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Good morning Send, and Good night too! Exhausted tonight.

Hmm, favorite things? The weather getting so warm earlier this week that I could go barefoot. Then so cold today, need to keep my socks on, then find my UGGS.

Yay! Susan! Good for you!

Random acts of typing....I see your point!

Having had a talk with myself, taking my husband (tech geek) to a World IP conference today, learn, network, get a job down the line! He can work part-time under supervised employment programs. There are a whole lot of tech-geeks at Caltech!

....aaaaand another client on board! :-)

Ok Send....

You can't type these two names in succession like that anymore...

Goodnight Assandache,
Goodnight Blackhole,

...because my tired eyes read something totally different. Not going there, but I'm sure you can figure it out. LOL

Good morning Send!!!! Good morning everyone!! Hope everyones day is peaceful


CentralMassach, Yes, JohnBoy, that is why Gershun and I have been saying goodnight for a long time now, perpetuating the old-fashioned kind of love and concern theme that the Walton's portrayed in their show.
Just trying to spread the love to the caregiving family across the miles by including everyone I could think of last night. The B was for Babalou, could not think of he name!
Good morning!

Goodnight JohnBoy! Couldn't resist - the Walton's - one of my favorite shows.

Good morning CWillie!

HaHaHa. I couldn't sleep so I finally decided to get up, time for my second cup of coffee. Good Morning Send!

Goodnight Assandache,
Goodnight Blackhole,
Goodnight Malloryg8r,
Goodnight Eddie,
Goodnight Shilo,
Goodnighf AliBoBali,
Goodnight Midkid,
Goodnight tgengine,
Goodnight Timbuktu,
Goodnight Jude!
Goodnight Linda22,
Goodnight Guestshopadmin,
Goodnight B,

Love from Sendme2help.

I'm not finished yet.....
Goodnight Jessebelle,
the bunny and the squirrel,
Goodnight Ashlynne,
Goodnight Ramiller,
Goodnight Coloresue,
Goodnight Bookluvr,
Goodnight DDDuck,
Goodnight Pamstegma,
and everyone too!

Hoping this will be a good night for everyone!
Goodnight Blackdogmina
Goodnight Jinglebets
Goodnight Fregflyer
Goodnight Sharadale
Goodnight Sunnygirl and Yogagirl
Goodnight Hear2Heart
Goodnight Central Massach
Goodnight Mulata and Tacy

Good Night Send!

Goodnight Gershun
Goodnight Stacey
Goodnight Glad
Goodnight Sharyn
Goodnight Susan
Goodnight Phoenix
Goodnight Veronica
Goodnight Lucky
Goodnight Pammzi
Goodnight Countrymouse and Golden
Goodnight VStefans
Goodnight Cwillie
Goodnight Garden Artist
Goodnight Cmagnum
Goodnight Windyridge
Goodnight Igloo
Goodnight Katie
Goodnight JeanneGibbs
and so many others, Goodnight!

Glad to hear that, Send. I've been very happy that I chose to make additional food and freeze it when I could, because right now, things are tight. If all goes well with these potential new clients, things will improve for me dramatically very soon, but right now, I had to pull the last $25 I had together to get a haircut tomorrow so I can get some professional headshots done soon - and also so I don't look like crap tomorrow when I have a meeting with another potential new client, in case she decides she wants to do a video chat. I've been trying to grow my hair out, but it's at that in-between stage where it just simply looks like crap - period. I can't meet a client looking like this. Feels ridiculous to have to scrape together the money for a haircut when there's the potential that things will be very different for me financially in a very short time. At least I hope so, anyway. LOL

Just pulled a package of markdown angus beef burger purchased a few weeks ago, some chicken drumsticks and some taco soup out of the freezer for meals in the next few days, because I'm going to be so busy I won't have time to eat if I don't pull them out now. Burgers, baked chicken drumsticks and taco soup will be dinner for the next few days.

What is also nice is to learn things that by a simple tweaking, the no money no food hardship at the end of a month can be improved without added expense.
Now, if money is tight, I choose when to stop all spending.

Thanks all! I'm excited about the new prospects, just a little overwhelmed right at this moment and need to do some serious planning to make this all work. If this comes out the way I hope it does, I will be able to get on top of this financial mountain in fairly short order. Boy, that sure would be nice after the past three years of struggle - the past year alone has been really rough.

Send, I'm glad my posts helped! :-) Nice to have the freezer stocked, isn't it?

One more potential client meeting tomorrow - this one sounds very promising as well, and then I need to pull in the welcome mat and stop the referrals - if all this comes to pass, I won't have room for anyone else in my schedule.

Lol. Too funny! The comedy award also goes to you, Gershun.

Oh Sendme thank you! I'd like to thank the voting committee, my director, all my fellow cast mates,............oh, who am I forgetting? :)

Wow, Susan, I'm so pleased and excited for you. You'll have to be a bit ruthless to start with, you know, and make it your out-and-out priority over any calls from the NH; but you'll feel so much better once you've got this new business in hand that it'll be worth it. Hope today proves a good omen :)

We had our pancakes at Denny's last night. Way to kill our last $20 bill for the month. We will have to skip In-N-Out for awhile. Our freezer is stocked up thanks to financial planners such as Susan-taking her as an example. See? This is all working out for others, even when you all are posting struggles!

Awards today go to Susan, Frequent flyer, and Gershun.! Lol!

I have not noticed if I would ever qualify as the 100th or 1000th poster. I am gonna go get me one of those awards!

Susan, that is good news, and much deserved after your hard work! Much impressed by your attitude and extreme efforts at making the finances work
through those difficult times.
Sincerely hope this upswing continues for you!

Just out of the meeting with the client with "big news". It is indeed big. I need to get my heart out of my throat.

It may just kill me to get it all accomplished, but if it works the way I hope it does, I may finally be able to pull myself out of the financial hole created by caring for Mom and get back on top of things again.

My favorite thing today: potential new clients and a client with "big news" that she wants to discuss with me today. And a neighbor who noticed that I rarely leave the house unless I'm going to see Mom or to get groceries - and being recently widowed, she is lonely - so she's invited me out to dinner this week. :-)

Congratulations don't get a prize though.:)

My favorite thing, being the 1,000th answer on this thread. I know it sounds silly :)

I was stunned when Philip Seymour Hoffman died. I think I cried. Didn't know that he was addicted to heroin and had just come out of rehab. He was a fine, nuanced, sensitive actor. Capote, Magnolia, Before the Devil Knows You're Dead, Boogie Nights, State and Main ... these are my favourites, but he was the best actor of his generation in anything he did.

And then came Robin -- what a shock that was. Search for "Robin Williams and Bobbie McFerrin" to listen to a great cover "Come Together" with the fifth Beatle, George Martin. McFerrin is another genius, but that's another post for another time.

"The coffee was so weak it couldn't defend itself." Williams


French toast and maple syrup flavor english muffins that is. Limited edition.

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