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Good Night Send!

Goodnight everyone!

Yes, wonderful surprise! And I do know just how that can feel!
Not to take away from your joy, but to add happy support! My realtor gave me a tree and the decorations when closing escrow on Dec. 22, so many years ago, after a divorce and moving to a new county in Northern California.
Mine did not look as good as yours does, yours is perfect!
Your family came through for you! What a wonderful thing to do. You enjoy! Sit by that tree, with your dog tonight! I am just ecstatic and happy for you, Glad!!!

What a wonderful surprise! My kids and sons-in-law and grandchildren showed up at my house today with a Christmas tree and some ornaments. I lost all of mine after the fire, well asbestos abatement guy threw them all out, said they were too hard to clean. I now have a tree! Guess my bahhumbug better get lost for awhile! So thoughtful of them! First time I have had a tree in about four or five years! So, thoughtful of them!

Well, thanks for joining the favorite things, Assandache. Hope you get to have some very special moments during this holiday season. Love and hugs from Send.

It's not my birthday.. I was just making a remark on "How are you" about the fact that my Mom knew the 8th was a holy day but "if" it was my birthday she wouldn't have any clue about the date..

I appreciate the wishes though... It's nice to recognized.. Hug and love to all...

Goodnight everyone except those of us who are just getting up good morning Britain!

1 sheep 2 sheep 3 sheep hell where did that 4th sheep go. I must go look for her hmm I'll have a cuppa while I look! Wide awake now - grins - go to bed send xxxxx

Frankly GA I don't give a damn !!!! roars with laughter xxxxxxxx that quote of your sure is true GA I like the quote from Nietzsche - That which doesn't kill us makes us stronger

Counting sheep here.

Say goodnight everyone.

Has it occured to anyone yet that assandache doesn't usually get over to the MY FAVORITE THINGS thread? My bad.
I invited her to come and see the birthday greetings here.

Blackdog, well, at the very least, our mothers should have warned us ahead of time. Has the skin on your arms started to turn into like a crepe paper appearance? Wait for it....

Send and Gershun....Help! Well....I have zero reason to complain....a pretty warm winter so far (below freezing in AM and PM, tho) but I feel like I'm turning into my Mom.....always cold....WTH?....I've always been a hearty outdoors type this automatic after you turn 60?....Well....if so, I am damn well PO'd.....and, yes, that IS my story and I am sticking to it AND I am none too happy!

Buy new, soft pillows for your neck?

Its about 46 degrees here.
Clear and cool. :)

Oh, the weather outside is frightfully clear, 59° at 8:00 p.m. with a high of 78°, here in Southern California, perfect.
How is it where you are?

Ho ho ho!
Does anyone remember marshmallow Peeps around Easter? Well, this is new to me, but they have some white snowmen Peeps for Christmas/holiday/Hanukah/ Kwanzaa/Peeps!

Happy Birthday to all and to all a good night!

Happy Birthday AA. Goodnight Send, Goodnight glad, Goodnight everyone!!

A&A Happy Birthday!

Good night Send Good Night Gershun Good Night All! Maybe.

Assandache, is it your birthday? Well, happy birthday!
Wouldn't want you to be neglected during all the celebrations in December.
Enjoy, get yourself something special.

Goodnight glad.

Good night Send

Goodnight, Gershun.

Some catchy phrases are used, like you said Jude, to avoid responsibility and to hurt others. My friend is often deeply hurt when daughters tell her, Oh Mom, that is in the past. How can relationships be healed from the past if we cannot talk about it? That just burns me when people shut up the injured party just so they themselves can be comfortable.
Gershun, it is also true, it is not healthy to live in the past.
Have a better day, my friends.

Sendme, no, I didn't bleach her, it's just as she is aging, now 2, she is getting moresilvery blonde, eespecially around her face. She is just the best little thing that I have done for myself in years! Yes, she does sleep right along side me, and she is a little heater! It seems like she is getting smarter every day, and knows and understands everything I say. I had never owned a dog before, as we were too busy raising 4 kids, but she is a kick, and extremely attached to me, therfore, thankfully she is only 4 pounds, and I can tuck her under my arm, and smuggle her into most places, except restaurants, but she is as good as gold, and I love her to bits! She has brought such joy to our home, but I won't have another one, as I can't bear to ever part with her! Hopefully she lives into the 15+ age range that Chihuahuas are supposed to, and I won't have to think about that for a long while yet! Thank you for asking about my Charlie girl!

Yes, Jude I hate that too. The past is what created the present so it has to be somewhat important. Although I would agree we should not live in the past but we are doomed to repeat it if we don't learn from it therefore we should always remember it.

Black what a beautiful memory for you to keep forever. Such a joy to have lovely memories.

Send the past is the past get over it is my Mums philosophy - its how she has avoided taking responsibility for absolutely anything. Phrases she uses still are. no point in crying over spilt milk, whats done is done, you can't change the past, get over it girl (never woman), nothing you can do will change it, that was years ago why let it bother you now. Given my past I have to say these are my LEAST favourite phrases. But I just smile (well I would call it a grin between very clenched teeth ) and walk away muttering foul words under my breath

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