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Cwillie, Yes, to having control of the steering wheel. Remembering those Sunday drives too! Until my brother was learning to drive, on a mountain road, at night, driving to Lake Tahoe, now that was scary! I am loving the driving, and just now recalling how calming a drive can be, for the d r i v e r.

The "Sunday Drive" was a favorite of my dad, the more removed from civilization the better. How my brother and I hated riding along looking at fields and trees and just nothing and having to make bathroom stops on the side of the road someplace! I have since discovered that having control of the steering wheel makes these trips much more enjoyable LOL

Happy belated birthday, Sue! Glad you had a great week. Just remember you'll be this age for another 51 weeks so you can still celebrate every week.

Colorsue, very nice!

One of my favorite things?
The weather turning colder and putting on my comfy UGGs for the first time! My feet always get so cold! Just use them more as slippers, they are like wearing sponges on the feet if worn in the snow. Don't try that at home.

Some favorite birthday week has been fabulous! I've gone to lunch with my Mom and sister, seen 2 good movies, watched 2 teen girls' softball games with amazing action, lots of well wishes through cards and emails, sons remembering, husband remembering with beautiful yellow roses with red edges. This year has been very special through the simple things in life, which are always the best and I appreciate them very much.

Someone shoulda said. No real grass-like meadows with flowers in drought conditions in So. Calif. But, loving long drives, have been having fun!

One of my favorite things is for someone new to come on here, share and ask questions, and actually take some of the suggestions and try them, and write again to say how things are going.... and then to become another loving supportive member helping others......

My very favorite thing, for a large part of my life, has been the search for meadows.

I love rocking chairs!!
We bought a pair of glider rockers for my parent's 25th anniversary and I still have them, but they don't really fit in my house so they are rarely used anymore as they are stuck downstairs where I rarely go except to do laundry.
I remember Windows 95 for Dummies, my sis probably still has it stashed away in her house somewhere... lol

Anyone working much harder in their retirement years knows retirement does not include rocking chair time for the caregiver. Wish I did have a rocking chair.

So, if any of us caregivers want to write a book about our caregiving experiences, Caregiving for Dummies has already been written. My favorite thing is coming on the AC forum for real advice from real experts doing the real job of caregiving.

To explain,
For Dummies is an extensive series of instructional/reference books which are intended to present non-intimidating guides for readers new to the various topics covered. The series has been a worldwide success with editions in numerous languages.
The books are very informative, written by various experts, and one does not have to be new or dumb to the topics covered. Starting way back in technology Dos for dummies, Mac for dummies, my husband ordered Parkinsons Disease for dummies when caregiving a neighbor. Contributing authors such as Dr. Tagliati for example is currently Associate Professor of Neurology at Mount Sinai School of Medicine and diplomate of the Ameican Board of Psychiatry and Neurology.

Oh, you are all so amazingly funny, witty, and with outlandish thoughts, especially when you team up together. Went out on errands today. Will answer later. I am so overwhelmed, not used to so much attention from so many people. I will read your books and edit them for spelling before you publish your stories about caregiving. My husband ordered a used book: caregiving for dummies!

Cheesecake.... yummm.... pumpkin cheesecake - double yummm. It's a good thing it's dark or I'd be fighting myself to get in the car and run out for some cheesecake.

Ruby Tuesday used to offer blackberry cheesecake, about 3" high. It was absolutely delicious.

I love cats, especially Maine Coons. The neighbor has one but her cats unfortunately aren't well cared for. Thankfully the Coon cat doesn't go outside much or she'd be in danger as the other 2 are from the heavy traffic in this area....or from "coons" of a different kind - with the patches over their eyes, long claws, and the ability to get into just about any kind of plastic device humans put out.

"Soon and for the rest of your life." immediately comes to mind along with really good Philly cheesesteak sandwiches... My very own three layer pumpkin cheesecake... Trader Joe's key lime big fat Maine Coon cat named Beyonce when she flips over and exposes her ample belly.

The advantage of being a PermaFudge is that you have access to Mackinac Island's fudge shops whenever the ferry runs, or you can try skating or other wintertime activities to brave the frigid cold and reach the island in the winter to create the permanent availability of this magnificently tempting delicious delicacy.

The disadvantage is, well, all that fudge does become permanent... on one's hips. Yikes!

Then when you move up here you become PERMAFUDGE...........

SendMe, to be a real Fudgie you have to go to Mackinac Island in person, and savor the experience. You'll get to leave your car on the mainland, enjoy the ferry ride over, feel the wind in your face, and sometimes the spray of the water, then excitedly arrive at the Island.

Given that vehicles are barred, you'll have the opportunity to take a ride in a horse drawn carriage and see the shops, or if you're more adventurous, you can rent a bicycle and ride off all the fudge you'll eat when you walk into a fudge shop and are overwhelmed by the temptations.

Oh....Just saw mention of husband. Get him trained and some income, if not already, and hit the old rocking chair.

Send, there is no division of responsibility, I have to do everything! Can you believe it?! Well, wife does take care of her horses, does a little laundry, maybe a little cooking and cleaning occasionally, so there's that......

So Send, Ya got a fellar around the place? Is he well trained and housebroke? Can he lift heavy things? Does he have any money coming in? If so, then by all means you should retire immediately if not sooner.

Garden, I am an experience smelly-er and I drink wine occasionally also.

Ordering fudge from Macinac Is. now, using the Amazon card reserved for husband's use, expensive electronic and bicycle habits. No work intended.

Windy, I can understand your retirement wishes. Did your wife retire also, so you both have saved enough for retirement to have a housekeeper, cook, gardener, handyman, landscaper, and someone to do the laundry?
Just asking if that has been all figured out, how you did it, or how the division of responsibility is working, because I don't want to be the mean one, no one should have to be. Do you have any serious advice for me, because I would like to retire.

Just thought - you could turn your area into a new Woodstock to generate revenue to decrease the reliance on drunken tourism. Then all you'd have would be happy hippies eating fudge.

Whooops! I missed Windy's latest post. Guess he's not going to be our new master wine maker after all.

Well, maybe he can be protector of the seeds. He can sit on his tractor, get a guitar, and sing Blowin' in the Wind just like Bob Dylan. Oh, he can also drink his beer - wouldn't want to deprive him of that pleasure.

So, Windy, will you be the new Seed Protector as well as Master Folk Singer as well as Master Crafts Beer sampler?

SendMe, keeping seeds from being scattered by the wind along with worries is where Mother Nature's intervention comes in. You have to make sure she's happy with your garden, given lots of flowers for her pollinator friends as well as for her, veggies and winter cover for the little critters even if they do eat up what you had planned for dinner, and of course lots of nice compost for her soil.

SendMe, great idea to appoint, or should I say "anoint", Windy as the Master Grape Processor, but I'm not sure his wife would agree. It might be an issue of Honey-Do vs. Windy's new responsibilities as Winemaker vs. Windy's Wants.

Maybe we could also make him Sommelier Premier so he can taste all the wine he makes before shipping it to his Aging Care friends. We'd just have to make sure all the downstate Fudgies don't get wind (pun intended) of his new occupation and swarm all over the area to get his wine. He'd probably have to figure out a way to send them to Mackinac Island for more fudge and leave his grapes alone.

Coloresue, thanks, if that's meant for me.

OK all you Favorite Thingers, don't be sendin no grapes up here. We've got about 30 wineries, 4 hard cider places, 5 brew pubs and 2 distilleries in the county already. Drunken tourism is our whole economy.

My wife is a saint but she's pretty mean to me lots of the time. I keep reminding her I'm retired but she still expects all this productivity around the place. I was hoping retirement was going to be drinking beer and watching ICE ROAD TRUCKERS marathons all the time, but Nooooooooooo.......

Good one, GA.

Windy, spelled: G a r d e n i n g A s T h e r a p y .
Where is Cwillie, the spelling expert when we need one?
G'night, Gershun, spelled that right, huh? Or did you change the spelling again?

Send...think your idea has merit. Float it w/Windy....he seems game ....his wife must be a saint but no doubt, your charm can sway the doubters....

Sendme, sendme, sendme so cute and lovable.

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