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Thank you Susan, it seems to have helped, so far, cause here I am!

Hope that helped, Send! :-)

Kindle here. Restarting kindle. Thanks Susan! I was afraid I had said something and admin was shutting down my favorite thread!

Not really having any issues here, Send....maybe reboot your PC if you're using one?

Sunday-anyone having trouble logging into their favorite threads today?

One of my favorite things. When hubby goes away for a few days and I can cry, stay in my pajamas all day if I want to, watch whatever I want to, eat cereal for dinner if I want to, wash all my make up off and look as ugly as I want to. etc. etc. etc..........

My favorite thing is that after all the pain and upset of yesterday, today is a new day. I will keep trying, and help myself more instead of seeking for help that never comes.
Today, planting is on the schedule/non-schedule because I am taking it easy, having coffee first.
It's Saturday, and whatever you all do on Saturday is okay!

Send, with the advent of warmer weather next week, it's my hope that no one will have to deal with the snow until next winter! The forecasters are predicting that this is the last snow we'll see until then - it's supposed to get up into the 50s and 60s next week, and I can't wait. We've had almost 20" of snow in the last 10 days - which is normal for our winters, but we usually have it spread out a little more than that. Prior to that, we'd only had 6" all winter which is rather low for us.

Great, Susan!
Do the gardeners in your area do snow?

You won't believe this, Cwillie - but just after I posted that, my brother showed up, asking to borrow some kitchen stuff...and like you, I was about 90% done with the shoveling, but he finished it up for me as thanks for the loan of the kitchen stuff.

Brightened my day considerably - I was about to start waving the fifty dollar bill myself, except I didn't have one to wave! Gotta love living on a shoestring, but somehow it all works out, most of the time. Received a payment from a client today that arrived just in time to pay my cell phone bill, which was an urgent matter, since that's the only way Mom and the NH can reach me. Trying to keep my chin up - little blessings like that sure help!

I said it was weird Susan! Even though I live in what most of you would consider a small town I don't really know my neighbours, and I would have thought if I fell down while shovelling they would probably not find me until it thaws.
A few weeks ago when I was tackling a multi day major dumping with bronchitis I was feeling desperate enough to run up and down the street waving a fifty dollar bill.

Thanks, GA - we have a senior services office here, but they tell me the services - even the paid ones - are for seniors only. So even if I pay them, the won't help? Sheesh...guess my money's no good there, huh? First time I've ever had someone turn down cash.

Maybe I need to do that - fall down in the snow and see if someone decides I need help. Then when they show up, I'll just pop up like a jack in the box and scare the heck out of them. (evil laugh) Limping around on my twisted knee doesn't seem to work.

Susan, sometimes well run senior centers have lists of helpers. That's how I found a great lawn service for my father's yard, but the senior center was one in his area. The one in my city doesn't help at all, responding with an emphatic and somewhat haughty "we don't make recommendations".

I've noticed when I'm tired and almost panting, I'm more likely to get help from people in the neighborhood. I haven't tried sitting or falling down in the snow yet.

cwillie, maybe that's what I need to do, then. I can't seem to get help clearing snow, even if I offer to pay the same neighbors who did it for my parents. Apparently they think I'm too young to need help - even paid help.

We've gotten close to 20" of snow in the past 10 days, with 2 storms just a few days apart. I guess when I fall over out there in the snow, someone might consider that I could use some help.

Sorry, just having a little pity party for myself today, I guess. Tired of life in general today.

My favorite thing is when at the end of the day, after everyone is fed, sitting in my recliner with my dog stretched out on my lap, with a nice warm throw. We all know then that it will soon be time for bed, and hope for a good night's sleep.

GA, check around your area you may find "hobby farms" or some such as permitted or conditional uses.

Glad, that's great to know that your city allows chickens, and I apologize for the misinformation. I was basing my statement on knowledge of cities in this area, so I should have qualified my comments.

That must be an unusual city though to allow horses, unless you're in the west someplace (not asking, just commenting).

Veronica, I wasn't aware that chicken manure might contribute to throat cancer. I understand that chicken manure is ammonia scented, and that's obviously not healthy.

Did some quick checking and found that arsenic in chicken feed could be a contributing factor. My friends who raise chickens are all organic gardeners, so I'm sure they wouldn't be using any feed with arsenic. Some of the chickens also dine in the gardens, so there's certainly no issue of arsenic there.

Thanks for raising this issue; I'm going to check further.

Willie, perhaps the neighbors spread the word that you could use assistance? It's amazing how much neighbors chatter about other neighbors! I'm glad to read that you're getting snow removal assistance though.

Random acts of kindness!

Something weird has been happening ever since I had my little mental meltdown, random strangers and neighbours keep showing up to help me clear the snow out of my driveway. Today it was a neighbour I've never met before, and even though I was already 95% finished it was a welcome surprise. I told the universe I needed more support... answered prayers??

Chicken manure is very high in nitrogen.
There is also some thought that it may contribute to throat cancer.

Yeah, guess we could have a hobby horse here too, but only if we could keep it quiet.

You CAN live in this city and have chickens, roosters and even horses! Many cities will allow "hobby chickens".

Send, many gardeners raise their own chickens, collect the manure and use it to fertilize their gardens. Of course, you can't live in a city and do that because of animal regulations, especially when you get a rooster in and he provides wake-up calls every morning for the neighbors, regardless of whether it's a workday or not.

Seaweed is also a great fertilizer. We used to get a trailer load and put it on our gardens. My roses loved it.

Ever hear of chicken manure for the garden? It is against the rules but my neighbor had a lovely garden. The Plumaria was beautiful. Hasn't looked so great since they moved.

Veronica, If those projects bring you joy, hire someone to do the work for you, you are the designer. Are you able to get outside to get your vitamin D?

I still enjoy Mother earth news but this may be my last year because I no longer have the ability to complete any of their projects.

Thanks GA, I will try researching it too. Gardening has become more about design now.

Sharyn, I don't know of any, although I vaguely remember seeing a new organic gardening magazine at the grocery store a few weeks ago. It seemed kind of glitzy, so I thought it was probably more "getting on the organic trend" than a practical source. Organic Living isn't too bad, but it's just not the intense emphasis on gardening as the old magazine used to be.

I loved Organic Gardening back in the day. Too bad it changed for Urban folk. Is there any magazine today that is comparable to it?

What is your favorite movie, being awarded on OSCARS tonight? This can be a distraction for others.

Organic Gardening also closed its forum and became Organic Living, also with what I think is an appeal to the urban folks you describe, as opposed to the die-hard gardeners who are truly serious about gardening.

I think I've seen Harrowsmith, years ago, probably at Borders.

Organic Living is kind of glitzy now. But issues as to what's truly organic are still being debated; there's another term now for a version of "organic" but I can't remember what it is. Maybe I need some organic spinach to boost my brain power. Or chocolate.

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