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Seeing someone help someone else in need.

Today while walking to my car after grocery shopping, I saw an elderly man bending over in the parking lot. His right hand was down on the ground, and I initially thought he was picking something up.

But I wasn't sure what was going on; then saw a young man come over and try to help up the older man. I realized then that he had either fallen or was about to, so I also went to help.

This poor man had little strength in his legs and had difficulty trying to stand. Between the two of us, we were able to get him up, and he was able to kind of stagger back to his car. He mentioned that he had just come from a doctor's visit.

I wish I had thought to ask him if there was anyone we could call to alert them that he might need assistance, but after we got him up, he immediately staggered to his car, and had actually backed out before I even got back to my car.

I was so touched to see this young man come over to help out the fellow who was having difficulty with his balance, and lacking support, might have ended up down on the pavement.

There was another car in the aisle, but no one got out to help; the driver just sat and waited for others to help the elderly fellow.

I never saw who might have parked in the handicapped spots, but I've seen so many who manage to get out and walk easily into the store even though they have handicapped stickers on their plates. This elderly man clearly needed a handicapped parking place, but there were none available.

Storms headed our way tomorrow and Weds., but that's ok - we've gotten off pretty easy for this winter so far, so it's our turn now. In fact, it's been warm enough the last 3 days that most of our snow is gone and we can see the grass again - so I guess it's time for it to get covered up again.

Favorite thing for today: energy. Not sure what I did yesterday, but something gave me so much energy that I couldn't sleep last night until 2am . Consequently, my day got off to a late start today and I'm feeling a little draggy. Trying to regain some of that energy I had yesterday!

Glad, hope you are weathering the blizzard. Is tomorrow your first day on the new job??? Sending you hugs of encouragement!!

A cold front has hit us...brrrrrr!!!

Enjoying my "Friday" night, crocheting and watching TV. Cozy!!

I haven't read these posts for awhile but let's go to Sesame Street and sing Somewhere over the Rainbow! I want that song played at my funeral! I really do love that song.

Sharyn, not here! Only five weeks into winter and a massive storm and blizzards are in the forecast. Sheesh, you Cali folks! ;-)

Spring is coming!!!!

Home is
Somewhere over the rainbow
Blue birds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow
Why then oh why can't I.....?

Or going home Sophie Bird.

Hahaha. Love this! I haven't had a chance to read all posts before adding my two cents. Haven't centered enough yet to get back into sewing. (But I do buy cloth and dream about where to start!) it's funny tho' for the past few months I have had a tune running through my mind without lyrics. Then it dawned on me that I had been humming the tune tune to Sesame Street! "Sunny days, pushing the clouds away. Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street?" Obviously I have been feeling like running away!

Amazing,Thanks for sharing you favorite things with us.

Goodnight, Gershun!

Put up some white sheer curtains in the bedroom to let the morning light in.
Ths has already helped to regulate my sleep/wake cycle, wake with the sun!

Better yet-(from above fairy godmother advice), I would advise to keep some of that truth you are carrying in your heart to yourself.
See that orange rectangle bar that reads. 'POST COMMENT'.
For myself only, I am revising that to say: "Think before posting comment".

Sometimes, just cannot believe I said that, as evidenced by the fact that when runnng across an older post-thnking who said that? And it was me! Guess I wll be crediting original author more.

Goodnight Gershun!

My recent avatar photo is of a favorite actress, Helen Mirren. In the photo ,she is posing as your fairy-godmother type. The advice written ( which we cannot read-it's too small:
"What if your fairy godmother is the wisest, smartest version of yourself-whispering from the future:
'Stop treating yourself as an afterthought. Eat delicious food, walk in the sunshine, jump in the ocean. Say the truth you are carrying in your heart like a hidden treasure. Be silly, be kind, be weird.
There is no time for anything else.

1:30 a.m. and I am going to sleep now!
Goodnight Gershun!
Goodnight Glad!
Sharyn, are you still up?

I promise!

We went to a meeting at the city tonight, wow, that is more entertaining than any t.v., mystery movie, crime series, or even real life! It wasn't me, but the sheriffs were called due to a disturbance-I did not see it happen, but no one was arrested.
Phew, cause I could hardly sit in my seat at times. (There was a dog and children present) Really, it was not me.

The simplest things, like getting in my car, errands late night with hubby to walmart, stock up on gallons of vinegar. Gave him the list for groceries and I just looked around, shopping. He did great this time-and he found me instead of me searching the entire store. That made all the difference. Someone must be praying again. Thank you!

Listening to the rain while I crochet. Cant sleep and my cat is trying to play with water moving around in my water bottle...too cute.

You know, I heard in the news that just because you all didn't make the BIG jackpot lottery, doesn't mean you didn't something. Last year, there were at least 15 winners of the $1,000,000 from the big lottery - who did NOT claim it. So, before throwing away your tickets, make sure you didn't win the 'smaller' amount. I saw in our local news that one of my nationality actually won $1M from the lottery! Wow! He and his wife are residents of the US, not here on island.

I've daydreamed lots of time about winning the lottery. I would want the yearly income and not the one lump payment. And each year, after I put aside the money for the yearly tax to the gov't, I will put half of that to me (whether savings, CDs, trust funds, stocks/bonds, etc...). The other half will go towards my siblings. The ones who was here for me all these years as I caregave mom for 23 years and now with dad. That means fave sis will get the larger lump of that 50%. Then oldest sis - for being here Mondays thru Fridays. Then all other siblings a certain amount. It's only daydreams because we don't qualify for the lottery.


my chances of winning are less than me becoming president of the USA, LOL!!

While winning the lottery sounds like a dream come true, the problems that come after may not be worth it.

I love my life as it is and yes, a windfall of money could solve many project issues and retirement, but do I want the extra expenses of a financial planner, the temptation to spend it on temporary pleasures? Oh to dream is nice, but reality is what I am use to,

Loving all the rain we are getting here in California. It is about time...My favorite things, listening to rain as I fall a sleep, how sweet is that.

It is the same here in California. However, some people may have guilt all depending on their beliefs and if they do, then I support them.

I feel no guilt about spending money on the lottery because in the state of Florida. Portion of the lottery funds collected go to enhance eduction! Yeah right!

You know, a decent RV, new, can cost upwards of $130 k. How many to buy?

Financial planning for winning the lottery: If I get a computer generated ticket, then copy the numbers and play it 4 times, and it wins, then the tickets would have to be split between 5 ticket holders, lowering the taxes for each winner.
Would that help? If I/we won?

Veronica! Would post all my sins on here, but unfortunately, word is already out- No one reads long posts!
Sharyn, just want to buy more lotto!
Jude, would have to pay taxes, net would not yield that much-if I won, husband would note likely be able to find me, maybe. O darn, community property state here!
Be back soon, re-arranging the bedroom! Remember the bathroom vanity we couldn't install? Well, brought it back inside yesterday, plumbing pending. Without a sink since summer. OK!!!!!!!

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