anything they want to do.

Take care of yourself. Good luck!

This is an abrupt change in the flow of the conversation. I apologize. I thought people in this thread might be interested in some of the things going on in our family.

My parents were not so good. Neither of them really wanted kids and didn't know much about raising them. They had four children. The oldest was a son who took on the role of black sheep. He was always in trouble. The second son took on the role of Golden Child. He was very popular and sure to succeed. He also had the ability to pull himself out of the family and the troubling situation. I was the third child and, being a girl, took on the role of sacrificial lamb. My oldest black sheep brother terrorized me throughout childhood, and no one helped. My mother later admitted that she let it happen because she didn't want to make the older son angry. (Thus the sacrificial lamb.) The youngest was a son, who took on the role as the last hope.

The black sheep became an alcoholic and drank himself into an early grave at 57. He caused misery everywhere he went.

The golden child is successful and very self confident. He also pays no attention to his mother. He came to visit last week and must have spent 4-5 hours with us the entire week. Since then, my mother has not had good things to say about him. She is so disappointed. How could he treat her so bad? I so want to say that he is the son she raised, then neglected for 30 years. Never calling, never visiting. What does she expect from him? She apparently expects more than she ever gave, but she is not going to get it from a golden child.

Her youngest son, the last hope, is a very religious person who lives a Puritan-like existence, withdrawing from the world. His conscience weighs on him heavily, but he does not have time to talk and visit a lot. My mother gets upset, but she rarely calls and never visits him, so what else could she expect?

When my mother was talking about how bad my brothers were the other day, I just said that they were the same people they had always been. Then I couldn't resist being petty and saying, "Isn't it strange that the child you put the least into is the only one with you now?" I guess it is all part of being the sacrificial lamb of the family. It is interesting when you see the roles and how they play out in the end.

forgot to mention that the drain and associated stitches came out yesterday with little trouble, and no more cost, so no more visits to the vet for a while I hope!

I will get back to other posts. I am amazed how much this little creature has occupied me this past week. My recreation has been making chutneys and canning them. I haven't canned in years. I will make some jams too, once I find some small canning jars, and use them for gifts. There is something satisfying about lining the shiny jars full of goodies up on your kitchen counter. They smell heavenly when they are cooking - apples, cinnamon, cloves ...

Hi sharyn -Toonie is neutered, and he still is very territorial. I mentioned it to the vet and she was surprised how much he was. I have read that even neutered cats can be territorial. He actually is not complaining a lot about not going out, so I may be able to convert him into a stay at home cat. The average life time of a cat that goes out is 8 years. I have lost a few outdoor cats -not sure what took them but one day they didn't come home. Toonie has been strong and tough, but he is gettng older. I am not aware that he has tangled with anything wild, but it is possible. He does go across the street to the woods, and I know there are people who have lost small dogs, they think to coyotes. I need geriatric cat management, I guess, and there have to be changes for his own good. The only down side for me is that the litter box will need more attention. He did get out a couple of days ago, but allowed me to catch him and bring him back in. You have kept your cats to a good old age. They do get "under your skin" I still miss my old springer Matt, who was put down 3 years ago aged 16. My orange long haired male lived to 16. I think likely Toonie will last longer as an inside cat. We will see how he adjusts. If he is determined to get out, I suspect he will. Having a dog along on a photography session would be great - they can also be a subject, and certainly add to your security! ((((((hugs)))))) Joan

Joan~ I know there is lots of info out there about having a cat spayed/neutered but is your cat "Fixed?" I only ask because male cats will fight no matter what if they are not neutered. I know you live in an area with wildlife is more abundant that may make a difference. I love my kitty Tiger, he is the only cat I currently have and I hope...not to adopted anymore because it is too heartbreaking to deal with having to put them down. I have put two cats down with kidney failure. One in 2004 and another in June of 2011. My Max was my favorite because he loved everyone and my children grew up with him. Max was 18 yrs. Simon was 16. I could have kept Simon going for another year or more but he was already on a special diet for UTI. Kidney failure would have put him on another special diet and I chose not to do it. Yes it is expensive for their care and I find it hard to consider not having a pet. Since I enjoy the outdoors so much, I am considering a dog to provide some security when I go out photographing nature. I hope your kitty recovers quickly and is back to normal soon...♥ Sharyn!!

Joan: I always think about you and Toonie. He is your sweet boy and a joy to your life and I so understand that. Love you, cat.

Oh I will and do, cat. He is my special cat. The drain and stitches were removed easily today, so we are almost life as normal, escept for getting his meds into him twice a day I am relieved. .Of course, he is spoiled rotten now as I have been feeding him his fave canned food. He has not objected much to staying in - just sits by the side light by the door and looks out.. Normally I wouold let him out when he does that, but won't even in the daytime yet until the drain opening is healed over, and he is a little stronger. Interesting about White Kitty. Toonie chose us too. One day this 4 month old kitten appoear on the front deck. We already had a dog, and two cats, and I said "No way!" But he wouldn't go away, slept under the deck at night, and the kids got after me, so I let him in and that was it. I am so glad I did as he has turned out to be a wonderful pet, and may be the last one I have. All the other ones are gone now. I think he will be safe enough outside in the daytime. I think cats normally fight at night. He is terribly territorial He is also -or was anyway -an excellent hunter so maybe it is the predator instincts in him which are strong. . A sweet grey tabby from next door came to visit a few times, and Toonie made a terrible growling noise looking at her through the glass. She meant no harm at all, but obviously there is one out there who does. He used to go out even in the coldest weather, but stays on more now as he has gotten older. I am much relieved that he is oin the mend. Thanks and ((((((((hugs)))))))) Joan

Joan: Keep Toonie safe. He may not like it now, but he is getting older and hopefully he will adjust. Makes me think of White Kitty. He roamed our street for many years. He was known as Casper, Sugar, and many other names. When he grew old he decided that he didn't want to be on the street anymore in the winter. To our amazement, he chose us to move in with. He came in and settled down by the fire and spent every night with us. Come Spring he left. Not so much as a look back. Just a basic, FU, I'm out of here. He was back in the Fall and we were so happy to welcome him back. He lived a good life.

Toonie needs you to keep him safe. Not saving that will be easy or he won't be driving you nuts with cries and demands to go out. Maybe by winter he will settle down.

Sending you and Tonnie love., Cat.

Hi all - I will be back. Still "nursing" the cat who is recovering from hiis surgery quite well. Today we go in to get his drain removed, and in a few more days his stitches I am getting relatively adept at getting the antiobiotics down his throat - it was a struggle for a while. In the meanwhile I have a sore side which has not been helped by carting him back and forth to the vet ( he is a big cat) and also by handling him re meds etc. Thankfully it will alll be over in a few days. From now on he will not go out at night if I can help it - he is too territorial and there is a younger stronger cat out there beating him up. It was going to happen as he aged, (13 now)but I cannot afford ( in more ways than one) to have this happen again. Gary had a mare slashed badly by a cougar or a bear, so the vet bills are high. Oh well such is life. Glad it is not me needing surgery! Love and hugs to all Joan

Happy Monday to all of you!
This weekend I attended a funeral for my sister's boyfriends mom-deceased.
It was blazing hot where we live and the burial was held midday.
So after the service which was held in a chapel all attendees drove to the burial site. I rode down to the burial site w/my sister, mom and the caregiver.
Now I have mentioned how mom has a difficult time walking, has pain in her lower back from previous falls. We arrive at the burial site. The cemetery is primarily situated on slopes, so one has to walk uphill. We got out of the car, and the caregiver and me started to assist mom for a walk on the street, then up the grass.
Mom is 91, and walks very slowly. By the time we were now walking in the grassy area, I could tell mom was having a hard time. No where in the picture did I see anyone having taken a bottle of water. I turned to my sister and told her, something like whether it was necessary for mom to walk more all the way to the burial site, as that was still some more distance. My sister then says something like, "Maybe I should go get the wheel chair." She had a portable wheelchair in the trunk of the car. I thought, GEE, interesting how mom already had walked more than half the distance in this heat, and if I don't say something, my sister then even has to ask me whether she should do this! Honestly, where does some kind of ***m common sense kick in? I was so annoyed! There was a bench, a distance away from where the deceased's family was gathered, so told the caregiver, I thought it best mom just go sit there, besides it was by a wall providing some shade. We sat mom there, and she was fine. But when we sat her down, mom admitted to me that she was glad there was that bench, because the walk had tired her out!

These are the kinds of scenarios that I have w/my sister. Mom's fragility really increased in the last two years, especially last year. Her sister who was living there w/her, was home bound. This meant that mom didn't want to leave the house much either and on account of this, it really has worked against mom's mobility!
But my aunt died in Jan., of this yr. After that my sister started to tell me how she was taking mom here and there, of course all of this had to do w/probably more walking than mom had been doing the last few years. Another factor in all of this is the fact that mom has been stubborn about using her walker! Again here I feel that if she'd use it all the time, she'd at least have it to lean her body weight against, possibly even in her weakened condition provide a bit of the resistance from a physical work out level. But no! My sister doesn't seem to think about that! Anyway, it wasn't a good experience to say the least on this level. Margeaux


Good for you that you're taking this approach w/your mom. This is the emotional detachment! Isn't this strange thinking by parents that you'd be considered the irresponsible one???? But no matter what, I know you've mentioned your mom having the personality disorder, I still however think that from what I've read about narcissism it sounds as if your sister feeds that supply they talk about. Your sister for whatever reason, is that person in your family for your mother. Your sister is the victim, your mom feels sorry, and I guess needed etc.

On trying to protect anyone, e.g. your sister from your mom, well it's noble of you on the one hand to think this, but that is for your sister to decide. I too last year when I had daily calls from my sister about our narcissistic aunt. But, I too once lived there and had been at the other end of my aunt's abuse, while our mother
who was her sister's enabler, never stood up to the sister to let her know she had crossed some big boundaries. I had to separate out at some point that my sister for whatever reason it was couldn't realize that my aunt was one crazy, abusive individual. My suggestions to my sister that she try not to internalize, take things personally, etc., fell on deaf ears. I previously wrote about how I'd suggested to see whether my aunt could be diagnosed mentally. Somehow I thought if this would occur, my sister might change her attitude as to how she dealt w/my aunt. At this point, I decided well truth be told, then I know my sister is feeding her need also to be the controller. I wasn't going to participate in any of that! This is when I decided to take some of my sister's phone calls, but not so much as to preoccupy my time and energy. People like these have their own lessons to learn, and we can't become some kind of monitors of their attitudes.

I do remember that story about the toilet cover. Now that really is bizarre thinking.
My sister too would tell me countless stories of how my aunt was going to report the caregivers, her, change the POA. But after awhile when one adds up these kinds of stories initiated by the same person, well what conclusion can be made?

Anyway, congratulations that you've made the necessary adjustment with regards to the new attitude! If we are to grow, these are the steps we could take.
You're in my thoughts! Plenty of Love & LIght to You! Margeaux

Hi Emjo,

Yes my sister is behaving narcissistically.
Remember I had written a post about the fact that I've noticed in the behavior by her also, is the fact that if my sister feels that you can be of some kind of service to her, say like my cousin or myself, this is usually when her venom starts coming out. In the moment that my cousin couldn't come and relieve her, to watch mom recently, then she tried implying to me that my cousin wasn't willing to do this for free. It's always about defamation of character too!
Yes, my cousin is going to help out when needed, and my sister is going to pay her. This is only going to be every now and then when needed on weekends.
I know my cousin is only doing this, this way because she needs the money.
My cousin also lives a drive from mom's house, so the least that it could help out is for gas. My cousin admitted to me, that she doesn't like being in that position w/my sister either, so she knows what's happening.

This is one of the reasons that I don't go there more often also to relieve.
I feel that not only do I end up going over there and give of my energy, but then when I do I step into the den of cobwebs. This is where I really have to be on my guard w/my sister w/her need to control.

Oh, my dad's story! Yes, it was always confusing to me. My dad tried his best when he revealed this to us to encourage us to like the first family. I felt jealous at first, I remember, but tried to get over it. But then because of the lack of a real relationship between the first children and dad, when we did see them I really felt the resentment from several of them. So there were too many mixed messages going on here. This family also had such a narcissist for a mother! She really poisoned all of those kids into thinking my dad was terrible. She even made them think my dad was a womanizer. That's the last thing my dad was!!

How are you doing Emjo? How is your mother these days?
I hope things are calm for you. Much Love, Margeaux
So how are you doing, Emjo, how is your mom?
I hope all is well! Much Love, Margeaux

Sharynmarie, I am going to try to remember to keep up with your posts on the ignoring of behavior. I have been so busy getting my kids back on their feet with school and their activities, that having patience for weird behavior is challenging. I need alone time with all the people who have abrasive communication skills and in my desperation to be alone, I can lose my patience pretty fast. This is a great site. Thanks for continuing to share.

Austin~That is a good idea to ask her the question back. I will try that with her and see if it helps her to connect. Thank you!!!

Shary I think you plan is a good one -it probably is the ALZ talking -they get so confused I had a bad reaction to medication I was taking -the doc increased the amount even though I told him one pill made me whoozy and twice I got lost comming home from church once at night and once during the day I finally found my way home but it really scared me and that is a sign of early ALZ or dementia mine was from meds but acted the same. When I was working pt's with dementia would of course ask the same question over and over and over and sometimes if I asked them the question they were asking me they could give me the answer also time does not mean anything to them 5 mins away from them and they thought it was hrs. instead of min. Good luck to you-let us know how that works out for you-we all teach each other here on this form.

I talked with my sister via email about my approach to our mother...treating everything as though it is Alz related. It has only been a week of me doing this but it is keeping things much more calm between us. My sister agreed she would also do it since our anger regarding our childhood gets in the way when she accuses us. I have come to realize that the Alzheimer's is probably behind these accusations especially the plot to have her murdered. I do remember a situation that happened about 6 years ago when my mother was having problem with her toilet. She bought a new float and installed it but she didn't reconnect a tube in the corner of the tank. When you flushed, the toilet gushed like Old Faithful. I looked at it, removing the tank lid and placing it on the stool while I connected the tube. In the process I knocked the lid off the stool and it broke. I took mother to the hardware store with the numbers off the tank so we could order a new lid. Turned out they didn't make that size anymore. My mother told my sister I did it on purpose. She said I was swinging the lid over my head and threw it. Keep in mind...I am picturing me dressed like Annie Oakely swinging a lasso, LOL!! I laughed when my sister told me, but I did confront my mother about it. She told me she was just angry over the situation (admitting she lied). She did however, maintain her story with my sister. This is why I think Alz is the problem because I could get her in the past to admit her emotions ran extreme, where now she just out right will not admit it because she forgets she said it. Just like she was upset she didn't know where the office of her gyno is located. A week later she does not remember not knowing and has clear knowledge of where it is. Time will tell if this works the next time she accuses us of something.I will try redirecting her thoughts to something else.

This is a tricky subject. We live a similar life but fortunately I have drilled what it means to be separate family entity while the in-laws live in. Alcoholism is the epitome of co-dependence and if your spouse grew up jumping through hoops to keep everyone happy, YOU are the nice person who sees how other people matter too and you are not jumping through the hoops. I am sure your spouses family has heard of Alanon. I think I have that name right.....I was given the suggestion to go to their meetings to deal with manipulative, verbal abusive behavior of husband and his family and my parents. Ugh. How not to jump to keep them happy and not in my face for desiring autonomy. Your situation sounds like this to me. They ARE alcoholic and they DO jump to keep everyone satisfied but YOU are not the one they need to keep happy. Would your spouse be willing to go to some meetings with you? Wanting a 'happy' home means that spouse sees you are not willing to jump to keep his family happy. We shouldn't need to jump to keep people happy. I'm giving myself a panic attack just writing this as it is SOOOO frustrating to live with. Sad. Yes. I am sad a lot. My friends are my family. My family makes me nuts and depressed. My kids, I am doing my best to teach them how NOT to jump to keep everyone happy and not angry and manipulative. The balance is certainly an exercise in love and forgiveness. And.....boundaries. Hugs Sigh.

I am practicing detaching from my mother and my sister. What I am doing with my mother involves a change in attitude toward her in regards to her accusations toward us. I know that part of it is her personality disorder and I also know that part of it is Alzheimer's. So I have decided to treat it as though it is Alzheimer's not taking it personally and keeping communication open with her. Sometimes she calls me 4-5 times a day. She asks the same questions over and over (Alzheimer's). I talk her through it but if it is getting to me I won't answer the phone. I will call her later 2-3 hours later and I find the urgency has past. With my sister, I have discovered that I tend to jump in to protect her against my mother which fuels my emotions. I am no longer going to do this. I don't call my sis as often and when she gets where she wants to jump in and take control of everything, I will present to my sister what I see and then back away. As far as my mother's dr. is concerned, I am not going to discuss my mother with him when I visit him regarding myself. I will not make appts. with him to discuss my mother. I am not blaming my sister for all this because I have easily fallen into it because of the training I had from my childhood and after, whenever I would need support from my parents, I was always told "If you think you have it bad, look at your sister." My sister made bad decisions about her life. I didn't. She married men who abused her physically, emotionally, and verbally. I didn't. My mother has always seen me as irresponsible and my sister responsible. The reason why is because my sister has always been needy which made my mother "feel good," to help her out. Ladee had written a post about the feelings of being a scapegoat and for my parents, that was me. I do not believe my sister has a personality disorder because she is very loving. She does have very black and white thinking with no grey areas. She may have a mild form of a personality disorder but I'm not sure. She tends to blame herself for everything including her failed marriages. She does have grandiose ideas about herself but has gotten better since she became sober. I may go in for some counselling to get a better handle on my relationship with my sister. I do feel I have a good handle on my relationship with my mother and as long as my sister doesn't get too gung ho to rush in and fix everything, things should be ok. That is what sis's biggest problem is...wanting to fix everything. I may bring this up with her because she can get counseling with Kaiser (She has met her deductible for the year) and not have to pay for it.

Burned, just saw your post . stay strong, we r all sending u positive vibes and u r in our prayers . everything works out for the best . many hugs .

wow ! great responses . i started taking care of my parents and my younger sister and new born brother when i was 6yrs old . in India .didnt know it at the time but quite a few of of the kids i grew up with, esp the girls, took on the caregiver roles to protect their siblings around the same time . we were dealing with a generation of people who had broken away from the joint family system to a single family of their own . this sudden freedom at the age of 20 plus turned them crazy since they didnt know how to deal with it . they were partying every nite, kids raised by nannies, and homes run by a housekeeper, cook, driver etc . when they couldnt deal with the kids we would get beaten with hangers, belts, locked up in the storeroom, stuff like that . somehow the responsible, oldest kid would get the brunt of it . and we grew up with our own demons . i was seeing a psychiatrist when i was 13 . doing drugs when i was 16, anything to cope . well, i got lucky with one of my psychiatrists .he saw thru the crap and finally was headed to another city to go to college . the guilt i went thru at that time sometimes haunts me till today . but it has to be a real emotional day for that to happen .i know till today somewhere deep down my brother feels i abandoned him at age 14 when i went to college . my mother is extremely manipulative and my father a macho fool . and i love them dearly, they r my parents . and im not their favorite child but they r stuck with me cos im the only one who stepped up when they fell ill .my sister lives in India and my brother 30mins away but his wife wont deal with anyone but herself, if that, but thats her business .so, here i am taking care of both of them . my son lives here too . i keep him out of their business pretty much, besides he has college, work and a thriving social life ( he lost his father when he was 9 ) . my bottom line is that yes, we r dysfunctional as hell but i'd rather take care of them instead of a stranger .on the other hand i do not want or expect my son to take care of me ( still trying to be the responsible person ), i'd rather live in an assisted living facility . so u can all see how far being dysfunctional can take us ?

Burned~You are in my thoughts and I hope that whatever it is that is going on will pass. You may feel you are alone but you have support here. Cyber HUGS to you and your family!!!

Burned of course we are here for you and God hears our prayers even when we do not know the details-he does and I pray he gives you extra strength and wisdom to handle whatever happens I know your hubby can not be much comfort to you I hope there is someone available -a girlfriend or family member to help hold you up at this time-I am so sorry for all the hardship you have to face and keep us posted as you are able.

I need prayers and support something major is gonna happen tuesday and i am not sure what but right now do not want open the details because its one thing or another adding up....ever since I moved to Ajo I have had a major target sign on my back....i feel like i am dying...i feel like i am losing my family n all I need is this am I left with nothing and having nothing.....omg you just do not know how bad this immediate situation is and what i have to do long n lost...i am stranded in the dark and I am asking for god's help but yet i am being treated like a criminal or worse....until I have more info to share all I am asking for is prayers n support whatever happens affects my whole family...ty all.

Thanks austin - back at ya - I don't know how I got here either, buit it has done me a world og good (((((hugs))))))

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