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Hope, very poetic language...."a patchwork of colors". I immediately envisioned exactly that, a well as a quilt filled with a variety of fall colors.

Me, I want the red cups, filled with hot chocolate. Starbucks occasionally has sipping chocolate, very good.

SharynMarie, don't understand that you might have been off topic. Sorry if you felt that way. You are not off topic, you post anything you want, everyone will agree.

Thanks for sharing that Hope!!!

I don't drink coffee and only indulge in hot chocolate a couple times a year. Hubs makes his own blend of coffee...very strong!!!

SharynM...reminds me of another favorite...a cup of Blonde Veranda blend of Starbucks....and I can get it at the grocery so I can put it in any mug I want... :)

A very bright sunny day shining against all the patchwork colors of leaves, some still in the trees, others lying on the ground...watching my cats and puppy play in those leaves, and actually disappearing in them in some areas of the yard I haven't reached yet..

That fall smell that I can't identify but it smells soooooo good...a little sweet, a little spicy....kind of woodsy....I love it...

Getting Mama all settled in for the morning and taking a few minutes to get a good hot cup of coffee and just sit outside and "be still" for a little while and listen to all the sounds of perfectly described by thankful for another beautiful day...

So sorry if my post was off topic for the title of the thread. I see it all over the site. My attempt at humor by involving a favorite.

GA, I take it that where you live it is a very windy day? LOL LOL

SharynMarie, Saw that red cup in the news, guess I will have to keep checking the dollar store for clearanced starbucks cups to come. I make my own coffee and then add hot chocolate, its good anytime. (Hubby makes the best coffee).
That simple fact is a favorite, that with all the burdens, he makes the coffee. Then sometimes, we make the coffee. Then, if he is not ok, I make the coffee. This serves as a silent, early morning assessment that he is not himself and will need extra care. Gotta go, cause there is no coffee yet.

GA- now I have to make a starbucks run for hot chocolate. I don't care if the cup is plain red, lol!!

The warmth of a fire crackling in the fireplace along with the smell of cookies baking in the oven.

The sound of wind rustling the branches on a chilly November day.

The warmth of quilts, comforters, hot chocolate and throws on an equally chilly November day.

The sound of leaves slightly crackling as they're blown by strong winds across pavement on that same chilly, but very windy, November day.

The dancing of the highest tree branches as they're blown about by the wind on a November day with strong winds. The branches actually seem to perform their own variety of nature's ballet.

Raindrops on roses, whiskers on kittens, brown paper packages tied up with string,
These are a few of my favorite things!

Puffy cheeks on kittys, and then again on rabbits,
Christening gowns hanging up to be,
The hope of a future, caregivers will see.

These are a few of my favorite things!

When the dog bites, when the bee stings, when I'm feeling low, I simply remember my favorite things, and then I don't feel so bad.

Maybe that dibble is suited for a memory box, along side the christening gown?

Hope72, it is simply things that you like, or favorite things... what makes you happy.

What's the topic?

Glad- lol!! A shadow box for the Christening gown is an excellent idea. I have my dads Irish cap that I am going to put in one.

I was going to plant irises today but the rain won out. I love listening to the rain.

Ladee, shadow box, excellent idea! I have been falling behind, I guess. Quite distracted lately. Moving the last of my things today. First night in my house tomorrow.

Sharyn, keep it there, please at least until I find my snow shovel! UGH!

SharynMarie, yes, I agree that the rain is good!

Rainy days and Monday's always get me......excited especially when I don't have to go to work!!

Send, I am happy we are getting rain and snow. We sure need it.

Looking forward to any good news that this rainy Monday will bring at the end of the day. Hoping some good happens to each of you today!

Waking up to find Mama talking and wanting something to drink....It's cold and rainy out so I think it might be a good day for some more apples baking in the oven...And I found my Honeycrisp ones that I love so much....Going to make the absolute most of this day....

Glad, after your last grandchild, have it frames in a shadow box with some memorabilia...One of my sisters did this to a small coat that was my dads... it turned out awesome.....

Yes, GA took it to the cleaners yesterday for restoration. Just waiting for the next grandchile. I had never heard of a latte quilt, googled it, WOW just beautiful! Hang it on a wall? It is cold here this morning too. Winter coming quick and La Nina is really supposed to be something this year.

Glad, that looks like a very lovely gown; I hope you're saving it? I've read that some people incorporate special gowns/dresses etc. into quilts.

Some years ago there was a beautiful "latte' quilt" that got a lot of publicity. It was stunningly beautiful, in soft creamy colors; it's much too beautiful to ever be used. There's even a book of "Latte' quilts".

My favorite thing this morning is the freshness of the November air, chilly enough for a nice warm jacket and hat, but not too chilly for a walk. It is chilly enough that a nice batch of homemade bread would really make the house fragrant. The question is if I'm up to all that punching down as well as the anxiety of wanting the bread now instead of in a few hours.

It's also a nice day to wrap up in a quilt and read. That would be the easier option as opposed to punching down bread. But then, a book doesn't release the fragrant aroma of rising and baking bread.

Rushing, overworking, assisting my husband with house and yard preparation for Winter! Then twisted ankle on an uneven surface in driveway. Bring it on, winter, the news is always an exaggeration here anyway! Don't know why I was worried.

Favorite thing? Finding the christening gown that I thought had been lost. One benefit of having everything removed from the house and having to go through everything I had. Really wanted to find it for grandchildren, but it was not to be. My new avatar, that beautiful gown!

So sorry to learn about the broken ankle and bashed toes. How did this happen? You weren't doing some energetic dancing, were you? Or were you out haunting on Halloween?

Take care of yourself. We'll still be here when you return, hopefully well on your way to healing.

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