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One year I had the gas oven randomly turn off halfway through roasting the Turkey . I had to keep turning it off and back on like every 10 minutes or so when it would shut off on its own. Turned out it was a problem with the igniter . It is supposed cycle off and on while roasting , but it wasn’t cycling back on sometimes .

What has been your most annoying mishap in the kitchen during the holidays?

One year my microwave broke on Thanksgiving day! I had a bazillion people at my home and everyone was hungry for our Thanksgiving feast!

I had to heat everything on the stove, in the toaster oven and in my oven. I was not happy but no one complained and everyone pitched in to help me.

What is your favorite stuffing recipe for Thanksgiving? In the south, we call it dressing. My absolute favorite is oyster dressing! I love several other kinds too.

Tonight, the main course was asparagus.
I spent the next three hours trying to get my fill of real food.
Meatballs with rice; carrots; and corn with lima beans.

Dessert was the Pumpkin Spice Loaf with icing.


Thanks for mentioning cranberries! I forgot to put that on my grocery list! Hubby loves them!

Your dinner sounds fun and delicious!

My hubs is cooking dinner for the 3 of us and 3 friends. Turkey, stuffing and gravy, mashed potatoes and green bean casserole and creamed corn( we made the corn this summer) casserole and cranberry relish ( from the local market) Hubs is a great cook if a little heavy handed with the salt, LOL Guests are bringing pimento cheese and crackers, pie and a cheesecake, and a fruit salad. Leftovers for all!! Almost everything is prepped an in the (unheated) sunroom ready for the oven, and I only have to vaccumn the house tomorrow!

Who is cooking thanksgiving dinner? Who is eating dinner at someone else’s house?

I cooked dinner at my house for years and years. I love cooking but several years ago I took a break from holiday cooking. It’s work!

Families who do a pot luck style are smart! I did all of the cooking myself.

This year I am going to cook again for my immediate family and my younger brother. My brother in D.C. isn’t coming in town again until Christmas.

It would be fun to hear what your favorite Thanksgiving meal is! I’m cooking a turkey, mashed potatoes, roasted green beans with mushrooms.

Still debating what dressing to make, oyster or cornbread. In the south, we refer to stuffing as dressing.

My daughters insist that I make their favorite mac and cheese with cheddar, white cheddar and smoked Gouda.

I am buying the desserts, most likely a couple of pies. Pecan and apple are my go to pies. Sometimes I do buy pumpkin pie because it’s a traditional thanksgiving dessert!


I agree. They have fabulous coffee ice cream. It’s a much better treat than frozen coffee that is sold in coffee shops.


That ice cream sounds like a decadent frozen pina colada! I love coconut ice cream. The addition of the pineapple sounds amazing!

We would love that flavor.

Mocha ice cream is delicious. Coffee and chocolate goes well together.

Sounds great, Send!


Who looks at calories in Haagen Dazs? 🤣 It’s a splurge kind of deal!

My grandmother was so funny! She hated if I told her no to dessert. She would say that I looked beautiful and didn’t have to worry about calories. If I said that I wasn’t hungry, she would say that a person didn’t have to be hungry to enjoy eating cookies and ice cream, they were good anytime! She was the sweetest grandma.

Tonight will be an after midnight Haagen Daz trip to the freezer, because we ate some really good things from another country. Very good! But left me hungry sooner.
It was from Thailand? Gyoza, yum. (like a potsticker with veges.)
And glass noodles with stuff, (veges again), from a different country.
We've been to Trader Joes.

And no, I cannot go thru the trash to find the real names, ha ha.

You would be welcome at my home CW and NHWM. How about next year?

I want to try the Chicken Marsala from Costco, thank you for the tip Bounce.

A road trip is fun, cw.

Let’s all crash Send’s house for some Haagen Dazs! We all know that she keeps a supply of goodies on hand!

Just got off the phone with my daughter who inquired if I was making macaroni and cheese (one of her favorite side dishes) for Thanksgiving! LOL 😆 I usually make extra so she can take some home with her.

I especially loved bringing leftovers home from my mom’s house when she cooked holiday meals. It’s the best!

I think I like a turkey sandwich the next day as much as I do having an entire thanksgiving dinner the day before. I’m not one to turn down leftovers.

Some people hate leftovers. To each his/her own, but I will enjoy my leftovers.


That’s what I was thinking. After it’s prepped all you have to do is wait for it to bake.

Some people do a beef stew in the oven as well. I do mine on the stove top. I haven’t tried doing it in an oven.

I did cabbage and pork in the oven last week. My mom and grandmother always did it on the stove. It came out well in the oven.

I suppose it's really more of a sheet pan meal. I used all the veggies I would normally have stir fried and tossed them with some hoisin and a little water, covered the pan and then put it in my counter top oven.The udon noodles go in when the veg are mostly done - I uncover the pan to brown everything a little. It takes longer than a stir fry but I don't have to actually do anything except set the timer.


I have never done a stir fry in the oven. It seems like it would be easier. Does it take longer or about the same time as on the stove?

Road trip!!

Sounds good, cw. If the cookies aren’t ready, I bet Send has some Haagen Dazs in her freezer!

I finished my dinner (an oven stir fry with udon noodles and a banana for dessert) but I'm still hungry - are those cookies ready for sampling yet Way?

One of my favorite snacks is almond butter on whole grain crackers. Sometimes I eat this for lunch or dinner. If I am craving something sweet I will drizzle a bit of honey on top.

I make my own almond butter with lightly salted almonds in my food processor. It’s quick and easy and less expensive than buying the brand of almond butter that I usually buy from Whole Foods.

It’s a delicious and nutritious snack or meal.

My husband is a peanut butter guy and doesn’t like almond butter so I make it in small batches for me.


I hear you! Punching dough is good therapy. So is chopping veggies. I’m sure you and your husband are fed up with his dad.

My husband has a flex schedule too, he goes into the office some days and works at home too.

I find that a lot of people use their living rooms as offices. Hardly anyone uses them as living rooms anymore.

My husband has a separate room for his office and closes the door when he is working. We generally eat lunch together unless he is too busy to take a break or sometimes I go out with friends for lunch.


I’m stress cleaning to avoid stress eating .
DH is working from home today . Trying to forget he’s home today . Uggh . He’s in a baaaaaaad mood . I hear the grumbling from his office . Job cr4p plus Dad . I should put a door on that room . It is really supposed to be the formal living room , turned office , so no door . I’ll probably bake today , punch some cookie dough .


Come on over! What is the weather like in your area? We have had funky, damp and rainy weather here for days.

I don’t like cleaning my stovetop either. I love making soup!

For some reason I find chopping veggies relaxing. My grandmother made the best veggie soup. She taught me how to make it.

I’m coming over for soup . 😂😂🤣
I don’t want to cook and get my stove dirty , I just cleaned it .

I’m getting ready to make a big pot of veggie soup. The weather here has been gloomy and cool. Soup time for me! I make a large pot to enjoy for several days.

That sounds yummy, Bounce! I tried roasting pumpkin seeds again and got it right this time!

I love to cook but there are days when I don’t have time. Or I am tired and want a break from cooking.

There are lots of good prepared meals out today. Anyone remember the early tv dinners that our moms served once in awhile. My mother was an excellent cook but occasionally she served tv dinners.

Trader Joe’s Penne Arrabbiata is good too , ready in minutes from a skillet .


Costco does have some great items. I love risotto too.

There’s no shortage of pumpkin deserts during the fall. They are yummy!

I don’t like pumpkin lattes though. I’m a purist when it comes to coffee!

Mushroom Risotto from Trader Joe's frozen section, just microwave and eat!
Thought it was going to be a snack, but it was an early dinner.

Dessert was a Pumpkin Swirl loaf from Costco, had icing.
So good, must get more!
This has 5 stars for those Costco shoppers, great to serve guest, mild pumpkin bread flavor, very pretty too. Serves 6 a generous serving. No, I don't work for Costco. It's just a new dessert I have never had before, and I'm not baking at the moment.

Turkey! Canadian Thanksgiving was a month ago but I just bought a piece of turkey breast. I’ll turn our last few slices of bread and wilting celery into a small casserole of dressing. Plus I have a few potatoes to boil and mash. Maybe open a can of corn. We’re finally empty nesters so I’m learning to scale back. But it’s been one of those days and we could use a small feast of comfort food.

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