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Well, frankly my dear..... chocolate covered cherries, Dove brand.
Coloring books
Watering my potted flowers
Sitting alone in the back yard, looking at the wild birds taking a bath
My husband bringing in the grocery
Making jewelry
Shopping at goodwill
Another nap
Popcorn and a movie mom can understand
Chocolate & Red wine
Laughing like a fool
My precious chihuahua
This blog

Going to bed early tonight to avoid symptoms of the full moon effect.
Rest helps, even if I pop back awake again later. Clean sheets, music, and nothing bad happening at this moment is a great time for me.
Goodnight everyone!

Saw the snow storms on the news the first day of spring! Did everybody get dug out? Thinking of you back east.

Susan what a f**#en dick that guy was. I heard a story on the news here recently about a man whose dog took a nip at someone in his house so he took the dog outside and beat it to death with a fence post. I said to my hubby they should punish the people in the same way they hurt the animal . Take the frigging prick out back and beat him to death with a fencepost! Not to mention that its against the law. Here in Canada we are really cracking down on offenders. I pray they start doing that everywhere.

Aw must have felt so badly for that poor dog.

I dated a man once that had a dog that I just loved. I got angry with him (the man, not the dog) because he was laughing and telling me why the dog hides under the porch all the time - because he has beaten it so many times for jumping on people, now it's afraid to come out. Then he regaled me with the tale of how the dog used to run out onto his paintball field (behind his house) and he would let his buddies take potshots at her with their paintball guns and pellet guns - so again, she runs and hides under the porch when cars pull in, because she's afraid she's going to get shot. The dog would come out and just cling to me and look up at me with eyes that said, "Please get me out of here!". I contemplated driving over there late one night and letting her jump into my vehicle and driving away with her. I waited too long to take action. We stopped dating because I just couldn't stand how mean he was to the dog - which he found absolutely incredible - that I would actually break up what he thought was a good relationship over a "stupid dog". Shortly after we broke up, he contacted me and tried to get back together. While we were talking, I asked about the dog. He said he hadn't seen it in several weeks, and that he figured the hunters had gotten her, because they had threatened to shoot her on several occasions when she would chase the deer they were hunting in the woods behind the house. I asked him why he didn't put her in the garage or tie her up during hunting season - his response: "She didn't like being tied up and barked all the time." she likes being dead better?? That was the end of that. I haven't spoken to him since, even though he's made attempts to contact me.

My *least* favorite thing today:
Spring snow/sleet/ice storms. 2 days ago, I was outside in a t-shirt, cleaning up the fallen branches and 1/2 a roof's worth of shingles (mine) out of the yard. Today and tomorrow, the yard will be buried in snow and ice again.

My favorite thing today:
Beautiful snow falling gently, even though it annoys me for the above reasons....
oh, and the absence of a nasty stomach virus that laid me low for a few days. So glad to be able to eat again!

Good night Glad!
Goodnight Gershun!

Yes, Send, just being goofy.

Hi Glad!
On the First day of Christmas my true love sent to me
a Partridge in a Pear Tree.

On the Second day of Christmas my true love sent to me
Two Turtle Doves
and a Partridge in a Pear Tree.

On the Third day of Christmas my true love sent to me
Three French Hens,[3]
Two Turtle Doves
and a Partridge in a Pear Tree.

Subsequent verses follow the same pattern, each adding one new gift and repeating all the earlier gifts, so that each verse is one line longer than its predecessor:

4 Calling Birds
5 Gold Rings
6 Geese a-Laying
7 Swans a-Swimming
8 Maids a-Milking
9 Ladies Dancing
10 Lords a-Leaping
11 Pipers Piping
12 Drummers Drumming

My favorite: The first Day of Spring!

"It's Not Over Yet"
They are inside your head You got a voice that says You won't get past this one You won't win your freedom
It's like a constant war And you want to settle that score But you're bruised and beaten And you feel defeated
This goes out to the heaviest heart
[Chorus:] Oh, to everyone who's hit their limit It's not over yet It's not over ye-et And even when you think you're finished It's not over yet It's not over ye-et

Keep on fighting Out of the dark Into the light It's not over Hope is rising Never give in Never give up It's not over yet

Oh, game set match It's time to put it in your past, oh Feel the winter leavin' It's redemption season Long live the young at heart (Here we are) Cheers to a brand new start (Here we are) We're revived and breathing To live a life of freedom
[Chorus:] Oh, to everyone who's hit their limit It's not over yet It's not over ye-et And even when you think you're finished It's not over yet It's not over ye-et

Life is a race we run So run till the race is won Don't you ever give up (Here we are) Oh no never give up (Here we are) Life is a race we run So run till the race is won Don't you ever give up (Here we are) We will never give up (Here we are)

Keep on fighting Out of the dark Into the light It's not over Hope is rising Never give in Never give up It's not over YET.
For King & Country It's not over Yet song on youtube

I used to know a guy who went dirt biking on this property. I went with him once and they had a dog there chained up. I immediately went over to this dog and started petting him. My friend said "what are you doing, no one pets that dog" but I continued anyhow. I've never in my life seen an animal so starved for attention. When we left I petted him one more time and as we drove away the dog kept looking back at me. I bawled all the way home.

Sorry, I know this is supposed to be favorite things thread but glad's story just reminded me of that.

Oo, Glad, that must have made your heart sink. It amazes and depresses me that people can get large dogs, confine them in too small a space, and then blame them for having a poor temperament and confine them all the more tightly. Do these owners think that German 'shepherd' is just a marketing brand or something? This animal was bred to roam pasture and protect flocks from predators. I could cry.

Taking the dog for a walk. I had become very lazy with that about a year and a half ago. Had a very nice sunny afternoon after some much needed rain last night and this morning. We both enjoyed it. But there is a very mean german shepherd a street over. He was in a very small dog pen, outside, for him. I would be mean too!

Clocks reset here, except for my car. Awe, allergy medicine, I too have been living it since Friday. Sinus headache in my forehead without it.

It is a lazy, rainy day again, hubs wants to bbq. (California style) hamburgers today. Easy dinner, no work for me while I cuddle with a blanket.

Set the only 3 clocks in the house last night that don't set themselves - the microwave, stove and bathroom clock. Fixed the van clock this morning. Gotta love technology - everything else sets itself. Poor mom was so confused this morning when I went in, she knew the time was supposed to change today, but no one bothered to change the clocks in the residents' rooms. I fixed hers.

Favorite thing today: Allergy medicine and Aleve. 'nuff said.

Cwillie - if it's cell phones, turn them off and back on. If it's landline, unplug and then plug back in. It should reset them.

I put my clocks ahead yesterday afternoon (I find it's easier to misplace an hour in the middle of the day) but my phones are all still showing old time, WTF?

lose two hours instead of one, meant to say.

What is even funnier, is that when hubs gets up, he will change the clocks because its his job, so if I do it, that would lose two hours on the clock instead of two! Ok, now I am joking and exaggerating, but was not finding the time before you reminded me Glad, so thanks! Dumb blonde here?

Oh, there it is! 6:43 a.m. It's right there Glad! No, the clocks don't match. I think being so dumb is so very funny that laughing will increase the blood flow to my brain and I will be more functional after what was 4:00 p.m. lol.

It is getting so its not that funny anymore, but yesterday was stressful.

omg, I will have to look for the time, so embarrassed! So funny!

What is the time on your Kindle? It should have changed on its own, Send. Do the clocks match?

Woke up about 7, unheard of, time change helped. Hopefully I will wake up at my usual 5 yesterday, 6 today, to get to work on time.

Favorite dilemma is to wake up on Sunday morning too early to find out what time it is after daylight savings time. Did hubby reset the clocks forward?? Just don't know, maybe don't really care-going back to sleep at 5 a.m.

Ha! No rest for the "wicked" or the "weary" rock, girl!!!

I know, Mina - I can't wait! Our lilacs *tried* to bloom a few weeks ago during the brief warm spell, only to be shocked back into submission by 10 days of heavy snow and cold. Now they're cautiously trying again. I got a seed and plant catalog in the mail the other day. I was like a kid in a candy store! LOL

I can't wait to work on the yard some more - it really needs help after 30+ years of simply being mowed every week. No rolling, de-thatching, patching of dead's a lumpy, bumpy, muddy mess. Needs weed n' feed, rolling and some TLC.

Rest? Rest?!? What's that? No rest for the wicked, right? I must be pretty darn wicked.

Susan, my fellow oh-so-hard-working (do you ever get a rest?) captured it perfectly, and yes, so funny that my routine, too, has followed yours....I certainly have no complaints about the mild winter but I do kinda hate that everything is so dead and brown and scraggly-looking right now. I know that will change quickly now but think I should be considering some hardy grasses or similar that provide some great color/texture thru Michigan winters.....of course, now, I'm focused on Spring and flowers and flowering bushes and flowering trees....

Proud to report the yard is now free of doggie landmines. I swear, the trash bag weighed about 50 lbs. That's what happens when the snow covers it up and you can't find it for a while....ugh.

My favorite thing of the day:


It seems to have arrived as quickly as winter did this time. We had a weird, warm winter, thanks to El Nino, with only about 6" of snow until about 3 weeks ago, when we had 20" in the space of 10 days! Then the temps quickly rose into the 50's and 60's, and it all melted in a matter of 2 days.

So I've been getting out in the yard to clean up the winter debris off and on throughout the day - when I take a break from my work, I go out and pick up branches and shingles (darn it), then clear the dog poo from a section of the yard. Then I go back in to work for a while and then go out and do it again. :-)

The warmer temps and lack of snow is inspiring me to do some deep cleaning in the house too. Have been using 1 or 2 of my "breaks" during the day to venture into the basement to try and clean that up too.

Sorry, just cannot take the caregiver poll, because it is of political content.

Just stopping by to check in-been so busy! Hello to all! Especially you, if you are reading this. Have a better weekend!

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