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I ended up making onion soup and a salad. Quick and easy!


It is hard to scale back after cooking larger quantities of food.

I love coffee and coconut ice cream. Especially, coffee because I love coffee. I only eat ice cream once in a blue moon.

I do have fond childhood memories of making homemade ice cream with my grandparents. They had the hand crank ice cream machine. So delicious!

I had a big salad and a hard boiled egg for a late lunch (2:30). Felt very virtuous. Of course I was hungry a little while later, so went out to our neighborhood ice cream place and got a small soft-serve cone around 4:30. They make their own flavoring, so there's always something interesting. Today besides the usual chocolate and vanilla they had coffee, peanut butter, and coconut. Coconut was delish! It's now 7pm and I'm still not very hungry, but will have some fresh corn in a bit and possibly a small hamburger. After being with a lot of family at our summer place over the past 3 weeks with other people doing most of the meal planning and cooking, I'm back on my own and have to get back in the swing of planning and cooking for myself. Gets a little boring, but I do feel better if I actually cook a meal rather than snacking, getting takeout, or buying frozen meals from the supermarket. My husband died a year go, so it's been an adjustment to cook for just one and also not to have to plan with any one else's preferences in mind.

Our DD got us an airfryer, and I have to say we only have used it to reheat fries.. so either we need to get with the program or I will admit it was a waste of her $$. We even have a cookbook for it,, but are probably stuck in our ways.. LOL . Today hubs and I went to the local ice cream place and had ice cream for lunch, very enjoyable on a hot day! Then to the orchard where I got peaches and nectarines and frech corn. OMG is that corn delish! I am trying to get our diets back to healthier as he is almost done with his dental surguries and can eat more things. But both of our taste buds are still "off" a year of limited foods is going to take awhile to get over.


That’s what my daughters keep telling me also.

How often do you use yours? My daughter says that she uses hers several times a week.

My daughter offered to let me try hers to see if I like it.

Fresh pasta with homemade marinara, ceasar salad, and garlic bread.
I'm home today so did some cooking.


I have an air-fryer and I like it. It sure beats heating the oven in this heat and it's great for cooking small batches of something.


I don’t have an air fryer. My daughters love their air fryers. I have an instapot and a crockpot but so far no air fryer.

I can see how the dog went crazy for his special treats!

When rendering fat, there will be solids left. I left a bit more meat on them as I knew she would be happier with that. I took the solids and just popped them into my air fryer for 10 minutes to get them crispy. They aren't a baked treat.

I had a few and they were yummy. lol But, I didn't nose dive.

If you fed me cracklings I'd make a nose dive of happiness too LOL

Tonight I'm having a salad and maybe some strawberry shortcake for dessert.


I have been wanting to bake some dog treats for my daughter’s dog. I saw a recipe that uses peanut butter. It looked easy and I think my grand dog would like it.

How do you make the crackling? Is it easy?

I feel like making a pot of soup. Not sure what kind yet. Yes, I know it is hot as hell outside but I have my air conditioning on and I eat soup year round because I love it.

I've been rendering tallow and made some beef cracklings for my dog.
Danni..the Dog...did a nose dive of happiness into the living room rug. lol
Tonight, I'll just make a simple hamburger casserole.

It will be a southern theme: leftover chicken thighs, leftover corn bread green beans and fresh garden salad.

Rib eye....I truly love my air fryer!

I made dinner earlier today for hubby and put it in the fridge for later.

I won’t be home later, going to see a friend who is leaving rehab after her stroke. She’s moving far away to be near her son. I will miss her not living as close to me and won’t be able to visit her as much after she moves.

I made my Italian husband Italian sausage with onions, peppers and sauce with pasta.

Much too hot, so cannellini bean, spinach & tomato salad, dressed lightly.

Stay cool, friends.

My son is making us chicken tacos too. I already had coconut shrimp with my grandaughters. Not a good easy on the diet day yet labor free except for the clean up. I wish there was a car wash for houses. They all leave the next few days and I will have mounds of laundry ahead.

Tonight’s dinner? All kids home. And they brought friends. I was caught off guard. Fortunately I was able to scrounge the ingredients for a full hard and soft “fill your own” taco spread. Which proved to be popular. Lots of chatter and laughter.

Tomorrow night will be gluten free pizza with the following addons: sauteed onions, fresh basil, fresh arugula and fresh sliced tomatoes.


Yes, it is hard to cook a small amount when we are used to cooking larger quantities. I find that I will sometimes still cook larger portions and then freeze in single serving portions.

I found it difficult to cook for one after my mom died. Used some frozen meals and started cooking my favorites and freezing some of the leftovers.

Finding hard to cook for myself only.
Bought some Shepard pie and asparagus

Need: The farmer's market is a local farmer whom I love to support.

We had leftovers. Will barbecue tomorrow! My husband does a great job grilling.


I love buying fresh fruits and vegetables from our local farmers markets. I also love buying the eggs, preserves, pepper jellies, pickles and herbs.

Arby's and fresh farmer's market tomatoes.

I think we are going to order out tonight. I don’t know what yet

Tonight is beef kabobs.

River, looks like I know what I’m having for dinner.

For those who go to Costco and like shrimp their frozen coconut shrimp is delicious. They include a dipping sauce. Comparable to what I have ordered in restaurants and enjoyed.

I have several dinners cooked because I cooked for my brother yesterday. No cooking today! I have roasted chicken and vegetables, spaghetti and meatballs and BBQ beef.

Hubby is a sweetheart and made our breakfast today, eggs and toast!

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