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Send, that's a very good description of what constitutes a garden - not just us and our plants, but all the little visitors as well. I'm reading Chicken Soup for the Ocean Lover's Soul, the first section of which addresses the bonds people have created with ocean and marine mammals - it's really insightful and fascinating, especially the stores of interaction with dolphins.

The kittys, birdies, and all the little critters make up a garden, not just the plants.
Your kittys turn it into an interactive garden.
My neighbors have a large collection of lawn ornaments, bright and twirly things, stone bunnies and turtles. Looks very cute. I just have plants.

Sendme, if it helps, my Kitty has been in and out all day. He loves sleeping under bushes and just making his rounds in the backyard. As long as I am home, he come in and out throughout the day. I don't let him out when I am working because he tends to wonder when I'm not home and I bring him in for the night. My neighbor trapped him a 1-1/2 years ago taking him to the shelter. It cost $30 to get him out. Prior to that incident, he had free will to come and go through the doggie door.

Sharyn, missing the many kitty stories I have read on here. Maybe there will be more in Spring! Looking forward also to a sweet backyard spot to sit and watch all the birds, especially the hummingbirds. Where oh where have all the kitties gone, haven't seen one in months.

wwatching my Tiger Kitty in the backyard as his head and eyes track the birds flying overhead. I love seeing him enjoy his outside freedom on my days off work.

Mina! There you are! Hiya! Did you know that you have your own thread, titled:
"Paging Black Dog Mina?
Guess you have been missed. Did you get stuck in the snow?

Snowing, out, rearranging bookcases....finding old (Oops....."vintage") Firesign Theatre album....listening to "Nick Danger, Third Eye".....Omg....Hilarious then (80's) still hilarious now....LOL....most fun I've had "doing housework" this winter!

Yes, he is a deer, lol.

Picture of my older brother.

Wanted to hear the song, but could only find this one:
"Snow Is Falling"

Snow is falling, snow is falling on the ground,
In the forest, in the forest there's no sound;
A shallow grave is where we lie,
The boys and men who died,
And snow is falling on the ground,
And we are calling to be found;
And the seasons, and the seasons come and go,
In the springtime, birds will sing and flowers grow,
At summer's end, the autumn breeze,
Will whisper through the trees,
And leaves are falling on the ground,
And we are calling to be found;
And in our homes, so many tears,
They don't know where we have gone,
And snow is falling on the ground,
And we are calling to be found,
We are calling to be found......

I have been trying to find the words to this little song I remember from school for many years, it always comes to mind when we have a gentle snowfall. Ain't the internet a wonderful thing?!

Snow is falling on my garden
Whirling, dancing lightly down.
Snow is sparkling on the branches
Of the trees tall and brown.

But the flowers are not forgotten
Spring will bring them all to light.
For the frost in dreams has traced them
On my window last night.

Watching movies when there is nothing non football related!
Hubby was out of town for a night so my two goldenseal got to sleep in the bed with me, which is truly one of my favorite things
, they are great cuddles and they don't try to steal my blankets! My terrier sleeps with Mom every night.

A great football game!

Too bad I have to work today. It is so beautiful outside....wish i could enjoy it

Send: If you knew how old I am ;) In fact, I do recall it fondly. We were living in England at the time, my husband (also at the time -- not now, but we have a lovely daughter), was Scandinavian, and we went with friends. Always planned to go back, but ... ahh, the best laid plans ...

Gershun: I knew you were joking. Sacrifice for Trump?? Aughhhh!!

Susan, you are ahead of me so good job. ☺

My favorite thing of the day today: properly working internet. Having spent the last 2-3 weeks dealing with repeated disconnects, poor signal quality, internet company doing all they can to fix it but having their hands tied by the phone company, who refuses to upgrade the lines here so the DSL will work properly for everyone (too many using it at the same time in the same area).....finally had to switch providers. So far, so good.

Did one relative's taxes last week, doing another's today, need to do mine at some point, and Mom's. Also working on shredding last year's unneeded papers and bills and getting organized for this year. Better late than never.

Very worried about my hair-it is blond, but since being in bed all day, the bangs are looking kinda strange. Reminds me of someone famous. Just cannot get them to look right. It is actually scary - looking.

Jinglebts sacrifice for the Donald Trump cause? I don't know. I was just joking. Anyone who knows me on this site knows I am a big joker. Half the time I don't even know what I'm talking about. :)

Wait Jinglebts! If I traveled to Copenhagen I think I would always remember that. Maybe you are a world traveler, been to lots of places?
Or, losing memory? Or just joking?
My guess is as good as yours, then? Lol?

In fact I know Copenhagen is lovely in the summer as I've been there -- JUST within living memory. I think. Or perhaps not. I give up.

Gershun: Sacrifice themselves for what cause??? If we Canadians have to start sacrificing ourselves, I'm moving to Denmark. I hear Copenhagen is lovely in the summer. ;)

Nite Send! 2:47 am.

Going to sacrifice my time on here and go to sleep. Goodnight Gershun!
2 am.

Maybe they want Canadians to sacrifice themselves for the cause........who knows.

Isn't that a request for a political donation, Gershun?
I didn't see it on here, yet.

My God! The side panel on my screen says Have you ever considered whole body donation? I wonder if they would take mine you think? Or do I have to die first?

Veronica, my favorite is the disability toilet also. I always check if it's clean, though. And, wait for others in case they need to use it first. However, I don't go to crowded areas, if I had to wait in a line, most times, well, I just couldn't wait.
Have been known to ask husband to escort me to the men's room, hurry-hurry!
There are meds for that for women my age, but I cannot take them.

I use the disability toilet all the time. I simply can not get up off the normal height toilets and there are no rails in the regular stalls.

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