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I'm trying to avoid freezing. Plus, it was just a pint. Easy meal.

Can you freeze it Cashew?

Beef stew. I canned 5 pints of beef stew but one did not dinner.

Chicken cacciatore , salad , garlic bread sticks .

OK within 6 hours, I roasted a full chicken in my air fryer (60 minutes) had drumstick and thigh for lunch. After lunch, I took the remaining meat off of the carcass for meals this week and put the bones, skin, drippings, etc in my pressure cooker with a bunch of water (I could have cooked it in the pressure canner, as well. But, I used my instapot) and let that pressure cook for 120 minutes, making a very strong chicken bone broth.
Then I hot packed 4 quarts of bone broth and put it in my pressure canner ) for 25 minutes, with a 1 hour leave alone.
Now, I have 4 quarts of yummy chicken bone broth waiting until tomorrow for me to store away.
In the meantime, since each item used to cook regulated the pressure/temp and beeped to let me know when I needed to do things, I got to do other simple tasks around the house.
I feel like I'm living the life of the Jetsons.


That sounds fun and messy. I hope everyone enjoys it.

Here's a first for me dinner-wise today: A "pasta bar." My granddaughter is turning 10 and wanted to have a big sleepover for her birthday but her house isn't well laid out to accomodate 9-10 girls sleeping over. So, my daughter asked if they could have the sleepover at my condo which has a better layout (an upstairs loft area, bedroom and bathroom where all the girls can be together overnight). She and her husband are doing all the work, and she'll sleep here to supervise the overnight mayhem, so I'm just providing the space. Pizza would have been ideal, but granddaughter doesn't like pizza! So they are doing a pasta bar, with two kinds of pasta, red sauce, alfredo sauce (both from jars), meatballs, and shrimp. Also a big veggie platter with dips, plus of course birthday cake. Son in law and grandson will be here for prep, dinner, cake and games, but will head home and come back for breakfast. Breakfast will be simple: bagels and cream cheese, big platter of cut-up fruit, juice and milk. Guests will be here from 4pm until 10:30am. The cat and I have the master bedroom to retreat to overnight. Sleepovers, with varying numbers of friends, were a staple in the lives of our kids growing up, but a lot of youngsters nowadays really lost out on the experience during the Covid years. I just hope none of the guests get homesick since a lot of people aren't used to sleepovers!

I bought a little electric pressure canner. I was a bit leery of it to begin with. Now, I'm loving it! It's small and not for harvest preservation. But, it works great for saving leftover stews, soups, etc.
Today, I am roasting a chicken and then making stock from the carcass. Yep! I'm going to can that stock tonight.

Send: Thank you for your concern. All good - never use cash and always lock auto doors.

Send: You okay, girl? 🙄🤣😀🤔

Llama, 🦙️
Yes, let's buy it at Arby's when we can.
Shooting the elk, venison seems so violent.

Of course, if you are going to the drive-thru, be sure to lock your car doors,
be aware of your surroundings at all times, leave the area if you hear sirens or police cars, carry pepper spray, maybe a stun gun for protection.

Carefully consider wearing that mask at the window so they won't think you are there to rob them, but try to wear a mask anyway.

Be sure to shout out to the clerk you are handing a $20 so you can get the right change.

We live in L.A. County. You should be fine going to Arby's.


yep. super easy. I do have a proper Tamagoyaki pan which was a splurge buy for me.

Cashew, Japanese omlettes are soooooo good.

Do you make your own?

Send, I have never heard of heavy cream in pumpkin pie. Milk or canned milk only.

Now I have to go investigate.

Just a quick comment here for when Fall arrives.
My mother used canned evaporated milk for her pumpkin pies.
No need for fresh heavy cream when you are using canned Libby's Pumpkin.




Japanese omelette

Thanks cw, me too!

I didn't learn to cook until my late 30s, so I am always happy when something new isn't eye watering gross. It use to happen quite frequently :-) now only occasionally.

I forgot to mention, I dry fried them and it worked great.

I googled them when you first mentioned it ITRR... glad your recipes turn out well!

I made the pupusas, which I have been misspelling for ever, they were fun and delicious. However, I didn't ferment the curtido, had if fresh. It was good but, I have some fermenting now to enjoy with the frozen pupusas' this weekend. I understand the fermented curtido is a game changer. We'll see.

I do recommend these simple pupusas for everyone to try. They were fun to make and are easily made to taste. I stuffed them with chicken, onion, garlic, green chili and habanero longhorn cheese. I added chicken bullion, onion and garlic powder to the dough. We love spicy and flavor, so I couldn't just put beans and mozzarella cheese - blan!

Happy eating to everyone!

Arby's elk/venison/beef burger - limited time offer! DH is hooked! Told DD since her hubby harvests elk (when he can get it) and venison.

Cashew, GENIUS! !

Today, I made salmon cakes. Instead of frying or baking, I put them in my waffle iron. Worked great! nice and crispy and not oily.

Tortellini with veges, chopped red bell peppers, onion, cilantro, italian parsley, and ground sirloin.

Potato cheddar soup with ham is DH's fav! Made back-to-back soups yesterday and today - mine is chicken tortilla soup.


In 1984 New Orleans hosted the World’s Fair. It was fun!

In the Belgium area, they served Belgium waffles with strawberries and whipped cream. I fell in love with them so much that I bought a Belgium waffle iron. My husband makes terrific waffles occasionally for a weekend breakfast.

Waffles are so good that they are like a dessert! Once in awhile I like pecan waffles with maple syrup.

Sugar coma!

No, not really having a sugar coma for dinner. Just inducing one with real Belgian waffles made with pearl sugar and covered in maple syrup with crispy, spicy fried chicken.

Good thing I don't get these urges often, we would be super sized :-) but, a nice treat.

Next week learning to make papusas and curtido! I can hardly weight!

I am a caregiver for a Jewish family. Im making matzoh ball soup today

Yum that is my favorite dish l. That is so nice to fix homemade for them

Send: The soup is very good as I've made it before. Amazon always makes good on errors. No worries; my order was delivered today. Thank you.

Coffee has Coffeemate.

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