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What a beautiful sky!
Glad it is not raining just now, as I am driving to pick up hubs...There should be a better way, because I really shouldn't be going out at 10:30 p.m., imo.

With a little fortitude, encouragement, and prayer, I can do this.

Rained all night here and continued until around noon.

That's the spirit, Ms.Madge! A walk in the rain.
Did you see how excellent an example that was, slipped by us by Cwillie---
"Walk/run, tidying up the yard and garden, late lunch"

As if it were the easiest and most natural sequence of events....!

I took the day off work to clean the floor furnace and relax before taking mom to the doctor this afternoon

Haven't done a lick of housework but might go take a little walk in the rain and then have a little warm apple strudel

There are a few caregivers who it appears from their posts over time, that there would be no doubt how good they are as a caregiver to their loved one.
Since these people will hardly notice I am talking about them due to being humble, I will just say it bluntly-Cwillie-you shine!
Those with a schedule, a self-care routine-and caregiving techniques tried and true will mostly be successful, imo.

Good job, Cwillie!
Preferring to shower and dress anew daily, I was only good-to-go to pick up our tire. My schedule must be flexible to meet the needs of hub's schedule. If I have to go out, I am always eyeing the opportunity to jump in the shower. Unfortunately that could be midnight, 3 a.m.(bothering his sleep), or 5 a.m.--
(will there be hot water?) So, clean and presentable, always the goal.

It is good you hear the rain, especially a warm, gentle rain when you really need it, hooray!

The problem with waking up in yesterday's clothes, do you have to change or can you consider yourself ready for the day?

It is a beautiful, sunny Fall day here, temps rising to 50ish today and up to 60 for the weekend and halloween (thanks to TWN for converting degrees C to F). Lots of leaves were on the trails when I went for my run/walk this morning and I have been busy tidying up the yard and garden before I get mom up for a late lunch. I am always looking for the easier way to do things so I buzzed off flowers with my hedge clippers, raked the debris onto the lawn and went over the whole yard with the lawn mower. No raking leaves and bagging yard waste for me! LOL

That was an interesting favorite thing.
Because you are not going to work.
Is it just my imagination, or did I get a sense of sadness or melancholy in your post?
It is raining harder now, and would be inconvenient to get in the car and drive dH to work in the rain. But the joy of having rain and that he has a job to go to later this afternoon, that is a favorite thing for me.
I don't expect that with your job caring for your Mom it would be all joy, but hoping you do have something to sustain you, encourage you, help you, and make you joyful. Best of today, take care of you! Me thinks that sooner or later, that frost has gotta go anyway? Is it that cold yet that the frost won't melt all day?

Yeah, Sharyn,
Gentle, soft rain, IN CALIFORNIA!
Me too, yay!

Heard the rain! It might as well have been Santa Claus arriving on Christmas morning the way I jumped out of bed, ran outside (wear slip-ons), backed the car out into the rain, where it is being washed right this minute! It was not still dark when I did this, and yes, I was still dressed from the day before because, exhausted, fell asleep in my clothes. Yay! Everyone should try that on purpose, just once, because one really can get outside quick, first thing this way. imo.

Frost on the car, but I don't have to stand out in the dark scraping it off because I'm not going to work :)

Warm outside, gentle soft rain.

I am sorry.

The cemetary scene in Steel Magnolias can be googled on Youtube, when the actress Sally Field cries: "I want to hit somebody", and her friend offers up her other friend, here "Hit Ouiza".
Loss, Heartache, tears, hysteria, laughing, anger, friendship.
Another character, M'Lynn says: "That wasn't a very christian thing to do".

One of my favorite songs was also my mother's:
Somewhere Over The Rainbow

My favorite thing next month will be all the weight I am going to lose on my favorite diet I am going to try. After getting so busy driving willy nilly, sitting in parking lots waiting, rushing around on other people's schedules, eating on the run, I am not feeling very good. If I can stop the gain, that will be a start. It is not recommended to start too many major projects all at once-it sets one up for failure.

I made a big Old Fashioned Baked Rice Pudding on Friday, and it turned out beautifully, just like my Moms. I would cook it more often as it is so simple, but I would be the onebto eat the entire thing, and I don't need the calories! Once in a great while is OK though! Yumm, bowl #4 for me, and my doggy likes it too!

Good luck Stacy! I got back tomorrow and get more xrays, and if all looks good no surgury. I have been SO careful not to put wieght on it,, the wheelchair and knee scooter help alot but once we get me upstairs at night I am stuck on a rolling office chair.. and it;s a pain to get into the bathroom.. So we are going to try to get a script for a small wheelchair for the upstairs! Borrowed the downstairs one and the scooter too,, thank goodness for friends! I did go out thursday when we took mom to aunts, and we ate out... that was an experience . Yes they had a ramp... but the double doors pulled OUT!! and I was not attempting the bathroom..LOL I can see me still stuck in there!

Oh I Love Liverwurst too! We are going back years, back whan my Grandpa was alive, and her would share his sandwich with me! God Love him! Have not had Liverwurst in Forever, and will havevto get some next time we shop!

Pammyz, hope you are doing better with your leg/ankle fracture injury! I broke my baby toe on Tuesday, and re-injured it yesterday, having to leave the house for the first time, just that little bit of careful walking made it swell right back up, and I think I broke more blood vessels in there, as there is new bright red bruising between my toes. I hope I have not done anything serious to it, and may have to get it checked out, though no numbness, and I can wiggle it OK. Hmmm, not my finest hour! Hubby is feeling guilty for leaving the box on our bedroom floor which I ran into, so he has been waiting on me hand and foot, so not all bad! 😈 Take care Girl!

Oh amy I have not thought about liverwurst in ages!! My dad used to eat "olive loaf,, and barbeque loaf", and our small local grocer still sells this!! I grew up on Summer sausage, or white bologna,, on white bread!

Lying in bed last night I started thinking about one of my favorite lunches! Liverwurt sandwiches, made with fresh Italian bread and slathered with butter! Must be a memory from my childhood!
Also, my favorite things are autumn, our two poodles and camping when no one else is around and its very quiet!

Back in the 60's there was a Hamburger Heaven in Palm Beach Florida.Their hamburgers were huge! My baby,"Precious" and I would Love to join you Jessie.....and I'll take mine with mushrooms and swiss!

I'd like to meet with everyone here and take a trip to Hamburger Heaven. It is about a mile from here and is supposed to have the best hamburgers. I've never eaten there, since I don't want to go alone and have no friends. (sniff)

Your post made me smile Lucky. It also made me want a hamburger.....

I get the biggest kick taking my new little dog through the drive through.She gets excited and she's full of hope that she might get something.She'd Love a hamburger everyday,like I would too.She Loves those smells!.

The warmth that comes with Thanksgiving...getting together with family, kitchens fragrant with the aroma of roasting turkey, pumpkin pie... love those fragrances.

Leftover turkey! Cold cranberry sauce!

micalost: How did you get Myst to walk on a lead? Where I live we can only have indoor cats, but I'd love to take a cat for a walk [when I get one -- SIL is highly allergic and sometimes stays with me].

Love the name Myst!! I miss purr time with cats and kittens, but I don't miss cat hair and litter boxes. I need a friend with a cat I can visit.

My absolute favorite "thing" is my cat buddy, Myst.
she loves to take me on walks outside on her harness, she snugs tight against my side at night... She and I are best friends, she has the best attitude always happy.
Unless of course I am nervous on the phone or about parent- then she howls and insists I hold her and calm down :) Love her.

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