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Sounds like what happened to the aging care forum:
"Someone was messing around with friends and created a horror story".

Sadder than sad.

No, it's a children's story.

Oh my, I see on line that someone has been messing around with the Pooh and friends and has created a horror film 🙄


I just googled Pooh eating Eyeore. The only thing I found was that it was a horror movie. Apparently, Christopher Robin abandoned his animal friends. Pooh was starving and he made the choice to eat Eyeore.

Even though I never liked the character, Eyeore. I don’t think I would enjoy seeing him eaten. Geeeeez! Crazy plot!

Then I read there is a sequel. Don’t think I would watch either one.

Is it true that Winnie the Pooh and Piglet ate Eyeore in the story?
I never read it.
I am shocked.
BBQ donkey?

Its corn on the cob season here, and hubs can now eat more types of food so we are loving it. Our neighbor grows sweet corn beside his "cow corn" and lets us have all we want, and hubs can only eat an ear at a time, but it's fresh every day!! I am in heaven!

You are in my part of the world Barb... Glad you are having a fun adventure exploring our small towns!

We've seen Lear and Richard II. Seeing Wrinkled in Time (my favorite book ever) tomorrow. It's not like we don't have plays in NYC, but we're staying at a lovely place in Mitchell, On with a pool.

Barb - I haven't attended the festival since high school, are you seeing Shakespeare or something more modern?


Goofs happen sometimes, right? 🤪

Oh well…

Make yourself a steak and a baked potato tonight!

Uh oh! Something very similar happened just last night in my kitchen, also having to do with transferring. Details would be boring. But yours was not boring!

I did not enjoy the tuna noodle casserole this time.

Must have been good Cwillie! Cannot find any corn on the cob for two weeks!
This coming from a meat and potatoes lover.

Barb, a vacay and good food! You deserve it!

Have fun, Barb! Sounds delicious! I love Italian food! Enjoy the festival!

We are near Stratford Ontario for the Shakespeare Festival. Grilling at our VRBO tonight--Italian sausage, peppers and onions.

So, I decided to cook an Italian green bean dish that my friend makes for my lunch.

Well, I learned my lesson about taking a shortcut. She prepares the veggies in a pot, then transfers them to a baking dish.

I decided to skip the step of transferring them to a baking dish and placed my pot in the hot oven to brown the breadcrumbs on top.

I used a pot holder to remove the pot but the damn pot was still super hot. Ouch! My hand was burning even though I was holding the potholder.

I dropped the stupid pot and green beans went flying all over the place! I cleaned them up and mopped my kitchen floor. So, there was about a tablespoon of my green beans left in the pot! LOL 😆 Not even one serving.

Maybe I will make a salad to eat. Or wait and eat an early dinner. Grrrrrrr!

LOL Send. No guests, I ate it all myself.


Sounds good! My husband is working late so I didn’t cook anything. I had Siggi’s yogurt topped with fruit. So hot here. Not hungry for a heavy meal.

Are you having guests?

Dinner tonight was healthy:
2 cobs of corn
steamed broccoli and garden beans
one entire zucchini cut into rounds and grilled with garlic and butter.
And the last piece of chocolate banana cake for dessert (hey, it had bananas so technically it was fruit 😉)

Logged out.
Came back to say, cooked fried eggs, added broccoli to saute.
It was good.

When I came back, the little blue man is there now.


I don’t remember people saying that banana peels could make you high. That’s interesting too.

Yes, composting is a wonderful way to use up peelings.

So, you freeze bananas in the peel? I peel them and then freeze them.

I love the discovery of things being used for different purposes.

You know I've wondered that about banana peels. I freeze whole bananas for smoothies and a lot of the inner peel looks like I should be scraping that into the smoothie too, now maybe I will. But almost nothing organic gets wasted at my house because it goes into the composter.

Anyone remember when people said that smoking banana peels could get you high?

Today I was looking at articles about plant based foods because I don’t eat huge quantities of meat.

Anyway, I see where some of you hate wasting food. I think most of us don’t like unnecessary waste.

Have you given it a second thought if you throw away banana peels? I know that I haven’t.

The article went on to say that the peel is edible and explained how to prepare the peel to be used.

One suggestion was to cut ends off of the banana peel. Place in pot. Pour over one cup of water and boil. Make a tea, drizzle in maple syrup or honey. It is supposed to help you sleep better.

Banana peels are being studied further. Supposedly they can help with depression, digestive health, eyesight and cancer prevention. Interesting, 🤔

They should be clean and ripe before preparing to be consumed.

Blend into smoothies.

Caramelized with sugar and water to top ice cream

Baked with cinnamon and sugar.

Boiled until soft and eaten with a spoon.

Sautéed in a pan and top with meat.

Would you try any of these or have you done this before? My peels are automatically tossed into the trash.

Oh, this is interesting too. Some say that they use on their face to improve their skin. Others polish their shoes with them! Many other uses as well.

So, I can donate my broccoli. 🥦

Gershun: It IS sad. I like to check the food pantry pretty much daily as it is outside, but I have found milk and ground beef in it. Unfortunately I trash that. You're very welcome and thank you.

Good for you Llama. It's sad. Here in Vancouver on the news they say people who are working full time still need the help of the food bank. You've just reminded me that I need to help where it's needed.

I stock the local food bank routinely. Food insecurity is a large issue. I got a personal thank you last week from a perfect stranger, who said her friend, a single mom appreciates it. I was that person and I am happy to pay it back.


The fresh cherries are so good right now. I have some in my fridge. Also strawberries, peaches, oranges and cantaloupe.

I have been making strawberry smoothies. Love Greek yogurt!

LOL. 😀😀😀

And adorable animals. :)

OW!!! That hurt!

Thx Mr. Horse

Heres your kick courtesy of Mr. Horse 🐎plus some adorable animals too 🐕🐈🐆🐩

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