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Aww makes me happy that you went to such lengths to help the little squirrel get out...that's awesome!! I love squirrels. I have raised a few of the little sugar gliders on bottles. I had one once who was newborn with no fur who had gotten blown out of his nest during the storm the night before...Of all things...Mama's kitty brought him in and just plopped that cold little thing beside us as if to say "help him please".....we couldn't believe he didn't eat him but I guess he sensed the little fellow needed help...

Long story short, I raised him on KMR and he began to was tedious and time consuming but he made it...I wanted to keep him and he was very smart, he lived in my front bedroom and I had an 8 x 10 rug rolled up in the corner where he promptly turned that into his "tree"...I loved him so much, but one day he got out of that room and had a close call with one of my cats...He was ok, but that made me realize that next time he might not be so lucky. I worked with an animal rehab person and we got him acclimated to be a wild critter again..

After about two months, he was ready to release. I came home and got Mama and we drove an hour's drive where my little guy was waiting to be set free. The lady read a sweet poem about him, and the cage was opened. He popped out and immediately went to the tree nearby...where a little girl squirrel was waiting for him...then he stopped, looked back to me, flew over to Mama and finally to me...He nuzzled me on the cheek and then flew to the tree and off he went with his little girlfriend..up into the starry sky...I have the most precious picture of him still sitting on our piano..It was one of the most rewarding and happy rescues of my life...Now I am missing him...

I'm with Coloresue, I think you should name that lizard. I even had a spider last year who I named...and I am honestly terrified of those...but he was in a spot, I knew he was there, he was always there...all summer I named him Claude....he stayed there way into the fall...not sure where he went after that...I'm guessing they dont' stay too long on this earth...I guess he went to spider heaven after that...but as long as he stayed away from me, I just let him be..and said hello to him every night when I went out to bring the kids in... (cats)

That's funny! And okay, too. A skink only deserves a scream if you've built up a scary picture in your mind before you ever see it. Do you know some have attractive blue tails? I look forward to times I get to see that kind of tail. Have you tried putting in your browser "skink pictures"? The pictures I saw look scarier and larger than the skinks I've seen. At least you'd be prepared for it's general appearance. I wish you a good experience with no screaming.

Coloresue, when I see the skink, I shall either name it or scream. How is that?

I agree! Not appealing at all. But a good story to tell for years to come.

Creepy is dead mummified squirrels found in the walls after plaster was removed. It had probably been there at least 50 years.

I vote that you please go ahead and name it. It's fun when you name critters! We see one now and then, too. I view seeing them as a special privilege due to their rarity. They aren't creepy to me, but I suppose they vary in appearance and we vary in taste. Enjoy your garden!

My favorite thing is that I have never seen the SKINK lizard occupying the corner of the front driveway, nearest the mailbox. My hubby said it looks like a snake because of the small legs, and it has lived there over a year. Should I name it too?

My favorite thing today is just reading all the happy posts here, about all the critters and seeing all of you having such a good time! [{{{HUGS}}}]

Gersh, it is kind of creepy. When renovating one of the rooms at my house, removed old horsehair plaster, there was a dead squirrel, actually sort of mummified behind the wall. That happened long before I bought the house from the look of that squirrel. Creepy!

Good story Glad. I have had squirrels in my place too. I used to keep the balcony open a bit for the cats cause their litter box was on the deck. One day I heard my wall unit shaking, looked up and a squirrel was happily sitting there. My two cats didn't even notice. :)

Gophers? Ok, I have a squirrel story. A couple of years ago two of the grandbabies we staying with me mom and L for a few days while daughter and hubby had a few days away. I took them out to see where their mom went to elementary school. When we returned the kitchen was quite the mess. L was napping in the easy chair and just woke when we came in. I asked what happened in the kitchen.

He heard a crash, went into the kitchen in time to see a squirrel jump off the kitchen counter and ran down the hallway to the folks room. L was chasing him, at least as fast as an 85 year old man can. The squirrel dashed under the bed L, somehow L got him out. Then he was able to somehow get the squirrel to the door and the thing scampered out of the house. Still very hard to believe L was able to do that. I think what actually happened is he must have borrowed some neighbor cats to assist him. LOL!

That darn squirrel had chewed through the screen above the kitchen sink. Breakfast must have smelled awfully good to him that day. Then the crazy thing tried to do it the following day, but I had the window closed since screen was in for repair.

I also had a squirrel get into my house about eight years ago now. I kept hearing scampering. Finally, after this had been going on for a few days, I spotted tge thing running in behind my washing machine. I heard it moving around inside the dryer. I carefully slid the dryer away from the wall. Thankfully duct tape was handy so I taped over the dryer vent opening on the dryer. I was so afraid the squirrel would dash out while taping it in. It didn't. So I slid the dryer out onto the deck, took the tape off, and the darn thing at first would not come out. I then tipped the dryer from one side to the other, making quite a racket. Finally that crazy squirrel came out of there like a shot. I have never seen a squirrel run so fast I haven't laughed that hard in a long time! And the squirrel never tried to come back. THE END.

We always just called them chicks (toms, hens and chicks). There were no wild turkeys here until they were reintroduced back in the 80's, since then they have reproduced rapidly. Cool.


That must be so sweet to watch. How long does it take for the chicks, or rather poults, to mature?

I like to see the Canadian geese with their families, sometimes 9 little fluffy waddlers following behind Mom and Dad.

Ducks are pretty cute too. There's something just so sweet about little animal families.

I'm up in northern Michigan and we have turkey families this time of year. We have a momma and 7 little chicks hanging around our little farmette. She is such a good mom. She keeps watch all around while the checks feed. The slightest cluck from mom and they all gather under her skirts, so to speak, and toddle off into the woods. We love watching them.'s not chicks...what are the baby's called? Marlon Perkins, where are you..........

I'm laughing too at the mental picture of Tiger chasing your husband! I'll bet if you videoed it and posted it on YouTube it would have gone viral! On the other hand, your husband might have been embarrassed to be chased by a cat!

Yes, he is King gopher hunter in our area and too bad the neighbor did not realize it.

GardenArtist~Thank you!!! I have to share a very funny story about the gophers, LOL!!

About 4 years ago, Tiger (my kitty) brought a gopher in the master bedroom. The gopher was not disabled (you know what I mean). I started yelling for my hubs to help get this gopher. Well, hubs came in the bedroom after the gopher. I did not realize a gopher could run so FAST!!! I thought because they were underground, their eyesight was poor. This gopher took off running like a chipmunk..zoom....There was my hubs (a big man who is overweight) chasing this little gopher zoom...and behind my hubs is Tiger...chasing my husband!!!

All I could do was laugh so hard I was doubled over!!

SharynMarie, I nominate your cat as King or Queen of the Critter Control Brigade.

Ok, I to cook, spend time spoiling my grandsons, oh gardening ks( great therapy to get troubles worked out plus the enjoyment of all the green and beauitful flowers.

My cat is such a snuggler. I use to let him with a doggie door, a year ago a neighbor trapped him then took him to the shelter.

Prior to him being.g trapped, my Kitty was an avid gopher hunter. It was not uncommon for him to bring home 14-15 gophers in a year,lol!! Now I only let him out on my dsys off work. He doesn't wander from our yard when he knows I am home. Love the kitties!!
Report fortunate people with cats doing mouse patrol! We get fruit rats due to all the fruit trees in our region. Do you think cats go after them?? I surely hope so. There are cats that roam and I hope that's what they're doing.
I know my sister's cat used to bring home birds, moles, lizards, small bunnies, etc. so I'm hoping rats are included! Enjoy those cats, everyone!

Watching my favorite cat on her regular journeys. The neighboring Tortoiseshell is back meandering down the garden path again just a few moments ago. She's a regular visitor now. It's actually comforting to see that she's back there inspecting things, probably making sure the mice aren't expanding their families.

I liked The Mouse Squad nickname, so I've decided I'll consider that's her primary task.

Magic words: "warm fudge filled chocolate cake." All my dreams come true when thinking about such a delicacy.

And the blackberry cheesecake served by Ruby Tuesdays also falls into this category. Pumpkin cheesecake is another favorite.

Herons are stunning creatures... so elegant, so stealthy, yet so beautiful. They and egrets have the ability to stand so perfectly still for such a long time. Wish I had that great posture they do!

Swans are favorites of mine as well. One of the lakes we pass on the way home from the VA has a flock of swans numbering about 2 dozen. It's incredible to see so many fluffy beauties in that large of a grouping.

Internet service that is actually working well for a change, feeling good, getting things accomplished, something fun and interesting to read, a restful night's sleep, good news, happy family memebers, a solution to a perplexing problem, a yummy comfort food meal, warm fudge filled chocolate cake

I passed some herons today, looking for their next meal. The large white one was concentrating on stalking it's prey. It's so graceful with that long, thin body and beautifully pure white. The other was a much smaller blue heron, equally focussed on it's business of finding a meal amongst the taller plants in the water. A strong blue/grey color made it stand out. I saw some wood storks, too. Seeing these birds along the way makes running Mom to the hairdressers so much more pleasant and exciting! Nature does that for me.

Speaking of birds i like those ones that go Chicka dee dee dee.

GardenArtist, are those two of your favorite things? Listening to Donald and worrying about taxes? {{ lol }}. Entertainment for the Nation, that is the don.
How are you today?

Well, birds don't listen to Donald Trump or worry about paying taxes.

On the other hand, I really wouldn't want to live in a tree!

Ah, maybe the birds know something we don't yet. They are happy, so encouraging!

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