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I hate the fact that there are people going to food banks and yet I throw out perfectly good, healthy food cause I'm too lazy to prepare it and eat it or because in the summer I'd much rather eat a bowl of sherbet than a salad or BROCCOLI!

I need a good swift kick in the behind!

I have the same sort of problems Send, it's all those other things calling louder than the ones like broccoli. What works best for me is to plan my menu in advance, and then to have it all washed and chopped so all I have to do is pull out the container and dump it in the pot.

What is it about broccoli that it gets ignored in the fridge at my house?
I like it.
I feel better after eating it.
It is easy to steam.
I think about cooking it.
It's what's on the menu!

There it the fridge....still there.

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Dinner was very late, when asked, dH said he was hungry.
Today was fresh cherries, and watermelon.
Lunch was an omelet shared, with bell peppers chopped, onion, zucchini and grated sharp cheddar attached to a flour tortilla in the pan, then rolled up.
Later, a 'smoothie' with greek yogurt, ice cream, fresh blueberries, and frozen black cherries.

No reason to eat again, but we had a nice salad adding the leftover mozzarella pasta salad to fresh lettuce.

Tomorrow is more watermelon and cooked broccoli from the local Farmer's Market. The exotic mini watermelon, grown locally was a yellow color inside.
The peach was gone Wednesday, only got one, but it was so good!

Please do not misinterpret as healthy eating. I do not list the desserts like cheesecake, and brownies. Saved lots of grocery money this month because focused on smaller orders, more deliveries, buying what we wanted that day.

Thanks for the helpful recall info on ground beef. The recalls usually spread to other areas after a time.

"Summer Summer fruits! 🎶🎶
It wouldn't be summer without them."

Need: You're very welcome.

Ground beef recall in NY, NJ and CT. Salmonella.

I love beans and peas too!

The only raw beans I eat are sprouts from our farmers market. I buy mung bean sprouts. I also buy alfalfa and micro green sprouts.

Do you mean fresh raw veggies Satarri? I find that fresh local veggies are special when cooked too, they just taste better!


That’s pretty good. I love all of those.

I don’t buy kale. Don’t even know how to cook it.

My daughter puts spinach and kale in smoothies. She drinks something called kombucha. I have never tried it.

I do like carrot, apple and celery juice. As for smoothies, I do fruit or fruit and yogurt.

This weeks grocery flyers best deals feature local peaches for $4 or $5 for a 3L container. Cauliflower $3 each. Sweet corn $1/5. Club size mushrooms $4. Broccoli crowns $2. Unfortunately that's from several different stores.

I have been buying strawberries, cherries, blueberries, blackberries, peaches and melons. All are delicious!

The fresh corn, zucchini, spring mix salad, tomatoes, and lots of other veggies.

Produce is really high though. The last avocado I bought was $1.89. I remember when they were only $1.00.

I don’t eat a lot of meat. It’s too hot here for heavy meals.

I love eating hummus with naan or pita bread. It’s cold and nutritious. My daughters and I go to this little hole in the wall restaurant on Magazine St. It’s so good! They specialize in Israeli cuisine.

It's that time of year when there are so many fruits and veggies in season it's impossible to eat them all.


My dad used that a lot! Unfortunately, I inherited all of his allergies! Maybe I will try that.

Need: Me, too. Have you tried Vicks Sinex? I have been managing mine and only have the sinus headache at very end of my night. Weather related.

Mmmmmmgoood! Halloumi is just to yummy.

I have been having sinus issues. Don’t feel like cooking or eating much of anything today. My husband is picking up something for us after he leaves his office.

Sounds delicious!

I had some corn on the cob followed by a jumbo size hot dog. But now I want to eat some of that yummy sounding cheese!

Haven’t tried that, cashew and Satarri. Sounds interesting.

Where did you buy it, specialty shop or ordinary grocery store?

I tried Bread Cheese (not cheese bread) for the first time. It's a cheese
that you grill without batter or anything.
I really liked it.

Good point Anabana,

My husband has an epi pen for a Turkey allergy . He always asks in restaurants. He travels with his job. So far he’s been given Turkey bacon by accident and Turkey soup instead of chicken noodle. He now never gets any bacon or chicken soup out. Luckily he knew as soon as he tasted it and took a Benadryl . So far he has to eat more than a taste to have his throat close up . Which did happen once at someone’s house .


My brother ended up in the hospital with the same issue as you. He is severely allergic to shrimp. There is no tolerance for cross contamination in these situations. He’s so careful when he eats out by asking questions about food prep.

I have a bazillion allergies and asthma. I had a systemic reaction to my allergy shots. I never reached maintenance. I always did as I was told and waited after being given my weekly injections.

I was driving home and decided to stop by my parents. I’m so glad that I did stop. I started having really strange symptoms and had a rash all over me. Then, my throat started closing up, I had difficulty swallowing.

My mom told me to call the medical center where I received my shots. The tech told me to go to the nearest hospital. I nearly died from my reaction. They pumped me with steroids and kept me in the hospital for awhile.

As someone with a fatal food allergy, please use a clean spoon or knife per product. My last anaphylactic shock was courtesy of cross contamination.


I love almond butter and peanut butter.


Oh, I have stopped people from doing it. They laugh at me and I laugh back but I tell them, ‘Don’t you dare put that peanut butter knife in my jelly jar!’ LOL 😆

Need, haha :)
I feel exactly the same way:
“I hate if someone puts the same knife in the peanut butter jar and jelly jar.”

But by chance, I’ve gone through my whole life, never meeting anyone who uses the same knife.

Almond butter can be an alternative to peanut butter.

Way and ITRR,

Same here. I think hotel hot tubs are gross! I don’t care how expensive the hotel is, I can’t do soak in their hot tub.


I have the spoon issue too! LOL


I don’t like peanut butter and jelly together anyway .
I eat them both but not at the same meal .
I agree though , separate knives .


My mom and grandma became ‘dump and pour’ cooks! They could eyeball everything and it was delicious! I think this naturally occurs in long time cooks.

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