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Oh man the number of eggs I've cooked....
In the little diner I worked at we used to serve around 200 breakfasts on Saturdays and Sundays (my shift) - sunny, over easy, over hard, scrambled, poached, and I cracked dozens of eggs for buckets of french toast - I'm sure I dreamed about cracking eggs. On thing is certain, it's definitely easier to flip your eggs on a big griddle than in a pan.

Need, likely a stupid question but when do you put the eggs in the pan you are heating?

Cooking class in school.
Instructed to cook over-easy eggs.
Group did not read instructions, wanted sunny side up. Lol.
Only one egg was perfect. When serving it, the egg turned over on the plate, yolk facing down.
What we thought was a mistake, was a perfect over-easy egg, because it finished cooking while waiting for the teacher to come by and grade it: An "A".



That’s funny 😆!

I do over easy eggs the lazy way! I place the heat in a skillet. Cook the bottom and then put a cover on the skillet and then turn the heat from medium to low.

You don’t have to flip it! It comes out just like an over easy egg.

I cannot tell you how many yolks I have broken when I attempted to flip it! LOL 😆 Then it is no longer ‘over easy’ because it is just a messy over cooked egg!

eggs....nice boring over-easy eggs.
Years ago, I went to a diner and sat at the counter. It was slow and I was chatting with the cook. I ordered over-easy eggs and he wanted to make sure that is what I wanted?! he told me that they are runny yolks. of course I knew that and it's how I like it.
Apparently, he's had people who had heard them being ordered over-easy in movies, ordered them over easy, and then freak out over the runny yolks. lol


I had veggies for my lunch today. Then for some reason, I was craving popcorn! So I am munching on popcorn 🍿. I haven’t thought about dinner yet. I may just scramble up some eggs with toast.

Tonight it's going to be a hot dog, while it cooks I've been snacking on a whole bunch of cut up veggies dipped in salad dressing.

What do you buy at your farmers market?

I love going to the farmers market. I enjoy buying fresh vegetables and a few treats that I love, pepper jelly and spicy pickles!

I glaze meats with the pepper jelly or I serve it on a cracker with cream cheese for a snack.

So, I just looked up uses for pepper jelly. Some were surprising to me.

1. Glaze on vegetables.

2. Glaze on ham or pork.

3. Glaze on chicken wings.

4. Glaze on shrimp or salmon.

5. Top a cracker or bagel with cream cheese and pepper jelly.

6. Mix with cream cheese or sour cream for a dip.

7. Use as a dipping sauce.

8. Topping on ice cream.

9. Use as a condiment on a sandwich.

10. Brush on phyllo pastry dough appetizers.

11. Use in pinwheel appetizers.

12. Use instead of tartar sauce on fried fish, oysters and shrimp.

11. Top cornbread.

12. Eat on popsicles.

13. Top a cheesecake or pound cake.

14. Top a cracker or toast with peanut butter and pepper jelly.

15. Top waffles or pancakes with pepper jelly.

16. Melt pepper jelly and
mi with Italian salad dressing.

17. Brush pepper jelly on fruits and vegetables to grill.

18. Use in thumbprint cookies.

19. Use in margaritas.

20. Use in a sauce when cooking clams or mussels.

21. Use in coleslaw.

22. Mix with plain yogurt.

23. Serve with a bread basket.

Spinach omelette and whole grain toast. Quick and easy!

It’s time for another healthy lunch 🥺.

Why is life so cruel?


My daughter says that she will never reheat pizza in her microwave again after having her air fryer.

She cooks all kinds of food in it too. She lives alone. I wonder if her size air fryer will feed two people. I cook for my husband and myself.

I roast veggies in my oven all the time. I will do an entire sheet pan and eat them throughout the week.

What’s your opinion on food cooked at a high temperature being carcinogenic? I guess that I am at risk then, because I am like you. I don’t like soggy food!


My grandmother and mom made fantastic meals in cast iron pots and pans!

I cook almost everything in my air-fryer.
Steaks are definitely wonderful in it, as are burgers and chicken
I've cooked frozen mixed veggies in it and got the veggies slightly crispy
(instead of the soggy mess of microwaves) then added some seared beef and
a sauce to make a quick "stir fry".
I've made muffins in it, because it is just me now and I don't need a full batch. So a couple of them at a time. I do put a bit of water in the air fryer when baking to aid the moisture level and it improves the texture.
Reheating is a wonderful.
It's an all around tool that I am enjoying because it's just a compact convection oven that uses a lot less electricity than a regular stove. and it doesn't heat up the house.

I think most of my problem in cooking steaks is that those commonly available in the supermarket are cut way too thin, so you really do need smoking hot in order to sear without overcooking. Back when I had an electric stove I had good luck broiling my steaks, but I have never been able to get good results under my gas broiler.
If I'm really craving a steak I can always haul out my charcoal grill.

I absolutely hate liver! My mom tricked me into eating it as a kid. She knew that I had to try everything that my dad ate.

I was a daddy’s girl and I thought that he was eating steak. I didn’t want to miss out on trying steak!

She let me believe it was steak in order to get me to try it. I almost threw up when I discovered how gross 🤮 it was!

It took me awhile to forgive my mom for that trick! We laughed about it later on but I wasn’t laughing when it happened.


My daughter loves her air fryer. She asked me if I wanted to borrow it and try it out. I might take her up on it, just to see if it is worth buying one.

How often do you use yours and what do you cook in it that you find comes out better than cooking it using other methods?

I find that cooking my steak in my air fryer is a game changer!
And the clean up is super simple.
Today I am cooking a tri-tip

It doesn't matter how well you cook it at the end of the day it's still liver 🤮

But if you ever need to cook liver… she killed it!!
Step 1: Pour boiling water all over the liver… that gets rid of the first layer of texture..
then you put it in you cast iron pan olive oil.. chopped onions… salt pepper.. you csn also add peppers, cooked bacon…
and back in the day it was healthy… lots of nutrients as I remember.. but in todays world… who knows…
Liver was the cure back when for iron deficiency…
Texture … pour boiling water over it to get that slime off.
After that coat it with flour then grill it…

I have a cast iron pan.. good ole fashion iron pan.. that thing works great…
Filet mignon.?? Well if I recall correctly 3 minutes on each side and throw the pan into oven???
Oh wait… I took cooking lessons from my mom… 🥰


I am trying to remember the kind of grills that I bought for my daughters as gifts.

I think they were Cuisinart. They had one side that was a grill, the other side was smooth. So, they made grilled sandwiches with the flat side and chicken, fish, shrimp, meat and veggies on the grilled side.

I too like a hot sear on a steak! Rare in the center!

I do have an ancient little George Foreman grill - it's good for chicken or fish or pork chops but it doesn't get hot enough though for steak, at least not the way I like it done. I have looked at upgrading but the reviews are mixed so I've held off, I don't want to store another appliance unless I'm sure it's something I can use a lot.


What about the indoor type grills?

I seldom cook a steak any more because I can't get my pan hot enough without setting off the smoke alarms and at a lower temperature it's impossible to get a really good sear without overcooking (medium rare please).
And it seems silly to buy a new outdoor grill/bbq just so I can cook on it half a dozen times a year...

Send, green chili chicken enchiladas, chicken tacos, chicken club sandwiches or chicken, stuffing and cranberry sandwiches. Making a chicken, veggie, potato casserole or a chicken salad are all good ways to add something different to the chicken, chicken, chicken.

I then throw everything, bones, skin, other parts in a pot of water, add apple cider vinegar, salt and whole peppercorns and simmer for 2 days, homemade bone broth to use as a super nutritious ingredient for anything requiring liquid.

I had the best steak ever, cooking over a white hot campfire, in the dark. We couldn't see anything but, boy that steak changed how I cook steaks. I had to laugh at your experience, love those kinds of surprises. :-)

The rotisserie chickens are really good!
However, it does not freeze well because the texture changes.
You are basically freezing a leftover already cooked food.
The chicken will only last 3-4 days (recommended) in the fridge.

I have enjoyed a quick chicken soup by cooking everything, adding chicken stock, and adding the chicken without the skin at the end as if reheating it. Good, but not grandma's excellent chicken soup because you can't squeeze any fat or get much flavor from the skin already seasoned by the store.

Next, I am going to find a whole chicken and start fromm scratch boiling it for soup, like you all have done. Adding fresh parsley to the celery, carrots, onions. I have done this before, it's really easy, but cleanup is harder than the rotisserie chickens. A benefit is you have made your own chicken broth.
I still love the broth in the boxes.

To quote an older movie line in Must Love Dogs: "I often eat alone at the kitchen sink, and just don't want all that chicken hanging around".

It is getting to be a challenge finding what to do with all that rotisserie chicken, and there are two of us.
Today is the last viable day to eat that chicken, so what to do if we just don't want chicken today? (Rhetorical question). After 3 days of chicken, chicken,

I'll take a burned steak anyday. Med-rare is preferred.

Currently having a healthy breakfast. 🥺

Will proceed today with healthy lunch and dinner. 🥺

Cutting out junk food, sugar and anger. 🥺
Will cut out auger also, just in case. 🥺

Cooking a steak to share, a neighbor came to the door, I went outside.
The steak was burning on the stove. 🥩

Best steak in a long time!


Funny story!😁

My mom used to make chicken soup all the time from scratch. She’d cook it for hours it seemed like. With onions celery carrots, salt etc.. Then of course you cool it, refrigerate it, skim off the fat.
we lived in an apartment. One day when I got home from school, i opened the door and was greeted a a huge plume of smoke.. I dipped back outside, caught my breath, and turned off the electric stove. Ran out to the balcony to catch my breath.. doing so, I see a car drive by staring at me in disbelief.
I went back in, found the cat and out her in the car. I then write mom a note that I was taking the cat for a drive..
PS.. I think the chicken soup is done..
she started the soup,and put it on high for a few moments (?) had a hair appointment, and forgot to turn off the stove.. we laughed about that fir a long time.. she melted the aluminum pot! We had s chunk of it for a long time.. over the years it disappeared..
we were very lucky no damage was done..except the soup was burnt along with the pot.
memories… :)

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