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I have a plan. I will spend the rest of my days traveling. I've laid out how exactly I will do it. I have planned out all the logistics. I measure my progress on the plan every week. I dream and research every week. It is my lifeboat. It is my favorite thing to think about...dream about.

When my obligation here is done, I will hit the road and not just see North American...but travel and live in all the places that I have read about. I figure about 3-6 months in any one place would be a fair time to really know a place...then move on again. I even have the travel plan itself....but, it is constantly being updated to add more detail and places.

I am going to "do" it all. Or as much as I can before I kick the bucket.

Little kids,Ages 3,4, and 5 are my favorites.They follow along like little "chickies" and offer so much unconditional love.

The grandies are the best, sure that others will agree. Wouldn't want anyone to miss that all too brief time in a grand-parent's life. Blessings abound.

Thanks for the reminder-retrieving a top round slow cook candidate from the fridge, flour, browned, then slow cooked , add potatoes and carrots later for dinner will actually save me time!
Getting out the new supply of sub-lingual B-12 for my dH, taking some myself will also help. It will help me to help him too!
A yay! day if ever there was one.

The aroma of good food slow roasting in the oven as I relax a little as I get ready to craft a gift for my grandies. Boxes I am covering in batman and superman fabric, then I will fill these small boxes with little toys like matchbox cars etc!!! It will be such great fun to just put something together for the boys!!!

Just because I am good at balancing checkbook, paying bills, budgeting very little income doesn't mean that it doesn't cause me stress, and it gets harder. I am thankful it is not high finance.!! The pressure to give money to dH to repair his computer is real pressure. He will have to wait. I will have to say no. No. NO.
So, when bills are paid, that time is my favorite time.


May each day of the week be a good day....Andy Williams

Music. I love Music, and this may be the only thing that will get me through this week of 9/1/2016.
Not responsible if there is a B flat in there, never could read music, but used to play chopsticks by ear, Lol.

Perseverance, how caregivers persevere is my favorite thing, especially when I want to run away.

Today is a watering allowed day in SoCal, my favorite thing.

Midnight? EST?
Putting my kindle away, 9:15 p.m.PDT.
That was such a good idea, V.

Oh, the original phenomenon was the christian rock, by Skillet.
Then, the beard subject came up.
No insults meant towards people who wear beards, especially Captain.

Goodnight Veronica. Did not know that it was that late.
I am not sure there is a beard phenomenon, it may have been pure speculation.

8/29/16 23.07 EST There I did it must be time to put the computer away. I did not know there was a beard phenomenon. My 46 year old son turned up last Christmas with one. I hope he has shaved it off this year. Luckily he's blonde and keeps his hair short so does not look like a terrorist. Night all.

Looking at Cesar Milan's website, it was his birthday and his own dog, Junior's birthday. When I first saw the picture of his beautiful dog, I had to ask myself is the dog's name Cesar, or Junior, because pictures also showed Junior's predecessor, Daddy, and Cesar's dad, (with Cesar being the junior to his Dad.)
Now, are you confused too?
The favorite part was the beautiful Staffordshire Terrier, grey in color.

A rock of offense is one of my favorite verses.

Send I love Wayne Dryer. He is so smart. Although most of what he writes and says you can find in the Bible. Dare I say that I read the bible or will I be excommunicated from this site or even worse offend someone. :P

One of my pet peeves is to ask a question, and then have someone answer with another question. My husband does this all the time, but I did not mind it when you did it Churchmouse. But I'm not sure I got the joke. Is your comment a reference to Ebenezer Scrooge?

It took me a while to get that one... oooh, now I understand ;)

Is that kin to the joke about the wicked dyslexic who sold his soul to Santa?

Why does everyone spell "D O G " backwards?

10 Pieces of Wisdom - Wayne Dyer August 17, 2016

1.) If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

2.) How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.

3.) When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself.

4.) You cannot be lonely if you like the person you're alone with.

5.) Conflict cannot survive without your participation.

6.) Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice.

7.) Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into.

8.) Loving people live in a loving world. Hostile people live in a hostile world. Same world.

9.) You'll see it when you believe it.

10.) Go for it now. The future is promised to no one.

Without the mustache, my husband has a big mouth! Lol!😉

My husband sported a mustache for the 1st 20 or so years that we were together, and one day, he came out of the bathroom after shaving off his mustache for the very first time ever, and I thought he was a stranger in my home, he looked so different! I couldn't believe it! He hasn't grown his mustache back ever since, now 31 years. He thought it was making him look older, now that there were gray hairs in his mustache! Lol! It's nicer kissing him without it though! And when DID we Stop kissing our husbands, like we back in the days when we were first dating, huh? What the hell? Do any of you still MAKE OUT with your long time partners? That's just not Right!

My husband had a thin beard before we were married, and now he has none.
Looks kinda more normal, but I wear reading glasses now, my whole life gets a little blurry.

My husband has always had a beard.When he shaved it off one time,he looked like a chipmunk.

I'm working on it Send.I just caught Part 2 tonight.No Skillet.OK with me....

I too, also wuz unaware of any phenomenon until last night. Since I did not see a video, I wuz also unaware of the beard phenome.
Now, lets all get drunk, talk backwards, and----uh oh-something that terrorists and Jesus have in common-a full beard. I am so confused.
My mind opened, my brains fell out over the floor, my head is turning in 360° circles-Can hardly wait for halloween-where is my broom-oh, there it is, cleaning the floor all by itself, it is round, metal disk-looking, and dancing the rumba.

Dh just left for church to assist live-streaming the same again tonight. o my.
A real phenomenon, inexplicable.

Luckylu, You back to normal yet?

And the man bun... what the heck is that mess? I hate seeing it our male nurses. They have to cover up thier tats.. but this is OK? I'd rather see a neat ponytail on a guy than a bun... Sean Connery was still pretty hot into his 60s in MHO.. But I am also a fan of Stalone and Lundgren!

Shout-out to Churchmouse! I, too, am WAY tired of the SuperBeard. Yuk.

I've just spent some time on YouTube listening to Skillet. Thank you for introducing me to this phenomenon Send, I was totally oblivious, does this count as my Sunday worship? I have to say that I found the songs I listened to rather angry and bleak, you have to look pretty hard to find any christian metaphors hidden within the lyrics.

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