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"Crystalline flakes drifting gracefully through the air down to a soft lovely bed on the ground...
"Houses and lawns covered in a fluffy white blanket..."

I've been shovelling twice today and will be shovelling again tomorrow. Bah humbug!!

Even though they're dangerous and confining, I still love a good winter weather event...

Crystalline flakes drifting gracefully through the air down to a soft lovely bed on the ground...

Soft winds that suddenly become rambunctious and rattle the windows, shake the trees, and assert their dominance....

Houses and lawns covered in a fluffy white blanket...

Concrete ribbons of transportation covered by snow, obliterating the paths we use daily to get to and fro...

Little critters that brave the frigid air to scurry about looking for food, or maybe just to get some exercise....

The excuse to putter around in the kitchen making a big pot of soup and biscuits or bread for a nice, rib-sticking meal...

The chance to be lazy and just curl up with a good book...

And of course the excuse to let the snow shoveling and excavation from the snow drifts wait until the wind abates, because it's just too cold to be outside.

Letterman: The odds [of winning] are only slightly less than if you'd never been born.

But still -- I love a good lottery!

My dear srndme, if you have violated your conscious by buying the lotto tickets, please forgive yourself as you are only human. Don't let guilt paralize you into bad thoughts about yourself. Forgive yourself as you would another.

Good neighbours who come and blow snow out of my driveway (and others) and ask nothing in return. OMG the snow was wet and heavy, I had already talked to my PSW and told her to take a snow day.
I sort of feel guilty because he is an old man, but as I watch him behind that snowblower I don't think her is overtaxing himself. Today I have snowblower envy lol!

Send? Just a thought...if you had won the lottery and presented a check for 400 million to Christian Aid how would he have felt then? Lets face it none of us need 400 million when we have another 400 million sat in a bank now do we?

Send if you feel so guilty you could go to confession then you could present yourself to hubby as cleansed and he might talk to you again, or not if that suites you better. Any minister will accept confession you don't have to be a member of a religion that formally offers them. Maybe just list all your sins and post them on the church notice board no name attached of course.

I love a slow lazy drive on country roads looking at the different farms.

Well that makes sense Sharyn. I have been so unproductive lately.

Sendme, don't have guilt, lol!! It's unproduductive.

Thank you Countrymouse! I do feel consoled now.

Send, if it's any consolation I'm guilty of much worse hypocrisy than you are! Because I fully agree with your husband that state-endorsed gambling, which the lottery is essentially, is actively harmful to the social fabric - but yes I have my ticket. And I even, while knowing perfectly well that I am far more likely to get struck by lightning or fall pregnant (both, thank God, highly improbable events), will admit to giving regular whimsical thought about what I would ("will"???) do with my winnings.

I get my ticket every eight weeks. And then I check that I haven't won before I throw it away. With a small tsk of disgust.

I think the fatal error, which any self-respecting lottery organiser encourages as a matter of course, is to have "your numbers." It's the fear of their coming up that keeps me going, rather than the hope that they might.

I'm sure the razzmatazz is mere coincidence, Veronica...

Have you ever noticed that one of these big jackpots often comes up when there is another big event. This time we are close to the Super Bowl. Can't give you winning numbers but it will be won during the week prior

Sharyn, I see you are there! I am going to bed soon, but I already did and just popped awake again.
Have a good night!

Goodnight Gershun!


Sharyn, o geez are you gonna torture me now for buying one little tiny $2.00 lotto ticket? Lol. I feel so guilty, I should start a new question: How can I stop feeling guilty about yielding to the enormous temptation of 900 Million? It was the most fun $2.00 has ever paid for, but my husband now thinks of me as a backslidden christian, I don't even think he is talking to me anymore, but then, how could I tell?
Wait, this is NOT the whine thread? I just cannot get anything right this entire YEAR!!! Grrrrrrr!

Superlotto closes in 3 days, 17 hours, and 33 minutes,....good luck everyone.

That is so odd!

No one won! Thats unbelievable. More proof that the odds are, well odd frankly.

You still have another one won!! LOL!!

I am sure that God did not mind, he knew I would not be giving it away to church.

Cheapest $2 thrill in forever! I am so cheap!

What's with that, not even one number! Wonder who won. Was so hoping to have enough money to pay a few candidates to withdraw from the presidential race.

Glad that's over, I can see how the game could go on and on, then no time for other good things.

Did not win, but the thought of winning was awesome! Sorry my caregivers and friends, no RV Caravan, yet.

My Mom was the same. I would buy the lottery tickets and she would kiss them for me. But I don't think there is any harm in buying a lottery ticket now and then. I'm sure God doesn't mind.

Gershun, researching the best rv's before, I would have them built in Canada! Really, don't think I could ever sleep again if that happened!

Thanks for the well wishes! 5 minutes, really? My husband is sooo very not into this, gambling you know? I can feel the judgment coming from his computer room. He is such a good christian.

Go Sendme Go!!!! The odds are................well, who cares..........go Sendme go!

For those caregivers 24/7 who could not get out tonight to play the Super Lotto, historic high at 900 M, here are the numbers that will finance the Caregiver RV CARAVAN, the RV's will be on me! 07 25 35 45 69 & 24. How do we find the winning numbers, and when? Now, it is just like you are playing too!

Goodnight everyone!

The sun will come out, tomorrow,
Bet your bottom dollar there'll be sun.
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya, tomorrow,
Your only a day away.

$2.29 and counting on the price of 'organic' celery.
Best choices: moderation in all things!

Squeaky snow on a sunny day, it almost makes me forget I hate winter :)

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