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I wish that were possible, but I don't remember back that far to before I was 10.

🥰 today’s final wisdom quote:

“Un-drama yourself. Be who you were before all that drama happened which distracted you from who you really are and what you really want for your life.”

today's wisdom quote #2

"I can't keep calm, my family is crazy."

today’s wisdom quote:

 "A toxic person only changes their victims, never themselves."

today’s final wisdom quote:

“Your life may feel like it’s scrambled, but take it in stride and everything will go over easy.”

today's wisdom quote #2

“Families tend to cater to the most dysfunctional person in the family as a way to keep the peace.”

😊 today's wisdom quote:

"Not only are you right, I wish I was smart enough to take your advice."

today's wisdom quote #2

"I love animals. When's the last time you were loved just for walking through a door? Dogs do this all the time."

Well bundle, now you got 2 reason, one I keep calling you bumble, and yeah weight has never been an issue for me. 😁, luv you bundle your the best!

😊 today's wisdom quote:

"People who eat loads of food and never gain weight, I hate you."

Oh, good one!

🍀🍀🍀🍀 today's wisdom quote:

“It’s better to be disowned, than to be owned.”

today's wisdom quote #2

"Please don't disturb my peace if you're at war with yourself."

😉 today's wisdom quote:

"Replacing my heart with another liver so I can drink more and care less."

today's wisdom quote #2

“Keep calm and carry a wand.”

🙂 today's wisdom quote:

“Never let others dull your sparkle.”

Hi Notrydo! Hope you feel better soon. Be careful also of the meds themselves — sometimes the meds that are supposed to help, are actually the same ones that are causing sleepiness, exhaustion, depression, forgetfulness, balance problems.

Maybe take a look at each med and observe whether they’re adding to the problem.

Also how we feel during the day depends a lot on what kind of people surround us. As caregivers, we’re often stuck spending lots of time with very negative, difficult LOs.

Another update from the world of narcolepsy seeking proper treatment.

Yesterday, I wrote to my sleep doctor via MyChart.
“I'm not doing better. I only slept for 5 hours last night and it was a major struggle to get out of bed to get to the bathroom. I ate breakfast, took my meds, and went back to bed. I got up to go to a wound doctor appointment and when I got home, went straight to bed. Hours later, I went out to pick up some take-outs. For some reason, I missed the turn to go in front of the sign where you order and went into the area behind it where the back door is. When I got home, I was ready to order groceries online, but could not find the flyers. I looked and looked. Finally, I went to my car and they were in the front seat. I don't even remember taking them out there. Furthermore, my balance has been poor. ”

Today, my sleep doctor called me in response. He said that I am sleep deprived plus have other issues that require a neurologist which I told him that I already have an appointment with. Duh, I knew that I have had sleep deprivation for months. At least, he had the professionalism to say I needed a neurologist. This is a neurological disorder. My goodness!

I do appreciate him making the effort to respond by phone. Hardly any doctor does that today.

Well, my conclusion is, that I have the rest of May, plus all of June & July to continue to live like this until August 1st when I hope the neurologist does something that helps.

Thanks for listening!

Golden states “ Never felt so safe in my life ! “

This is true . I wish I had moved to safety sooner, rather than trying to fulfill other dysfunctional family member’s expectations .

That's exactly it golden , there's nothing left inside for me , not even anger anymore. Thanks!!!

(((((hugs)))) nacy. I cut contact with my sis after mother passed and her estate was settled. Never felt so safe in my life! Finally the dysfun triangle was broken. 😊

Her hub emailed me a few times - last time to say "Why not bury the hatchet?" My only thought was that the hatchet was buried many times - in my back. No more!!!

Thanks Golden, it's good to know it's not just my family. Honestly I'm not upset, my sister loves drama, I try to advoid it. 6 months ago she got mom upset because she told her she had cancer. Comes to find out, my sister had a negative colagard test, turned out to be nothing. I really believe my sister thought she had cancer, wasn't lieing but went 0-100 and called her mommy. Yesterday my sister's husband was in major surgery, so I was told, then I found out they never operated. My dad was dieing she stole the DNR. I don't need nor want that kind of drama.

There are 2 people in my family that are only in my life because of my mom, that I just want gone! And I know this is not forever.

Thanks for listening.

Ps my son is out of the hospital to pass his stone at home with some good drugs. 😂

nacy - that was similar to the dynamics between my mother, my sister and me. I was the care giver, Sis wouldn't lift a finger to help mother, but she would criticize and stir mother up. Anything I told sis went straight to mother whether it as suitable or wise or not. Once a nurse called me to tell me that mother's liver numbers were not great. At that point I was still sharing medical info with my sis.

Sure enough within the month mother writes both of us that she is dying because her liver is failing, In fact her liver was fine for he rest of her life - about another 10 years. That was when I stopped sharing medical info with sis. I did notice that the one thing she didn't pass on to mother was the BPD diagnosis. She just brushed that aside saying "Oh, mother has a few emotional problems but nothing serious". Right!!!

Sorry your mum is looking frail,. It's hard seeing them decline. Hope this week is better.

boj - some good ones! One thing I have learned to do - and this works for telephone scams as well as toxicity is ask the person to repeat what they said - then ask them to repeat it again. And then say it back to them "Did you say..."

By that time it has lost its power.

today's wisdom quote #2

"Know the difference between being patient and wasting your time."

🙂 today's wisdom quote:

"You gotta stop watering dead plants."

useful comebacks against people who’re toxic/abusive/mean towards you:

"Wow, you're really killing it with the bullying recently, everyone's been really impressed."

“You’re just jealous.”

“You will never die of brain cancer.”

“What is your age? Just wondering.”

When somebody says, “Do you know who my father is?” Just reply, “Why? Your mom didn’t tell you?”

“Looks like someone hasn’t been to Paris in a while.”

Yeah not the best week for me, my sister is having a lot of issues and she keeps calling mom and venting to her. I wish she wouldn't, mom doesn't need the problems. Moms golden boy is in Iceland with my x on a photography shoot. And when my brothers away mom is already not her best, then on top of that, my sister calls her at 7 this am to tell her her husband is having very major surgery today. Might loss his leg.

Also she called her 3 days ago to tell her her husband's niece, boyfriend and 1 year only was killed by a DD. Oh and my uncle is in the hospital after he was going wrong way on the north way

Mom would of known none of this is my sister didn't call her, but never show to help. And I'll have to pick up the peices

And mom seems a lot more frail this week.

That sums up my great week.

😉 today i’m taking a holiday from being wise.

okey-dokey, off i go and do some foolish things.

today's final wisdom quote:

"Be someone who makes you happy."

today's wisdom quote #2

"Know when to give up and have a margarita."

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