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My little dog is a rescue and he can be a bit aloof - he likes to curl up on the bed with me but he doesn't cuddle. But once I'm laying down to sleep, he curls right into me. I wonder if he still remembers the months of being out in the wild and being scared in the night. After a long day, I love having the runt next to me.

I just LOVE one of the cartoons my kittens watch everyday.There's always a positive lesson in it and it starts off with the best little song.The bird's name is "Peep" and he lives in a can and he sings:

Well it's a sunny day
I feel brand new
There's about a million things that I can do
whoa whoa~Would you like to do them too?
Well it's a big wide world and it's waiting for me and you!
Let's look around
What will we see?
Round every corner,there's a discovery
There's no place I'd rather be
It's a big wide world and it's waiting for you and me~

It's just one of our favorite things.....

Ali....That IS dear and you bet,they'd love it if you stayed in bed all day with 'em.To spend the day with mine and not have to go anywhere is awesome to me.I talk to my babies all the time and when my dH isn't here,sometimes I sing to 'em.The best time of the day is when I go back to tuck them in for the night though.Theyr'e all sleepy and lovey-dovey and I sing "Jesus Loves Me" and "My Little Babies"(a song I made up) to them and all their motors come on and it's just wonderful.I wish I could sleep with my 3 little kittens,but I still haven't yet because of my old cat,Odom.It's his time to be out free in the house,when the babies are put up and he sleeps with me on the couch and MaMa Bootsie sleeps above me.Yeah,the kitties are great Ali~

Book, it's funny what we take for granted until we don't have it. Having a hot water shower is something a friend of mine, who went to Puerto Rico to help with repairs after hurricane, said was quite the luxury there in some areas.

LuckyLu, my Old Man Cat is really endearing lately. He will see that I'm going to walk by "his chair" and he will hurry to get onto it so that his head is about my hand level and maybe I'll give him some rubs. I feel bad that I don't give him all the rubs he wants but he wants a LOT of them! I think both the cats would be content to be in bed with me, being petted, nearly all day and night, seems to be their favorite thing. Aww. 💕

Wish I could like your post twice Book

We only have cold showers and no air conditioner at home. I’m spending the night at sis. I haven’t had a hot shower in a long time. Tonight, I made the water as hot as bearable and wanted to stay there for a long, long time. I felt my body loosening, relaxing. At this moment, tonight, my favorite thing is hot showers and an air conditioned house! Tonight, No worries about waking up soaking wet with sweat from a deep sleep.

SueC~I Love your list of favorite things.The best one is the kisses from your furbabies....Oh,the joy the babies bring~

*Watching the pelicans fly in formation over the ocean in Puerto Vallarta. (I feel my soul soaring with them.)

*A large, soft, warm chocolate chip cookie and a cup of French roast coffee.

*A massage by a therapist who knows where to go and how hard/soft to do it.

*A deserted freeway and a full gas tank.

*"Kisses" from my 7 fur babies.

*Sleeping in-(not 'having' to get up at 5 am).

Comedy, music (Love Pandora), being out in nature, spending time with
genuine people

Let it shine til Jesus comes.
I'm gonna let it shine.
Let it shine til Jesus comes.
I'm gonna let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.

This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine
This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine
This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine
Let it shine, shine, shine
Let it shine!

Chris Rice sings:
"There is a candle in every soul
Some brightly burning, some dark and cold
There is a Spirit who brings a fire
Ignites a candle and makes His home
Carry your candle, run to the darkness
Seek out the helpless, confused and torn
And hold out your candle for all to see it
Take your candle, and go light your world
Take your candle, and go light your world
Frustrated brother, see how he's tried to
Light his own candle some other way
See now your sister, she's been robbed and lied to
Still holds a candle without a flame
So carry your candle, run to the darkness
Seek out the lonely, the tired and worn
And hold out your candle for all to see it
Take your candle, and go light your world
Take your candle, and go light your world
'Cause we are a family whose hearts are blazing
So let's raise our candles and light up the sky
Praying to our Father, in the name of Jesus
Make us a beacon in darkest times

The systems went down at work this afternoon so I picked up and left work early - can't remember the last time I've seen daylight on the way home

gonna rest for 20 minutes, take the trash out and go see if the Viking is still awake

too bad today is not BoGo at Starbucks

You can drink two MsMadge?

And tomorrow starting st 3 pm, it’s BoGo at SBUX


Or Pacific Standard Lattes.

Looked it up.


There is a hint of fall in the air and the aroma of PSL at SBUX

Good golly, do homosexuals have to look and act a certain way? Do straight people need to look and sound straight? What a crock of doggie poop. Sounds like the immigration officials should have some sexual preference sensitivity training.

I've known a lot of gay men. My God-father was gay. I grew up in San Francisco. It was just part of life. As a straight person, I always felt safe in the "gay part" of town. No one wants to be mean or evil. But, unfortunately, they have suffered at the hands of right wing people full of hate. I'm sorry for their persecution.

Wouldn't ya' think that we would have evolved farther than this by now?

My dad used to make me learn all the songs from the great musicals. Brought back old memories. :)

When the dog bites
When the bee stings
When I'm feeling low
I simply remember my favorite things
And then I don't feel so bad.

This is my favourite news item of the day. Warning: it is horrifying. /hilarious.


Headline: Austria rejects asylum-seeker's 'gay' claim.*

Immigration officials in Austria have come under scrutiny after they reportedly rejected a gay asylum-seeker because he did not walk or dress "like a homosexual."

The unnamed 18-year-old claimed he faced persecution in his native Afghanistan because of his sexuality.

But asylum officials dismissed the claim because he did not conform to gay stereotypes, according to details leaked to Austria's 'Falter' magazine.

"Neither your gait, your posture, nor your dress sense even come close to suggesting you are homosexual," the asylum office in Wiener Neustadt allegedly stated in a rejection letter.

The official in charge of the case also said the man had "too few friends" to be gay. "Aren't homosexuals supposed to be more sociable?" he wrote.

He also said the asylum seeker had a "tendency to aggression you would not expect in a homosexual" as he had argued with other residents at a shelter.

The letter also dismissed the Afghan teenager's claim he had kissed other youths who were not homosexual as "utter nonsense." The letter read: "If you had actually done this with a non-homosexual, you would have received a serious beating.

"You are not homosexual and therefore have nothing to fear when you return to Afghanistan," the letter concluded.

Austria's interior ministry said the leaked details "did not reflect the wider reality." The Afghan teenager has appealed against the decision.

* Austria did no such thing. One person in Austria did, but for the purposes of many sub-editors one per country is enough, it seems.

I just want to know what the official making the decision thinks proper homosexuals look like. In fact I think he or she should be made to give public presentation, with pictures. Just so we all know how to tell in future.

ah ha, CM
winner winner

me thinks it is to use your right arm to fend off any foes - French, Viking or otherwise

I've always assumed it was to annoy the French, our traditional pastime for at least a thousand years. But I expect it's something boring and sensible like which hand you used for the horses' reins while maintaining your line of sight for oncoming traffic. The Japanese drive on the left, too, mind. Presumably for them it was a matter of being able to wield swords more easily.

Speaking of swords - that definitely IS the reason why spiral staircases wind anticlockwise going up. When you built your castle you had an eye to defence, and if the attacker is coming up the pillars are in the way of his sword arm, whereas you're going down and free to hack away as hard as you like. Which is such a comfort in these dangerous times.

No, not quite what we're looking for, Send

there's an historical common sense reason for why the British drive on the left side of the road

Hope your jitterbug has a silencer, Send
then it will just vibrate in your drawer 😜

Because "hundreds of them" are driving the wrong way?

At my wits end, the end of my rope, wanting to fly outta here on my jet broom last night after taking the very last "caregiving call". So I tucked the cell phone away in the top drawer of my dresser all night. That will quiet it!
After a good nights sleep, I was feeling better.
What in the world is that very loud ringing? Whos phone is that? I know that mine doesn't even ring that loud, ever,!
Finding it in my drawer was easy since it was so loud!!

It was funny to me, but not t h at funny.

Storing the cell phone in the drawer from now on so I can hear it, Lol.

A British tourist was driving down the freeway when his wife called his cell phone.

"Herman, I just heard on the news that there's a car going the wrong way on Route 280. Please be careful!"

"It's not just one car," said Herman, "It's hundreds of them!"

Trivia question

Why do the British drive on the left side of the road ?

-CM and Veronica can be judges of the best answer

From My Cousin Vinny Marisa Tomei asking Joe Pesci if the deer he is about to shoot who is taking a sip of water from a brook really cares if his pants are made of leather.

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