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It got up to 90 or so, very hot for us. Normally fog rolls in and keeps things cooler around here. We just aren't used to the heat. ;)

Ceiling fans are great too!

Snoopy, how hot did it get in the SF area? Yes, AC is wonderful; mine's been down for years, and now the car is out of Freon, so I have to plan my excursions on cooler days until I can get an appointment to get the car pampered.

I have ceiling fans in most rooms though, and they're a lifesaver. They don't extract humidity, but they do provide central air circulation. I love my ceiling fans!

Garden Artist, those are all wonderful things, especially during a heat wave like we just had here in SF Bay Area. Also in that vein one of my favorite things is air conditioning. I did a series of errands today: hair cut (not really any air conditioning in the salon but I hadn't gotten too heated yet so didn't mind), library (low-key energy saver type air conditioning, nothing special), bank (mild air conditioning, OK, but I was only there a few minutes), thrift store (absolutely no air conditioning, very hot and stuffy, had to stay focussed) and then Safeway (full blast air conditioning, almost too cold, yay!!!).

Some favorites:

Easy, relaxed days of summer, sipping lemonade and watching the sun come up.

The freshness of fans on hot summer days. The coolness of wet washcloths on my face or towels around my neck.

Ice cream, and more ice cream, especially chocolate.

And I think if you listen closely 
In the sweet, glad days of spring, 
With the song of the brook, the breeze and the birds,
 You can hear the flowers sing. 

–Helen Isabel Moorhouse (b.1876)

Sitting in my recliner looking out of the window in our new houseseeing the sun shining on the freshly sprouted green leaves and a pair of squirrels chasing each other along the fence. It just feels so peaceful here.

Reese's peanut butter cups. mmmmmmm
And now that they've gotten so small I don't have to feel guilty for eating all 3.

ll Text
1 I’m just a weary pilgrim,
Plodding thru this world of sin;
Getting ready for that city
When the saints go marching in.
When the saints go marching in,
When the saints go marching in;
Lord I want to be in that number
When the saints go marching in.
2 My father loved the Savior,
What a soldier he had been!
But his steps will be more steady
When the saints go marching in. [Refrain]
3 And mother, may God bless her,
I can see her now, as then;
With a robe of white around her
When the saints go marching in. [Refrain]
4 Up there I'll see the Savior
Who redeemed my soul from sin,
With extended hands He'll greet me
When the saints go marching in. [Refrain]

Source: Singing Revival #23

Susan, one of the reasons I gradually planted fewer spring bulbs was exactly b/c of the changeable weather we have, like you're having. Too many flowers were cut short of blooming time because of the drastic weather changes.

As to the lilacs, you might be able to take cuttings from what healthier branches exist. I've never done it with lilacs, so I'm not sure if you would start the cuttings before or after bloom, but I'd try both. I love lilacs, their delicacy and lovely fragrant blooms. I need to start some cuttings as my bush is getting old as well.

GA - my mom's ONE tulip plant popped up 2 weeks ago, the poor confused thing. We had a warm spell, followed by freezing again, so it may not even bloom. The daylilies are starting to sprout now as well.

I suspect I'll have to uproot the white lilac in the front yard - there's been a mole invasion and the tree has been slowly dying over the past 2 years. I suspect this year it's probably done for. There have been fewer and fewer leaves and blooms on it every year, and more dead looking branches that simply don't do anything at all. I guess it's time to get rid of it. Mom would be devastated.

Little green sprouts anxious to get out above the soil and up into the sunshine.

The first crocuses in bloom.

The fragrance of Easter plants in stores.

Gardening catalogues brightening the mailbox contents, especially the ones with great buys.

Easter celebrations this time of year.

Here it is!

E is starting to be assertive in a cute way. He brought every blanket he could find to cover his mom ( my Dd). Then he started bringing every toy he could find. Dd told him thank you but I don’t need the toys, please put them back in the toy box. E then took the toys to his daddy, he told his daddy, don’t say no daddy, don’t say no!

L is quiet the explorer and wants to be involved in everything you are doing. I sit him on the counter so he can stir food that is cooking. Of course I watch him closely and he knows what “hot” means. He actually does pretty good.

Thanks Send. I love to talk about niece. She is one and half and going to daycare now. She is learning a new word every day and can even sing a little bit of the ABCs.

Ditto glad

Oh, oh, Break it,
Take another little piece of my heart

For some reason I found myself listening to Janis Joplin this morning. All that angst seems to jibe with caregiving, can't you just imagine what she might have sounded like singing about aging care and dementia?

While I like the Patriots, Tom Brady is a class act, I am very happy someone other than the New England Patriots won the Super Bowl! First time for the Eagles to win! Congrats to any Eagle fans! It was a great game!

I got this email this week....

"N***** is 5 months today.

- He can roll over
- he can touch his toes
- he likes his exersaucer
- he laughs a lot (he thinks dad is pretty funny)
- he tried the jolly jumper for the first time (although he was pretty tired so we'll have to try it again)
- he's eaten oatmeal a few times (his first food)
- he loves to bounce and move
- he can sit and stand by himself for a few seconds before he falls over
- he's determined to crawl but he's pretty top heavy so not much success yet
- he loves to be sung "patty cake" and "zoom zoom zoom, we're going to the moon"
- he sleeps 10 hours/night
- he weighed in at 20 lbs yesterday"

I got pictures too... 😁

There are several new neices, nephews, grandchildren born and I would love to hear more about them from the happy grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc.
After the birthdate, we rarely hear more.....

Dear Luckylu,

Thank you so much my friend. My niece was born two months before my dad passed away. It is hard to believe the times has gone so quickly. If I am still on this board, maybe one day I will say she is starting first grade.:-) I do love her to bits. And enjoying buying her many things.:-) Too much according to her mother.

Thank you for sharing with me about your grandmother's love for General Hospital. I am happy to hear that Doug and Julie signed your mother's Marlana doll. I'm glad when celebrities are really nice in real life and care about their fans.

Thank you for your kindness to me Luckylu. I greatly appreciate it.

cdnreader....My Grandmother was hooked on General Hospital till the day she died. She Loved that show like Mom Loved her "Days". I forgot to add that the night we were lucky enough to see "Doug and Julie",Mother took along her "Marlana" doll and they signed it for Mom and she kept it right beside her liftchair for Days....
I can't believe your niece is already almost a year and a half old.It seems like it was just yesterday,she came.She 's a cutie,I can tell.I bet you'll spoil her rotten! :)

Dear luckylu,

That is beautiful story about your mom. I remember watching the soaps when I came home from high school. My friend loved Days of our Lives. I got hooked on General Hospital and the love triangle between Jax, Brenda and Sonny.:-)

Dear MsMadge,

So glad they are fixing your favorite yogurt. Scary about the label but I'm glad you called about it.

My favorite thing is my baby niece. She is 17 months old already singing her ABCs and getting a tall enough to grab onto the counters and tables.

My favorite yogurt recently changed the packaging on its containers
Now I notice a chemical smell coming back off it - eewww

Decided to call the toll free number to the company and asked if they had any other complaints?

Yes, she said- too much resin on the matte labels and should be fixed in a couple of weeks - she'll be sending me some coupons in the mail

I'm glad that they're stepping up quickly to correct the issue - I eat a container every morning and would not like to change brands over a label

Becky, brother's always joked with my Mom about her show too,especially about some of the silly scenes that happened on it from time to time.From the time I was in diaper's ,she watched her show,over 40 years atleast.It was her"Thing".

LuckyLu, How great for your Mom. My Mom was a Young and the Restless fan. I always teased her about watching the "Old and the Boring"

One of my favorite things is a very memorable day I carry in my heart and mind.
Mother Loved her soap opera,"Days of Our Lives".She always looked foreward to it and never missed her show.One day,while she was on Hospice,we decided to go to the Bookstore,Barnes and Noble and look around.On the way out there was a sign that said that "Doug and Julie" from Days of Our Lives would be there That night to do a book signing...We couldn't believe it and raced home to change our clothes and go back to the store and Mom saw her "Hero's" there right in front of her,talking about their book and taking any questions about the show.Mother Loved every minute and I Loved seeing Mom so happy.It was a night I will never forget,Mom went to sleep smiling~

He Knows
Jeremy Camp
on youtube.....

All the bitter weary ways
Endless striving day by day
You barely have the strength to pray
In the valley low
And how hard your fight has been
How deep the pain within
Wounds that no one else has seen
Hurts too much to show
All the doubt you're standing in between
And all the weight that brings you to your knees
He knows
He knows
Every hurt and every sting
He has walked the suffering
He knows
He knows
Let your burdens come undone
Lift your eyes up to the one
Who knows
He knows
We may faint and we may sink
Feel the pain and near the brink
But the dark begins to shrink
When you find the one who knows
The chains of doubt that held you in between
One by one are starting to break free
He knows
He knows
Every hurt and every sting
He has walked the suffering
He knows
He knows

Thanks to Cwillie, I found this thread by going on the internet.
Thanks Cwillie!

agingcaredotcom/my favorite things

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