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Is he as good looking in person as he is on TV?


I have a secret crush on Cesar..........

Yup, tis me, la mulata88

Jinglebts and GardenArtist,
Thank you! Maybe Cesar is just part dog?

Baryshnikov and Nureyev have a type of genius, for sure - their dancing is legendary. My breath is always taken away when I see them in the solo portions of ballets.

But they also have that Russian training, which is so rigorous.

Dogs or ballet - they're extraordinary men.

Send: The dog whisperer -- love that program -- he makes it look SO easy! Have you read "What the Dog Saw" by Malcolm Gladwell? It's a collection of his essays, including those printed in The New Yorker, and one is about Cesar Milan. Gladwell interviewed specialists in movement for "What the Dog Saw" and it was very interesting. It seems that Milan exudes authority by his very body language and that's why he's so good with dogs. It a type of innate physical genius that very few ppl have -- Wayne Gretzky and Baryshnikov have it, Nureyev had it. You could do a search on "What ... Saw" and read it -- it's downloadable as a .pdf document.

Thanks for mentioning it!

One interesting tidbit....
Cesar Milan, the Dog Whisperer has a facility near here, have run into him a few times as he goes to the park with his dogs.

In protest, I thought I would steal the whole lot of them, bring em home, cause trouble in the hood with barking, call the pound to come and rescue them because the new rules by the new managers are that you have to leave the area to walk your dogs and cannot walk them on the street here.

But I would never do that to doggies, it was stressful enuff the first time in the pound truck when as strays, they were first picked up.

Dh took a nap anyway.......

Forgo Sunday nap?! Never!

How many doggies will you come home with Send?

Sunday brunch is going to be italian sausage, vermicelli, romaine salad!
It is a beautiful, slightly windy day here in So. California.
Then, because I really want to, we will go see the dogs at the animal control shelter. Dh will forego his Sunday nap from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. because this will be good for him.

Goodnight Gershun!
Everyone stay safe.

Give me liberty, or give me death by chocolate!

Me and my kitties will help guard-no violence at any border is the motto.
Is Canada really building their own wall to keep Americans out?

It was technically a 5 milestone, but who's counting, lol?

I am so happy for you that you can run, just the running is an accomplishment-you don't have to place first or even finish-it is good for you that you just do it!
You are amazing!

Running is something I always wanted to do but never seemed to accomplish, I've tried a number of times but had to give up for various reasons. It doesn't come easy for me, I would read of others doing their daily 5 miles and become discouraged. I still struggle to do half that and the 5K cancer run I did last year was a real milestone for me!

Cwillie, Running still, wish I could run. Was it you that ran an event marathon in honor of your brother? Have I got that right? Do you do this yearly? Share please, if you will.

I was pleased to discover I could still run this spring after being a slug all winter. Today I ran past trillium, marsh marigold, and dog toothed violets, and the canada geese have goslings! Then I came home and mowed the grass and hung out laundry; I'm on a roll lol!

Garden Artist, Now I have seen everything about chocolate. Marcel /Trellis Restaurant wrote a book, Death by Chocolate, as well as the cooking show.

Perusing the chocolate was almost as fun as going to the gardening sites.
I am fortunate that Dh steps up and keeps most things watered (by hand) out there in our tiny garden lately. When he does this on his own, it is only one excellent way to make an assessment of how well he is doing, and I really appreciate him for that too!

Goodmorning, Sharyn! One piece of cake will do! That sounds really scrumptious.
Today, I will make one small effort to get back to juicing celery, there is no more chocolate left in the house. Or is there?

WE have an awesome chocolate cake in our bakery. It is a large slice and I buy one when they put it out fresh. OH, it is so good and rich, it take 3-4 days to eat the whole thing.

Good Night Caregivers, chocolate by day or night is better!!!

Okay, Gershun, but I haven't eaten my chocolate yet! Been busy google-ing on the internet.

Good Night Send!

I would prefer to just eat it and die! Lol.
Goodnight Gershun!

I had no idea chocolate could be so complicated.......I prefer to just eat it. :)

y Rosa Silverman2:29PM BST 17 Jul 2012CommentsComment
A N@zi plot to kill Sir Winston Churchill with a bar of exploding chocolate during the Second World War has been revealed in historic papers.
Giving a new meaning to the dessert name “death by chocolate”, Adolf Hitler’s bomb makers coated explosive devices with a thin layer of rich dark chocolate, then packaged it in expensive-looking black and gold paper.
The Germans apparently planned to use secret agents working in Britain to discreetly place the bars - branded as Peters Chocolate - among other luxury items taken into the dining room used by the War Cabinet during the conflict.
The lethal slabs of confection were packed with enough explosives to kill anyone within several metres.
But the plot was foiled by British spies who discovered the chocolate was being made and tipped off one of MI5’s most senior intelligence chiefs, Lord Victor Rothschild, before the wartime prime minister’s life could be endangered.

No, but the phrase, death by chocolate has been around awhile-I did not know it referred to that. Maybe it is in youtube still. See me googling now ....

Send, did you ever watch the Death by Chocolate cooking program hosted by Marcel de Saulniers? It was a regular broadcast decades ago. He was a famous chef and apparently co-owner of the Trellis Restaurant in Williamsburg.

As I age beyond belief, my advance planning has got to be death by chocolate.
I am having some now.

Good Morning Aging Caregivers (Said in true Robin Williams style)

Ilove Uggs.

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