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Still innocent here.

Smeshque: Now I do NOT like figs! Yucky! Super gross! Gag!

A relative in Slovakia just posted a "not-so-inviting" treat - Wasp cookies. Yuck! I'll pass on that as I could think of were the wasp nests that were invading out window panes! Not so inviting OR appetizing!

Send: Because YOU called it figgy pudding so that'd what I thought it was - a pudding.

Lol, ha ha ha.
A fruit by any other name.

Is it a tomato?

Did anyone notice the statement about figs that I copied and pasted that stated fig is not a fruit, but an inverted flower, so the wasp.

Then that quote continues to call fig a fruit a couple of times. 😄

I have to say my favorite things are animals and being surrounded by nature. I’m completely burned out on people and civilization. I swear to myself that when this is all over that I’m selling whatever I have and going off grid. Probably not realistic for a number of reasons, but the thought of it keeps me going.

Figs with wasps ranks right up there with trout with the heads still on.

It helps a bit that we do not eat the male figs, with the wasps.😫

i recall those perverse fig bars that there seemed to be an abundance of when i was a kid . i never figured out if they were supposed to be a treat or a punishment .

briny hell .

I just printed out some verses to a song.
Totally innocent here.
I was going to ask you what is fig pudding?
but then you asked me for the recipe.

I am so confused, and now I am sure you all are from a different land,
way back when. Figs, wasps, inverted flowers...
And BTW, is a fig the same as a prune? They are looking kinda gross to start with!. (The prunes, I mean.)
Thanks for the lesson Glad.

Oh, gotta run now, just found my semi-sweet chocolate bar. Been missing for 3 days!

Madge, my first date was a Norwegian!

Pardon me, I think the free association bug has bit me.

"The hills are alive, with the sound of music!"

I love figs and dates and a good old Norwegian prune whip

I eat Figs at Christmas time with dried apricot halves, Maraschino cherries & Pineapple.I Love it,wasps and all~

Yeah, kinda gross. Just to expand on glad's message.
But the wasps enter the male figs, and we eat the female figs.
It is rare that the female wasp will enter the female fig, as there is no room to lay eggs. But yet it can happen and if the wasps enters the female fig(the one we eat, well I don't eat), then she dies there. But the figs enzymes will break the wasp down mostly, but not all the way. So yes it is possible to eat a wasp in your figs.

So there you go, but really eating a little wasp is probably way better than a lot of the things that they add to foods. Yup!

I used to make a steamed cranberry pudding, served with hard sauce. It was wonderful!

Fig pudding. Do you look for the wasp when preparing fruit?

As the Huffington Post points out, figs are not fruit– they're actually inverted flowers. As such, they require a specific kind of pollination that can only come from fig wasps– wasps that have to die inside the fruit in order for the fruit to mature, since figs cannot be pollinated by wind or normal bees.

That is my learn something new every day for today.

Send: What is the recipe for that fig pudding? Just wonderin'. That reminds me how much I like figs!

We won't go until we get some!

Send: Fig pudding? Yum! I haven't eaten a fig in "a month of Sundays."

This song!

We Wish You a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Good tidings we bring to you and your kin;
Good tidings for Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Oh, bring us a figgy pudding,
Oh, bring us a figgy pudding,
Oh, bring us a figgy pudding and a cup of good cheer. Refrain

We won't go until we get some,
We won't go until we get some,
We won't go until we get some, so bring some out here. ......

Sounds more like trick or treat!

Tasks caught up when I didn't think it could be done.

Send, great song and wonderful movie! Definitely a classic...

"So this is Christmas" song on the radio. (before Thanksgiving).

Tweety heard it, was singing along happily this morning.

"It's a wonderful life" movie.
Jimmy Stewart quote:
“You want the moon? Just say the word and I'll throw a lasso around it and pull it down."

Yes! Maybe Duvet covers come in fleece now?

Maybe put a duvet cover on it?

Fleece sheets do sound soft.
Thinking of doing away with any top sheet, and just using the lightweight comforter. It might not stand up to that many washings needed though.
It is a pain to wash.

Fleece sounds cozy but unfortunately I'm still going through menopause so they aren't for me. I can only handle a sheet most nights.

I’m happy that we don’t get much of a winter! Fleece sheets sound cozy though, flannel too. My husband would hate them. I would like them.

Yes, to flannel sheets for winter!💞

I'm here to rave about my fleece sheets. I had several sets for mom but I never tried them on my own bed until now... they're incredibly soft. wonderfully warm and I don't think I'll ever go back to plain old flannel.

I’ll be back ... which would make my parents smile.
Sunrise and sunsets good wine and some cat purrs,
78’s records, including light operas,
A swim in the sea, or just watching a bee.
These are a few of my favourite things.

A warm night with a warm wind and a full moon in the ski.

When the house is quit and mice aren't even moving...LOL

All my cats are behaving.

Fresh cut grass!

These are a few of my favorite things!

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