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I went for my regular opthamologist exam today. I am considered at greater risk for glaucoma so I go regularly. But everything good so far. So that's what I did for myself today. :)

Please everyone, take care of your vision. Schedule your eye exam if you have not gone in a while.

Gershun, this is good advice. Thank you for sharing it with us. Believe it or not, my exam is scheduled for tomorrow morning at 10:30. I'll be there waiting (early) with bells on since it is long overdue.

I did not take care of myself today. I drank a large glass of whiskey, followed by a small glass of wine with dinner. I then went for a shower and cried uncontrollably for 20 minutes or so.

I did not take care of myself today. I drank a large glass of whiskey, followed by a small glass of wine with dinner. I then went for a shower and cried uncontrollably for 20 minutes or so.

I hope you're feeling better today, Patty. This caregiving journey is so stressful. I understand your feelings, so many times I wanted to do as you did with the whiskey and the wine.

Try going into a room by your self, close the door and play some uplifting music (LOUD) that you like, even if it's only for 10 - 15 minutes. Wishing you well Patty!

Today I went to my optometrist for my exam to get new eyeglasses. They did a ton of tests. I picked the frame and color I like, and made an appointment for next week to do some follow-up testing that needs to be done.

There now, got that done and over. What a load off my mind!

I made myself a meal and sat still and ate it at 12:30 pm today, instead of slouching around the house waiting until I get to the point of starving.

I also paid my credit card bill online that's due tomorrow. There is a hefty late charge (almost as much as the minimum payment due) if it's paid ON the due date. I'm glad I remembered THAT, I saved myself some money!

cweissp, having a caring doctor makes all the difference in the world, so glad you have one too.

Going out to breakfast with a good book and being waited on without having to think of anything else is deeelicious! I'm so happy for you, I'm tickled that you enjoyed it!

Thank you for reading here and for leaving this nice response. I really appreciate it.

I swim laps nearly everyday. I call it my Zen time. For 40 minutes I just zone out and let my mind wander. Or I concentrate on counting strokes and laps and tune out any worries.

Frances swimming laps nearly everyday for 40 minutes is a surefire way to relax, winddown, and enjoy yourself. Good for you! Keep up the good work, you're doing a great job. I really appreciate that you took the time to read my post and to leave a response. Thank you for that.

I had to do "eeny-meeny-miny-MO" to decide where this comment belongs. It could easily go under What's for Dinner. BUT, since it's personal and also something I did for myself today, I decided to post it here.

My self-care thing for today is . . . Pizza! I ordered my favorite Domino's weekend combo:
1 LG Pepperoni Pizza
Bacon Chicken Ranch Sandwich
Stuffed Cheesy Bread

OooWeeeee, so yummily delicious! I'll be eating on this for at least a couple of days.

Happy Weekend Everyone, enjoy your Saturday night!

I finally went to have a blood analysis to check my thiroid which I should do every year... But which I didn't in 2021. I also booked a visit at the optometrist as my sight has worsen a lot.

I listened to a new group singing 'a cappella' style (AVÉ – Australian Vocal Ensemble). Just a YouTube ad for 5 mins but I could feel my blood pressure dropping. Sniperts of modern to really old baroque. I have reminded myself to add *active listening* to music, even if just 5 mins, into every day. Of whatever style takes my fancy that day 🎶🎵😊

I have been to my therapist today... She really is helping me a lot!

this may sound strange, but I have 2 friends who are major "thrift shoppers",, they find them all and know all the deals and dates! I hit the goodwill once in awhile for pet food bowls and such, and once in awhile for smaller clothes as I have lost weight,, but it is not a big thing for me. This last weekend while on vacation they kidnapped me for a few hours and hit the shops in the OC area,, they bought tons of stuff for decor and clothes.. LOL I got a few things,,, OK, I am cheap! ( none of them need to be cheap,, nor do I but old habit die hard) So today I dashed into the good will for pet food bowls,, and looked around. OMG I got a brand new pair of Timberland boots for 10$.. I looked at them last year and no way was I paying 100 for shoes! Also a brand new pair of work clogs! I mean even the soles were pristine! Also got a beautiful pumpkin fruit bowl for 2$ So I guess I can look at this as saving my retirement,,, or a new problem.. LOL

Tuesday, October 5, 2021:: I’ve done a few self-care things lately, but I didn’t write them down and can’t remember them all right now. However, this is my “self-care” thing for today.
I had an appointment with my eye doctor to have my eyes dilated. She had explained on my last visit why she wanted to do this exam . . . long story for another time . . . maybe.
There were several tests before the dilation though. First, I had to look through this machine contraption at a black screen to find out if I could see a green dot within a red circle of balls from different positions on the screen. I DID, and we moved to another room.
The doctor came in and proceeded to do MORE tests, like reading letters from a row of letters from a mirror on the wall in front of me. More, more, more tests and so forth. Ok, ENOUGH of that.
Finally, she put some eyedrops in my eyes. OH! GOOD!! LAWD!!!!! THAT does not feel good!!! It stings and burns, has my eyes watering like crazy.
AND THEN, she proceeded to do more tests. More, more, more. When she finished, she asked if I had any questions. Yes, I had a few. She answered them. I’m done! Me and my eyes are fine now . . . with my new glasses.
I have to go back in a year for a check-up.

Oh fuzzy, that is such great news.

Having the all clear on your eyes is such a HUGE relief.

Well done on self care.

Hi all, I'm brand new here. So happy to have found this forum and this particular discussion! I think it's such an important question because it really forces me to think...did i do anything for myself today at all? Right now the answer is just a small thing. Instead of watching TV with my dad when he asked me to, I video chatted with my partner who lives two provinces away (right now we're living separately while I'm doing this caregiving work). It always makes me feel better to talk to him and see his face. I don't like saying no to my dad when he suggests doing something he enjoys (like watching Jeopardy!) but I knew i needed to make time for that connection.

Looking forward to reading about what everyone else is doing for themselves!

I spent time sanding and polyurethaning some shutters!
Doing chores for the house that make it homey and gives me a sense of accomplishment is a real break from just doing chores to care for Mom.

Heeeyyy there ITRR, so good to see you. I know I've been away a while. Long story. Thank you for the lovely comment and the good wishes. I especially thank you for taking time to stop and read here.

Welcome kitchenwitch, so good of you to join us here. Video chatting with your partner was a Great "self-care-thing". Thumbs-up and Way-to-Go to you!!!

Thanks so much fuzzyknot! It felt really good.

Hi Cashew, welcome and thank you for reading and commenting. Doing something that gives you/us a sense of accomplishment is a wonderful "self-care thing". I love this idea!

We live within walking distance of a large lake with 17 miles of trails. Now that our weather has cooled off I'm walking by the lake and just enjoying nature. I go to the gym 5 days a week to do strength training. My mother is 89 and is at the end of her life. She was pretty mobile through her 70's and never exercised. I'm hoping by exercising if I live that long I can still be relatively independent.

I have also volunteered at an assisted living facility to visit elderly residents who are lonely. I haven't done it yet due to my mother's condition, but I know it will be one of the best things I can do for myself and for those that I visit.

Hi there dseag2, Welcome! It's good of you to stop here and read. I especially thank you for taking time to leave this refreshing comment.

Walking by the lake and just enjoying nature sounds heavenly. I enjoy "nature walks" too. I used to steal time from caregiving for my mama and do "nature walks" with my grandson whenever I could.

Prayers for you and your mother.

Thursday, October 7, 2021 - Gosh, it seems like I'm commenting here more than anyone else. OH WELL ...whatever! So, I'll try to keep this short and to the point. Maybe.

I brushed my teeth, washed my face, combed my hair, didn't feel like doing it but I did.

I clipped and filed my raggedy fingernails, can't remember the last time I did that. A manicure is not an option right now. Coming soon, I hope.

I applied lotion/moisturizer to my outer extremities, all of which have become dry and flaky from neglect. This will be a priority from now on.

I dressed in my "go-somewhere" clothes and left home to run an errand, something I rarely do. Stopped by the store, purchased a couple of snacks for myself. ALL FINISHED!

Well done, Fuzzy! Keep it up, you'll be happy you did it.

I had my annual eye exam on Monday. I planted my fall/winter vegetable garden.

I spent the day with a friend (of 40 years). We went to Annapolis, sat by the water and ate Maryland steamed crabs.

Fuzzy, some days washing face and combing my hair seems like a real accomplishment especially if it's the last thing I feel like doing.

Good for you!

Hi there, Hedgie. Thank you for visiting and reading my post and for taking time to leave a great comment. That means a lot to me.

Spending the day with a friend, sitting by the water, and eating Maryland steamed crabs sounds heavenly with a touch of deliciousness.

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