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Super bloom in Anza Boreggo desert? Just gorgeous and can actually be seen from space. Doesn't happen often. Strange winter weather this year for so many.

The wildflowers and especially California poppies are in bloom, and I am going to see them!

Sendhelp: I hear you! Great job. I think that you're doing a fantastic job! Here is a poem for caregivers---
Rescue me, for an afternoon
or an hour, or a few minutes.
I no longer want someone
to come into my life
and take over all my problems
and become my hero
and the owner of my life.
I don’t want that.
I just need someone
to rescue me for a few minutes
so that I remember that it’s possible
for somebody besides me
to do some of the things I do.
So that I don’t feel
totally indispensable
to the life of someone else.
And if you would rescue me
for five minutes
and someone else would rescue me
for five minutes
then, if enough people rescued me,
I would have the strength
to rescue myself the rest of the time.
And I could be
my own hero.
 by Cynthia Rush

Music and sunshine. Good food and laughter with friends. Comedy!

Thank you Llamalover.
I am trying to bring the forum back to a higher place where even though frustrated caregivers get angry, maybe hate their circumstances, there is much less criticism, attacks towards other caregivers for their opinions, and haters who just hate.

Maybe the word I am looking for is Decorum? :
Another word for decorum
decorum Synonyms

etiquette, propriety, dignity, seemliness, correctness, decency, decorousness, deportment, gentility, protocol, good form, good behavior, good taste, mannerliness, respectability; see also behavior 1.

decorum implies politeness, formality, or even stiffness in rules of conduct or behavior established as suitable to the circumstances levity not in keeping with decorum; decency implies observance of the requirements of modesty, good taste, etc. have the decency to thank her; propriety suggests conformity with conventional standards of proper or correct behavior, manners, etc. his offensive language oversteps the bounds of propriety; dignity implies conduct in keeping with one's position or one's self-respect; etiquette refers to the forms established by convention or social arbiters for behavior in polite society.

Looking for a more polite society.

Sendhelp: Your post is just beautiful! Well done!💖💖💖

Keep about your work. Do not flinch because the lion roars. Do not stop to stone the devil’s dogs. Do not fool around your time chasing the devil’s rabbits. Do your work; let liars lie; let sectarians quarrel; let editors publish; let the devil do his worst. But see to it that nothing hinders you from fulfilling the work God has given you. He had not sent you to make money; He has not commanded you to get rich. He has never bidden you to defend your character nor has He bidden you to contradict falsehoods about yourself which Satan and his servants may start to peddle. If you do these things you will do nothing else; you will be at work for yourself and not for the Lord. Keep about your work. Let your aim be as steady as a star. Let the world brawl and bubble. You may be assaulted, wronged, insulted, slandered, wounded, and rejected. You may be chased by foes, abused by them, forsaken by friend, despised and rejected of men, but see to it that with steadfast determination and with unfaltering zeal you pursue that great purpose of your life and the object of your being until at last you can say; “I have finished the work which you, dear God, have given me to do?”

We have awakened, and we are e v e r y w h e r e !
We are caregivers, helping other caregivers.

Lots of wind, a bit of snow. Watching the house across the street, they have left and come back probably five times today. They have four children. Happy that I no longer have children that I have to run hither and yon! I can just stay in.

Well, got out for coffee. Bad part, slid off the driveway. Good part, have four wheel drive. Bad part? Craving chili whenever it snows. Good part? Have four wheel drive so I can pick up chili fixins after coffee and gluten free egg pie for breakfast. Good part? The house will smell like chili later.

It is snowing! Looks like the best snowstorm I have seen since leaving the state three years ago. Everything is so white, fluffy and quiet. Had to use four wheel drive to get into garage tonight.😀

Bad part? If it is too slippery looking in the morning I may just have to give up my weekly coffee.😕

There was just enough snow here last night to cover up the ugly and it was fluffy enough to make clearing the driveway more fun than toil. Despite the cold (-7
°C) you can really feel the sun, when I went for a walk I could hear water trickling off eaves and I noticed buds swelling on the trees. Bring it on!

No donuts here, but the home made chicken soup has helped me feel better overall.

Waiting for tulips and daffodils to pop up in the spring....

Now were talkn' Linda~Those sound Wonderful!

Lu, I love peanut stick favorite shop chops them fine enough to make this crust...mmmmm

Did somebody say FREE DONUTS? I'd like one & I like the sour cream cake kind,but Mother always wanted her Elephant Ears~

Yum, CW, can't beat free donuts!

RRRoll Up the Rim to Win® ... I just won a free donut. 😋

International golden retriever day! Gosh it is tempting....

As a teacher, no school days kept me happy.

Is that even possible once we pass childhood GrannieA?

One of my favorites is a good snowstorm, when we are warm, have plenty of food, and no one travels or expects anything. Read, nap, do a project just watch it snow.

The lightening and thunder and rain was extreme until noon.
This afternoon in So. Cal., it is bright, sunny, blue skies, with bright white fluffy clouds. So beautiful!

Winter time and snow.

Despite it being the coldest part of winter I can't help but smile whenever I hear the little chickadees at my neighbour's feeders.

Black cap, merry chap
Little chickadee!
Nuts and fat he likes to eat,
Upside down and on his feet,
And he sings so bright and gay
On the cold and wintry days
Chick-a-dee-dee, chick-a-dee-dee, chick-a-dee-dee, chickadee!

Practically perfect in every way.
A line from Mary Poppins.
I use it as a joke to myself when I “know how everything should be”.

Before you speak, say "Is it necessary, is it helpful and how will it be interpreted by the receiver?"

“Don't Just

Don't just learn, experience.
Don't just read, absorb.
Don't just change, transform.
Don't just relate, advocate.
Don't just promise, prove.
Don't just criticize, encourage.
Don't just think, ponder.
Don't just take, give.
Don't just see, feel.
Don’t just dream, do. 
Don't just hear, listen.
Don't just talk, act.
Don't just tell, show.
Don't just exist, live.” 
― Roy T. Bennett

Smeshque is right. Always try to improve.

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