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Thanks, cw

I am going to try making my own stock.

Those rotisserie chickens are usually pretty well seasoned so I don't usually add anything extra except maybe a Tbsp or two of vinegar, I'd rather add any spices when I make my soup. Besides the bones I keep aside a lot of skin and all the bits that aren't so nice to eat like the neck, tail etc. and I make sure I throw in any fatty bits too, that can all be skimmed off later. The trick to good broth is to use just enough water to cover the bones, too much water leads to insipid, flavourless broth. Sometimes I'll freeze my bones until I have enough to make a big amount.

I like those boxes of broth too, I always keep a few in my pantry.


When you boil the bones, what else do you do? Do you add seasoning, onions, garlic, bell pepper and celery?

I generally use good quality box stock but when I roast a chicken I save the drippings to use.

Sounds delicious!!

I'm working my way through a big pot of soup, and yes, I did boil chicken bones for the broth.
In that broth I pressure cooked some beans, barley and lentils. When that was done I added frozen mixed veg, onion, garlic, celery, a can of diced tomatoes, and seasoned it all with chili powder. Leftover chicken breast and a cup full of diced peppers went in just before it was ready to eat.


That’s why I love cooking a whole chicken or buying a rotisserie chicken. We can get several meals from one chicken too.

Cwillie, my hubs does this every time we buy one. It freezes beautifully and I have not bought chicken stock in years!

Don't forget you can boil the bones for soup newbiewife!

On Sunday I purchased something I occasionally get when I don't feel like cooking a full meal from scratch -- a rotisserie chicken from the supermarket. Had some of it hot that day along with some sides I made: mashed potatoes, broccoli, and a salad. Skipped a day and will have some more of it tonight, with fresh green beans from my daughter's garden and some other side. I'm by myself and can get 4 meals from one rotisserie chicken, usually a couple dinners and a couple lunches. Chicken salad, quesadillas, enchiladas, a la king, pot pie, club sandwich, etc. If I get bored with too much chicken, I freeze some of the remains.

Something healthy.

Gino's pizza rolls.


Italians are such great cooks! I am going to see if I can find a recipe online for it. It sounds good.

I have watched Sound of Music a million times! Loved it since childhood. I learned every single song in my music class at my Catholic school. Great memories!

We had a mini schnauzer. She was really cute. My oldest daughter named her after the oldest daughter in Sound of Music. Liesl lived to be 13.

Your post made me smile 😊.

Sorry NHWM. I don't know how the Italian coleslaw was made. Just know there was no mayonnaise in it.

Picking blueberries...
The movie: The Sound Of Music
The children went to see Maria at the abbey, but wouldn't tell their father.

Captain:Now, it's not like my children to be secretive

Louisa:We're not being secretive father

Captain:Mm hm. And it's not like my children to be late for dinner!

Friedrich:We lost track of the time

Captain:Ah I see. Now who's going to be the first one to tell me the truth?
Friedrich? - Brigitta? - Liesl?

Liesl:Where do you think we were, father?


Liesl:Well if you don't believe us, you must have some idea where you think we were?

Captain:Aha! Marta..

Marta:Yes, father?

Captain:You tell me

Marta:Friedrich told you, father, we were berry picking

Captain:I forgot you were berry picking!

Children:Yes! yes...

Captain:All afternoon?


Louisa:We picked thousands of them!



Captain:What kind of berries?

Friedrich:Ah, blueberries, sir

Captain:Blueberries! Mmm - mm!


Captain:It's um...too early for blueberries

Friedrich:They were strawberries!


Friedrich:It's been so cold lately they turned blue!

Captain:Awww...Tst - tst, very well, show me the berries

Louisa:Um, well...

Captain:Well, show me the berries you pick, come on


Kurt:We don't have them anymore

Captain:You don't have them anymore, well what happened to them?


Brigitta:We ate them!

Captain:You ate them?!


Captain:All of them?

Marta:They were delicious!

Liesl:Oh they were so juicy...

Captain:Very well. Since you've obviously stuffed yourselves full of thousands of delicious berries, you can't be hungry anymore, so I'll just have to simply tell Frau Schmidt to, uh - skip your dinner

May: Best of luck on your Cabbage Soup Diet.

Going back on the cabbage soup diet.. I’ve been very bad and need to get back in gear..
chicken brith, pkg of premade coleslaw, green onion, salt, jalepeno pepper , garlic, ginger.. you can add protein.. spouse refuses to try it.. but it helped me lose some pounds and cholesterol went down..
I stopped for a bit and feeling sluggish..
I don’t feel like cooking…this is easy enough and does the job


Yes, since you have all the corn that you want!

Need, I'll have to look those up!

Peach pie sounds delicious, cw.

I've got chicken alfredo (sauce from a jar) with zucchini noodles and broccoli, and a whole bunch of raw veggies with creamy cucumber salad dressing (from Kraft).
Thinking I need something more, but what?....

Pie would be nice, if I had any pie. I was looking at some recipes for peach custard pie 🤤


My friend took my daughter along on to a blueberry picking farm when she was young. She said that most of the berries didn’t make it into the kid’s baskets! LOL They ate the berries as they picked them.


I love pepper jelly! I glaze my pork loin with it. My daughter eats it on crackers with cream cheese.

I don’t know how to make jelly, jam or preserves. I have never canned any foods.

Grandma did! She had a huge fig tree in her backyard. She made fig preserves.


How was the Italian slaw made? Your dinner sounds delicious!

Pepper jelly is so easy to make but I don't use it often enough to make that worth my while.

I love farmers markets! We do end up spending a lot but it’s quality produce and specialty foods. I continue to buy my pepper jelly and spicy pickles from a favorite vendor at my farmers market.

Farmers markets are no longer places where bargain hunters find an abundance of cheap produce and food, now they've become chi-chi and we are expected to pay a premium for the privilege. I was just reading about a peach orchard that is charging an entry fee in order to come and pick your own, as well as requiring you buy a minimum amount of fruit.... it's cheaper to shop at the grocery store.

Going to be looking up Tamale Pie recipe, thanks!

Dinner was a sandwich from the local Farmer's Mkt.
Pulled Pork on a brioche bun
Special Italian Cole Slaw
Pickles were missing.
No dessert, the price was a bit of a shocker. 😱


You have me looking at a bazillion corn recipes! lol 😆

Country Living has an article with 31 delicious corn recipes!

Nana’s famous corn pudding

6 ears fresh corn (husked)

2 cups whole milk

3 large eggs well beaten

1/4 cup sugar

2 tablespoons all purpose flour

1 teaspoon kosher salt

1/4 cup unsalted butter (melted)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees

Scrape corn, liquid and pulp off husk into bowl. Add milk, eggs, sugar, flour and salt. Whisk until blended. Pour butter into 2 quart baking dish and swirl to coat the bottom and sides of dish. Pour corn into dish and bake for one hour to one hour and ten minutes. The top should be lightly browned.

This recipe sounds delicious!

I love corn cooked on the grill. There is a recipe that uses pepper jelly on the corn. 😋 Yum!

Another one that looks good is the tamale pie!

Corn chowder

Corn fritters

Check it out and let us know which ones you try!


Have you tried any of the Mexican street corn recipes? They look delicious!

Food With Feeling blog!

They even have a recipe for Mexican street corn nachos. I would eat those as a snack or meal!

This site also has recipes for dog treats. I may have to try making them for my daughter’s dog when he visits us.

I want to try her lentil chili and her sweet potato chili. I make lentil soup and this chili recipe looks great. I love sweet potatoes and have been wanting to try them in a savory way. It looks good too.

Enjoy the performance, Barb! Last time we went to Stratford, we saw anti-Shakespeare: The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Great fun! Great songs! Love it as a play and as a movie.

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