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"Penny Serenade"

"The Zookeeper's Wife"

my favorite part in the movie is when he figures out she cant walk.
"Oh darling if you can paint, than I can walk"
a real tear jerker.......

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

happy thanksgiving

I love an affair to remember as well
Especially the scene of holding hands as they're going up the stairs on the ship

happy thanksgiving to all
for thanksgiving my favorite thing is to lay around the house in my PJs all morning. than I put the turkey in and go back to laying around. I love and look forward to watching the March of the Wooden soldiers. (which i am doing right now..)
than I am looking forward to watching the movie An Affair to Remember. a really great movie.
my mom and dad passed away recently within a week or two apart. Dad and I used to sit together and watch
the movie. We both have seen it hundreds of times yet we both still cry at the ending. We would laugh at each other for crying.
My dad and Mom will be by my side all thru the movie.
I miss them so much.
than its turkey time........

A starry sky, retro TV, morning coffee, coffee ice cream with chocolate chips, going to interesting places when I can, a really good mystery, and my local library.....

I remember loving Blazing Saddles when I first watched it - (my goodness, it came out in 1974!) I think it was the (to the much younger me) shockingly over the top irreverence and satire that I had never encountered before. It has not stood the test of time.😂

Blazing Saddles...not my favorite movie at all but my dad is fond of quoting..."are we just pissing in the wind?" Always makes him laugh.
We always watched Chevy Chases's Christmas Vacation and I love it when he goes nuts and begins drinking the eggnog and goes into his tirade soliloquy about his boss.

i loved reading Garden Artists post. Favorite things, cats and kittens, baby's laughter, warm snuggly bed, hot bed from the oven with butter, a really good book, cup of tea with a scone with clotted cream and jam. Butterflies and birds. Stargazing, sunsets and sunrises. Things of nature.

My good friends here on AC!

Mash, NCIS, Madame Secretary, Bluebloods, and Bones.

Hubs has a set of Mash on VHS tapes.

Mash, Cheers, Frazier and Seinfeld

I Love Lucy. I love the old Lucy reruns. She was definitely a gifted comedienne.

Dick Van Duke on YouTube. Watch it as i am going to sleep and I do so laughing. Lots of old shows are on YouTube.

Dragnet. I used to listen to it on the radio many many years ago and picked it up on a TV station last week. I much prefer it to the blood and gore murder mysteries of today. It was followed by Hopalong Cassidy who I hope to watch again, Yay for the good ol' days.

Ms Madge,

High Five! Just saw your team win. Congrats!🎉

Way to go Dodgers 💙
way to go ⚾️👏

Owen!!! Owen!!! Its time for my spongebath Owen!

butterflies everywhere in my yard, ladybugs showing up in random places including my house. pennies, heads up also showing up here and there.

Dodger baseball in the playoffs
although it's not the same without Vin Scully

Tweet, tweet.
That bird tweets more than the president!

Wishing that I had repaired the dishwasher instead of removing it years ago. I would like a dishwasher.
That was something my dH would do, load the dishwasher.

-A fire in the fireplace on a cold ( Brrr) day.
-Rainbows following the rain. Once we seen both ends of a beautiful rainbow. It was amazing.
-When the doves, dragonflies and bats all come out in the eve in summer to devour mosquitoes and bugs.
-When the butterflies and geese migrate and each day for a while we see thousands and thousands.
-When the deer come out of the woods in the evening
These are a few of my favorite things.

I didn't realize that our dishwasher was one of my favorite things until I lost it for the last month and Iv'e had to do all the dishes,mainly cat plates by hand.Iv'e started all my days doing dishes and ending all my days doing dishes day after day for so long,but today the man brought the parts and fixed it and now I'm back in business and I can finally get on to other chores instead of dumb dishes.

Meow Meow!!

One of my favorite things: An interesting sky. Perhaps clear in one direction and ominous in the other. Or clouds that look like sweater texture. Or that wacky pink-orange glow after a late-afternoon rain.

Just step aside or you might end of up in a heap

U r so funny!

Peep Peep❗️❗️

My doggy was like that. She would lay down at the foot of our bed, facing away from us.
A purebred rescue, she later became more affectionate, but always faced away.

Long time ago......


Large bird running down the middle of the street. 14-16 inches long, grey, brownish.
Rare happening in our neighborhood.❗️❗️
It is a roadrunner, just ahead of the mailman.

Can a person ride their bike in the rain?

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