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Sendme I love that you`re naming the lizards. When the time is right look at adopting a senior dog from rescue. They never truly leave us and your eskie will walk beside you into eternity until you meet again but adopting another would honour her. I grew up with German shepherds but as an adult have always adopted ... I don`t go looking, somehow they find me :)

My favourite things:
My Little House on the Prairie, peace and quiet
The ability to grow a lot of our food without pesticides

And most of all my beloved critters:
Sue, 6, a minpin x jack russell terrorist, inherited from my mother
Ashy Girl, 9, a big black lab who came from rescue 2 years ago. Abused in a former life shes come a long way though still spooky around strangers or new thing or places.
Charlie, 8, former street cat when I lived in the city and head of the Mouse Squad
Katie cat, 7 pulled from a horrible situation when she was little
Pixie cat, 7, inherited from my mother
Lucy cat, 1, found on a nearby dirt road, sick, starving and desperately trying to eat a piece of long dead bird. She was so small when she came she could sit in the palm of your hand.
And then there is Ralph, a fancy goldfish who lives in my home office and has been with me for years. Frankly I prefer animals to most people, so sue me lol

SendMe, that's really cute about naming the lizards, especially the names.

I love Eskimo dogs... Malamutes, Huskies - they're such energetic dogs - and those marvelous blue eyes!

Our American Eskimo died last October, 2014, she had a forever smile on her face even into old age. She was my favorite doggy. Now, I have taken to naming the lizards since they try to block my path on the hot cement: Lizzy, Lizardo, then, there are the tiny two inch babies: Izzy, Pizzy, etc. Have no favorites here, just have to get back inside, ouf of the sun.

In the movie, "You've Got Mail", Kathleen Kelly says: "It'll all shake out, in the meantime, I'm putting up more twinkle lights". One of my favorite movies.

These are a few of my favorite things: Oops, I slept in. Instead of being awakened by the 24 hr. phone calls from the parkinson's patient; instead of being awakened by my husband trying to be quiet, I WAS ALLOWED TO SLEEP IN UNTIL 11:00 a.m. I am loving that I got to sleep all night, becoming one with my bed and clean sheets. I always sleep much better with fresh, clean sheets. I am thinking of ironing them like the brits do!

Good point on the scammers. There was a piece on one of the investigative news programs about how much panhandlers could make. I always thought they were just eking out a living, but the reporter went undercover as a panhandler and made more than I made in a week.

I've also learned that there are some tricks the street and highway panhandlers use. (1) stay on the major cross road or highway intersections, (2) be out in rush hour (3) add "God bless" on the sign they hold. Maybe there's a school they go to or website they have? That sounds callous, but to clarify I'm referring to those who panhandle instead of work; I'm not referring to someone who really is destitute. But how to tell the difference???

I used to give to panhandlers on the streets of Detroit, but when a few of them got aggressive I became more than a bit frightened.

The ones calling from foreign countries are a real nuisance; Often they use spoofed numbers, but they have a distinct way of speaking. One has been harassing people for months, inferring he's with the IRS and is attempting to help the recipient of the call avoid prosecution for fraud.

His spiel begins "this message is intended to contact you." "Contact" is pronounced con tact', with emphasis on the second syllable. I can't figure out his accent - it's not British; it's a blend of different countries.

I have a Jamaican friend so I had contacts out there to help me or I would never have attempted it - also in almost all countries it is getting more and more difficult to establish the needy from the scammers and I wouldn't give a scammer a brass screw.

Jude, that's a very, very touching story about the man in Jamaica.

Your comment on wood reminds me of how much I like the smell of wood being cut - that woodsy aroma that makes me feel as if I'm in a forest.

Once we visited Mackinac Island and rode around it on bikes (no cars are allowed - only pedestrian, horse and bike traffic). We stopped at a forest and leisurely sauntered through, inhaling that fresh and somewhat exotic scent of the combination of trees, plants and perhaps something mysterious that we never identified.

It always reminded me of Longfellow's poem, Evangeline:

"This is the forest primeval. ..."

The scent of junipers and pines in winter is also especially enticing - so appropriate for those cold days, days in which spirits are high as it's just the beginning, not the end of winter.

OK more nice things
The look and feel of real wood after you have polished it
A row of newly pressed (ironed) clothes hanging neatly by colour and type in your wardrobe (oh god I did do this too)
Highly polished shoes (I should have been in the army)
Seamed stockings (back in the day when my legs looked good in them)
The smell of lavender wafting on the breeze
Essential oils of jasmine and geranium mixed with ylang ylang and a minuscule amount of patchouli (too much and I vomit)
The smile on a genuine poor persons face when you take the time out not to give them money but to buy them a meal - a real one not a burger and a drink or perhaps some shoes for their feet - While on holiday I did this in Jamaica to a genuinely poor gent who said good morning to me every morning and doffed an invisible cap to me - he had no shoes and his clothes were clean yet ragged. When we went out to dinner that evening I bought an extra meal and a huge coffee and went outside and found him and gave hime the meal. Next day he was waiting for me with a bunch of flowers (I didn't like to ask where they came from).
Before we went home we asked all the people on our holiday if they had clothes (male ones of course) that we could donate to this sweet old man - he was about 70/80 but looked much older. Well I tell you generosity was amazing. One couple gave me 100$ (US) so we went to the local minister who knew him well and asked what we could get him for the money we collected (almost 900$ in total) The minister said he needs shelter and this would get him a refuge home - not for a huge length of time but enough for him to get well again - let me tell you those acts of human kindness meant a lot. The minister arranged for him to go to his house and have a shower and he would have been able to cream his body forever we gave him so much aftersun and suntan cream that we weren't taking home with us. About 6 pairs of flip flops that would last him a while.

Thats a favourite memory for sure

Inever realised I had so many favourite things.....
The wily robin sat on a spade waiting for the worms to merge from the freshly dug earth
The blue tits spending their lives chasing madly around the gardens and trees looking for food for their chicks
The wobbly walk of puppies taking their first steps
Watching ducklings trying to clamber up a step when following their mum who made the step easily
Cooking for friends and sending a whole evening talking about old times and silly things we did
Dad's diaries - they are so precious too
The way the early morning mist burns off leaving a warm sunny day
Splashing in puddles like a big kid

Hope, I also enjoy seeing the babies waddling after Mom, and sometimes Dad. I've seen this more with Canadian Geese, but it's still just soooo cute, as is watching little cygnets paddling around in the water.

During the Beatles Era, a mated pair of mallards took up residence in my parents' neighborhood. My sister named them Loretta and JoJo, after the Beatles' song. They would waddle down the dirt road, stopping occasionally to rest or explore one or other of the neighbors' yards. Eventually at the end of the season they would disappear.

Sometimes they would return after a few years, sometimes it was much longer. We saw another pair in the same favorite place this year, and of course Dad and I decided that was either Loretta and JoJo or their children or grandchildren with their spouses.

It was so pleasurable, so relaxing and soothing to watch them leisurely explore yards, waddle around, rest for a while, quack occasionally, and sometimes come up when someone offered them something tempting to eat.

Those are some of the very special pleasures of spring and summer.

Peanut buster parfaits are definitely a treat, along with banana splits. Or dilly bars and buster bars....and I'm getting a chocolate craving again.

Dandelions - they're pollinator food! I love all my dandelions and would never cut them. Once I saw a little bird dining in a dandelion plant. I think it was an oriole but it was years ago and I don't remember for sure.

Clean sheets and clothes, dried in the wind, are incomparable to those dried in a machine.

Your closing paragraph is so insightful and touching. I couldn't help thinking of the Memories song from CATS. Thanks for sharing.

Garden...oh how I remember watching my little ducks at the home where I used to live....the Mamas watching their little babies paddling around and if you listened closely you could even hear the tiny splashes their little webbed feet made...Love it..thanks for that memory.

And isn't the DQ awesome....especially a good old banana split or peanut buster parfait!!!

I love the smell of the grass when it's just been cut.

I know folks hate dandelions, but I love them...their little sunny yellow faces....

I love the feeling of putting on a fresh clean cotton gown after a good hot bath with lots of lavender scented baby powder...

remembering all my favorite things and seeing others, reminds me that there will always be a way after all this..because the things that bring me the most joy are simple and do not involve one other person to enjoy or obtain them...

Freshly made lemonade with real lemons on a hot day.

A visit to a Dairy Queen on a similarly hot day.

Watching the clouds lazily drift by.

Watching ducks, geese and swans leisurely paddle around a pond or lake.

Freshly picked herbs, especially lemon balm, spearmint, oregano or sage.

Standing along the rail on my deck and closing my eyes and feeling the breeze blowing against my face.

Watering the flowers early in the morning when the birds are singing and turtle doves are cooing in the distance.

Watching kittens and puppies sleeping in a little pile with their Mamas by their side.

Getting in my little truck that used to be my Daddy's and getting a soda at the drive through and going through the countryside, seeing all the pretty freshly plowed fields...and that smell of damp earth.

Watching Mama sleep when she's feeling good.

Getting cards in the mail.

My first cup of coffee in the morning, especially on a cool fall morning.

Spending times oitdoors with grandchilddren and great granddaighter

The wet cobbles shiny from gentle rain
Horses groomed and ready for a show
Kicking up the leaves in the autumn (fall)
Making sand castles on the beach
Standing on the shore feeling the sea wash the sand from underneath your feet
Hearing little children giggle
Laying by the ocean listen to the waves crashing on the rock or lapping on the shore
The mewl of a kitten calling for its mama
Young lambs friskily jumping in the fields

Have you noticed that what we love is nature?

Freshly fallen snow that covers everything in a pristine blanket of white.
Crystals in snow which appear to be rhinestones or diamonds.

The myriad colors of leaves in the fall.

The soft patter of rain as it touches the house.

My favourite things:
The smell of grass after it rains
The way raindrops sit on leaves
Snow when it is pristine and white
The sun setting over the sea
Corn fields waving in the breeze
New borns - every single one of them human or animal

Things that scare me
The look of sadness I see in my Mum's eyes sometimes
Her frailness
Her utter dependence on me
Despite all the angst the trust she places in me not to harm her in any way
The potential to hurt her when I have to help her move

My favorite things are my Sisters, all three of them, and thank God I have them, we are so close we don't need words, they can read my face whan things get rough, and they are so protective of me, they will swoop me away, and after 32 years, my husband understands the and appreciats them for this! My four kids, so different, all of them, 3 boys and a girl. All grown up and self sufficient! My 2 gorgeous Grandson's, so funny, the little imps. My Ny wonderful husband, who would have ever thought that 31 years ago when we were two crazy kids, divorced, each with 2 kid's of our own, so the card's were even then stacked against us, that we would enter this phase of our lives, and be stronger for all the "drama" that so often tears people apart, he is my sometimes grumpy Rock! And mt little Charlie-girl (thats her intmy Avatar) who brings to me such unconditional love and joy 24/7. I had the best parents, and the memories to last a lifetime, and with my Favorite things, we will get through this too! It certainly helps to reinforce that not all is rough right now with Senior Caring. Great thread! Love to you all, and Jude, you made my day! I love to learn a little more of each one of you in a different joyful way!

Petting the soft fur of a kitten, puppy, cat or dog.

Watching fireflies in the evening or just before the sun sets.

Thanks everyone, for your responses. Great to see you here!
This will be one of my favorite places when the sun is too hot to go outside.

I love to spend time with the other end of the spectrum, my neighbor's 7year old twins who have adopted me!! And of course a good snuggle with my pups, who have saved my life more than once. Unconditional love!

Hahaha...Jude...I am reading your poems to the appropriate music of funny..thanks, I needed that chuckle...

A few of my favorite things..

Early morning coffee on the deck with my babies.
Creekbanking and floating down the river in an inner tube (Jeanette...I know we're related)
Falling asleep while watching old B&W movies..especially horror flicks.

My favorite things are;

Being outdoors. Floating down Oregon's gorgeous rivers catching trout, pulling up on the bank and frying some up for lunch, then continuing on down.

Splashing about in the pool. Better yet, teaching my big pibble how to splash around in the pool and float in her raft. haha... we are water girls :)

Tinkering around my house, tending the garden and creating my back yard sanctuary.

That's about it... I do have some favorite things I used to do. No need to go backwards though :)

My favorite time of the day is when I feed the birds and then watch them come in with my Mother peering out our kitchen window.And I love to play mini concerts on my marimba for my Mother.She always has me play "Love Makes The World Go Round.Alot of times I think of Caberet and Zippity Do Daa..

Love the poems Jude! Some times when I have a rough visit to NH, my favorite thing is to come home to my own home, get a furry blanket, flop on the couch, get into the fetal position under the blanket and try to not eat chocolate!!!!!

Watching the birds as they feed their chicks
My very old clock that I managed to fix
Having a clean tidy room that I like to be in
These are a few of my favourite things

Tightly made beds with crisp ironed sheets
A week that goes by without people to meet
Watching the swans as they glide silently away
This is a favourite of mine every day

Mulling over albums with pictures of Dad
Remembering all the fun times he and I had
Laughing and giggling and speaking pig latin
While mum scowled and snarled in her blouses of satin

When she kicks off
When she starts to scoff
When I'm feeling blue
I'll simply remember that this is a phase
And then talk to all of you

Because you really are my life line xxx thank you

Absolutely! I am positive that the above parody is an original!
I just cannot be laughing this hard, the endorphins are killing me.

Poo on commodes while I watch and I listen
Boiling up kettles a new tea pot to christen
Brown plastic bin liners tied up and left
Robbed of a life - I feel bereft

Cream coloured diapers and crisp panty liners
Doctors and nurses Oh is there anything finer?
Wild geese that dragged me back here just to care
Yes I can moan and yes I do dare

Her in pyjamas with tea stains all over
Refusing to put on her nice new pullover
Silver white hair that she brushes all day
God help you if you take her mirror away

When the Cow snarls
When her words sting
When I'm feeling tied
I'll simply remember my lot in this life
And then commit suicide

Just a parody and no I won't - I wouldn't give her the satisfaction!

The sun will come out, tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar there'll be sun!

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