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My newest is Veritas, A Harvard Professor, a Con Man and the Gospel of Jesus's Wife is my newest. I am underlining like mad, and ruining this book, but I will be keeping it, and I paid for it, so I get to do that. I am an atheist, but I am fascinated by religion, ALL religion, and as much as I THOUGHT I knew about the hidden gospels, the gnostics, and the coptics, I knew not much at all. I am entranced by this book. I love a good con story as well, as I love the books on any "art heist", so I would have paid twice for this one.

A Man Called Ove and The Mountain Between Us (sooo much better than the movie) have been my 2 favorites in the last few months. Before We Were Yours was really good too. I’m now reading The Guest List which is grabbing me more and more as I get closer to answers.

I was putting books away, and dipped into ‘All the President’s Men’ by Woodward and Bernstein, the journalists who pursued Watergate in the Nixon era. I realised that it will be great to read the inevitable book/s about these last few months. Not so stressful as reality, and let us all hope that there will be a positive ending!

I just finished Crow by Amy Spurway.
I had this on my must read list for a long time but was ambivalent to start because I couldn't envision how a story about someone who is dying could keep from being either hokey and unrealistic or depressingly maudlin. Although it is very culturally Cape Breton I don't think you need to be Canadian to identify with the setting or the characters. I give it ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Am now in middle of Elizabeth Berg's "I'll be Seeing You", a book about her own and her sister's care of their aging (90s to their 70s) parents. Diary form full of present day problems and past memories of her parents. EXCELLENT for any caregiver.

I agree with Golden & Chriscat. I have six books waiting to be read by my bed. 😊

Golden, I'd say your quote suits me perfectly right now. There's nothing better than a stack of new books with your name on them, waiting to be read...


Found a quote that fits me well.

"Sometimes you just need to lay on the couch and read for a couple of years."

Wow 14 generations, what year would that be NHWM? The longest branch of my tree I have info on in North America takes me back 7 generations to the 1750's and my great uncle traced a couple of generations beyond that in Europe. I suppose counting forward from my own there are an additional 2 generations now.

I’m reading Deadly Cross by James Patterson.

I am reading genealogy records. So far I have gone back 14 generations!

I love reading the beautiful names of my ancestors.

Ever wonder what future generations are going to think of these new names? LOL

I named my girls traditional names.

I am loving reading the census records.

My parents only paid $5.00 a month in rent when they first married. This was for a furnished apartment!

I traced my English roots back to Suffolk.

My family from Spain are from the Canary Islands.

I had some trouble at first. I discovered that my great uncle changed the family name. He was doing a bit of bootlegging! So, in case he got busted he didn’t want to disgrace the family. Hahaha 🤣

Oh, I found a few cousins that I was able to contact and they helped me in my search too.

I am doing my husband’s family too.

It’s been fun!

I am with CM on this one. I don’t finish a book that I am not interested in.

I have been known to walk out on a movie too if I strongly dislike it.

I am a self confessed music snob. I refuse to listen to crappy music!

Years ago my husband and I went to see a movie that seemed like it would be interested in.

I didn’t understand any of that stupid movie. I hung in there because I kept thinking that it had to get better.

When we left I asked my husband to please explain the plot to me. He said, “Honey, if I understood it, I would be glad to tell you. I am just as lost as you are.” LOL

That confusing movie ended up cleaning up at the academy awards! Go figure! We both hated it.

I blocked it out so badly that I can’t even remember the name.

It was one of those ‘artsy’ movies that was extremely boring!

After that, we left the movie if we felt it was a stinker!

I love interesting movies but this one was just plain weird!

I hear ya CM. I read the whole book and if it's cr*p I drop kick it somewhere.

I guess this compulsion to read the whole book is a little OCD or maybe cause we didn't have much growing up and getting books at the library was a treat that I didn't take for granted.

Or maybe I'm just an idiot. :P

I used to think that, Gershun. I always admired Dorothy Parker's bold criticism "this book should not be tossed aside lightly, but hurled with great force" but I thought her too harsh, and I thought it was good for my soul to try harder.

I can't remember which title or author it was that liberated me, but I got to the end and thought "well that's eight hours I'll never get back." I saw red, then I saw the light, and nowadays if I don't finish a book I consider it the writer's failure and not mine.

I'm reading a book titled Little Cruelties by Liz Nugent.

It's a so so read........but I never not finish a book even if it's a real yawner. I sometimes change my mind about a book if I do that so even if it's sometimes a chore I'll never give up on a book.

I downloaded the PBS app to my smart tv. Just starting to watch Elizabeth is Missing that is also a book.

Why a kindle oasis? It is good under water and does not have speakers, course you could get buds, i suppose.

I guess to each this/her own. My eyes aren't great but I have no trouble reading on my Kindle app. I use a black background from a choice of white black or sepia. with white print. You can adjust the font size easily and, of course, the brightness, and, with flux, the warmth of the light.

Still reading Blake Pierce mysteries - a bit predictable but good escapism.

Send - I usually choose to read with no additional lighting supplied by the device, just as with paper books when it gets dark I turn on a reading lamp.

Husband reads l lot, and is shopping for a new Kindle Oasis. He has keratoconus and is careful about lighting. The background lighting is warmer, easier on the eyes. A computer runs the battery all the time when on, vs. the Oasis and e-ink devices use less battery. The current (9th generation) kindle Oasis has 25 backlights so the user can adjust the color temperature to their preference and avoid blue light. Amazon has it about $250 USD.

I asked him so many questions about this:
 "wouldn't choose a phone, tablet or computer over an e-reader with an e-ink display" so he tried to educate me. It went in one ear, and even though I was interested, the information got trapped in my brain.

He finally threw his hands in the air, and as he left the room, proclaimed
"Anything is better than being illiterate", Lol.

NFD. (no further details) as he is now back, standing over me, editing what I am saying. He was generous to offer the information, don't you think?

I asked him what he is reading right now:
I Was Just a Radioman
HTML Fixes for Kindle
The Daily Bible

Golden, I wouldn't choose a phone, tablet or computer over an e-reader with an e-ink display, never never never!

Your new Kindle need not be hooked to Alexa. I absolutely love my new paperwhite. It is my first kindle.
Now reading three books at once.
Roman Dial's The Adventurer's Son (Father follows the footsteps of his disappeared son, a memoir)
T.C. Boyle's Stories II, a massive book of short stories: Not to be missed in them his stories, Balto and Chicxulub but the best of the bunch so far is La Conchita.
Lastly, the memoir Widowish by Melissa Gould about the death of her husband and her own adjustment; just started and it is SO GOOD.

I've just downloaded the Kindle app onto my laptop and my iPhone. It works very well on both. and its free.

Just don't do what I did, my original kobo glo died this spring when I foolishly tried to do a reset after it became glitchy. I replaced it with the most basic kobo (clara?) because I don't want or need any bells and whistles I just want to read library books, but that's probably
no good if you want to buy books from amazon.

The tab area on my kindle screen seems to be dying.😧 Just as I get to enjoying reading books on it. Kindle is about 5-6 years old. Time for a new one? All the new ones seem to have Alexa. I don't want it!

Looks like we have a lot of mystery readers. I recommend ANYTHING by Peter Swanson, but especially The Kind Worth Killing. This one will twist you into so many knots of unknowing you won't know what to do.

I just finished The War Lord, I have read all the series and love historical novels. One of my degrees is in history and I can;t get enough of it! Now I am reading the latest ruth Ware mystery,, they are pretty easy reads and entertaining

Bill Clegg's Did you Ever Have A Family. HIGHLY recommend it. I read his most recent before it ( The End of the Day), which isn't as good as his first book, but is good nevertheless.

Another kindle freebie Bloodline. I am about 1/3 way through. It is a very strange book. Waiting for all to be revealed as to why things are the way they are in this small Minnesota town. Remnants of stepford wives at this point. Storyline from a 1940's disappearance of a kindergarten age boy on his first day of school.

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