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I was fascinated with the Pentatonix Xmas songs. But today, I finally realized that I miss the oldies, like Bing Cosby, etc.. I found in YouTube a 3-hour Medley Xmas songs. My favorite xmas songs are Frosty the Snowman and The Drummer Boy - the older versions (not the modern singers' version.) .. I was just about to go and shower, shut the door, and heard through the door - Simply Having a Wonderful Christmas Time... I haven't heard that song in a long time!  Not even last year.. I just had to come out and listen to it properly.  It's almost bedtime.  So, I'm going to bookmark this YouTube video. I'm sure there are lots of other songs I haven't heard in a while.

cdnreader....Your'e baby niece is so lucky to have you for her Aunt.I can tell you Love her very much.She will look so cute in her new little piggy hat and it will keep her little head warm.That was very thoughtful of you.

My colleague makes the cutest crochet animal hats. I picked up a cute little pink piggy hat for my baby niece!

Three weeks till Christmas, so hard to believe. I do enjoy seeing all the Christmas lights and displays. It does bring a smile.

Hubs had that! His favorite.

You forgot pie for breakfast with a big cup of coffee

Turkey sandwich with dressing, cranberry sauce, mayo, and a white soudough bread, the daybafter---my favorite!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I have to say roasted turkey and mashed potatoes is one of my favorite meals!

Your tradition of rocks sounds awesome.

I would like to bake Christmas cakes this year. I've always managed to squeeze that in but last year I didn't because I was too tired. Fingers crossed for this year.

We will have a quiet Thanksgiving this year and I’m happy about it. Christmas is bigger in our family and this year our son will be here! I’m really looking forward to having both my children together for Christmas. I plan to decorate more just for our 3 year grandsons! It will be fun having the grandies for the first time.

Here in our city, we paint small rocks and hide them around town. Whoever finds them, either rehides them or paints more to hide. On the back of the rock you paint (name of city Rocks). Take a picture to post in the city FB group. It it is fun community spirit and many cities around the country are doing this.

Hard to believe Christmas is coming soon. Lots of bake and crafts sale in the community. There is a also a German Christmas market I am looking forward to.

Your'e a good MaMa Send.....

Actually did make the appointment. The scheduling was for the next appointment.
How does "See you next year sound?"

The squirrel....wanting to foster independence in the wild thing....thinking maybe I should stop wearing a ponytail...he might start to think I am his mother.

I'm not sure about galloping but the queen still rides regularly and she's 91, so you're never too old!

Fav thing: galloping down an endless beach. I haven't done that for about two years. I hope I do it again before my bones get too old!

Or my favourite-ever Mel cartoon - "not tonight, I'm washing my hare."

Yes, the next time I have to break any appt. I'll use that. Sorry, can't make it. My pet ant is sick. "oh, so can you make it next Monday?" me, Uh, no that won't work either, my cockroach is getting his nails done" LOL x infinity....................

Yes, I think the animals go by their own internal clock.
Either that....or it is the sugar high, the more you eat, the more you want, the sooner you want it!

Rescheduling after seeing my therapist today, I told him I am no longer available at 4:00 p.m. because I have to feed the squirrel, and visit with the two hummingbirds.  One was so little, it's beak is 1/4 inch longer this week!  My porch is a real happening place now.
He said I am an empath. 

Send, perhaps Ratatouille hasn't adjusted to the clocks going back yet. :)

Yes, the little things.
Yesterday, the squirrel returned, up the ramp, onto the porch, a little knock on the screen door! Coming now daily just after 4 p.m. for treats.

Today, I was upset...Ratatouille came at 3 p.m., interrupted me, I sat on the porch while he nibbled the rice crispy treats right in front of me. Then I returned to finish the dishes.
I had the dishwater boiling soapy I came back dH was running cold water (just a little bit, he says!) into the dishpan.

Song for Luckylu....
I Am Not Alone
Kari Jobe
When I walk through deep waters
I know that You will be with me
When I'm standing in the fire
I will not be overcome
Through the valley of the shadow
I will not fear
I am not alone
I am not alone
You will go before me
You will never leave me

You will go before me
You will never leave me
In the midst of deep sorrow
I see Your light is breaking through
The dark of night will not overtake me
I am pressing into You
Lord, You fight my every battle
Oh, and I will not fear
I am not alone
I am not alone
You will go before me
You will never leave me....

Thanks again Send. Words to live by "Keep on fighting!" Isn't that the truth. Life is always about getting up again after getting knocked down.

There was frost on all the trees today. So pretty. Trying to appreciate the little things.

Luckylu, the singers who published the song "It's not over yet"
are called "For King and Country."

The song can be heard on youtube. Now that your computer is fixed, get on the

For King and Country
Songs to encourage...
And they are inside your head
You got a voice that says
You won't get past this one
You won't win your freedom
It's like a constant war
And you want to settle that score
But you're bruised and beaten
And you feel defeated
This goes out to the heaviest heart
Oh, to everyone who's hit their limit
It's not over yet
It's not over yet
And even when you think you're finished
It's not over yet
It's not over yet
Keep on fighting
Out of the dark
Into the light
It's not over
Hope is rising
Never give in
Never give up
It's not over
Yet, woah
Yet, woah
Oh, game set match
It's time to put it in your past, oh
Feel the winter leavin'
It's redemption season
Long live the young at heart (here we are)
Cheers to a brand new start (here we are)
We're revived and breathing
To live a life of freedom
Oh, to everyone who's hit their limit
It's not over yet
It's not over yet
And even when you think you're finished
It's not over yet
It's not over yet
Keep on fighting
Out of the dark
Into the light
It's not over
Hope is rising
Never give in
Never give up
It's not over
Yet, woah
Yet, woah
And life is a race we run
So run till the race is won
Don't you ever give up (here we are)
Oh no never give up (here we are)
Life is a race we run
So run till the race is won
Don't you ever give up (here we are)
We will never give up (here we are)
And oh, to everyone who's hit their limit
And even when you think you're finished
It's not over yet
Oh, to everyone who's hit their limit
It's not over yet
It's not over yet
And even when you think you're finished
It's not over yet
It's not over yet
Keep on fighting
Out of the dark
Into the light
It's not over
Hope is rising
Never give in
Never give up
It's not over
Yet, woah

Boy cwillie....You must've had the munchies!There were quite a few.Hope you haven't made yourself sick~

Oops, sorry luckylu, I already ate them all.

cwillie...Your' cupcakes look wonderful,Pass me one please!The critters look chocolate Send...

Thank you Send for those amazing song lyrics. Those are the perfect words to lift me up today.

My favorite thing today is my one year old niece in her pink snowsuit! She is a cutie. Her very biased aunt.:-)

Tai Chi to relax in the morning. My hubby and I are having fun learning it. It is that quiet alone time before my mom gets up and our caregiving starts all over again.

Your cupcakes have eyes.
I could never eat the little critters.....
Could you take the eyes off before I start naming them?

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