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Macormics makes a good, au jis powered. If you mix that with water pour it in top of a really cheap peace of beef, and 2 table spoons of butter top. It's really good meat after that. Lol

Never used them , maybe if you where having a party, but yeah they always seemed like a waist


Do you buy the bags to go inside the crockpot? I never use them. I just wash out my crockpot after cooking. Those bags seem like it’s just something else to spend money on.

I usually put any cheaper cut of beef in the crockpot. Always comes out best for me

Yes I do it every year in the crock pot. With potatoes, carrots cabbage.
It always comes out pretty good.


Have you cooked corned beef in a crockpot before? I like to do pulled pork in the crockpot or a chuck roast.

My daughter raves about Mississippi pot roast done in a crockpot. I haven’t tried her recipe yet. Her friend cooks it and gave her the recipe for it.

cw and Geaton.

I love corned beef and pastrami too!

Geaton, your dinner sounds amazing!

I haven’t ever cooked corned beef. I have ordered it from restaurants and enjoy it.

I love cabbage. I love potatoes no matter how they are cooked.

I’m not really a whiskey person. The Irish love it. I don’t drink much but when I do have a cocktail I prefer gin.

I've been cooking my corn beef on low in the crockpot for about 4 hours, it is now , half the size it was 😯

I love love love corned beef (and pastrami) but my hubs hates the smell of it (and the cabbage) boiling. Last year I baked the corned beef and other than it being slightly saltier, it was nearly perfect: moist and tender. I'll be doing that again this year, roasting the potatoes and carrots, and sauteeing the cabbage in butter and olive oil with a splash of cider vinegar at the end. That, plus sour dough bread (sorry, I never liked Irish soda bread)... yum!

I have a friend from Boston who'd make an unbelievable Irish lamb stew with whipped potatoes... to die for.

I used to buy a corned beef roast for St Patrick's day but I won't pay the ridiculous prices so my planned meal is colcannon. Nephew 3 told me they went out for shamrock shakes but with snowflakes in the air the last thing I want is a milkshake.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day ☘️! What is your favorite Irish dish?

Mine is a delicious beef stew! My dad’s family is part Irish. Mom made wonderful beef stew for us to enjoy.

We recently hosted a small bday party for one of kid #2’s friends. So today we’re eating leftover cheesies, grapes, nachos, pigs in blankets, chopped veg, pretzels and homemade veg soup. Sadly, no leftover cake.

Pan fried salmon, baby potatoes, and asparagus.

Oonce my mother dropped her long wallet and never even realized it until I picked it up for her.

Once I dropped money out of my pocket in front of a store and a stranger turned it into the lost and found.

Same thing happened on vacation in crowded Williamsburg. I went to the lost and found. My husband thought I was crazy.

Both times I got all of my money back. Lots of cash that I shouldn’t have put in my pocket.

I said a prayer to St. Anthony, patron saint of lost objects. My husband thought I was nuts! LOL The best one was when I found my husband’s wedding ring on the beach in the sand!

I have found tons of lost things. My daughters joke around and say that I should start a website saying that I will pray to St. Anthony and charge a fee! Hahaha 😝

My grandfather always had a ton of change in his recliner! LOL. 😆

Mom reupholstered it once and found tons of change that had fallen out of his pockets into the chair.


It’s true . It’s more rare to find money now .

For a few years after we switched to one and two dollar coins cleaning the couch was quite profitable but now that we've gone mostly cashless it's rare to find lost money of any kind.

Well , since cleaning the cars today and only finding 52 cents , it’s leftovers!!

Nobody ever loses $20 bills in my car . 🤔🤔🥲

Hubby's on duty tonight 😊 he making chicken scampi, an olive garden recipe. With red lobster , cheese rolls.

TN, indeed your sons are a wonderful blessing!

We’re having salmon and vegetables for dinner this evening. Salmon is one of my favorite meals! I also made a big pot of vegetable soup to enjoy for lunch during the week. I make soup quite often.

You are indeed blessed TNtechie. And a blessing!

Congratulations, TN. Blessings for you and blessings for them.

Today is the 3 month anniversary of younger son's adoption. I have been blessed to have a 16 and 10 year old in my life at 60! Lots of cooking and lots of chauffer duty.

How timely, Need! Tonight I made meatballs in a sour cream mushroom sauce with lots of smoked paprika. I like the dish but my husband isn’t particularly fond of it. “Could be worse. Could have been beets!”

CW, so very true.

Nothing like fresh but, frozen thawed works in a pinch :-)


I get what you’re saying. I absolutely hate beets. I have never liked them. My bosses wife invited me over for dinner at their home. She was an excellent cook and I enjoyed eating dinner with them.

Well, one day she offered me beets. I politely declined. She insisted that I would like ‘her’ beets. So, I tried them. I discovered that I still hate beets no matter how they were prepared! LOL 😆

Sometimes, it does make a difference who is cooking though, so yeah it’s good to at least try something again.

Sorry needs help, 😊 the fact that I didn't hate it, ment I need more exposure. If we get back there I will definitely give it another go. When in Rome, do as the Romans.

Isthisrealyreal - we used to get those frozen pies but they aren't the same as the real thing!


Oh yes, there is definitely a “pumpkin” overload everywhere!

I am going to let your grits comment roll off my back! LOL 😝

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