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My favorite thing: TOMORROW IS ANOTHER DAY!

Not ready to carve yet, but....


Uncarved, that's me. Who's next, punkin-face?

Yes, Hope and Glad! By Halloween, we can call it a pumpkin festival for those who do not like halloween. We don't get any trick or treaters here at all, not in ten years! They're probably too too scared of the mean neighbors, lol.

ooooo glad...I love that idea!!! I say we do it!!!

We could have our own pumpkin carving contest! Take a photo, then change your avatar, we would need to start a new thread to see them all. Might be an interesting experiment. Maybe admin would finally provide an area to do such things.

Wish we had the capability to post photos; I'd love to see your carved pumpkins!

Pumpkins....this year I am going to carve a pumpkin. Even bought pumpkin carving tools and everything. Aside from that I love fall especially the weather and all the leaves turning color. :)

SendMe, you could grow a pumpkin in a container to get more warmth on the seeds as they start, but unless it's a bush variety,it would be spilling out over the container unless it's a massive one. There are bush pumpkin seeds available.

I'm also not sure if elevation would make the vines more susceptible to the very annoying squash vine borer.

You could also try trellising a bush variety to elevate the vines enough that they don't spill over; however I enjoy seeing foliage tumbling out over a container.

The exciting part after the seeds sprout are the first little pumpkins, then the harvest. The disappointing part is finding that the raccoons have sampled each pumpkin.

Cwillie, let us know how your great white north thanksgiving goes, will ya? Did you have pilgrims up there too, on the first thanksgiving? No, really, what is the origin of the holiday?

C, punkin pie is only good if someone else makes it. Just got a flyer in the mail from our pie store. Are we not allowed to mention stores names?

Pumpkin pie will be on the menu soon as Thanksgiving weekend is coming up here in the "great white north". Yum. I just wish someone else would be the one to make it ;)

Oh Yes!!! Pumpkie Pie season!!! And Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte!!!! Love all the scents and sights of the fall. I love the scent in the air...I think it has a name?? defoliation? is that it?? But it a sweet, woodsy smell, I suppose as all the trees are turning and getting ready to shed their leaves and do whatever it is they do to get ready for the winter then spring...

Thanks for reminding me of Pumpkin Pie Sendme....I may have to go to our local WD and get one of their pies...theirs are almost as good as mine...without all the fuss...

Pumpkin pie in season. Maybe growing my own pumpkin over on GardenArtist's thread: "Gardening as therapy. " (As soon as I find out how, as in putting it in a planter?) There are new challenges after the rain, and I must consider the investment in my garden. However, it really is good therapy if not over-worked.

A new month, the first day! Another chance to fine tune the budget and come out better off by halloween.

My favorite thing about the above is the doctors thought I would just go home and take all those pain meds, and they were wrong. The chiropractor helped me.
Medicare denied payment because 'not enough was written about the need for chiro care '. So sorry medicare, I didn't spend all the medical funds required for neurologist, orthopedic m.d.'s, more pain meds, MRI's etc., to 'write more' !! Cost more!! I wanted to get well. My favorite rant. Sorry garden, hope your foot and leg are not like mine. We didn't eat the peas either.

Yes, I know that because a little limp, then a little hip pain, then foot and leg syndrome. Ice bags, started with frozen peas, massage, warm showers, chiropractic. Seems all this started in lower spine, called 'radiculopathy', couldn't walk for about two years. Better now, but threatens to come back.

No, they're strictly for use as an ice bag/cold compress. Frozen peas make good cooling pads.

Sorry about the foot and leg syndrome, are you going to eat those peas once they are defrosted?

SendMe, I haven't spent as much time on it as I planned to. I still want to respond to more posts than I have. Thanks for the reminder!

I'm having a bit of an encounter with an uncooperative foot and leg that wants to be babied while it battles tendonitis, and need to spend a few hours with a bag of peas on my foot or elevated on piles of quilts. Cuts down on my Internet play time!

GardenArtist, how is the new thread you started: Gardening as therapy? Has everyone seen it, because the beauty of nature is therapeutic to me, even the screaming over a snake, or skink can be therapy.

Coloresue, did look up the skink pictures, that is where I got the idea about screaming. Haven't always been this way, I am sure this feeling will pass before I see the skink.

Jasper is sooo cute! So amazingly small! He must have needed to eat hourly or similar when you first rescued him. What a lovely memory!

Hope, I never heard of sugar gliders. Jasper sure is a cute little squirrel! Do they actually fly? Or do they glide down from heights then have to scamper and climb back up to glide down again? I found some video of them gliding down on Youtube, but haven't seen one of them flying big do they get?

I'm enjoying the tales of the squirrels and other little critters. It's rewarding to read how much they bring to the life of people with whom they come in contact.

Adding another favorite thing... the energy of a fall storm, the freshness of the air...

The pleasure of getting out my boxes of lovely cards and sending them to friends or relatives....just for the sheer enjoyment of doing it.

Pumpkins, squash and this season's first apples in the store.

Thinking about fresh cider. Thinking about the donuts that go so well with fresh cider. Thinking about having to go on a diet after eating too many, that's not a favorite thing!

Jasper sounds sensational! How could you not love him? I looked at pictures and can see how cute he had to be. So tiny, too! It looks like he was very furry and cuddly...if he ever stopped moving enough to be cuddled. Yes, letting go would be so very hard for me, too. But we do what we have to do to save our loved ones from suffering.

I need to try to upload a pic of him in my avatar...He is so tiny he is hard to see...but you could see his big dark eyes and his teeny tiny self...He was 4 inches tall tops and when he got old enough to fly, I would stand on the opposite side of the bedroom and he would take off and land on my head or my arms...then I would raise my hand with him on it and he would fly back to his "tree"....Lord I loved that little squirrel. When I would come home on weekends to see Mama, I would bring him in a little bird cage that had a swing in it. It was so funny as he would sit on that swing and hang on with his tiny hands...he was amazing...It almost killed me to let him go...but had I kept him and the cats got him I would have really gone insane...I'm going to see if I can find his picture already in my laptop....when he was a baby I would lay him on my neck so he could feel my heart seems to soothe him....His name was Jasper....

I love your squirrel story! It's amazing how your squirrel said goodbye to you and your Mom! A priceless memory.
And now I will be missing Claude, no longer on bug duty outside of your home. What a great name for him!
I'm going to look up sugar gliders to see a picture of the squirrel you rescued. I'll bet it was a demanding job feeding it when it was young. I'm glad you were able to rescue it and return it to the wild. I hope you have a great day.

Sorry I got long winded on that last one..remembering my little guy makes me happy...this morning I am loving coolish feel of a pretty fall day and the sound of crows cawing in the trees. I love that sound...reminds me of being at my grandma's house in the country..

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