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Today I took my mother to a Lavender Farm and it was so lovely. I picked a bunch of lavender and the owner did not think I picked enough for my mom so he went out and picked her some more and fixed it up so nice with purple paper and a ribbon.. It is her favorate scent. The owners served purple and chocolate cake with lavender lemonade at no extra charge. When I went to check out to pay for the gifts I was told by both the picked lavender and lavender spray was on them for my mother. Wow they were so accomadationg. We all left with a smile on our faces and content as can be. Mom had a great day. She loved her cake too. We will be back in September to do more business but not at their expense. I do appreciate it, though. Such sweet and kind people.

EB, your mom and you are very blessed and such an inspiration.

EB: Your mother AND you are such sweethearts. What a precious story.

Every night before my moms bedtime I pray with her and sing a very special song. I have been doing that for almost twenty years Tonight my foot was hurting so I told my mom I would be back I needed to sit a bit. Well she was fast asleep and I started singing" you are my special angel", she woke up with the biggest smile and said that is nice. Now she is fast asleep once again, and it is now 10pm. My sweet angel.


Ahhhh, those songs bring back memories of our youth and all of the albums that we owned!


So sweet! I love nature too.

I've been feeding my squirrels, birds, ducks, deer, etc. for about 18 months now.
I have feeders in the trees along with some nut rings, corn and such attached to some hanging driftwood that they love to hang on. And some dishes on my lanai right next to my sliders. My two Maine coons love to stick their noses on the glass doors as the squirrels jump to them. Two squirrels, Pippy & Pepper are always out playing in my plants and burying their nuts any possible place they can. When I get up, the first thing I MUST do is open the blinds so my kitties (Jackson & Sissy) can sit on the sills and watch the squirrels digging up all the nuts they buried the day before.
I speak & sing to Pippy & Pepper all the time and they stop and listen. Well this morning I opened the blinds & Pippy seen me and just hopped right up into the palm tree by the window to say "hello". She stood there until I opened my sliders to give her some pecans. Just made my day!

I love that song Send!

There is a song for everything!
This morning before noon, I've seen fire and I've seen rain.
The rain lasted 15 minutes and was a surprise to weather forecasters.
The fire was after that, and it has been knocked down already.

James Taylor wrote: "I've seen fire and I've seen rain", lyrics here:

"Just yesterday mornin', they let me know you were gone
Suzanne, the plans they made put an end to you
I walked out this morning and I wrote down this song
I just can't remember who to send it to
I've seen fire and I've seen rain
I've seen sunny days that I thought would never end
I've seen lonely times when I could not find a friend
But I always thought that I'd see you again
Won't you look down upon me, Jesus?
You've got to help me make a stand
You've just got to see me through another day
My body's aching and my time is at hand
And I won't make it any other way
Oh, I've seen fire and I've seen rain
I've seen sunny days that I thought would never end
I've seen lonely times when I could not find a friend
But I always thought that I'd see you again....".

When James Taylor wrote the song, it was after finding out his friend had committed suicide 6 mos. prior.
When he says "My body's aching and my time is at hand", he needs a fix of heroin.

Send: That's awesome.

EB: That's great. We also went to a party on Saturday.

Invited to a pool party on Saturday just down the street. Had a lovely time with some very nice people. Everyone was vaccinated except one person. It felt so good to be out and about on a sunny day.

In the car.
The car ahead was 6 ft. away.
The car behind was 6 ft. away.
The entire line up of cars had a distance between each car of 6 ft.!

Precision at it's best.

Feeling so grateful!
A long year after the mandate for six foot social distancing. it was so good to be in line at In N Out and see patrons have learned to do it very well!

We were in the drive-through. 🤣

Sitting on the back porch with the breeze, listening to the morning birds, and the sound of a plane going over while getting lost in a book.

Lying on the beach getting a suntan and swimming in the Gulf ( it has been probably more than 5 years since this one - actually probably closer to 10 ... LOL ! )

Going to a movie theater, having a hot dog and nachos and getting lost in a really good movie for 2 hours. ( more than a year and a half for this one )

Oh, and movie quote .... on a bad day, going to bed early and remembering the Gone with the Wind quote, something like " After all, tomorrow is another day "

Chocolate Easter bunnies are the best! It was always the best thing in my basket.

My husband always buys a chocolate bunny for me 💕.

Happy Easter to all!

Happy Easter weekend to you too, EB and everyone! ✝


EB: How precious your mom is!

Mom is having breakfast in bed with a smile on her face this fine morning. The song Send wrote today reminds me of my mother. My mother always had a smile on her sweet face. I think back when I was a teenager, she served me breakfast in bed on weekends frequently. I loved being pampered by her. Just felt so special. Thanks mom.

Send, sorry I did not smile this time, I cried through the whole song singing this beautiful song to my dear mother. Thanks a bunch. Hugs.

P.S. You are one special lady.

[Verse 1]
Smile though your heart is aching
Smile even though it's breaking
When there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by
If you smile through your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You'll see the sun come shining through for you

[Verse 2]
Light up your face with gladness
Hide every trace of sadness
Although a tear may be ever so near
That's the time you must keep on trying
Smile, what's the use of crying?
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If you just smile
That's the time you must keep on trying
Smile, what's the use of crying?
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If you just smile

Sung by Nat King Cole

I am glad to get my second COVID vaccine tomorrow and will be able to see my fellow vaccinated.

I am thankful for my BFF who I work with, and who lives in the city I work in. Due to snow this past week I was able to spend 2 nights at her house, and not have my hour long drive from work in the snow and worry about making it back the next days. we got carry out and had a nice time..

All time favorite "My heart will go on"..................................

Watching the lovely snow fall this morning. Going to take a walk in the snow today. Love the calmness and quietness of the day.

It was a very pretty day here in Louisiana.

The lengthening days are really noticeable now, it's almost 6:00 and there's still daylight - YAY!

I too am very glad that January is over. It was a horrible dark month of nasty weather and COVID horror. February has started better. The birds are singing in the mornings, and the evenings are lighter. Half of my garden appears to have been washed away in recent storms, but there are still early Spring flowers coming through. I am focusing on the positives each day, rather than allowing the negatives to overwhelm me.

Here we find ourselves in a new year, second month is starting. I am hopeful still for this year to be a very good year.

Everyone keep trying, keep your chin up! Keep doing the work that is before you.

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