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Reading a book on my Kindle for the first time. Never thought I would like it as much as I do. Maybe it is the eyes getting older and just so much easier to see, actually seems to hold my attention more, too.

Let's see what is the book? A freebie that I downloaded. "If She Knew" Book 1 of a series. Pretty good so far.

I have finished the psychology book... It was simple, full of examples and with some tips but I think it is sometimes not realistic. But maybe it just because we have been taught for centuries in a way that make us put the others first and feel guilty.

Nearing the end of the Great British Detectives collection which I have thoroughly enjoyed except Bulldog. Drummond. I skipped most of that section due to mediocre writing and violence which did not add to the stories. The rest of the collection is good. I love the scenes in London which bring back memories of my time there.

The Spirit Filled Life by Charles Stanley & Outlander by Diana Gabaldon.

Zealot, The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth by Reza Aslan. An amazing read. Just finished The Overstory. Loved the beginning part. 30% of the way in began to lose interest, too concentrated on people, not enough on trees. Before that Wonder Valley by Ivy Pochada.

Of Love and Shadows by Isabel Allende is available instantly on a Kindle through Amazon. $11.99 U.S.

Also, free on Audible.

CWillie love the JJ Jance Joanna Brady books.

The Boys of Auschwitz by Malka Adler. Very good. I’m rereading all of the Tony Hillerman mysteries. Just finished Catherine Coulter book Deadlock. One of the FBI mysteries. Love Baldacci books.

Cwillie. I wonder if you could "borrow" the e-book. We can do that for some books here. We can download them and they will remain on the e-reader for 15 days.

I have started the psychology book but I think I will read just a few pages every day and read something easier when I go to work by train.
When I arrived at my office I found a nice packet: a colleague offered me "the roaches have no king". I just don't know anything about this book... I am curious.

I also bought a book in French... And Murphy's law.

Plenty of books waiting for me. I have always read a lot but these last 2 years I had a kind of reader's block and read very few books.

It's not in my library at all NHWM, and I'm not sure if it is worth the hassle of an interlibrary loan (or if that is even available).


Can’t you ask the librarian to order it for you? I do that. They will get it from another branch.

Of Love and Shadows sounds really intriguing but unfortunately it isn't available at my library 🙁 but I've bookmarked the first of the Miss Fischer series to check out, I'm always on the lookout for a new series. I don't think I can do Dear Edward though, the deep personal tragedy sounds like it would be too much for me right now.

Dear Edward by Ann Napolitano, highly recommended. I’ve read several of the more recently published books lately and been disappointed by them. This one didn’t disappoint

Hi everyone, I thought that I would finally join the reading thread. I'll read just about any genre if I find the content interesting, even those for younger readers. Recently I finished "Circe" by Madeline Miller.
I also wanted to mention the Miss Fisher series by Kerry Greenwood. My husband and I really enjoyed the show and I just got the first book it was based on.

I have just finished (like 5 minutes ago :-)) Of love and shadows by Isabel Allende. I received 2 books for my birthday and I bought my therapist spoke me about... I have now to choose which one to start!

I have to find the title. I will write it after I look it up.

It’s a book written by a Christian, Jew and Muslim about Moses and other common threads.

I heard an interview with one of the authors. Sounds intriguing. He said that they agreed on 98% of things. The other 2% were minor issues.

I am planning to order it.

I am reading "Revealing the Mysteries of Heaven" by David Jeremiah... for the ones who believe in Heaven, I want to know as much as I can. When it comes time for Daddy to go to Heaven with Jesus, my heart is rest assured... 🙏😇💙

I have just taken delivery of a lovely little book called”Making Winter” by Emma Mitchell. It is full of small craft and baking projects to lift the mood, with an emphasis on nature and the outdoors. I shall use it to get through the coming gloomy months of Covid, lockdowns and worrying about my son who is about to leave home and go to Uni for the first time and who faces the prospect of being confined to his room for much of the time if our UK Government decide to ban students from coming home for Christmas. I think we treat prison inmates better than that in this country. Sorry for the rant but I am beginning to feel quite unhinged!


Thanks. Guess I will start reading it and put it down if I don’t like it.

I tend to read books by female authors and/or with female protagonists that focus as much or more on developing the character than on the mystery. There are exceptions - C J Box comes to mind - but it's harder to find men who write in the style I'm interested in.


Have you read anything by David Baldacci? My daughter’s boyfriend bought ‘The Fallen’ and gave it to me to read. I haven’t started it yet.

He loved reading it. Says it’s very suspenseful.

Garden Artist, it is just known as 5. I imagine the series will be available abroad at some point - maybe on Netflix perhaps?

I was up until the wee hours with the 5th book of Jacqueline Winspear's Maisie Dobbs series, I'm looking forward to finishing it tonight.
A series summary from Goodreads - "In 1929 London, former servant Maisie Dobbs starts her own business as a psychologist and investigator in this unique and gripping historical mystery series"

Christcat, thanks for the clarification.   Do you know if there's a name for that Channel 5?   Our channels in this area are all named; there is no channel 5 at all.

I'll keep looking though.

CWillie, thanks for that great news!    I'll be watching for the 2021 series of All Creatures Great and Small.  In the meantime, I'm trying to remember where the rest of Herriot's books are; I can only find one.    Lately I've been wondering where  a lot of books I haven't read in decades are now hiding.

Re: Monarch of the Glen TV series, yes it's quite old, but since the setting is a quite traditional view of Scottish aristocratic life, it hasn't really got dated. Think of a large draughty Scottish castle, plenty of tweed and striding around heather and grouse moors in plus fours and you've got it! Nothing wrong with a stereotypical view of life as a Scottish Laird and it's a nice bit of escapism!!

It looks like All Creatures Great and Small is coming to PBS in 2021 for anyone who is interested.

So I had to check on Father Brown, this isn't the first time he has come up. The show is on PBS here, of course back seasons, but that doesn't matter. Also available on YouTube for a fee and Amazon Prime also a fee. Will have to check on the books to see what is available. Might have to use my Kindle for something other than reading here. Lately, I just am not sure about "here" anymore.

Christcat, thanks for that clarification.    I will try again.  I'd love to be able to enjoy Herriot's charming description of the Dales and his adventures with animals.

It's also tremendously inspiring - I admire anyone who chooses a medical profession, especially one treating animals, and who makes him or herself available 24/7 to help suffering creatures in need.

It also makes me think of being tougher.    Birthing a calf or sheep in the middle of a blizzard requires a lot of strength and perseverance.

Pam, I haven't heard of that series.   

I think one of the problems is the area in which I live.   Choices of tv programs seem to be very specific, and generally lousy.    My sister in a more upscale area had options for French and German programs, within the general channel lineup.   Here they cost extra.    The general lineup includes those tacky personal programs of attention oriented wanna bees with what I consider garish lifestyles.  

Well since we got off books and onto TV.. LOL On PBS there is a great older series sometimes, called Monarch of the Glen.. It is set in the rural Britain ( or Scotish?) countryside,, and is cute and funny. I love it when I can get it,, or try if the library has the DVDs?

Garden Artist, just for the record, it's not a BBC channel, it's just called Channel 5. Good luck and hope you can track the series down!

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